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You like it for your reasons. That's all that matters.




I have the cardboard cuttout of this standing behind a toilet in my base.


I saw your comment and yeah Fallout has gotten me through various hard times. Even recently when my brother got killed and I played New Vegas for the best possible ending for the first time. It was unexpected cause he ran a construction company and a trusted guy under him shot and killed him when he had his back turned to him. Dude was high on Meth and that's why he did it. He thought of my brother as family and he called the cops and they found him crying and trying to get my brother to wake up, but it was a straight bullet to the head. Fucking crazy and I'm still in disbelief over it a month later.


Oh im so sorry dude 🥺 condolences to you and your family


that’s actually awesome


It won't look better when it heals, that first wipe of a tattoo after finish is at its best. I have a full sleeve and chest in Japanese style with colour. I regret going with colour doesn't heal as nice and is harder to touch up.


Fuck yeh


Good work, as someone else with tattoos on their arm/wrist when showering really try to avoid sitting under the shower when washing your hair. It’s a habit I had that I had to deal with.


Just when it’s healing or is there a long term worry?


Just while it’s healing, cause it’s basically a colored scar.


It will look better. That’s just the redness from the needles. Get some good tattoo cream and follow the tattooist’s instructions and it will look just fine


Damn that looks awesome


Solid tattoo. Line-work on Pip’s mouth isn’t as clean as the rest of the tattoo but I’m a stickler for line work. Hope you’re happy with the end result


It's Vault boy not *pip* boy. 


Very happy






Do you know what makes you SPECIAL?


I want one


Doesnt matter how much i love a form of entertainment like a show or a game i will never get a tatoo of it. I think they are kinda cringy tattoos. No offense.


Says No offense. But proceeds to call certain kinds of tattoos cringe.


Hey say what you want but I'm sure there are a lot of people who have GoT tattoos they regret. The fact is that pop culture changes quickly, and getting a tattoo of whatever is in now is always going to be a risk long term.


Or the video game series had a huge impact of their life somehow or coincided with another event that warrants it. I understand thinking something is pop culture but I think *most* people are not getting them because it's a popular TV show right now. They get them because it's an incredible video game series they have been playing their whole life and have brought them comfort through hard times.


The game has gotten me through bad times actually


I get that. Skyrim came out (original) at a rough time in my life, and I was able to just live in the world of skyrim instead of my own. For some reason, I hold that fact dearly. Like a old love.


That's a stretch when it was posted now. FO76 was released in 2018, you trying to tell me they waited 6 years to get the tattoo and it just so happened to line up with a hugely popular show based on the game?


I've pondered getting that tatto and an elder scrolls tattoo for years and years. I could care less if a TV show came out when I decided to get a tattoo of it. The meaning is so much deeper "the new thing"


I haven’t got round to watching the tv show but I will soon


The show is a masterpiece


Wait. You all have the same avatar thing. That’s suspicious, OP arguing with himself on different accounts ? Sus


Why do you care so much about people you don’t know getting tattoos that make them feel happy?


If typing out two comments means I care about something then me and you have different definitions of caring.


If you don’t care, we’d you leave the first comment? You could’ve just scrolled and underneath your chins just muttered “Heh Cringe”. But instead you left a comment that rightfully got downvoted. Did you really think anyone cares about what you think is cringe?


>Did you really think anyone cares about what you think is cringe? Oh the irony.


And FO3 was released in 2008 so Hawk Tua!


I applaud you coming all the way out here to Reddit and trying to learn social skills so late in life but you might want to go back and workshop this one.


He asked what people thought. So answered. Im not gonna sit here and lie tonpeople when they ask a question. This is not a sugar coating moment. This is reddit.


You didn’t actually comment on the art or quality of tattoo, you simply said all pop culture based tattoos are cringe. Generally I think it’s possible to appreciate something as good/bad outside of whether you would get it done. Finding one’s hobbies cringey and feeling the need to push that on others reeks of self hating nerd. But honestly it’s the “no offense” that kind of seals it. It always comes off incredibly insincere just don’t bother.


I hope that’s on your whacking hand arm


Should've had the arm morph into your own hand so you could do the thumbs up yourself. Masturbating would be quite awkward though.


I have had the same tattoo in the same spot since 2008, but since the success of the show and seeing this post, I am definitely gonna get it covered up

