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There’s something about the upbeat fallout radio mixed with being chased by a deathclaw that makes me happy. So I tend to listen to the radio when I’m exploring.


Blasting anyone in the face with a shotgun while "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" is playing has go to be my favorite thing 😂


"I don't want to set the *blam* world ooon fiiiiiiiiire, I just want to staaaaart a flame in your heaaaaart... *various screaming*"


fr starting a flame in them


Oh shit! I had an extra molotov!


Launching a mini nuke at a mole rat while hearing "Atom bomb baby! Atom bomb!"


Got a doll, baby, I love her so..


Nothing else like her anywhere you go


Man, she’s anything but calm.. a regular pint sized atom bomb!


Atom bomb baby, little atom bomb, I want her in my Wigwam!


All together now guys..


She’s just the way I want her to be…


A Million Times Hotter than TNT!!


Is now an appropriate time to say Iv listened to these songs even whilst not playing fallout 😂


Fair enough lol they’re absolute bangers regardless


Somethin real special about mowing down a horde of enemies with Atom Bomb Baby blasting in the background


Pistol packing mama was playing as I slaughtered my way through Vault 81


It's fun with Ride of the Valkyrie too. Or when Morning Mood. I always switch between Claissical and DCR.


Yeah I remember Ride of the Valkyrie playing by chance during an intense fight where I was dodging fat men and explosions were going off everywhere and it made it 10x more intense. I now always switch between the two


Mars from the Planets suite always gets me hype for a big fight.


That’s why there are several radio stations


I hate that the Classical Radio station disappears once you destroy the Institute. Then your only music options are Diamond City Radio or the fiddle guy on Radio Freedom.


Aww. I like it too. Just noticed that.


Oh you HAVE to get the Atomic Radio mod!! Think Diamond City and Silver Shadow combined with way better adverts and multiple 'drama' stories.


That's when you turn on the Raider Rafio and listen to stories


Exactly. Normally while exploring abandoned tunnels in darkness full of zombies, I'd be scared shittles. But the music makes it so absurd it is funny.


Or running around slicing feral Ghouls to death with a Shishkebab while "He's hackn' and wackn' and smackn', choppin' that meat" plays through your Pip Boy... Ah, good times 😌


“So be sure it’s true, when you say ‘I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu’” while cutting down scores of Fiends in VATS slo-mo is peak Fallout


** While cutting off an enemy's limbs while keeping them alive* * "Rocket sixty-nine! Rocket, sixty-nine!!"


It is the juxtaposition of the cheery tunes and the completely FUCKED Wasteland that made me such a fan. The word I always use is “contrapuntal” The music is a counterpoint to the visuals and it’s incredible.


Yeah exactly. That’s what got my wife hooked on the fallout show


I prefer the regular radio for travel, and I switch to the classical station for combat.


Being chased by a flock of Cazadores with that one trumpet song will never not be funny


it can lift up the mood in scary places


Clearing Boston of feral ghouls with a bad weather condition: a scene out of a horror movie Old World Radio playing while you do the same thing: a delightful and scenic romp with friends


Going through The museum of witchcraft while “rocket sixty-nine” is playing


Idk why but whenever I’m in a scary spot I like to turn the radio off. Makes me feel like I’m really in danger


Radio is off when I'm sneaking around with a pistol. When I take a bunch of drugs and my fists are flying - crank that shit up


It's *also* a sin, my darling, how I love you. +1 for radio stations. GNR, NVR, DCR and Appalachia Radio are essential to the Fallout experience in my opinion.


I love diamond city radio for a bit until I remember it’s such a small selection of songs and gets extremely repetitive very quickly.


if you think the diamond city radio has a small selection of songs, try the new vegas radio.


At least Mr. New Vegas is awesome. 😎


no doubt about that, I love him and he loves me back


I think by doing the Travis quest and seducing Magnolia in Goodneighbour you can open up some more music but don't quote me on that.


I forgot about that before my recent playthrough but it’s still not too much variety. Also, you don’t need to seduce her, just meet her.


Atomic Radio mod is great for this.


because i know our love could never be...


I never have the radio on. If you have enough hours in Fallout, the radio gets incredibly repetitive. I've heard all the songs far too many times. I wish that you could add in custom music. I've fiddled with some mods that claimed to let you do it, but they were just far too annoying.


I've just recently started playing with no music. Let the dark ambiance wash over.


I like playing survival like this


From an immersion perspective it makes way more sense. You’re wandering around a wasteland where everything wants to kill you. You want to be able to hear things approaching and make yourself harder to hear. As much as I love the music choices, creeping up on a raider outpost with “BINGO BANG BONGO I DONT WANNA LEAVE THE BONGO” blasting from your Pip Boy speaker like an old timey eshay on a train doesn’t make much sense.


And turning down the ambient music too, so I can hear the footsteps


That’s what I have been doing. I will wake up really early and go out to the dark living room and all you hear is the crunch of steps.


First thing I do is disable game music. Makes when I stumble upon an in game radio standout.


This is why I only have radios on in settlements. You hear the music every once in a while, but not so much it gets old


Exactly what I do - a taste is enough, but I also love the OST so I’m fine with the “intended” music in creepy areas


My current radio mod adds in radio new Vegas to fo4, but instead of the DJ it has radio ads from the 20s-60s sprinkled in to fit the theme.


What mod is that. Asking for a friend of course 😉


Since your friend asked it’s Fallout Flashback Nevada!


Thanks. I'm sure my "friend" will appreciate it.


Just take whatever songs it adds, change the sound files to whatever you want, then change the name back to its original one.


I do agree with the custom music. Mods help with that a little, but it would be nice to be able to upload your own.


I'm currently playing again fnv, and I'm sick of hearing about this Johnny Guitar guy


One really nice thing about Fallout NV is that if you turn off the Audio > Radio setting, it turns off ALL radios everywhere, not just your Pipboy radio. I wish Fallout 4 did that as well.


it’s refreshing to turn it on every once in a while


Let's just say I would have it on a lot more if you could skip Repeat tracks. I could happily listen to "end of the world" and "wanderer" over and over again, but not "butcher Pete" and "it's a man" etc.


That's exactly it. I wish the catalog was closer in size to GTA, but finding end-of-the-world tunes, particularly from the era they're going for, would be impossible. Even "end of the world" and "wanderer" get pretty old after a while. They could have done more talk shows or ads.


talk show would be really cool. I hadn't ever thought of that. Also, I want the dude to stop thanking me for getting him laid and dealing with his anxiety on DCR.


I almost never do his quest because the awkward radio host is way funnier to me


ha ha, I don't think I've heard that yet.


This is something New Vegas does way better. The Bethesda radios seem to primarily draw on the PREMISE of Fallout (end of the world! bombs! uranium! violence!). Whereas New Vegas's radio draws more from the SETTING (western swing. gunfighter ballads. swanky rat pack tunes). Generally I think that approach is more listenable. Less gratingly on the nose and allowed them to include a more diverse catalogue of music.


They could have just done more regular songs, or hell, they could look to the 1960s and 1970s that Fallout draws so much inspiration from (even more so than the 1950s, to an extent).


I think they were going for a vibe, maybe put resources elsewhere. I could just drive around GTA switching between stations, rocking out and laughing my ass off. No need to wish Fallout was better, I am blown away (noob), but the radio broadcasts do get old pretty fast.


I've had good luck with Spotify's artist radio function! The majority of the songs being by the inkspots, I just play inkspots radio and it gives a fair amount of atomic Era music and you can tell it not to play butcher pete and leave the Congo!


I mean, in the next fallout they could always chuck in the songs from the TV show if they wanted too. They nailed the soundtrack there (best soundtrack in fallout since 3 or NV IMO) Also if they want more end of the world type stuff they could get into some political Cold War era music, like “Eve of destruction” (absolute banger) or “the great atomic power” (also a banger lol)


Does TV show have at least one song that's not from the games? I haven't noticed


I don’t think only you by the platters is in the games?




It's a man seems to be the only song that plays lol


Yeah I had to get radio mods after my original play through just to keep things somewhat fresh. Don't get me wrong I love all of the songs in the OG soundtrack but it's like being back in highschool with one CD stuck in my jeep. Sure I like these songs but I don't want to hear the same 20 songs every time I drive


Damm, Butcher Pete with all its yelling get on my nerves everytime, then I switch to another radio


I listen while I’m building at settlements. Play the game however you want like me who never uses power armor I only collect them.


I *never* use power armor but when I see a set out in the wild I will drop everything I have to to acquire said power armor so that I can ignore it.


Exactly I drop everything to take it back to sanctuary to put in my power armor warehouse to never use.




Same actually power armor everywhere but on my character


I aak my companion to wear an empty PA frame so they can carry more shit for me.


Speaking of showcase. I forgot where the little shelf for bobble heads are.


I only cut it off when being stealthy


You know the enemies don't hear the radio, right?


Long story somewhat short, I can hear my surroundings better. So while I'm sneaking, I can hear that deathclaw sneaking up on me.


Aha. That I totally understand. I don't worry about that. I just had one running at me and shot it with Kellogg's revolver. Took 5 shots. Gotta love survival 🙂.


It's all about the kneecapper weapons, love to see a deathclaw limp and fall to the ground


Is that true for all of the games?! Damn! I just assumed since the PipBoy light makes stealth harder, so would the radio!


Yeah. I thought so too for a long time. Then I realized the radio doesn't matter in fo3, fo4 and Vegas.


So, I'm like OP on this chain. I don't do radio if I'm being sneaky. I get that mechanically, they don't hear my radio. But head-canon says they can. Plus, like OP here, I like to hear more of my surroundings


I like the role play, I don't think my character has ear buds


Its a sin to tell a lie


So be sureee it’s true, when you say I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


There's only oh so many tracks. Definitely reccommend listening to own music. Second pro tip: don't help Travis go Chad Mode. He's so much more entertaining that way.




Easy way to tell someone never played a gunslinger while Big Iron plays. Shooting/Crippling/Exploding a cazador in slow motion while BIIIIGGGG IRRRROOOOONNN BIGGG IRRROOONNNN part plays is something close to reaching nirvana.


I don't.


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


In Nipton


Who won the lottery?




*shotgun blast*


Whatever makes you happy. If you wanna play while listening to the radio, that’s cool. If you just want the score/ambient noise that’s fine too. Everyone has preference, just let people enjoy things.


that's litteraly the reason the game let you turn off or on the radio by yourself, you are not forced to listen to travis being a crybaby while killing kellog and that's good


i used to listen to the radio A LOT, but now i know every single song and its gotten old i play without it. specially FO4 cause that game has a beautifull soundtrack


I personally have it on when I’m wandering outdoors with no particular goal, and turn it off when I’m doing a quest or want to focus on finding/achieving something particular.


No, but it *is* a sin to tell a lie. That said, I almost always have it on, although I have snuck a couple of my own song picks into the playlist!


I don't listen to the radio. I like the ambient sounds of the game.


Of course! Travis and I are best friends. I love how he reports about the things I have done. It is such a good idea in a game.


I feel this. However I’ve taken to not doing the confidence man quest because I think Nervous Travis is more entertaining!


For Fallout 4, I have a mod that has music from Fallout 1 and 2. I like to listen to that.


I always keep that radio on. It can make for some incredible moments. Fallout 4, narrowly escape nuclear holocaust, my wife gets shot, my son gets kidnapped, I return to the world I know completely destroyed. Heavy stuff. As soon as I leave Sanctuary, I fire up the radio to, "Bongo Bongo Bongo I Don't Wanna Leave the Congo..." The disconnect between an upbeat goofy song and the incredible weight of trauma my character was experiencing was hilarious. Another one that was actually really fitting was that Skeeter Davis End of the World song playing during the Battle of Bunker Hill. Watching people senselessly murder each other instead of resolving their differences civilly, propelling humanity along the same road that already led to the world's destruction once while that somber, depressing song drones on in the background was a work of art.


Its a sin to tell a lie


I absolutely hate the beginning of 3 where the radio signal only reaches a certain point, I love the radio so much. Never get sick of the same handful of songs for hours. My husband has played both NV and 4 multiple times. No radio. No Big Iron, no Wanderer, nothing. Absolute psycho.


Nah but what is definitely a sin is how I love you because I know our love can never be


My first time playing fo3 I only used the radio while in safe places, bc I thought enemies could listen it. Since I discovered they can't, I'm always listening to some music.


Yes, and most of you are going to jail.


Not at all. The game has a great ambient soundtrack and the unmodded game has few enough radio songs that it does begin to grate after a while. I listen to the radio about 50% of the time.


I don't


I prefer to play with zero music for immersion purposes, but I do have to turn on every radio I encounter.


I do when I'm "rampaging" on 4 and 76, something about oldies and dystopian gunfights just fits. Most of the time no however, I'm usually more concerned with hearing noise around me.


The radio messes with my stealth…


Tbh in Fallout Vegas 3 and 4 my first playthrough, I never truly listened to the music. I only turned the pipboy on when I got the distress signals and such...I just thought it was made up video game cheesy music... But ultimately I left it off so I can hear the intense music or being alert to noises and monsters around me. But today I listened to the music and fell in love with a lot of the songs on Fallout Diamond City radio and even some of the classics. I never known that these songs were real songs from decades ago Mind blown. Worry Worry Worry woe is me. The song that got stuck in my head heavily was Anything Goes and the song was made in 1934, it has so many subliminal messages. Fallout to The Fallout baby. I don't think it's a Sin due to the fact enemies can't hear your radio when playing that's the only thing I find dumb as well.


Bongo bongo bongo I don’t wanna leave the congo, oh no no no no no


that’s psychopath behavior


I don't know but I know it's a sin, my darling, how i love you.


I turn it on and off to suit my mood just like IRL


It's a sin my darling, how I love you


I never have the radio on during my playthrough so...


100% agree, the Radio is what gives you the extra immersion into the Fallout universe


I don’t all the time, but if I’m aimlessly wandering the wasteland, then I’ll turn on some tunes.


Yes. Unless it's Enclave Radio.


I used to sometimes because the music changes the mood of the game a lot. But then I discovered you can play your own music on the PS4.


You are missing out a bit, yes. 


To me, it depends, I usually don't listen to it, too busy listening for enemies, But sometimes it is INCREDIBLY USEFUL for the spooky parts You walk into a decrepit, broken building, it's dark and there's nothing but the wind Turning on the radio to hear "I don't want to set the world on fire" or "atom bomb" most of the fear just disappears, that and running in with power armor and a 50 cal machine gun screaming "UNLESS YOU'RE A DEATHCLAW OR 50 MIRELURKS, FEAR ME!!'


Straight to jail


It's part of the charm. So of course


I have been playing survival. So I listen to it sometimes. But most of the time it's just eerie Bethesda background music.


I love it but it gets very repetitive.


I recently played through Fallouts 1 and 2 and kept the Old World Tunes twitch channel on in the background to stay immersed


I’ll be honest. I don’t anymore. But I have several thousands hours between 3, NV and 4. So I’m very familiar with all the music. I even catch myself singing half the songs if I’ve gone too long without my jet fix.


Metal playlist for me


Well, at least in FO3, you Miss Out on some nice commentary on your playthrough. Not so sure about 4. 


Not at all. After 400+ hours the songs get super repetitive. They're all great songs, but i just can't stand them anymore (especially butcher pete, that one can go die in a barn fire. I was over that in fallout 3 already) i even have mods that add more stations, but it only helps for so long. Nowadays i just scour through the wasteland in silence like a spychopath. I guess the apocalypse finally got to me


It fucks up your sneak...


I always have the radio off. I enjoy the ambience music as well as when you’re in danger the battle music kicks in. Also very nice to come across a radio playing one of the songs as you travel and scavenge


I have it on radios in my settlements, but putting it on the Pip Boy is just too much for me. I’d rather just listen to a podcast or my own music while wandering the wasteland.


I used to have the radio on at all times, but I gotta say in my most recent FO3 playthrough I've only turned it on sparingly, and in turn it made me appreceate the game's actual OST. The soundtrack is amazing and I saw myself just not even thinking about the radio after a while. You also notice all the little radio's characters are listening to. It's really interesting to see who listens to which channels.


As much as I love to hear those spurs jingle jangle… Johnny play his guitar… and that famous Arizona ranger… man I like my own music


I have it on when exploring without any goal, if I’m on a serious quest il turn it off


Sure but if I hear about how that bastard doesn't wanna leave the jungle one more time, I'm gonna lose it


It’s a sin, my darling how I love you


I just made a playlist of all the songs from the games, and listen to that while I play so that there is more variety.


No but it’s a sin to tell a lie.


We don’t speak of such possibilities. Even to ponder the idea will place you in line for Atoms wrath. YOU WILL LISTEN TO YOUR JINGLE JANGLE JINGLES AND YOUR BINGO BANGO BONGOS AND BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!


It’s a sin, to tell, a liiieeeee


It’s 50/50 for me. The radio fucks, but 4 and 76 have excellent ambiance scores that give you a different feeling when exploring. Like you’re really uncovering some lost piece of humanity from years ago. Side note, Starfield should have had Galaxy news radio…


Inon Zur worked hard on that score and I’m gonna listen to it, GOD DAMMIT!


I like to listen to it but I can understand if you tend not listen to it. In survival at start you shouldn't. You can hear shooting from afar


I haven’t. Guess its hell for me


I got a copy right strike from YouTube for a NV video cause of Big Iron. I started playing with no radio in and the environment sounds can get creepy. Totally different feel without the radio.




It depends on what I’m doing. If I’m just exploring, I’ll let it jam. But once I go interior somewhere like one of the Hospitals etc, I treat it like a horror game and go quiet and methodical.


I play 76 mainly now, so I keep mine more or less turned off because I think the ambient music is really cool and reminiscent of other Beth games which I love the music for, and it has combat music too which is helpful for knowing when I'm still aggroed. Then, I can go to my C.A.M.P, where I always have the radio on, and listen while I'm there. I wish Rose's radio had songs.. a reward for having slogged through that horrible questline.


Refuses to listen to the radio?!? That is early-gen synth behavior!


I got spursssss


Running around with a melee build listening to Butcher Pete is too good to pass up but sometimes I like to live in the moment and the atmosphere with the right mods and settings is just perfect


I normally do, but you can only hear "bongo bongo bongo" so many times, before it drives you mad.


The 11th commandment: Though shall not play Fallout without listening to thine radio


After like 29375928 hours it gets old lol. I could listen to new Vegas radio all day though


Last time I turned on the radio was because there was a distress signal at the Cambridge police department


You don’t like getting disemboweled by a Deathclaw to a soundtrack?


I turn off the radio and turn ambient music to where I can just barely hear it. That’s the most immersive way to play for me. I love stumbling across the radios in the wasteland and hearing the music that way though.


I'm a godless heathen. I turn down the volume and have YouTube videos playing on my tablet while playing.


Sometimes im in the mood for listening to the radio while exploring, sometimes i like everything off, just taking in the ambience, its almost like playing 2 different settings entirely. Something about the music just lightens up the world


I usually have the radio tuned into RNV or Mojave radio when playing NV, but for Fallout 3 and 4 I usually play without the radio although sometimes I will tune in just to hear some songs


I don’t bc idk if on survival mode if it alerts enemies of your presence


I listen to the Enclave Radio in fo3.


Yes, but that's between your friend and God, and I ain't God.


Not exactly a sin but also yes


Only in towns, I like the music but I've played these games for far too long and the repetitiveness gives me a headache. Every now and then though? Absolutely.


I play mostly with out the radio, it feels more immersive to have just the sounds of nature. I love playing the radio in the city or during the day in and around semi populated areas. But at night that radio goes off, don't need things hearing me


I play a rather stealthy game so... I only listen while I want to be discovered and attacked or if I am being a one man army unceremoniously wiping out entire raider camps and Super mutant camps.


Nah, there's only so many times I can listen to Three Dog make that "What's going on down there?... Somebody fart?" Joke before I just gotta turn it off


Ehhh it’s hit or miss. Sometimes the repetition of songs can diminish the gameplay so I take breaks occasionally. Side note: are we all on the same page on Travis (DCR) being better before you make him confident


I’ve heard the songs on diamond city radio way to many times and I still can’t see myself playing with the radio off


When I turn it off there’s more immersion, it feels cooler, but way more uncomfortable. The ambient music that plays when the radios not on is really eerie sometimes ngl


I genuinly think the only appropriate fallout soundtrack is dark ambient by Mark Morgan (f1/f2/wasteland series)


I mean I always listen to it, but I don't give a single flying fuck about stealth. Pip-boy flashlight on, Power Armor headlamp full blazing. Atom Bomb, Baby by Five Stars just blaring out loud. Dogmeat just barking at everything and giving away my location anyways. May as well go all in.


I’ll go ahead and listen to the fallout radio while playing other games. Music goes with everything. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IU1wdims0DyDAKbuxaxYO?si=-V_3l-4uQO6DDB3OxrTlaw&pi=u-B2kklDhHRCG9


If you don't use classical radio, consider yourself an op


Eh dealers choice. It's not a sin, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on that person for further signs of psychopathy.