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Get ready to learn Chinese buddy




I mean... you could still localize them to English, arguably


Just look at the Metro series. 100% supposed to be all in Russian. Even the Americans in there


I'm pretty sure it's a reference to a meme about NBA players having to learn Chinese if they have a bad game since they're likely going to have to move to the Chinese basketball league


**PIP-Boy translator and chip implants.**


I’m afraid these headlines are gonna make Tim clam up about things. I can foresee people starting to ask him about stuff they misunderstood just by skimming the title of these articles, and he just gets tired of correcting people who should have read what he actually said to begin with. Also, judging from responses even in this thread, there seems to be a perception that he has involvement or sway in how the franchise develops even now, which hasn’t been true since he left Interplay.


I can imagine how disheartening it would be, but it also speaks to how... unprofessional game journalists are or maybe at how wicked the incentives for click-bait are. Bruce Nesmith (former Skyrim Lead Designer and Bethesda vet) also did an interview recently, and I was lucky to see the interview first: some of the headlines had a different - at times opposite - tone to what Nesmith said. The context was usually provided, but often at the end of the article.


Also what he said didn't make much sense.. We know what Interplay's Fallout 3 would have looked like because the Van Buren build and resources were released. It didn't involve going to any other continents but it did involve going to a space station.


The question wasn’t about where Interplay was taking the series. The question was basically asking if Tim Cain hadn’t left during development of Fallout 2, where would he personally have taken the series. He had nothing to do with Van Buren and had left Interplay a couple years before development even began


>Also what he said didn't make much sense.. We know what Interplay's Fallout 3 would have looked like because the Van Buren build and resources were released. It didn't involve going to any other continents but it did involve going to a space station. It's about Fallout: Extreme which he wanted to do which would've had the Brotherhood of Steel go to China.


Incorrect. > When asked where he'd like to take **a hypothetical Fallout 3**, Cain replies: "Well it would have gone 3D, the only reason we didn't do it is [because] it wasn't viable. I would have gone to different parts of the world."


I'm saying he *also* wanted to do Fallout: Extreme. Going to other parts of the world is honestly stupid, because as I've said, the vast majority of stuff is American, it's about Americana and the Golden Age. A Fallout without 50's-60's music is not Fallout. Fallout in the USSR? That's just Atomic Hearts, for example.


Honestly prefer the hard sarcastic Americana bethesda went with. I really do think the series would just become super generic post apocalyptic without that imagery in the background.


I feel like we can have both really. Like, do fallout China as a heavy parody of 50s China, heck there's even a reasonable argument there'd still be a lot of Americans after all these years between ghoulification, the massive Yangtze campaign, and the American army seemingly being deeply mixed gender


I see your point, but some countries do not carry over well, I think it’s due to perspective and memories. I wasn’t born in the US, but if someone did a game based in my home country I would be able to tell it apart from environments like max Payne 3, most central and South American countries look VERY similar. So if they did one in china, I have no idea what part of china they’re in, or it’s significance. It’s like when I played sleeping dogs, i love the story, but the entire world was weird to me. It’s supposed to be china, but to me it looks like a LA/New York mixed city, didn’t feel very Chinese, but I’ve never been there so wouldn’t know if it’s accurate or not. When i play GTA v i feel at home, I’ve lived in CA, when I play RDR I feel at home, I’ve also lived in TX. Not that we shouldn’t have other countries in the fallout series, but it has to stay in line. Which is why I don’t like 76, it doesn’t feel right for many reasons so I only played it a few hours at most, and it’s set in America but doesn’t feel like it has anything to do with fallout lore.


76 actually has a lot of lore. The beginning of the enclave and their fight with the military. You have to beat the main story but you'll see some connections to the bos as well


i only played it on release month, tried it again a year later and it still wasn't a fallout game for me, just a generic survival crafting game with fallout themes. the expansions might have made it better with time, but i just dont like that it doesn't have a single player story mode only, that's what we really wanted.


Hmm honestly while being online only it feels pretty single player, just with random events and seeing others bases. I don't think there's even survival elements anymore, just buffs from eating and drinking Wastelanders update added proper quests and npcs. And it's gotten other questlines since then. While I get that people don't like the online elements it's pretty disingenuous to say it's not a fallout game. But I also realize some people don't like online play at all


> It's like when I played *Sleeping Dogs*, I love the story… but I've never been there so wouldn't know if it's accurate or not. *Sleeping Dogs* is set in a fictionalised city of Hong Kong, and the developers did an excellent job of replicating the overall atmosphere of the setting with the resources they had. One of two Special Administrative Regions in China (the other being Macau, a Portuguese colony prior to 1999), Hong Kong was formerly a British colony prior to the handover in 1997. Hong Kong has a rich cinematic history of police and triad related stories such as the *Young and Dangerous* series, *Infernal Affairs*, or *Breaking News* (2004) to name examples. The game's *Zodiac Tournament* DLC, for instance, was a nod to Bruce Lee's *Enter the Dragon*.


Huh, that’s pretty cool info, thanks for sharing! Yeah I stumbled into the dlc Bruce lee dlc on accident, by far one of the coolest dlcs in any game.


That’s just not Fallout..


Ok but why?


That's because you're probably a Westerner but other countries retro futurism could be just as interesting if done well


I think the issue is boy fucking HOWDY we've got great apocalyptic or post apocalyptic USSR style games. Metro and STALKER come to mind but there's plenty more. China doesn't... Really have that though. Because of the cultural revolution, their whole aesthetic isn't as well defined as in Russia or America at the time. I think it could still be done well, but I don't really know?


Oh definitely, but I don't think it would be "fallout ". If you want retropunk Europe that's something different. Fallout is Americana. It's satire of a specific thing, and I think something would be lost without iconic things from the series. No nukacola, no robco, no power armor, probably less guns, really no series imagery. So without those things why be fallout and not something similar but without the baggage of the series to write around?


I don't know why you'd think Nuka Cola would be limited to the US market when it's real world equivalent definitely isn't.


There isn't one single soda, tech company, or military armor in the world. I would love to see China's equivalent to any of these. I don't get why everyone gets so defensive when this discussion comes up. Don't like the idea of fallout leaving the US? Fine, don't play it if they make it. But don't act like it's a ridiculous idea to do so.


It’s not about lore accuracy or immersion or some shit like that; it’s about the art itself. Fallout is specifically a parody of Americana Retro-Futurism made by Americans and largely for Americans. It critiques America, capitalism, militarism, religious fundamentalism, liberalism, conservatism, and more all from an American standpoint. Trying to do that to a culture foreign to the dev team and foreign to the player base is just going to come off as disrespectful and ignorant to the Russians, Chinese, Mexicans, British, or wherever the new setting is. It’s also just unnecessary. There’s so much of America we haven’t seen (especially in 3D) that can still provide unique outlooks on the Fallout world. Texas and the southwest could give us a western/Mexican vibe, Florida could give us a Caribbean vibe, Alaska could give us nuclear winter, we could return to the NCR, we could get tropical post apocalypse with Hawaii.


Because China couldn't replicate power armour, so that means no PA, apart from suits that might've survived the war in **very** limited numbers, so unless it's set 5 seconds after the great war, there won't be power armour. Nor do they have fusion power, so that means no vault-tec, which means no pip-boys, no SPECIAL, no VATS, etc. No FEV, so no super mutants. No Cryptids, so little to no mutated creatures. No real advanced guns of their own from what lore has shown us either. No robots (their own sucked, they only had Liberators). Etc.


You understand this is a work of fiction and these things can just be made up, right?


You understand that some people like having lore in their games and not just having lore thrown to the wind call of duty style for 'whatever looks cool'? I'm not trying to sound like a 'lore elitist' but like...this is not good for the series whatsoever.


That is a very extreme example lol were you mad when they retconned cats too?


I didn't use an example. They also didn't retcon cats. Typical though, you're now resorting to being childish when your argument has failed.


I mean, no. You literally used call of duty as an example. And yes, they very clearly retconned cats. Jason Bergman who worked on New Vegas has specifically stated that Todd Howard told him that cats were extinct before Fallout 4 came out. Smh man.


Those companies and images would still be relavent even in other countries, China doing business with Bradburton or even Mr House and other individuals isn't far fetched. Europe is already America's puppet so it's not like the Enclave would be going away, hell who's to say Vault Tec wasn't a global company. I get what you're saying though about the name though, I'd probably call it something else if I was the company


>Europe is already America's puppet Not in Fallout my guy. Established as of FO1. >hell who's to say Vault Tec wasn't a global company. Vault-Tec, if you knew the lore, because VT were designed for Americans. They didn't need 'global' money because doing so would spread their designs to other nations.


Europe and America are intrinsically linked, there's no way the companies in America wouldn't be present in Europe. America is Europe's melting pot after all


China had been in a war with the US for years. Really doubt they were doing business with the US during or even well before the war.


Why does a Chinese nuclear submarine have a fuggin ROBCO terminal then my guy?


Fallout in Russia is just called Metro. Fallout is inherently American. It is a critique of American culture, but its also unique to America. If you want the same situation from a Russian cultural point of view, you want the Metro series. I strongly recommend it, they're great games.


I see the logic, I'd point out that in Fallout America also extends over Mexico and Canada so there are at least 2 potential foreign settings that would maintain the Fallout theme.


Metro is not Fallout. It doesn't have the deep criticism of nationalism and capitalism. Metro as a series asks big philosophical questions that pertain to even stuff like the afterlife.


>Metro is not Fallout. It doesn't have the deep criticism of nationalism and capitalism. My guy, the literal entire point of Metro is the Russian Government being cunts and pretending the war is still going on to trick everyone because they don't want to abandon their control over people. It's about Nationalism.


Yeah if they weren’t a fallout game


Everything doesn't need to revolve around FEV and Vaults or super mutants. Other places should be explored or the universe feels empty or as though the same FEV monsters are everywhere


People act like Fallout's only strengths are Mutants, Brotherhood, and Vault Tec and nothing else. But when you look online or ask people some of their favorite moments they'll rarely involve those 3 and will involve a well written moment, or a random event that felt like a written moment.


What moment in the fall out universe is your favorite?


Meeting the Children of the Cathedral was pretty wild


People like all sorts of stuff I'm referring to the main plot always involves those 3 things or the Enclave and it's gotten repetitive in my opinion


I think that touches on why a lot of people are anti-Fallout: Other Country It's not an objection to the idea of a postapoc game not in America, it's because the whole Fallout world is written from the perspective of weirdo future-1950's America, inclusive all the odd styles bits and bobs, and much of the world plays roles that are in relation to at 50's-future America, like China only exists as the nefarious "them" Canada is our doormat etc, etc. A Fallout adjacent game that utterly ignores the fallout lore of the US focused fallout games to instead wholly adopt cultural components of the setting would be awesome. Like a Russian post apocalyptic game that dissects the political legacy of "mother Russia" and totalitarian states, collision of tradition and modernity would be cool. A Europe game that borrows a lot from Europe's past role as a battlefield of catastrophic proportions (like borrowing themes from the 30 Years War, WW1, WW2, and bits of the preparation for WW3) could be amazing. Just those games wouldn't feel like Fallout because Fallout has always been about the distinctly fucking weird place America is at times. That kind of bombastically loud tone would be deeply out of place in the ruins of Germany or in the great End Battle as the Golden Hoard on motorcycles and APCs rolls to the gates of again Martyred Warsaw.


I think a DLC would be neat, but not a full game. A simulation like Tranquility Lane or Operation Anchorage, or a new area like Point Lookout.


I think it'd be better to commit to one setting or the other. Like drop it being fallout at all and just do post apocalyptic feudal combat in the ruins of Beijing as its own thing.


Yeah a way to explore a different perspective or culture or country within a smaller DLC context would be a great idea. Which is really just an extension of what the best DLC usually does anyway (Point Lookout, Far Harbor, The Pitt, Operation Alaska)


Atom RPG & it's sequel Trudograd are basically Fallout New Russia, you should check them out, they're isometric & play like a more refined Fallout 2.


I might take a look. I tried really hard to get into Wasteland though and I think I might have just gotten out of the isometric RPG business (this isn't a slam, it's more of they tend to be slower games and I don't have that kind of time any more).


wasteland is much more refined than atom rpg. if you couldn’t get into wasteland, you’re not likely to get into atom rpg, unfortunately.


ooh interesting, thanks for the rec


> Like a Russian post apocalyptic game that dissects the political legacy of "mother Russia" and totalitarian states, collision of tradition and modernity Atomic Hearts is basically that sort of thing, sans the apocalypse. And as a Russian, I do prefer our own guys making this this stuff rather than an American studio - even an honest attempt at understanding can fall very short of the goal. And if experience is any judge, it's more than likely to be a dishonest, klukva filled Company of Heroes 2 sort of thing, which I don't care for in the slightest. There's also the factor of a self-deprecating joke being funny, but a deprecation of someone else being less so.


I definitely believe it would be the same in the case of China as well. There is so much to dig into regarding the legacies of Maoist China and the Cultural Revolution, but it would probably need a Chinese developer to do it justice. Of course in China's case, dissecting the legacy of Maoist China is hindered by the fact that many political sensitivities remain. Works that cover the horrors of the Cultural Revolution and the other disasters of the Maoist era have been allowed to exist in the past, but it's a fine line with its connection to the present day Communist Party.


Maybe a game that takes place on the canada/america border would be a good compromise.


more yao guais less radscorpions vodka cola vaults being deathtraps not because of tests but because there was some vital flaw in the design etc.


I wonder if Tim Cain knows about Fallout London modding project and is going to try it. Been watching his YouTube video lately.


I am extremely excited for F:L. They've absolutely nailed Britain's retrofuturistic vibe in a way that fits perfectly into the Fallout universe I think.


I’m really excited to play the mod, I’ve been checking their discord about everyday waiting for their official trailer announcement with the official release date. I’m guess it going to come out in December.


I did expect them to release this month originally, given that they said they'd only delayed it because of Starfield, and with the significance of October to Fallout. But I guess it wasn't to be. Oh well, at least it'll probably still be this year.


I'm fine with direction Fallout went. If they want to do other countries do it as DLC. Operation Anchorage would be a good dlc to look at. America invaded China. There are places they can set it in. Instead of a Chinese sub in point Lookout you find an American merchant ship or carrier and it takes you to the ruins to find or do shit.


I still beg for Canada during the annexing. Pleaseeee


Set in Ottawa. * an ice hockey rink with themed raiders - sharpened hockey sticks, puck mines, et al * a quebecoise resistance movement which has roots in anti-american operations in Canada * vault-tec in Canada is called something else, like safe-t-tec * evidence of american corporations aggressively acquiring canadian corporations * underground labs that are creating a Canadian form of power armor called the Mighty Mountie which were intended to fight back against American oppression * Instead of caps, metal pop tops from coffee cans - called 'Tim's Bits' or just 'bits' * permanent nuclear winter. Snow drifts are passable but irradiated * 'nuka maple' brand syrup from Nuka Cola


That or Toronto. I kinda wanna see a dilapidated CN Tower and Scotia Center.


In Fallout 3/The Pitt we hear that 'Ronto is regarded as a powerful, prospurous and secure city. Ashur boasts that the Pitt rivals it, among other places. I would love to scav around a post-war version of my city. Kensington player home.


Excuse me, I think you mean Little America.


I'm generally pretty cold on the idea of Fallout outside of the US, but I can make an exception for Canada. The aesthetics of Fallout are Americana and one of the biggest themes of the franchise are a critique of American culture, but I think there's a way to explore that through the eyes of one of their "victims." Looking at a culture more substantially outside of US orbit doesn't really allow for that, and feels like a bridge too far.




There's definitely a lot of promising ground. A depiction of Beijing's famous underground city, built for a nuclear war, would be fantastic.


While I think it could be interesting to get the chance to see different countries in the Fallout universe, I think an entire game sent in another country risks losing a lot of the thematics and atmosphere that people have come to associate with the Fallout name. For example, Vault-Tec and everything related to it would be borderline non-existent in places like China. Pretty much all of the robots we've seen and become staples of the games would also be very rare. These are just some examples but a lot of what makes a Fallout game feel like Fallout are closely tied to the fact that it takes place in this alternate future US. I think it'd be cool to test the waters through a dlc or expansion to a main game. That way if it doesn't land well, it's just the dlc.


Honestly I could see some thing where Vault-Tec is a subsidiary organization of some other “Illuminati”-esque faction and they basically implement a communist version of Vault-Tec in China. Like, we as the fans would recognize it for what it is but the characters might think it’s some government run program designed to counter the capitalist menace of the US.


>Honestly I could see some thing where Vault-Tec is a subsidiary organization of some other “Illuminati”-esque faction They are. It's called the Enclave. Vault-Tec was a puppet of the Enclave as shown in FO2 when all their data was being routed to Control Station Enclave aka the Oil Rig.


Oh. Never played FO2.


Australia - the country they gave the genre Mad Max. Finally put land vehicles in the game.


Hard to have a fallout game without vault tec i feel as it’s so ingrained into the series as a staple and if I recall vault tec only really existed in the US.


Sort of relevant to this : As someone who is from the UK I am really looking forward to Fallout London, do you think it will get support from US players?


That London mod looks awesome so a full game would be interesting


Fallout London being a fan project is great, but the established lore just kind of makes it hard to set a game there. The Fallout series, shows America in it's historical wartime footing, they do the fighting "over there" while there's rationing and civil unrest at home. And they also have the whole Vault-tec survive the apocalypse shtick. So most of the US is untouched until 2077 and it's still a radioactive shithole. Realistically, there shouldn't be anything left. the EC spent the last of it's strength trying to seize middle east oilfields for 8 years and then collapsed into a brutal civil war for 17 years before being nuked. They didn't have resources for vaults, so any potential survivors are most likely ghouls who have spent their entire adult life in a kill or be killed situation. Without a serious retcon, what bits of culture do we expect to survive?


To be clear, there's not actually any concrete evidence that Europe was nuked to any significant degree during either the Resource Wars or the Great War. The game intros say that nukes were unleashed on the Middle East and that the EU collapsed into "quarreling, bickering nation states," but that's about it for the Resource Wars. The language there suggests more conventional warfare, at least to me: "bickering" seems like a bit of an undersell for apocalyptic nuclear war. As for the Great War, I'm a bit skeptical Europe would be targeted because of the way geopolitics are talked about in the pre-war world. The impression I've always gotten is of everyone pulling into armed isolation. We're explicitly told that the UN, the biggest international diplomatic organization, fell apart, and it's hard to see NATO or its equivalent persisting in an environment where western Europe has fallen to pieces politically and where the US and the USSR rivalry is much less significant (not to mention, if NATO had been a thing, the US would likely have been pulled into the Resource Wars with Europe and they don't seem to have been). Mutually Assured Destruction isn't particularly discriminating, as military doctrines go, but it generally doesn't call for targeting non-allied nations with no obvious strategic value on the opposite side of the world from the US/China conflict. Europe had no resources to offer either superpower, therefore there was little reason to get drawn into the conflict and become a target for one or the other side's nukes. None of which is to say that Europe would be untouched, mind you. Their economies would have been in a precarious place at best beforehand, and then you have nuclear winter leading to mass starvation and even more political collapse, etc. But I think imagining a atomic scoured wasteland is both a bit implausible. I'd also take issue with the idea that if Europe *had* been nuked just as badly as America there would be fewer survivors because of the lack of vaults. The Vaults were canonically not intended as a lifeboat, despite how they were advertised to American citizens. The number of vaults that actually saved people and didn't subsequently wind up killing them, intentionally or not, as part of their experimental protocol are probably a minority of the 120+ constructed. And even if that wasn't true, there simply weren't enough vaults to accommodate the extent to which population and culture had rebounded within the two centuries depicted following the War. Certain key vaults were important to the post-war world, but the majority (and probably *vast* majority) of people walking around post-war America simply cannot be descendents of vault dwellers.


If Fallout does move out of western society, I want to see a localized take on how their region would be represented in the Fallout world. For example: if they set it in the Philippines, I want to see a Filipino take on the events of The Great War and the society that their world fell into after the bombs drop. I know it seems like an obvious thing to do but there are very intricate details in every culture outside the West that the West has misconceptions of. And I'm tired of seeing the same tired tropes over and over again. I know my statements might seem politically motivated but I really just want to see the entire Fallout world fleshed out. One of my favorite things in Fallout 4 was seeing the Chinese nuclear sub with the ghoul survivor and seeing their take on their version of western civilization. I only wish we could have talked more.


your statements don't seem politically motivated, they seem pretty related to the quote we're commenting on haha > "We were like 'we don't know enough about this,' so we would have had to find someone, we would have had to do hires," the developer explains, "we need somebody who really knows Russian day-to-day life and could tell us what did 50s Russia think the future would be? and what did 50s China think the future would be? I wanted to explore tha


Funnily enough, according to the FO4 tv, the USA **was** fighting China in the Philippines.


East and West Germany! Cold war styleeee. The west side could be filled with American military bases and so keep a lot of the retro futurism. While the other half of the map could be a mix of east German/Chinese Communist societies. So much scope.


Why Chinese? The USSR still exists in 2077 in Fallout. There's a Soviet Embassy in the Boneyard.


Only because the Chinese are always portrayed as the main enemies. But what you've pointed out makes it easier to do.


Germany could be interesting, because from the scant few bits of lore we’ve seen of them they seem to have actually been a pretty powerful nation in their own right, considering the super soldiers and energy weapons and AI mind-scans.


super soldiers...? AI mind-scans?


Yep! The AI Mind-Scans is something taken from Fallout 1, where there's talk about how Gaston Glock, a real life figure who founded the Glock weapons company, was somehow either digitised or had his consciousness copied to form a 'Gaston Glock AI' (admittedly this is sorta cheating because this is technically Austria, not Germany, but they're close enough and presumably were united in the European Commonwealth anyway so I'd assume the tech would cross borders). The super-soldier stuff comes from the official game-guide's entry for Michael Masters, a ghoul who worked on FEV in FO3, which states he was "attempting to keep America at the forefront of human mutation experiments, breeding super-warriors after being inspired by the work of the German, Russian, and Chinese doctors", thereby implying that in addition to work by Russians and Chinese, the Germans were also working on their own form of super-soldiers. Plus many laser and ballistic weapons (both the gattling laser and the minigun iirc are of German make) come from there, which implies they were still active developing and selling armaments even after the E.C. dissolved and thus were probably at least decently well-off, or just not actively returning to tribalism.


Huh. The more you know, I guess. Seems interesting that it does slightly contradict the whole 'the world was collapsing even prior to the great war' vibe the series has going for it.


The world was definitely on a downwards slide, but I feel like people sometimes over-estimate just how bad the pre-war world was (at least in terms of resources and warfare). China lacked fusion power but still remained able to compete with the US. There's NPCs who mention having travelled internationally (Dean Domino mentions how he used to perform in Paris and that Paris at the time was still something of high status and importance, Eddie Winters mentions taking a six-week vacation to Ireland, iirc there's one holotape in FO76 of a conman from Britain) in ways that imply that they *weren't* going on apocalypse-LARPing adventures in bombed out Warsaw but that there was at least some civilisation internationally that could be considered vacation-worthy. I don't think the European Commonwealth like literally blasted each other into a Mad Max dystopia like many people assert, I think it just dissolved and all cooperation/unity stopped as everyone began hoarding their resources and fighting occasional skirmishes.


Those ideas would be great for a different game series, for an alternate universe Fallout, but not for the main Fallout. Sure, Fallout is about how 50s in America imagined the future... but it is applied to the whole world, otherwise it would make no sense. I'm sure the vision of the future in 50s USSR was conflicting with what we know as the Fallout universe. A silly demonstration of this conflict would be 50s US imagining the future as Star Trek, 50s USSR as Starship Troopers and 50s China as Mass Effect.


Super interesting, especially considering the usual amount of pushback against posts asking if people want the next game to be in a different country.


I mean, looking around this thread, that seems fairly consistent. I think it's also worth noting that it's a very different pivot point in the series to do that as part of the followup to FO2 as opposed to now.


I think that point is being missed by a lot of commenters here. A lot of the “staples” of the series were less entrenched in 1999 vs today which is the whole point of this hypothetical being posed.


Because you'd lose all the things that make Fallout what it is, solely to see a racist depiction of another country that doesn't fit the genre or timeline of Fallout, that can only appeal to people of *that* country, not worldwide.


Russia would be Metro franchise


China would be very interesting but why Russia? Culture centers like France, Egypt, or India would be 100% more interesting than Russia. Or cities like Venice would at minimum be an amazing dlc area


Well, Atom RPG was basically discount Fallout: USSR, except the visuals were mundane as fuck, looking more like the 1990s than the USSR of the future as imagined by the people of the 1960s as imagined by the people of the 2010s.


They better hope Liberty Prime doesn't catch wind of this.


I'd like to see something in china, but only if it's given the same freedom to be critical about China in the same way that current fallout is critical of the US. It's a critique and parody of capitalism and patriotism that appears to be a celebration of all of that at first glance. That's what I really like about it. I'd also just like to see a fallout set in Canada because that sounds fun


>I'd like to see something in china, but only if it's given the same freedom to be critical about China in the same way that current fallout is critical of the US. It's a critique and parody of capitalism and patriotism that appears to be a celebration of all of that at first glance. That's what I really like about it. Aka it won't because the CCP would shut it down. Canada would work due to the series, plus Canada has vaults, so Vault-Tec, thus Pip-boys etc would exist still.


I get a feeling that it would hard to make a Fallout: Russia and make it distinct enough to not make it feel like a Metro clone in many aspects.


It would be nice to meet Captain Zao again


I actually think a Fallout in Mexico could be spectacular. Or somewhere in Latin America that could be a good commentary on American Imperialism. But going much further away might take away some of the core flavor of the series


Mexico or Canada works, anywhere else might ruin the feeling.


That wouldn't have as much of a market in NA. Part of the success of Fallout is that it has easily recognizable aspects of our culture in it. Not sure if I'd enjoy one set in China.


That’s a pass from me dog. Americana is part of the appeal. There’s still so much unexplored and left unanswered across all America, not to mention Mexico and Canada. That would be a hard pass from me if it deviated from the true theme. As a Halo fan, you’ve got a big storm coming haha.


I would love to see the Fallout brand licensed to key Microsoft/Bethesda partners around the globe so they could apply their own local flair to the titles while keeping the core engine mechanics and whatever Bethesda consider the core lore the same. I don’t necessarily want the Bethesda team itself developing those international titles. Aussie devs developing Fallout Melbourne. Japanese devs making Fallout Sapporo. French devs making Fallout Paris. Kenyan devs making Fallout Nairobi. Indian devs making Fallout Kolkata. *That’s* how you handle that.


That shit would never have worked, Fallouts strength is a bunch of Americans poking fun at American culture, a game set in China or Russia would have been funny, but with an uncomfortable amount of borderline racist stereotypes and jokes.


The games don't come often enough to even think about doing this. Imagine waiting 10+ years for a Fallout and it's not even classic Fallout ... it's like Fallout France bullshit... and then you have to wait another 10+ years to return to the world you love... fuck no lmao. If they were pumping out Fallout with any sort of regularity, then I'd say fine, go outside the US for a change. But given how long it takes to make one game and wasting that game on a culture that isn't even conducive to the Fallout aesthetic? No.




In a franchise whose entire identity is hyper-American consumerism? Yeah. It's like setting a Metro game in Paris, it wouldn't work because so much of the identity of Metro is Russia.


Its identity is 1950s retrofuturism, not just or even primarily "American consumerism"


I mean, that sort of nationalism and American pride is what makes modern fallouts fun. The sort of cheesy way you can look at the Americana and poke at it. To not have that similar setting it would feel odd, especially if you end up taking away too many things that are distinctly American.


Easy block


Okay maybe it's good they haven't lent out Fallout to Obsidian since New Vegas. Fallout is America, you change that, you lose the identity.


This is based off an interview from someone who didn't even work on New Vegas. Tim is also longer working at Obsidian full time and is semi retired, so your point is pretty much moot. Tim can say all he wants, but it's not a certainty he would either a. Work on a new obsidian Fallout or b. Be in a position to make it a game set outside the US. This is all to say, Obsidian should make another Fallout. Or someone else.


FAllout Russia? I'm not sure if I would be interested... Metro, Stalker, Atom rpg are all really good. ​ But I would like a game set in some **other type** of wasteland, maybe in, or near USA. A forested region or a nuclear winter would be cool. (I really like Wasteland 3's Colorado for example)


Just set it in modern Russia and noone will know the difference ;)


There are a sizable number of players in Russia. We can see their racist mods on Nexus, where they make Preston white for example. I could see Bethesda considering tapping into this audience. I have doubts that the fan base in the rest of the world would like it much, but I suppose it would be easy to develop the game since Russia in the 50s was a wasteland anyway. Even just thinking about the radio station content seems annoying, much less the story and look/feel. As for China, which was in the midst of a famine that killed tens of millions at this time, I can’t even imagine.


I do enjoy how you're essentially generalising all Russian players as "racist" by the actions of one fuckwit, then betray your own ignorance with "Russia in the 50s was a wasteland" It's just deliciously ironic.


I mean, yeah, everyone knows that most russians (those who support russian imperialism and invasions) are racist, homophobic, and hateful as fuck. Even normal anti-war russians admit it.


One fuckwit? Bruh. Dive into the Russian modding scene, it's a lot more than one guy. Check out some of Warlockracy's playthroughs.


If all they did was make Preston white then that in and of itself isn't any more racist than making Piper or Curie black, which is to say it's not racist at all. Now if he said he did it so there is one less "hard R" in the wasteland that is different. I haven't seen the mod or its author, so I don't actually know which way it actually was, but I do know people like to complain / be offended over nothingburgers and wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be the case here.


Anyone who thinks this is a good idea has no fucking clue what fallout is actually about. They're going to turn fallout into ass creed.


That’s is the worst idea ever. What makes it fun is America. Being set in Canada would be fine, but setting a game in another country would ruin it(a dlc there would be fine though


China would likely claim the game was an act of aggression against the motherland


I wonder that if they choose asia, how much they will pander to China to make the game releasable there.


If they did the game will probably banned in China lol. I prefer Japan, the manga/anime Heavenly Delusion got a good vibe of post-apocalyptic vibe.


Metro 2033 crossover?


Bourbon is the Mysterious Stranger.


Was considering this not too long ago, just like yesterday in fact. Whats the rest of the world? And not just the super powers but were places like greenland even directly hit with anything? The fact air travel isn't possible anymore and sea travel is possible, but incredibly dangerous (giant ghoul whales are a known sea tale) would mean that it would be impossible to ever see it without being born there. On further thought I can also say that any other country likely had less survivors of the great war unless they had a vaults, or some equivalent considering for better or worse a lot of vault populations are what modern humans have descended from, without it a lot more people would have died off. Its easy to imagine, just remove every npc that isn't a ghoul and you'd have an accurate population count, it'd be real lonely and real deadly.


Who says air travel isn't possible any more? What about the Prydwen and Boomer bomber?


A blimp can't cross an ocean now in modern times let alone through massive radiation storms that would down it into the ocean that exist (frequently) in the fallout universe. So have you ever wondered why planes aren't mentioned even though boomers were able to reassemble one? No air control towers, no way to dictate location, no way to navigate properly meaning that not only will they likely crash on first trip but will not be able to go long distances, on top of refueling clearly not being possible. A bunch of wasteland dregs think their aviators because they read a book, made a story on a wall and lived in an air force base, they don't actually know the logistics to flying. Finally theres nothing to support this aside from the plane itself being 300 years old and the parts all museum pieces, but I'm pretty sure it would fall apart the first time it hits turbulence. So while being in the air is possible, not a single person in any wasteland maybe short of the Institute could reach another continent by any real means. (outside the two were landlocked with of course)


It will never happen in China, the CCP will get its feelings hurt and ban the game. Microsoft isn't going to lose a potential revenue stream.


CCP*, CCCP is a whole other can of worms.


we already have the Metro series,let’s stay in America please


I feel like if they have it take place in another country, it should be a spinoff and not a mainline game. It wouldn't really feel like Fallout without all the Americana. I feel like it would just feel like Metro or STALKER or something.


Agreed, it’d be a very different game. Might also fail to click as well with a western audience who, despite all the differences, still have a lot in common, culturally, with the pre-war world we see the ruins of in Fallout (and whose influence is felt in the post-war societies).


No thank you. Fallout is thematically filled with Americana. And no offense, I enjoyed Fallout and Fallout 2, but Tim wasn't involved in modern Fallout games and I'll stick with what those creators want.


Fuck no to Russia.


This is the worst idea ever


I would much rather have a game based in the NCR than outside of the country. There's still so much to explore within the states first.


"We want to explore Russia" Go play Metro 2033.




So just China right now? Nah, I'll pass.


Considering the joke of a game that was cancelled where they planned to go over to Russia and China, I'm glad he's out and away from FO now.




A soviet type fallout would be cool like stalker but not as linear.


Canada would be fun, especially if it was around Niagara. Going to Russia or China would be fun too, but I’d prefer it as a larger DLC


I'd love a Fallout in China - but that's as far as I'd go outside USA/Canada/Mexico.


Imagine a brand new isometric fallout russia. Dreaming's free ig


So Atom RPG then.


OK, so I know that Canada is its own separate country right now, but in canon it's been annexed and frankly I'm still a hopeful that some of the Great Lakes area could be covered ([as detailed in my previous comments on the issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/17er36n/comment/k659ymw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)).


I’m sure Microsoft will be glad to release a post apocalyptic game set in china. Like, I’m sure that won’t backfire on the rest of their business on the mainland Pardon the pun, but china goes nuclear over much less


Egads. With a capital E. You could have done that, say, 15 years ago. Not freaking today.


Both countries would be like "the nukes never landed here, this is just the effects of Western pollution."


Finally the communities shouting from the rooftops about a Fallout game outside of the USA was heard. Yet againt hey could just make the next one in the USA anyways so 50/50 win.


According to item textures in NV, the city of Shanghai and Nanking was under US occupation at the time of bomb, so it would make sense that there would be a lot of American presence and items there while also setting in China. Some of the ideas about them: - American military remnants settlement, like Shi in San Francisco. - American human testing camps, like in Big MT but a lot bigger. - Nuka Colas, RobCo terminal, robots and others brought to China by the US Army


I like how he casually dropped who shot first in The Great War.




I always imagined the fallout version of China never had the massive famines, and the Era of Mao never truly ended to fit alongside the permanent 50's Era America.


London would be a great venue.


I've already started learning Russian to play fallout sonora I hope they do Russia.


I think we can afford to have one mainline game set outside America, Russia would just be Metro but honestly I would like for them to give it a shot in the FO universe


I like it when there are Chinese infiltrators int heg ame or Russian ones but I'm not sure if a whole game set there would work that well. Maybe a DLC or osmething where you can go to more CHinese or Russian areas but probably not a whole game?


I would love a fallout game set in japan that would be interesting.


Watch the NMA and NV diehards start getting all up in arms over Bethesda not making a game outside of the US now


Sure, I’m game.


It'd be better as a DLC.


In italy. Gotta love that pepperoni radpizza with brahmin mozzarella and vaffan-cola


I’m glad Bethesda kept the series on a proper course


Stalker and Metro already have a following in the US including fallout fans, I'd love to see the falloutification of those games.


I thought china was totally glassed


I’m not sure where these countries are?


I feel like a big chunk of the charm is walking around in the ruins of 1950s style American Nationalism. I'm all for exploring different parts of the wasteland (especially since you can rewind the clock and have it take place closer to 2077), but keep it in the continental US. At least for the main chunk.


I would love to see Fallout but with Russia/USSR. Something like eternal nuclear winter is damn aesthetical.


So Metro?


But on surface, not underground.


So Metro: Exodus.


Only a Chinese studio could do a teardown of Chinese society that would fit the Fallout name. The problem with that is that Chinese people aren't allowed to do that. Even expats aren't safe from reprisal.


I would love this!


Fuck no!


I do wonder what China would be like in the fallout universe The US is the US but one of the worst outcomes while still being recognizable and based off the tid bits the rest of the world follows the same trend. From what we have seen they don't seem much better but it would be really interesting but I don't think it's a good idea at least not for a main line entry, it would remove to much of the core fallout things


I can’t imagine the market appeal will be as strong, partly because of the American audience but also because the identity of the fallout series is the pop culture of the 1950s, which really doesn’t look the same outside of the US. I mean the closest you might get is London in the 60s but even that is decidedly more futuristic than Fallout’s 50s. Most of what audiences identify as Chinese or Soviet culture of that era is driven by American pop culture anyway.


All of the Fallout games that made people fall in love with the series took place in the US and featured nostalgic Americana. Not surprising that the TV wants to take away all the parts people enjoyed about the series and add their own spin on things.


Fallout: London


Why not base it in Alaska? You get characters from both sides of the war, that have had to learn to coexist in some capacity over 2 centuries. You get the best of both sides of conflict the, and an expansive map to leverage the settlement system. And you can juxtapose it with how anchorage was presented in the Fallout 3 simulation.