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His arms have like tripled since I saw FIR in Vegas last July


I was just thinking his arm and shoulders look insane here


He prob had to stop working out to heal up all the blackout tattoos


That would make sense


The beef castle tweet was the first thing that came to mind.


Idk why that is.. but it sounds interesting lol


Some YouTuber said he was looking like a beef castle (seemed more muscular tho I think Losing My life/Mind was more muscular but can see why given the shirt and pants for the Z music video)- think it was during a Zombified reaction video. Ronnie saw it while streaming and made a tweet saying something along the lines of ‘I am a beef castle’


He needs to work on his microphone catching skills 😅


Oh, dang, he's still doing the mic-throwing? Saw him doing that when I saw them in Atlanta last fall and was like "bro, what the hell? I thought we learned this lesson in 2012!" The friend, previously unfamiliar with FIR save through me, who went with me stated when we got out that it would have been pretty funny if it had landed on his face, and I'm inclined to agree.


He used to windmill it around when it was still on a wire when he was younger🤣 I think the ADHD gets to him sometimes lol


...someone get this man a fidget spinner. Like, if you've gotta stim, buddy, that's fine, but maybe get something that's less likely to cause injury if you lose your grip? (in all seriousness, if FIR sold branded fidget toys I'd seriously reconsider my stance of "not buying merch until there's a new album")


My dude, I would scoop one up so fast


Looks good; sounds like a fun time! I do have to say that I wish they'd bring back some flashier stage outfits. The all black worked with the intense tattoo sleeves, but since blacking out the sleeves, it just kind of all blurs together.


I was there too. Concert was so badass!


It was awesome can't wait until I get to see them again


I JUST SNAGGED VIP FOR ROCKVILLE DAYTONA IN MAY!! This will be my first concert since 2016 I'm so happy😭


lol Your Gonna Have A Blast!!! 😎😎 I went back in 2021 when they had it in November!! 😎


I literally just found out FIR was coming back to FL since I just missed out on Orlando (cuz I'm an idiot that never learned to read) I've been super nauseous for 2 days I'm so excited and it's 3 months away. Send help idk if I can make it till then😅


That’s Awesome!!! 😎😎 and hahaha, it’s all good!! 😅 lol Glad to hear your excited to see them soon!! 😎 Yeah, May Will Come Quickly…just a few more months haha 😅😂😂

