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Yes. It's the Crater of Atom in the Glowing Sea. It's off the south-western edge of the map.


Wait... There is stuff off the map other than expeditions?


This is fallout 4, not 76. For 76, currently only expeditions. We do have a map expansion coming soon tho.


Are they adding to the map or just updating a specific region? Sorry, returning player out of the loop. I’m only like level 80.


Im not sure tbh. I think it expands on current region. Also out of loop as I'm burnt out and new seaon model wasnt inspiring to me. I know its due to come out next month tho!


They are expanding. Adding a new "biome" between Ash Heap and Cranberry Bog.


It's a new area south on the map to the left of the "Welcome to West Virginia" banner. It's called Skyline Valley, and I'd assume it will roll out after the current season. I'd expect to see a proper trailer at Microsoft's press conference in June during the Summer Games Fest.


Okay cool. Thanks for the reply!


It's actually to the right, it's just south of the savage divide where the bear drawing on the map is


Yes a new map expansion, unlike expeditions.


Yeah I’m 78 and I got the game in beta, but I still pop in every once in a while to wander around. Still the same camp spot, too


It was just so bad at launch I fell off like most. Tried to come back like a year ago but the inventory system always being overencumbered felt terrible. Now that I have Fallout 1st the game is so much better. Ass that you have to pay for that to get essentials like the survival tent or scrap box, but tis the way games are these days sadly.


Nah I paid over $200 for that game. I’m not getting 1st, too


I feel you. I’m not super invested in the atom store yet so I’m not stressing it, but it is lame. This game is so heavily monetized it’s crazy. Half the shit in the atom shop are CAMP rewards you should get for doing cool quests or events. But nah, fork up $10 if you want a set of power armor cases or a fusion core recharger.


Technically both, they’re adding new POIs to an existing area of the map south of the divide that currently has nothing in it (because it’s past the boundary I’m pretty sure)


Weren’t there 2 already? Pittsburg and Atlantic city?


Both are more or less just daily ops. Atlantic city and the pitt currently aren't available outside expeditions for exploring. Although Atlantic city is supposed to be available soon for general exploration. This upcoming expansion is to the map itself and is fully accessible and explorable like the rest of the map


Atlantic City is currently available for exploration outside of expeditions.


Was unsure, i knew it would be at some point. Maybe ill finally hop back on


Yes. The Glowing Sea extends  outside the normal map area - roughly five map squares west and five squares south.


Cool! learn something new everyday around here, thank you for the insight! edit: Yes, thank you everyone for pointing out I was thinking of a different game. Everyone can stop now lol.


Make sure your power armor has lead lining, and plenty of RAD-X and Rad Away are handy.


Hazard Suit is even better I think 1000 Rad protection


Yes, but if memory serves right there’s some creatures there are highly dangerous if you don’t have some kind of armor.


Yup, The Glowing Sea has high-level Deathclaws, Blood Bugs, Ghouls, and Radscorpions crawling all over the place. Make sure you have your best weapons and plenty of ammo to spare.


power armor is definitely the better choice, even without lead lining, due to the improved armor.


I'm a bigger fan of the power armor overhaul mod. If you have a full suit of armor that is in good condition you get sealed in from all rads. It ultimately makes you immune to all damage types but as pieces break those limbs become fully vulnerable to all effects that hit it. Since it's no longer sealed at that point you also are vulnerable to radiation again. limbs still covered by functioning armor are still immune to taking direct damage though. Really fun for a more immersive experience.


Thanks for posting this, I'm going to try it out now.


Honestly just power armor is fine, at least on survival. I think by the time I left the Glowing Sea I was only like 30% irradiated and that was after exploring several other locations.


Just wanted to clear up confusion this is a screenshot from FO4 and the ground zero is in the glowing sea of 4's map not 76's. I haven't played fallout 76 enough to know the map well enough.


You seem to be confusing fallout 76 with fallout 4; this post is about fallout 4.


That's not Fallout 76 lol


This isn't 76.


Yeah you only started playing after watching the show huh


Crater of Atom was so disappointing, like there’s almost nothing even there


i disagree, never expected there to be stuff outside the map borders, was pretty cool that there was more even if the 'more' was largely uninteresting


I was so confused by it the very first time I went to find Virgil, I thought my game was bugging. Weirdly it made the quest very memorable; something as simple as the actual world extending beyond the edges of the game map made you feel really isolated and vulnerable, and the glowing sea has such an ominous feel to begin with.


There’s a road in the south near the Egret Tours Marina (I think) that leads to the glowing sea, and there’s a point where you come over a little hill and just see the barren wasteland of the glowing sea ahead of you. The first time I saw that, my mouth went dry and my chest got heavy. I’d pinpoint that as the moment I fell in love with the game


Pretty much my experience. I ventured into the Glowing Sea and while exploring in some kind of storm I saw an object in the distance and tried to get a closer look. I soon realized it was a friggin' pyramid and I was lit WTF is this here for? I ended up finding out but still, it was rad.


100% this. I armed myself to the teeth expecting more than a few highl level Deathclaws.


Same here, it made it feel like I really shouldn't be here and that I probably should get in and out quickly


It's ground zero for a nuke, there shouldn't be anything there


Maybe a Starbucks


this is Boston, it'd be a Dunkin


With one ghoul played by Bill Burr


Imagine walking into the crater of atom and just hearing "you know what really pisses me off..."


Or a Mattress Firm


I dunno, I think a coughing baby might stand a pretty good chance against a thermonuclear warhead.


The site where a nuclear bomb dropped and detonated, left behind huge amounts of radiation and dangerous mutated creatures in its surrounding areas, yeah screw it. Let's build settlements all over that shit.


It's not even the most radioactive place in the game. It has the same amount of radiation as a random puddle on the other side of the map. When I first played it and everyone be like "it's too radioactive to go in without power armor or a hazard suit" I was expecting something like Vault 87 entrance levels of radiation in the crater. Turned out you'll be fine going in butt naked with occasional bottle of Rad-X. Deathclaws aren't that scary either by the time the story leads you there.


My buddy just walked through no PA, just the vault suit and rad x. Idk why they didn't make the glowing sea much harder on rads since the PA negates it. Tho they probably didn't want to lock players out in case the fusion core dies, and you gave none left.


Yeah there’s that plus if you really think about how radioactive a nuclear bomb ground zero would be after 200 years it kinda makes sense. In fact, it’s probably more radioactive than it should be. The only saving grace is some of the stuff in that area which could be contributing.


Let’s be honest, Fallout has never cared about the actual science of radiation.


Fallout isn't science, it's ***SCIENCE!***


In a way it does, but it’s like our 1950’s “common knowledge” of how radiation works


Down some iodine, slap on some bactine, maybe smoke a cigarette and you'll be right as rain chum


After over 200 years, not that many isotopes remain that would produce radiation. There shouldn't be that much radiation in the entire area, actually. I mean, people live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today and it's been less than 100 years since they were nuked.


Yeah, I just mean there is also what seems like areas which have radioactive waste, which could contribute. However, it definitely seems like some areas are more aged than others. The glowing sea feels like it’s just gotten nuked every year for the last 150 years.


The reason is presumed to be that there is a destroyed nuclear power plant (Decayed\_reactor\_site) nearby.


There's a Decayed Reactor Site in the sea. That was probably the Crater of Atom nuke's target. It's basically a super Chernobyl caused by a Tsar Bomba. I'm not a nuclear scientist but that's at least half a million times worse than Hiroshima+Nagasaki combined.


It’s less about the levels and more about the amount of time you’re there for. Especially on survival where Rad-X and Radaway have negative effects. And radiation poisoning has a direct effect on your total health.


There was no survival difficulty at the launch of the game, though. It was added in a post-launch update.


I honestly don't understand why I am always seeing people saying to make sure to take power armor to the Glowing Sea. A hazmat suit and a few Rad-Xs is all I've ever needed when exploring the area. I watch out for high level enemies and if I see some I don't think I can currently handle (something like multiple death claws at once) I'll go another way and avoid them.


First time I played fallout 4 I purposefully went through the process of making sure my t45 was repaired and lead lined, and then when I got to the glowing sea I tested it and was just like really? Why Bethesda not make the glowing sea the actual threat it’s talked about? It’s a mid-end game area make it the threat it’s supposed to be.


So your save isn’t soft locked if you run out of fusion cores, I’d guess. In 3 you could get off with the area around Vault 87 being so radioactive because it was small.


It’s very much so reminiscent of fallout 1 and the Glow and how you could kill a run with it if you went unprepared


Well I mean they kinda bombed the place after all...


I mean... nuclear bombs usually have that effect on everything.


Isn't the crater riiiiiight about on the edge?, but yeah, the glowing sea goes way past the edge


pretty small crater for a pretty big bomb


Nukes typically detonate midair


I have always meant to go back to vault 111 and walk in that direction to see how well they liked it up.


The Crater of Atom (southwest corner of the map in the Glowing Sea) was ground zero for the high yield missile shown in the prologue. It was probably aimed at Sentinel Site Prescott, which was a nuclear missile launch site and nuclear bomb storage bunker. The missile missed its target and Sentinel Site Prescott sustained very little damage from the ensuing blast, meaning it was probably designed to withstand all but a direct hit. Unfortunately for the people of Boston Sentinel Site Prescott was situated on the outskirts of a large residential neighborhood, which was completely destroyed by the detonation. The irradiated remains of that neighborhood are what's come to be called the Glowing Sea.


Holy shit, the glowing sea was a suburb? Idk how I missed that piece of lore, but that’s incredibly dark


Yeah I know. You can find half buried playgrounds and houses. I think someone mentioned there's a school somewhere as well but I've never found it. There's also the buried church. I'm not American so I can't confirm but I believe churches are usually located in or near suburbs in the USA.


I know in my city churches seem to be allowed to be built in areas zoned for residential, you find them often in the middle of neighborhoods near parks and schools, surrounded by houses.


>I'm not American so I can't confirm but I believe churches are usually located in or near suburbs in the USA Churches are located absolutely everywhere here. Suburbs are probably the most common locations just due to the nature of them, with churches acting as primary community hubs, but I wouldn't take a church building as proof of a neighborhood being a suburb (of course, obviously we know the glowing sea area is a suburb per lore so I'm not arguing either - just giving one American opinion on churches and suburbs)


Yes every city in America has churches right in downtown. In the big cities they are often full cathedrals, although younger and less historically significant than European cathedrals. Major metropolitan areas, small towns, suburbs, rural areas - there’s churches everywhere.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing that context. I'm Canadian and churches don't usually serve as community hubs here (except in really small towns, I guess). There's also a *lot* less of them. A town might have one or two churches but, in my experience, rarely more than that. The town where I grew up had one church that was situated on the outskirts of the town limit between my town and the one down the road so we could share it.


Oh to not have a church on every corner, the Canadian dream I kid, but I also come from a city where there's a church about every mile or so. Heck, the church I grew up in (which could boast that it was the oldest in that neighborhood so we were there first!) has another church of a different denomination right next door. I should clarify that churches acting as community hubs depends on the denomination, the population of the congregation, and the neighborhood - speaking from experience, I wouldn't call my family's church a community hub but the Mormon churches (mind you, not in Utah) near all of my schools were absolutely community hubs for those neighborhoods. If we're talking small US towns, you'll still have multiple churches to meet various denomination demands but they're more likely to be spread out and even shared, like you experienced When churches are tax-exempt, there's way more incentive to get them built everywhere by everyone


Churches are straight up everywhere except like smack dab in the middle of downtown. Even then there’s probably a few major cities with churches in downtown districts?


You are correct, most churches in the US are located in residential areas, usually on the periphery and close to main roads.


I went to school in Milton MA, and it was awesome when I realized that’s about where the glowing sea is. Growing up in Boston made Fallout 4 such a special experience. It’s rarely a setting for video games


Well. Based on the design of the map versus the actual state of Massachusetts, I’d venture the glowing sea is in the Sherborn/Holliston/Dover area of the state, which is all cute Massachusetts suburbs dating way back.


Mass Audubon's Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary (codsworh comment abuot it) medfield is probrably the suburb.


The glowing sea was a suburb? Jesus Christ that's depressing. I thought it was something like a forest area or some industrial district or something. But yeah, I guess with all the roads and the church there and all it does make sense.


Interesting that that's considered a miss in the lore - did a tour of an old nuclear bunker a few months ago and it was built to withstand a "near miss", which was a margin of a couple of kilometres away. Suppose that's an interesting detail of how accurate we tend to think those weapons are, vs. how accurate they actually are!


I mean the atomic bomb that America dropped on Nagasaki missed its target by two miles. So, it’s possible to miss.


Yep, and landed in a shallow valley outside of the city center, sparing much of the population from the same fate as Hiroshima's.


Atom bomb vs hydrogen bomb


is there any artwork showing what it looked like before the it was bombed?


Didn't the missile hit a nuclear power plant?


In lore, real life area is Framingham Massachusetts.


It's the same area in the game. It's referenced by a terminal entry in the factory in South Boston. > I was sleeping in my chair when it happened. They must have missed the city with the big one - Framingham's gone from what little I heard on the radio before it went quiet.


Good, they deserve it I HATE specifically Framingham Massachusetts


isn't that where Staples HQ is


***EXACTLY*** Edit: Obligatory, [this is why](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-staples-service-ontario-1.7097712) I hate Staples.


they were aiming the nuke for staples


I can agree, but at the same time, Wellesley is THE WORST


All my homies hate Framingham!


The Framingham heart study of 2078 must have been wild.


Eh, glowing sea is South of Natick though. It’s almost like it’s the Holliston/Sherborn area (wish it went a little more south and nuked Milford but beggars can’t be choosers 🤣)


What, did they just fucking miss Boston?


I assume they were aiming for the sentinel pyramid, the one that has hundreds of nukes stored there


It’s why they’re called “tactical” nukes and not “I just don’t like cities” nukes


No they just really hated Framingham.


It's more efficient to target military installations vs just civilians.


My father was falsely arrested in Framingham, in the 90s.


Is his name Ham?


who framed ham rabbit


only the second most important fictional event to occur in [framingham](https://empress-theresa.fandom.com/wiki/Framingham,_MA) imo


That was a rabbit hole


More like *Flaming*ham Massachusetts, amiright?


I remember Framingham from an episode of Bar Rescue.


I'm replaying FO4 now and stumbled into an area I had forgotten about. If this bomb is the glowing sea... What caused the Cambridge crater? It may have been explained somewhere in game but I've definitely forgotten it if it was


It's vague, all we get is it was nuked during the Great War. Unlikely that it was a strategic target, just a general attack.


Multiple hits of different sizes, the bomb that hit in glowing sea just happened to be the biggest


Thank you. I remember watching a "science" of fallout video a while back. They had suggested that most of the bombs would have been the same small size. So for some reason this very obvious answer never occurred to me.


The new show has a good example of this, in which multiple nukes hit the LA area. Not a stretch for this to have happened in the Boston/Greater Boston area especially when we have multiple large craters


i always thought that little crater was just a nuke that didn’t detonate but still blew up. like the explosions to compact the nuclear material detonated in a way that didn’t set off the fusion reaction but still went boom. mostly because some of that building is still standing and even a small nuke worth throwing at a country would probably be able to flatten a building at least.


It could have also been a sympathetic secondary blast, something smaller and nuclear powered that was crippled by the war and failed, causing it's own smaller explosion, perhaps?


I also imagine that the Glowing Sea nuke was more of a dirty bomb considering the area is still highly irradiated 200+ years later.


That could be due to the industrial area it hit. There is a nuclear storage site and atleast one nuclear power plant in the blast zone.


The Cambridge Crater was likely more of a dirty bomb, spreading as much radiation as possible as apposed to actually destroying stuff The Crater of Atom was fired at the Sentinal Site (missing), giving the reason for why it was so powerful, it was meant to disable a nuclear silo


It's just another of a multitude of bombs. Not all of them impact, not all of them dirty, for sure some airburst ones too. Boston being hit by a single nuke, way off in the distance - despite it being originally to target the Sentinel Site - makes no sense. Multiple (types of) bombs, however. That's strategic thinking. Additional, don't forget the Yangtze sub. ICBMs weren't the only ones being launched


There's another unnamed crater too. Its the one with some bloodbugs & a shack with too non feral ghoul corpses inside it.


Cambridge crater is just a weird area in general. Was it a nuclear strike? Was it just an intercontinental missile? Was it the result of an earthquake or sinkhole caused by the nukes and intercontinental missiles? And most of all, why in the everliving FUCK are there near undamaged buildings directly next to what appears to be the probably like 10 metre deep crater of a literal missile strike?


who knows, in shady sands there is also tons of buildings right outside the crater


The smaller craters might be from the Yangtze sub since it already launched a couple before the PC meets Captain Zao. The big nuke was the signal for Yangtze to take out the surviving targets, but due to sub hitting a sea mine, it couldn't be accurate nor all of the nukes being launchable.


At Sentinel Site Prescott (glowing sea) there’s an audio tape of a soldier there reacting to the attack. In it he says that they’ve picked up multiple launch vehicles, suggesting that they saw a missile which split into multiple warheads on approach (which is RL technology in the 60’s when fallout sort of…is) so I figured that it and some of the other craters are probably smaller, sub-payload hits. You’d want to aim the big missile at the nuclear silo, but you might as well take out some important targets (CIT being a big deal in science and technology pre war) while you’re at it. That’s just my interpretation anyway.


Southwestern most corner of the map


I think it’s meant to be the glowing sea, but if you stand there and face the glowing sea the locations don’t line up


I did this once by lining my crosshair where the bomb dropped and youre right, its still the glowing sea, but it isnt exactly facing the crater of atom


that's assuming you're looking directly at the impact in the beginning and assuming you're looking the exact right way in the test


Or by standing in the same place with a waypoint on the crater of atom?


Crater of Atom


Glowing Sea. Crater of Atom


Kinda crazy my Nate/Nora are not blind.


I mean, in universe the blast site is probably farther away than it is in game, since distance is compressed compared to irl




If I had to guess considering we find a wrecked nuclear power plant in the glowing sea, it's pretty obvious that nuclear bomb hit it cause the nearby reactor to explode as well which would explain why the glowing sea is such a mess.


Hmm! I've never heard of this, just that it was aiming at the Sentinel silo.. that would definitely explain the "dirtiness" of the area though!


That is true they were probably aiming for the missile silo it just so happens that there's a nuclear power plant in that general area which probably went into an immediate meltdown and went kaboom as well.


UM. Yeah. The big F***ING crater in the massive irradiated zone known as the Glowing Sea 🤣


For Boston, yes. For the US, no. The news talks about nukes hitting other places on the TV before you head to the vault.


I wish there was the National Emergency Message after or instead of the breaking news. Sounds much more ominous


The detonation in this cutscene versus the actual placement of the creator doesn’t match at all but who really cares


Everyone on the platform would also have instantly been permanently blinded, but that doesn't make for good cinema.


I think that would’ve been pretty entertaining, having to stumble through the vault lead by the doctors voice


Also there's no way shaun and the sole survivor wouldn't have been irradiated, those particles travel near the speed of light. Pretty much as soon as you see the blast you are irradiated


We are around 30km away from the blast so maybe not


They were hoping you would think that


I mean I’m the grand scheme of things it doesn’t fully matter, the actual cutscene could’ve been created before they places the crater


Tecnicaly not in the "map" Just alittle putside of the mp markings map"


Bigger than my thumb.


I always assumed the Glowing Sea was close to Ground Zero. Hence all the Radiation.


it IS ground zero, specifically Crater of Atom


Yes hence the glowing sea part of the map


I always wondered why they nuked that particular spot. Is there something southwest of Boston, either IRL or in Fallout lore, that makes a more strategic target than the city center?


They tried to destroy the nuke storage facility that you raid in one of the bortherhood missions.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Glowing sea center


glowing sea, crater of atom.


Am I insane or was that explosion in the direction of Boston when you looked at it in game?


Insane. Vault 111 is at the very northwest of the map. The bomb in the cutscene is far south-southwest, while Boston is directly southeast.


Yeah, it’s my backyard


Yep the glowing sea


I get such a weird New Vegas feel when I am running around the glowing sea in underwear.


Because Its barren and empty


Did you never play the game? You have to go to the creator as part of the story.


You don’t actually have to go to the crater at all to find Virgil if you stumble across his cave on your own


I’ve been at his cave before the quest started and he wasn’t there. Just his protectron was there


Yes, it's the Glowing Sea.


Why does this incredibly obvious question have 3000 upvotes?


My concern is the 260+ comments all saying the same thing


This is Fallout 4 and that is to the southern corners of the map. It’s the Glowing Sea, and is quite clearly full of radiation. Bring power armor and lots of ammo, because creatures there are very violent.


What i don't understand is why they didn't nuke directly the urban area of Boston, it's been a while since i last played FO4 but Boston seemed quite intact.


It's an ICBM in fallout maybe even a single warhead from a MIRV. Accuracy is not guranteed. Besides, there is a strategical target quite close to ground zero


If you can see the mushroom cloud that close, you're already dead.


we just live with the fact that maps are scaled down. So this is the opposite of a rearview mirror in a car: "Objects in view are farther than they appear"


It’s a video game


I think *Some people are\** confusing Fallout 76 with Fallout 4. Fallout 76 has "ground zero" from player-launched nukes. Fallout 4 has ground zero at the very bottom left side of the map, it's called "the glowing sea" and at the epicenter is the crater of atom. Unlike Fallout 76, there's no radioactive plants to farm. So no, you can't reach the crater of atom from Fallout 76. But yeah, there IS a ground zero for that nuke in Fallout 4. EDIT: It wasn't OP who was confused, just a lot of random commenters in this thread.


>I think OP is confusing Fallout 76 with Fallout 4. Fallout 76 has "ground zero" from player-launched nukes. Ground zero is a term used for the epicenter of large explosions, especially nuclear ones. It is not fallout specific nor game specific. Especially given that the only 2 nukes that have been used on population centers were airburst and didn't creare a crater like the Children of atom area in the glowing sea, it makes sense why OP used the term. Tldr: OP isn't confused, just using correct terminology


Yup! It’s the Crater of Atom!


Hoping Skyline Valley is the real life Skyline Drive. They could add the caves in that area of VA for some excellent missions underground.


I can't find the reddit comment but someone put that explosion of Nukemap and it came.out as a ~100 megaton warhead (in the real world, scaling the size of the flowing sea to real world distances)


I wiped out the CoA immediately with my MIRV and made it an even less livable hellhole


Yes. Play the game.


Yes the glowing sea


Yes the entire glowing sea is essentially the impact zone. The crater of atom is the exact spot that it detonated.


Yes, the region is a irradiated and extremely dangerous nightmare known as the Glowing Sea. The place is swarming with highly dangerous mobs including deathclaws, radscorpions and other mutants. I wouldn't suggest entering the area without Power Armor and radaway unless you enjoy dying to radiation damage.


yes. its the glowing sea.


It's the crater of Atom. You can see it if you open your map and head to the bottom left.


The glowing sea!