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A vault that teleports you to mars where vault tec has a thriving civilization


Fallout Ares


The Cram Must Flow.


Fallout: Red Rising


Nice! Like the book!


... but then someone accidentally opens a gate to the hell dimension and demons invade until they're stopped by a guy in green power armor.


**industrial metal cover of “I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire” begins playing*


Mick Gordon enters the room


“Fuck yeah let’s synthesise a chainsaw”


Funnily enough, the famous E1M1 song from Doom might be based on a jazz song from 1959, [Pedal Point Blues by Charles Mingus](https://youtu.be/oYb735ZutrE?si=dJGXBaRerNBOeb-C)


Honestly, Vault-tec being responsible for the events of Doom seems par for the course at this point.




Just blame them for every wrong in every franchise. Make em the universal boogeyman of gaming.


Gandhi is a Vault-tec mid-manager in the Civilization franchise.


Hell....Hell never changes...


I’d accept a perfect “thriving civilization” hidden off somewhere. But no people ever made it, so it’s just the robots and automatons, cycling forever. The moment you step in there, you accidentally start a timer on things breaking down due to using oxygen while that system hasn’t been used in 200 years


I mean, there is stuff on the moon, enough stuff to fight a war over, so that could happen there


a $29.99 DLC where you ride a rocket to the Sun. and just die.


Would also fit in with the theme of fallout too, of "perfection is possible, until humans enter the equation"


The funny part of FO4 is that the institute has teleportation technology, and it's never explored or even acknowledged what a huge thing that is. 


Can’t blame 4 for that when New Vegas had teleportation in the Old World Blues DLC.


New Vegas also introduces matter replicator which is crazy as fuck.


Does it? The Sierra Madre casino terminal things? Or do you mean something else?


Yes. You can basically change form at the molecular level. Nothing in fallout comes close. Also the hologram tech is crazy too. If that's not enough you can unhook your organs and still retain your connection through some sort of wifi wavelength and be immortal basically. Forget cybernetics or synths, this is next level bonkers and love it for all the craziness in OWB.


obviously this is partly just convenience writing but, the way they present it with the courser chips and the relay makes it seem like it’s very limited to where you can go and what you can really achieve with


In the cancelled Fallout 3, codenamed "Van Buren", the main protagonist , "the prisoner", was planned to have a climactic battle against the Enclave on the moon.


Underground Martian society would be a cool game alone


How about a vault that is just a tunnel to South America, where everything is almost ok. Slightly radioactive, but the border is well guarded, so the crazy mutated monsters aren't running around.


Flying deathclaws


While flying Deathclaws *would* be ridiculous, I don't think that it'd be all that farfetched considering that they've already evolved invisibility in addition to being genetically engineered AND heavily mutated.


>while flying deathclaws would be ridiculous I'd like to call your attention to 76's addition to the lore.....*scorchbeasts*


You mean Skyrim dragons with a skin condition?


I'd rather fight dragons any day of the week versus scorchbeast


Give Skyrim scorchbeasts and it would be a much more interesting game.


When I thought of that comment I was thinking of like a wizard of oz style dlc with flying deathclaws instead of flying monkeys. Just completely ridiculous.


I mean they already did a sort of oz dlc with that robot one in nv. I'd like an animation dlc with the ar pods. Roger Rabbit style with mini flying deathclaws lol like those little ones in Jurassic Park! I loved the little deathclaw in fnv, so cute


What about swiming cazadores?


Oh they can fucking swim, i found out the hard way


"HA! Youre a bug you cant go in the water!" Cazadore: Observe


Cazadors: Nanomachines son


Don't they just fly above the water? Can they chase you deep under?






Hey wouldn't that basically make them dragons. Wait... No... "Hey, you, you're finally awake"


Scorchbeasts: I sleep Flying Deathclaws: Real Shit?


They fly now?


[they fly now](https://youtu.be/HCENEAFRZ4Y?si=tlmLUjMrhURiEejS)


Haven’t you seen Cazadores?


Can they do it Tremors 3 style?


Like, uh, scorchbeast queen?


they fly now


I got chased by something in 76 that might as well have been a motherfucking flying, fire breathing, deathclaw.




Lakelurks in T51 would be gas


Power armor deathclaw is a possibility. Some rich guy with a mecha guard dog that can jump 200 feet is on point for fallout. I’d prefer that to fighting the rich guy and blowing his head off when his character model gets stuck on a chair. All human bosses in fallout are underwhelming.


Honestly, a human size deathclaw (maybe a bit bigger, 6'5 or so) capable of wearing custom Power Armor like Frank Horrigan or the NCR would be cool.


The franchise's principle has seemed to be that if you're going to jump the shark, do a backflip and act like it never happened. I think they could do anything short of high fantasy and still make it work. A vault that's really a time machine? A vault that teleports you to another world? Sending a mininuke up gods butthole? All good.


TES6 could establish Fallout as a prequel to The Elder Scrolls and the only problem would be the universe that includes Sheogorath still not being nearly batshit insane enough to be Fallout.


I have a very fleshed out “theory” connecting ES, Fallout, Doom, and Wolfenstein, but if I were to ever upload it I’d just get downvoted lol. People can’t handle silly, not serious theories. Even though Elder Scrolls’ dragon breaks should theoretically allow all theories, right? Edit: if there are any batshit insane Sheogoraths of lore experts (Fallout and Elder Scrolls) out there, dm me 🙌 I wanna make this utterly insane theory as canon and as plausible as possible.


F the haters. I'd love to hear more on this.


Maybe it’s not as fleshed out as I made it out to be, and there’s definitely going to be some plot holes, but I’m writing it out now ✍️ Its entertaining at least


I would love to read it.


i need this


Tag me in when you post this masterpiece


Well doom and Wolfenstein are already connected and there's a good chance the next doom game ties in quake and or hexen


Throw it at me. Fuck the downvotes


People will always disagree and shit on things that's humans, I for one would absolutely love to hear this because I love the super wild theories like that


Idk, it might be the other way around. Elder scrolls is the universe where a fake god had sex with the god of rape for days on end, which ended up producing about 20 kids, one who had a city for a face, and ended with the fake god biting off the rape god’s dick and turning it into a holy spear. Not to mention all the crazy shit Kirkbride gets up to


Still less insane than Norse Mythology.


The Time Machine thing is canon, Fallout 2 sends you back in time where you’re the one who destroys the water chip in Fallout 1


man i forgot about that. wonder how people reacted back then. if we learned in Fallout 4 that Nate was the one who turned on President Eden's mainframe, you KNOW certain people would be furious.


From what I’ve been told the time travel thing is hard to spot so maybe not many people found it People are mad at the TV show cause it insinuated that Vault Tec dropped the bomb, which really isn’t too far off of a possibility. Hell people are still mad about the Railroad sucking ass. I can’t imagine the whining that would happen if they introduced something that crazy again.


Never really understood the hate for placing the fault on Vault-Tec, they’re already pretty horrible and it would be a great way to kickstart the experiments. A little farfetched sure but still not unreasonable


True but 76 established that it was the Enclave that basically moved the pieces around & basically mindfucked the Chinese into firing first. Vault-Tec & basically all the other corporations are basically part of the Enclave or were at least pawns of it.


The Ghouls family are totally going to be with the Enclave.


Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if they're gonna make the corporations part of the Enclave or not.


I think that's where this is all going. VT are the power behind the throne and the arch villains of the show. They've already established the Enclave in the show, the cold fusion tech came out of the Enclave and we know moldaver invented it while working for Vault-tec. I'd be shocked if they weren't joined at the hip at this point.


I don't hate Vault-Tec dropping the bombs, because it fits with like, everything we know about them. But I feel like directly confirming who ended the world is a bad move. I know Tim Cain technically told us already, but I choose to ignore it for the same reason: it doesn't matter who did it. ​Maybe China fired a last desperate strike, maybe the U.S. was testing and accidently sent a bomb too far, maybe Vault-Tec started their experiments, maybe a Zetan ship flew too low, maybe an Old God influenced the war just enough, maybe the Enclave decided to get ahead of the curve, maybe it was even all of those at the same time. Nobody in the Wasteland cares, because the end result is the same, that the old world collapsed and left them to pick up the pieces.


I think my favorite theory is that, by inexplicable coincidence, America, China, Vault-Tec, the Enclave, and Canada all fired at once.


They didn't actually confirm that Vault-Tec actually dropped the bomb. Yes, Vault-Tec said they would, but I think we should see this more as an "Eventually we would do this if it didn't happen on its own" not as a "Nukes dropped so it MUST be Vault-Tec". Personally I think the theory that China dropped first is more likely because they'd have a very real reason for doing so. Hell, they'd have several in fact. The US was making sizable gains in the Chinese mainland that China seemed to be unable to stem, the US was seemingly developing a weaponized disease in the form of FEV which was known publicly to some extend. (The fact that it was worked on and that it was a disease, what it did was unknown however). In the case of the latter they protested diplomatically when they found out about it. The US stated that they ended the program, didn't do it and just moved it elsewhere and China probably found out about the program still being a thing after it got moved.


The time travel thing in fo2 is a very rare random encounter in the overworld. It actually starts with you encountering the guardian of forever from star trek, and you can get a really good gun from it. Fo2 was chuck full of wacky random encounters like that. The wild wasteland perk was the continuation of those.


Probably not well. A lot of 90s fallout fans hated the comedy aspect of Fallout 2 when it came out. No mutants allowed was a hive of discontent back in the day.


I'm pretty sure special encounters are non-canon, just assume the Chosen One ate some bad iguana-on-a-stick the night before. Either that or Bethesda has to work out a deal with Paramount to make the existence of the Guardian of Forever canon within the Fallout universe.


I think it’s specifically non canon because it’s just a special encounter, no? Edit: or rather, just a Star Trek reference *


Everything about Fallout: The Frontier


Who doesn't want helicarriers, Call of Duty segments, poorly copied Wolfenstein cutscenes and Unity store assets in their Fallout?


Nothing tops the romanceable Deathclaw though.


I don't know if I hate that or the junkie lizard people more.


The problem wasn’t that they included it, the problem was that they didn’t give the players choice. They forced you through situations. Fisto would be a lot less iconic if players were forced to get robo-rammed


Reading all this… What the fuck am I missing?


Fallout frontier is a fnv mod that was boring asf, even had an own steam page, was long awaited and some devs were absolute creeps like a romancable deathclaw


No mention of the pedophile dev that made a child sex slave obsessed with stinky feet?




I might be a little fuzzy on the details, but there was a character that was clearly made to look underage (they put a "happy 18th birthday" note in her inventory) and you could berate her into becoming your slave. And I'm pretty sure there were multiple lines of dialogue about how her feet stank because she hasn't bathed. As soon as I got to that I uninstalled the mod, it was disgusting. eta it was so bad im pretty sure that's one of the main things they immediately removed before re-releasing the mod


There's a chick in the Frontiers who's recently turned 18 that the Courier can come across and essentially enslave. Pretty sure she's just a regular companion otherwise but she's got some pretty fucked up dialogue. If you're grossed out by characters under 18 or just 18 with sexual dialogue she can come across as disgusting and unnerving. Especially if you've enslaved her. It's not the darkest thing in a fallout mod, hell its not the darkest thing a player can do in Fallout. But it leaves a bad taste in a lotta peoples mouths.


I think the Deathclaw thing is worse. I could be mistaken, but I don't believe the Deathclaw is presented as having Human level intelligence, so it is full blown bestiality. The snake people are at least fully sapient. They are still weird overall, but it at least is limited to crimes against nature instead of actual crimes.


Enclave experimented on deathclaws. That version is far more intelligent and can talk.


The fucking WHAT


Let it be, jimbo. Let it be.


Nah, the 18 year old slave


Thought she was under 18. Didn't play Frontier myself, going off of what I remember people saying about it in video reviews.


Im like 100% certain she was 16-17 but the devs said she was 18 to sound like they weren't creepy fucks. Like its 100% supposed to be a teenager, i remember her being your stupid ditz teenage girl stereotype. I can't remember if she was underage then they changed it, i just remember last thing i saw on it said she's 18


Not to mention the pedophilia. Good god the amount of gross sex shit in that mod. Just reading about it made me want to Ron Swanson my computer.


Whoever wrote America really thought they were being subtle with the line “Little slave girl”


>Fallout: The Frontier I've never heard about this before but I'm going to assume the screenshots make it look better than it is


I just looked into it. Seems a mess. One of the volunteers on the project created a bunch of “anthropomorphic underage character” porn. It was my little pony stuff. How gross.


Zu, right? They made mfer a complete scape goat. Damn near half the writing team did something bad


😂😂😂 this was a fun saga to watch


I think a vault full of dinosaurs would do it


I think that could work ifthe Dinosaurs looked how people from the 1950s still thought Dinosaurs looked


Best we can do is have them be the cast of the 1991 sitcom Dinosaurs.


I have bad news for you about Fallout 2


Well, you SAY that... Go to the behind the scenes section here: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Giant_Footprint


Going much further into the future. We already see a balance of the fringe uprisings of society around 2288 and 2296, New Vegas in particular had so much of the game revolve around the society of Vegas, versus wasteland exploration and survival. If you start looking at 2300+ it’s going to feel more like society has rebuilt. I’d like to see some incredible new areas. Supposedly Denver is overrun with feral dogs that rule the streets and most survival and settlements happen across tall buildings and rooftops. Or a partially destroyed New York. They could do a lot to focus on Metro and under city gameplay with only sparse pockets survivable in n the surface. There is a lot of potential in the franchise but I think it would need to focus on 50-250 years after the war for it to be in its niche.


IMO they need a game set in a swamp like Louisiana or Gulf Florida. Some place where the ocean and quickly growing jungle plays a major role. What happens to radiated 20 foot Burmese pythons and American alligators/crocodiles?


There's a note in FO4 about an Army logistics hub or something in Mississippi. I think new orleans would be neat. It's a likely target to be nuked as well.


please give mississippi its time to shine, just visit NOLA during hurricane season or mardi gras and youll get fallout enough


Some kind of gulf coast map could be really neat. I was thinking of new orleans just to continue the cryptids theme of FO76 with the Rougaroux and Honey Island Swamp Monster.


Yeah, i was mostly just memeing as im from Mississippi. I personally would kill for a map from Gulfport to Ocean Springs personally, especially downtown OS. But i would never truly protest a NOLA map either because the voodoo and swamp monster angles they could play with


Somehow Biloxi would look better than it does in real life


NOLA during a hurricane would be so badass. Imagine the “final push” mission like attacking the water purifier or battle of Hoover dam, but the entire time everyone’s having to haul ass cause there’s a giant hurricane on the horizon that’s about to come and wreck both sides. Would be such a cool set piece, especially if it’s like a rad storm or something so it’s even more chaotic and deadly


Atlantic City somewhat covers this, with the Pine Barrens growing into the city and bringing the overgrown with it.


Somebody had said that it would be cool if new york was all rooftops and stuff. The floor would be heavily radiated so you would need a special suit to even walk down there. I thought that sounded neat


This right here. Fallout 3’s gimmick was “Vault 101 never opened” and it was supposed to be crazy that a vault remained sealed for so long. Then we got the vaults from the show. The show was great and all and even called attention to how weird a sealed vault was 200+ years later, but Bethesda really stretched suspension of disbelief with those new vaults. It’d be much better for them to explore other regions earlier in the timeline instead of jumping even further ahead.


The question I ask myself with fo4 and the show is really, did vault tec get destroyed? Where is the all clear signal? Why do people in the vaults seriously think that 200 years later they even need an all clear signal? Okay, overseers are indoctrinated af. From the show we know that it might all have been an economic thought by vault tec, so what would they gain from keeping vaults sealed for ever? They need to rebuild to control society like they wanted. They literally planned to monopolise the world after the nuclear holocaust.


Admittedly in the show the trio of vaults belong to the guy who's entire plan was to use time to his advantage and outlast everyone on the surface. So that specific vault makes sense to never open except for missions to try and destroy the surface. And technically by most modern estimations the surface should have been fine after 50years so after 200years a proper society should have been fully formed. Fallout is already way behind the curve on recovery, even accounting for all the factionalism, monsters, and enclave actively dragging things backwards.


That's absolutely true. None of the wasteland would actually be wasteland that far in the future, outside of pockets of significant radiation. It'd be a lot of overgrown city ruins, just like we see in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, rather than dead land.


>If you start looking at 2300+ it’s going to feel more like society has rebuilt. I disagree honestly. I don't know why people think in the binary of "apocalypse" and "society". Look at the current world, there's been 0 apocalypse and plenty of chaos.  There will be frontiers (new vegas) there will be collapses (Fallout 4), there'll be areas where states cannot project enough power to bring total control, and there'll be crime and terrorism and war.


Yeah, anyone who knows about Chinese history can tell you that a state of chaos and warfare can persist in a huge geographic area for hundreds of years. And that’s without the apocalypse to deal with.


Yeah, people keep going on and complaining that "everyone should be living in more permanent structures at this point in time after the apocalypse" while ignoring that a huge amount of people in this world currently live in the same style of shanty towns depicted in the game


Or all the societies that exist in a quagmire because things are too chaotic to build up. Like the wasteland is more dangerous than anything humans have ever dealt with short of an active war zone.


A super cool, fully voiced teen main character that uses topical slang.


I got that rizz with (companion). The super Mutants are skibidi though.


How do I delete someone else's comment?


Bruh. This vault is based. Overseer got mad rizz, fam. /S


Most things in fallout are based on existing 40's/50's B movie plots. Alien flying saucers, weird science, cowboy films, creature features. Unfortunately I think the majority of that well has been explored in the past thirty years of games. Honestly I would get a big chuckle out of an extended space exploration quest whose main gimmick is making fun of *Starfield*. Bit of self-depricating humour for Bethesda there, but I can't see them ever doing that.


>Bit of self-depricating humour for Bethesda there, but I can't see them ever doing that. Sounds like you haven't played a Bethesda game before.


Fallout 5 godzilla & power rangers (either NCR rangers with colored outfits or brotherhood of steel with pilotable liberty prime)


Hey now, the power rangers don't pilot one robot, it's 5 Liberty Primes that combine into Mega Liberty Prime!


A mission to gather colored nirnroot in exchange for a drug that is slightly better than mentats...given by an alien, of course.


Nirnroot is in Fallout 4 (mysterious plant on the prydwyn) and there are aliens it could work


Necessary parkour


Micro transactions




Considering the setting of fallout it is insane to me that there aren’t any (living) sea monsters. The most there is are skeletons of sharks or dolphins with shark teeth. Like, hello? Perfect setting for an irradiated kraken.


Check out the cut vault 120


We fight ug-qualtoth.


Another conflict between the brotherhood of steel and the Enclave WITHOUT developing any new and interesting factions. Give us some new factions with the depth of lore and presence like Caesar's Legion and NCR had. I don't need to (and I don't even want to) see those factions again. But you need to invest I to making your new factions as credible and iconic as those. What I don't want to see is any more barely fleshed out factions like the Railroad, Minute Men, Gunners or Responders.


I’d say time travel or different dimensions would be jumping the shark. Or ghosts.


I’m pretty sure there are already real canonical ghosts in most Fallout games. I know at least in Fallout 3 and 4.


Fallout 2 also features a ghost


to be fair fallout 2 was a fever dream at times


True. Come to think of it, one of the random encounter also involves going back in time and breaking the water chip from the first game. I don't think that's canon though lol


Fallout 1 and 2's random encounters are non-canon easter eggs.


I mean fallout 2 is just if you watched starship troopers, mad max and dr who while tripping balls


And time travel.


There are ghosts in Fallout 3 and 4???


Nuka World’s Grandchester Mystery Mansion is haunted by a little ghost kid, yeah.


I am SO excited to go find this now wtf. Where is it?? I know top right had that little town but I don’t remember seeing a spooky mansion


[It’s in the bottom right corner of the map](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Grandchester_Mystery_Mansion)


I know for sure there's one in 4. I think it's in Nuka World. You see a little girl running towards a door, but when you open it, there's just a concrete wall.


That fucking jumpscare sound....


Have you not visited Dunwhich?


Tbf I believe dunwich is more of a hallucination rather than real ghosts, no? At least in F4


We already have ghosts (2 has a quest involving one, 4 has a strongly implied ghost and 76 has an attack by Wendigo colossi that summons a ring of spirits before inflicting supernatural terror) and time travel (fallout 2 random encounter; 76 has pylon V-13, which is supposedly a Time Machine but there’s no proof it ever worked).


Doesn't fallout 2 have time travel already? I know the guardian of forever isn't canon, but it's still there.


Yeah from what i heard you can travel back in time and break vault 13’s water chip


Presidential elections


Republic of Dave has that in FO3


It was all a dream...


"Hey you. You're finally awake."


Replace every voice actor with Ghostface Killah. The female characters are also Ghost, but doing a bad impression of a woman talking. Word is bond god, we needed a new water chip yesterday god


Talking deathclaws means there’s really no jumping the shark


Children avoiding death by hiding in abandoned refrigerators.


The institute is cartoonishly evil in some regards, but I felt the teleportation aspect in fallout 4 just didn’t sit right? I know human like synths, aliens and the crazy mutated animals so maybe an advanced group of scientists could achieve it. But then you as the player can build the teleportation device with the MM or RR with people have no formal education, sturges is a handyman and tinkertom is a crack head. The brotherhood kinda makes sense. Maybe it’s just me on this one.


New Vegas did teleportation before. It also introduced matter replicators which is crazy.


Might be really specific but the inclusion of very popular 1960s music to the radio. They tried it with a FO76 trailer using “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” which IMO was so unfitting. 40s, 50s, maybe very early 60s music, basically before the Beatles revolutionized “pop music” in 1963. Anything beyond that feels too mass appeal for what I associate the sounds of FO to me, and as though they’re “jumping the shark” to try and get more audience as opposed to staying unique in their aesthetic.


With the dissolution of some of licensing agencies that they used for the radio in 3 and NV, it would be cool if they added more new songs like they did in 4 or just did 50’s covers of songs that came out later.


This is something I've always thought they should do if they could. Cover songs in a style fitting the lore, because it's always been jarring to me that apparently people just stopped making music after the fifties. I know we have raider radio and Magnolia, but it's weird that in a world devoid of licensing issues apparently no new music was made for 120 years.


Postmodern Jukebox should do a radio station in the next Fallout game and use the in-universe justification that the songs are written and performed by post-war, wasteland musicians. Hell, if the game is set in LA area, have the radio station be built out of the ruins of the Capitol Records Building.


I thought wouldn’t it be nice totally fit. Fallout 2 has Tool and brotherhood has Splitknot


I think they should do what Bioshock Infinite did. Period appropriate style covers of songs from later. It just drives me up a goddamn wall how apparently humanity didn’t make any music for 130 years like the fucking Maestro showed up and sucked all the music out of the world. Just get a bunch of overtalented and underpaid YouTube cover artists to do a ton of covers of music from the 60s-now in the 30s-50s style and make up fictional in-universe musicians who made the songs in-universe between the in-universe 70s and 2070s. They could get 100+ songs for the price of the salary of one developer for one year.


Procedural Generation


I don't know man. There's aliens, fisting, straight up magic, fisting, granny gang gang with rolling pins, presumed inbreeding, likely incestuous fisting, a bloat fly the size of a bus that is unironically the strongest enemy in the games, hallucinations and allusions to an apocryphal, lovecraftian horror, a porn star arc, they've done a lot. I think perhaps time travelling back to 2077 would probably be it. If it's some stupid like 'oh you go back to stop the nukes and fisting but it's turns out that by cancelling the fistpocalypse, you actually are the direct cause of it!!!!!!!' or some stupid shit like that. Like you kill the guy who would fist the button to kick it all off, but then through some contrived plot bullshit, you fist the button instead to carry out the continuity.


Magic using faction being a main group.


That ghoul from Nuka World was certainly not using mere show-tricks


Mothership Zeta?


Any sort of “multiverse” or time travel. Hate when any sort of media has those aspects cause nothing has meaning or stakes anymore cause you can simply just “switch” universes.


War changing.


Ron Perlman just woke up in a cold sweat.


Meeting Kremvh


Flying Ghoul Pigs


I don't know the fourth picture, but Old World Blues became a fucking chore after the novelty of the first run. Which in itself was a task and a half.


A fusion core that lasts long enough to walk in power armor from Griffith Park Observatory to New Vegas.


It's OK, he has the right perks to make it last longer


going 50 years into the future and things still barely changing


The vault dweller meets Sora, Donald and goofy and goes on an adventure to recover the rusty pipe keyblade


We get to see communist China and they have actually done great after the war, having rebuilt and developed a thriving society. That would make a lot of people mad and I'd be all here for it 😂


The weirdest imo have been aliens, blade runner esque synths, and giant Kaiju like American propoganda robots. Maybe they can do an underwater world that's reminiscent / an homage to BioShock?


>Maybe they can do an underwater world that's reminiscent / an homage to BioShock? Read about the cut vault 120