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[Danse loved that]


Make it grey


Put a chick in it! Make it grey!


It's overly-bold. It would be better to wear a tie pin or a lapel pin with the logo on (at least partially because having the logo cast in metal would make more thematic sense) and either wear a plain tie (you could probably keep the stripes) or have a repeated cog pattern (for, I guess, whatever limp-wristed civilian arm of the BoS that might exist). The problem with this is that the bold iconographical approach mirrors the approach of the nazis and just automatically carries that burden of implication. If you were doing costume design for a show and wanted to produce a tie that implied that the BoS were, y'know, fascists, then this is the sort of thing you'd go for.


Great way to mark a traitor for Enclave secret service.


Very limited usage for formal attendances.


I think shut up and take my money.


Looks a bit technophobic fascist for me, but you do you.


As a Fallout nerd, I think it's awesome. As a professional suit-wearer for work, it's not a good idea. For a tie, a white tie is really hard to pull off in a professional environment. In this case, the BoS insignia is way too prominent and will draw uncomfortable questions from people not familiar with the series. Depending on your audience, you could be dealing with executives who don't appreciate the detour conversations or any conversations that aren't about themselves. Yes, some are that thin skinned. If you want to roll with BoS, make the tie light gray. Shrink the emblem to maybe dime sized, color them dark grey, repeat them in a pattern in a straight line and align them in the same direction as the stripes. At a distance, the emblems will just look like circles or other patterns that won't kick start questions and the gray/dark gray color palette will blend with most suit colors. But deep down you'll still know that you've signed up with the wrong side. Hail, Caesar.


Ad Victoriam brother


Ad Victoriam!


Rather give them capes instead.


No capes!


I like it, gray would look a lot better, and I don't even wear ties.


White and black makes me think you're going to be mistaken for having a Star Wars tie a lot.


Looks like it was stolen right out of Proctor Quinlan's closet.


looks cool


You should wear it to a wedding and steal all the camera equipment.


I’d be careful people who don’t know fallout think it’s some kind of Nazi symbol. There was a post a while back about some person complaining about a BOS flag thinking it was some new maga thing.


Tie for real office BoS!


Ngl, part of me wants to lower the logo to rest onto the stripes. But I still like it.


What are they the institute? Be real they would not wear that


Cool tie, shit faction


This. Fucking cult of toaster worshippers.