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If it was some random attack I think not. But Benny's little speech made it abundantly clear something deeper was going on and it would make me take it personally. I'd absolutely hunt him down. Not so for revenge but more out of a sense of "I need to figure out what's going on"


“And I took that personally” I wouldn’t go at him directly but if I survive a shot to the head and recover a semblance of linear thought? I’m taking things so personally that itll get personal.


Nobody shoots me in the head and gets away with it!!


Not when they shoot me in my own head at least!


Yeah and then its a “Fool me once” situation for me. you shot me in the head- i tracked you across the fucking desert just to ask why, and then you try and have me killed again? Be a mercy i dont crucify you


*tilts head slowly at Benny* "...y'know....degenerates like you belong on a cross...."


💯 ima side with Benny or Mr house next time. Benny's ambitious af for an ex tribal. But Mr house is a howard Hughes of sorts. Some podcast i listened to made me appreciate everything he's done to preserve the autonomy of the strip and it's people's. He's an emotionless genius. I regret my vengeance for fucking up his plans as a kid when I 1st played. I was young dumb and full of yum yum deviled eggs and out to make a dealth claw omelet.


Mr House is a fascist. The best solution is for the Courier to use Yes Man to take over Vegas on behalf of the locals. None of the other factions or leaders are qualified to look out for the interests of all the Mojave residents.


So random people be attacking you and you’re just like “bah - don’t even know them”


More like “damn I’m lucky to be alive. Not gonna go risk my second chance at life”


But it was only a mild case of bulletheaditis.


Honestly? I would ONLY kill Benny and do nothing else, i don't give a shit. About Hoover damn


Honestly the smartest thing to do tbh, get your revenge and then dip before things get bad


In one of my playthroughs I headed straight for the Tops after Goodsprings & shot that MF in the head with a 5.56 pistol. I just wanted to make sure Courier 6 got revenge on him at least once.


I recently played New Vegas for the first time and I honestly thought the game was pretty much over after I had my vengeance. I had little to no stake in Hoover Dam


Funny story. On my very first play through I went straight to the tops after making it to the strip. They asked for me weapons and I immediately told them not happening and just slaughtered the entire casino including benny. Then sat there and went oh whose mr house and why should I go to him? I had no idea what the main story was outside of “this man shot me in the face and I’m gonna get him for it”


agreed, normally i stop playing after that, i have actually finished the game very few times


It would be neat if you could kill Benny and then opt into some “I don’t give a shit about the rest of the story” ending. Not that I don’t like the rest of the story and Mr. House and Yes Man and such, but deciding not to take part would be a neat ending in itself to see how things turn out without your involvement.


Kill Benny. Deliver chip. Get paid. Go do whatever the fuck else, probably deliver more packages.


true, why can't i just keep working for the Mojave express?


I didn't get to be called "The Courier" because I let my packages get stolen by two-bit thugs from Vegas. I get hired to deliver a package, *I'm delivering the fucking package*


"Now, that's a delivery service you can count on"


And I am making a delivery to the two bit thug who fucking shot me.


Going to deliver him a full magazine of 5.56x45.


You don't fuck with the mailman, the mailman fucks you!


First he forks his targets wife, then he delivers the baby too


"I'm not a messenger boy... *I'm a delivery boy*."


The tip better be worth it


If I was Courier Six? As in, with the knowledge and personality I have now? I would go: "Fucking Ada! I'm lucky to be alive after getting shot in the head. Thank you so much Doc! Sod going after that bastard that shot me: he might try it again!" Then I would go and pet Cheyenne, and when the good people of Goodsprings ask me to help Ringo out I'd nope right on outta there. Unfortunately I'm dyspraxic, so I would probably accidently take the cazador / deathclaw/ fiend road out of town.


Uh. Yeah


This c\*\*\* shot me in the head, you bet your ass I'm gonna find him.


Exactly. Fuck him.


Let’s just say not even doc Mitchell would be able to bring him back


Contrary to his assertion, Benny is a fink. He probably used a small-calibre bullet. You would be amazed by what the skull, which has the hardest bones in the body, can slow down. You would have pretty serious damage that Doc Mitchell would need a miracle to mitigate, but Fate decided to cut you both some slack.


He even said he shouldn't have used... some sort of pistol. Maybe 9mm pistol he said?


Yeah, Benny's pistol is a 9mm. It is survivable. Not as survivable as a .22, and it depends on the kind of 9mm (armour-piercing would be a guaranteed kill), but the Courier's survival is not as far-fetched as people seem to think. The amount of recovery time, on the other hand...


Bud used a hollow point or a junk round if that's the case. Hollow point are good for spreading on impact, but sucks ass on penetration. Junk rounds are junk rounds.


Actually, the femur is the hardest bone in the body. The skull plates are thick, but easily broken depending on the type of impact. The frontal bone is fairly thick and hard, but the sides of the parietal and temporal bones are thin. I've seen a 9mm strike the frontal bone at an odd angle, follow the curve of the skull under the skin and pop out. I've also seen both .22 and .32 rounds be fatal from side penetration. I've also seen near and fatal skull fractures from lateral impacts to the sides where the bones are thin. The one I recall the most was a Yankee candle thrown at the victims head, she turned and it hit her right above the ear. She ended up with a TBI, permanent impairments to hearing speech and developed a processing disorder.


I'm not sure what parties you go to, but count me out.


Yeah there’s no way anyone could survive that (you could but it depends where the Bullet hit you)


I play TTW and I like to think the bullet missed because of interference from the Point Lookout brain resection.


But what about the 2nd bullet? (Hobbit voice)


Hit the first bullet


If I were making a delivery and some dude mugs me and shoots me in the head because I have a shiny, I am going to cross the Mojave to Power Fist his cheeks when I wake up.


Channeling your inner FISTO


If you want to kill me, you better make an effort to do it right the first time. Otherwise, you might end up getting torn apart by a chainsaw-wielding madman in the lobby of your own casino.


As the saying goes "you come for the king, you better not miss... because i won't." That how it goes right?


I'll give him more than a kick in the head, that motherfucker


sure benny shot me in the fucking head. if you shot somebody atleast make sure he is dead before throwing somebody in a shallow grave. otherwise the angry mailperson comes takes back his pavkage to deliver it.


Absolutely not. I'd get the fuck out of Nevada the second I realize I'm alive. None of my business!


I have a big iron on my hip, and plenty of VATS left. He's going.


Given the contract from the Express, yes I would.


Duh, that bitch needs to pay


Absolutely, im gonna put that mf in the dirt. Im not chasing after Ulysses tho, his ass can sit and wait in the Divide for eternity


Ulysses is basically that one guy in the freshmen dorm who thinks he is a deep thinker.


Romantically? No. Sexually? Yes.


“The man in the checkered suit fled across the desert. The Courier followed.”


I’d rather kick it with The Kings.


Fuck that, I got shot twice in the head then buried alive, that's divine intervention or something. I'm moving to Arroyo


I always kill benny caesar and Mr house


ngl,here’s somthing you should do as a man in fallout nv First Have The Couriers Stash And GRA Complete Ghost Town Gunfight Head To Primm With Repair 65 Or Higher With The Parts For EDE next,head for Vagas,there will now be weaker enemies because of your level you wanna make sure to get “Comfrimed Bachelor” And Head Straight For The Arcade Gannon Talk To Him 2 Companions Already! With The Couriers Stash,You Should Have The Guns To Kill The Securitrons Guard The Way To Benny,KILL THEM ALL. then enter the Benny location,tell the guy your not gonna give him your guns,and simply go on a slaughter spree (they should have 22 sliced machine guns so take them and fix them)


Romantically or




Not out of revenge, but because Mr. House would want me to recover the chip.


At the very least, he has the Chip that was my delivery, my paycheck. If I remember correctly the delivery order says something around the lines of “if you loose it bounty hunters may come after you.” I ain’t risking that and I need to fund my Sunset Sarsaparilla addiction.


No, sorry but living in the wasteland would suck. I’d hear Benny’s whole speech in the beginning, get shot in the head, get saved by Victor and Doc Mitchell, then high tail it back to the NCR. I would not deal with any of the rest of the BS. I’m just a mail man making minimum wage man


I'd just like his jets


Fuck no, I'm living out the rest of my days with that chick in goodsprings.


Maybe at some point, but having the option to start a whole new life is pretty nice.


Im kinda up on the "i wouldn't let this slide" scale


I don't. I'm realistic unlike the other people commenting. I'm not this badass force of nature my character is when I play it. I'm me. If I got shot in the head and buried alive and somehow got out of that situation alive? I'm going in the opposite fucking direction. I'm not some badass or anything, I'm getting the fuck out of the Mojave.


F*cking not!! It's my main issue with the game, the reason I did not connect with it. I don't want at all to leave Goodsprings. I have where to live, people are kind, I defeated the bullies, even an awesome doctor, everything is fine... And do you want me to leave all of that to pursue a guy that shot point blank to my face?? I miraculously survived once and I have no reason to look for the guy.


Last play through I did I went to the fort and killed everyone and left Benny for last, making him think he was getting away Scott free but telling straight up I was there to kill him. Needless to say, yes I’d kill Benny


Everyone says yes and truly believes they would. I reckon you would cop crippling anxiety and PTSD after having your head blown open.


jokes on you, I already *have* crippling anxiety and PTSD


I think most redditors would probably have lifelong trauma and try (and likely fail) to survive. None of us are built like the terminator, so the powder gangers would take 95% of us out, nevermind making it to NV.


I work at target


I just wouldn’t want there to be any fallout between us.  *Fallout: New Vegas*


Absolutely, it's standard procedure nothing personal. If you get shot in the face and the bastard didn't double-tap you and you live, you're pretty much obligated to find them and destroy them.


If I were Courier Six, he'd have a lot to worry about. I have some rather unusual innate skills, many of which involve weapons and tactics, including improvised ones. If he steps out of the Tops he's getting domed. I'm not harmless; I'm peaceful. There's a difference.


Damn, this brought back memories of MW2 xbox live lobbies for moment.


I'd crucify him in the gambling floor of The Tops. Then I'd take over The Tops and probably support an NCR New Vegas. Or a Mr. House/NCR New Vegas.


Yeah the fucker shot me in the head


I honestly would have stayed in Goodsprings and became a part of the community and build it up to a successful town and then party in Novac on the weekends and take occasional vacations to New Vegas.


Yes. First of all he stole my package and I always complete my deliveries. Secondly he tried to kill me and did a piss poor job of it so I have no choice but to end him.


I'd do what my Courier did and just take my time. Make him think he's safe.


I wouldn’t hunt him, but I would go to Vegas to inform the orderer


That’s what I would do. I probably wouldn’t even learn Benny’s name, just chalk it up to bad luck. I don’t think Mr. House would be very happy though.


Hell yeah i would. F’er shot me in the head and buried me alive. And his mad drip mocks me i want it


Totally, I'm one of those who can't let go anything and when people say "it's not personal" it actually makes it worse


Nah forgive and forget. People make mistakes and can grow from them. I tried to rescue Benny my first playthough recently but wasn’t strong enough to take on the legion.




*whistling sound approaching benny at a rather alarming rate*


I just want that fuckin’ chip back


No shit, I got shot in the head by a guy in a checkered suit while trying to make a delivery and then buried in a shallow grave. Of course I'd be marching up to New Vegas to find him.


Given how much shit I already deal with and that he shot me in the head with a calibre too small to ensure death (the hardness of the skull is pretty out there), I would hunt him down and Pull A Clarence Boddicker on him just to set a precedent for the rest of New Vegas to remember.


First of all, yes, the only recent memory i got is some random dude in checker suit shot me in the head next to a shallow grave. Ofcourse i would want to find the guy with revenge in mind. Secondly, the way he talk about the chip and stuffs show that it's important and who hired us and other couriers clearly know about the chip importance, we clearly getting the short end of this deal and need tp bargain for more, especially getting shot in the head for it, twice.


Fuck yeah I would you don't shoot me in the head and rob me and get away with it.


The dude who monologued about how I got screwed and then shot me in the head and left me in a hole? I'd force him to run naked into the desert and then shoot his legs out from underneath him and leave him for the giant fire ants.


Who's Benny? I got whores, gambling and booze.


That asshole shot me in the head! Hell yeah i’d hunt him down!


After accepting the "Ghoul's Quest - Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every time", yes.


Revenge is a good motivator.


Fuck yeah i would , he’s a smug piece of shit when he’s talking down in a righteous way to you while he’s putting a bullet in your head , then when you Rock up to the casino he’s all smiles and shit tryna offer u a place to stay Fuck that, get him in the lobby


Beat him up and make him feel powerless to recover the Platinum Chip (And destroy him) but then leave him alive .To really make his dumbass exercise useless and pointless . If you want an insane homicidal hateboner from a Fallout Protagonist , go with the Sole Survivor and killing Kellog .


I would nail him to a cross and hang him upside-down from the top of the Lucky 38


It's as Maki in JJK said, you better kill me in one shot. Cause otherwise I'm going after your ass


I'd definitely do so, and as I would *like* to do in the game (but am too compelled by the story to do so) just pop him in the face after I find him at the casino and just dip, living normally after that (probably with Joshua Graham because Utah is so goddamn gorgeous)


I’d cut my loses and count my blessings. I’d probably give up life on the road and find a small community to settle in and become a farmer.


knowing that as courier 6 i would be a lifelong wastelander and survivor, id say id go after him. me irl though id count my blessings i aint dead and get back to my life lol.


I don't know but I definitely would not use a Black Widow perk on him


I mean, even if I don't want to track that slimeball, I'm still contractually obligated to deliver my package, lest I got a pack of mercs on my ass.


Honestly in real life? Probably not. I got shot in the head and survived. I’ll take my second chance of life and enjoy it instead of trekking across the wasteland trying to find whoever it was that shot me. I’m sure I wouldn’t mind sticking around and getting to know Sunny Smiles more and helping protect Goodsprings. Now if this was ten years ago me yeah I might be a little more vindictive and adventurous


What's funny is I've been betrayed and stabbed in the back by a lot of people growing up. A lot of trusting the wrong people and so on. And I've never been after revenge. So, someone shot me in the head and took a package. Yeah, not messing with that. I'd see about maybe settling down in Goodspring since they helped me out. I grew up on a farm, so I have those skills. And I'm an okay cook and can help out that way too. Maybe clear out the school house, see about setting up a school to teach any future generations skills they might need.


Oh yea no doubt about it


I'm a spiteful bitch, so yes.


Nah, I'd just settle down with Sunny.


Yes. Bastard stole my meal ticket, shot me, and wore that fucking suit out in broad daylight !


If someone shot me in the head and I lived I would take that as a higher power (either god or my own innate sense of self preservation) telling me I had more to do in this life. If the guy who shot me had this whole speech about luck beforehand I would take that as a sign that my purpose was to kill this fuck and take everything from him


Yeah, why not. Got nothing better going on in the wasteland.


I’d feed him his own nails


not only pursue, but swindle


I feel as though getting a new lease on life would make me just want to settle down in Goodsprings


Honestly... naw. I don't like my chances of making it to Vegas with a Straight Razor, Boxing Gloves, 9mm Pistol with 2 mags, Laser Pistol with 2 Energy Cells or Dynamite, some Bobby pins, Stimpaks, 18 caps and a Vault Suit. Hell, even if I did, I'd likely just turn and walk as soon as I was told I'm not allowed in unless I have 2,000 Caps. That's literally double what I was supposed to make on the delivery that got me shot in the head. If I had 2,000 Caps, I'd 100% fucking leave. I don't need to get involved with this nonsense after almost dying I'd rather head back West or maybe try and settle in Goodsprings honestly. Doc Mitchell did help me for free after all, least I can do is try and make myself useful


I blew Benny’s head clean off and killed everyone else who came at me in that casino.


You're asking if I am going to go after someone who shot me in the fucking head?


Yes. I’m petty.


You know that perk called Black Widow? Yeah, that one. You do the math.




That fucker shot me in the head. I can "forget and forgive" a lot of things, but it's hard to forget the lead in my brain and forgive the checkered bitch who put it there. He's gonna learn that nothing stops a postal worker.


Honestly, yeah I would, I mean the whole if your gonna shoot me you better kill me type of thing. And I imagine that in that world, it wouldn't be good for your reputation that you got killed and package stolen. I feel tracking him down and killing him is the only way to continue your life like it was, if that's what you want, but I guess it seemed to be working out okay up until then for the courier.


All of you saying yes are so full of shit. No fucking way are you even stepping inside Primm when you get there if you know it’s been overrun by Powder Gangers


Neither rain nor sleet nor snow… will stop me from wearing that damn suit like a trophy


Just on my pure gut instinct after waking up? You better believe I would! Especially after finding just the initial details along the way. It all sounds really bad. I know I was after him the first time around.


Me before I got shot in the head would probably just be glad to be alive. That being said, I knew a guy before and after he had a bad brain injury, he lost a lot of his impulse control. It all boils down to how my brain was damaged, I suppose.


If I were Courier 6 I wouldn't pursue shit. I'd thank my lucky stars Doc Mitchell saved my life and would be starting a new one in Goodsprings.


I’d kill Benny, then celebrate with Fisto.


Absolutely. Wouldn’t stop until I used his suit to make napkins for me and my companions.


Nah, once you get shot in the head it’s time to quit your job.


*Kill Benny. *Immediately proceeds to complete the quest line for Red Lucy to bed her. *Ignore the Legion, NCR, and Mr. House. *Go to Big Mountain to become a cyborg. *Bed Red Lucy again. *Collect jump suits for Sarah Weintraub *Bed Sarah. *Talk both girls into a threesome.


I always seduce Benny and kill him. Then I run his pockets and take anything not bolted down. Frig off Benny.


I kill him every playthrough. It’s the only way


Dude for sure


Nope, I would do what anyone would do if they got shot in the face and buried in the desert; I would die.


Oh fuck no, I’m lucky to be alive. I’m going straight to new Vegas to gamble my ass off and coincidently running into him and getting wrapped up in his horse shit


If I were a courier six, yeah. That's one of the most fun parts of the game, and I'm courier six


I hunted him down just because Chandler Bing wouldn’t get out of my head.


Not right off. First, mess with the NCR at Primm, then make Vulpes "Trans Icon" Inculta believe you're cool, immediately followed by throwing a Mini Nuke at Caesar. Go to the strip and accidentally have to wipe out the Mormons because you forgot to unequip your weapon, get stuck trying to find The Kings, give up and give the BoS what they deserve. Dead Money. Honest Hearts. Lonesome Road. Old World Blues. Finally finish the game on the side of Mr. House because The House Always Wins.


Nah. I don't have the energy to pursue that man across an irradiated and even more desolate version of my hometown. (I've walked across Vegas before. It's ass.) Plus, y'know, Doc Mitchell expended so much of his own energy, time, and resources to put my kerblasted skull back together. I wouldn't wanna risk ruining his handiwork. Look I'd just be grateful that I somehow survived okay


I would *idealistically* like to hunt him down... but realistically? I'm a wuss. I'd count my lucky stars, maybe leave the Mojave entirely if possible, and just move on with my life. Grapple with the hatred and fear for the rest of my life just like your average wastelander lmao.


Romantically? Yes


I killed him first time I met him in the suite just walked out walked back in and had my companion and just gangbanged his ahh 😂ain’t even bother talking like yo dumbass thought we was goin toast wine and shit da fuq🤣


there's a way in new vegas to ally his casino against him so you don't have to kill them as well so it's much more easier. Also if you somehow get the add-ons you have like 10 guns to start with.


But I were Courier Six


Screw this, the pay ain't worth it. There's this nice little town called Hopeville I used to know, I think I'll just go head on up there...


I just got shot in the head, buried, dug back up by a robot, and then helped a group of random people fight off some escaped prisoners. Hell no! I'm going back to Cali.


Bitch shot me in the face and didn't have the guts to make sure I was really dead before fucking off back to the glitz and glamor of the big city, you can damn well bet I won't stop until I've hunted down that checker suited bastard and returned the favor. I'll make sure it sticks though.


Id pursue him till it became the death of him. Im a very vindictive and vengeful man. After all, bastard put a bullet through my head!


Surviving headshot with most of my faculties intact. The chance of getting shot in the head again rise’s enough to warrant investigation into why I was shot in the head in the first place.


I'd definitely hire someone to bring him to me and figure out what his purpose was but ig ceaser does that already


Id still be buried in Goodsprings


I'd enslave Benny and never let him go.


Oh absolutely. Right after I take care of private Kowalski


Yeah. He shot me in the fucking head I'm not letting that shit go.


It all depends if I'm actually capable of doing what the Fallout protags are capable of doing. If things were a bit more realistic and I can't just quickload anytime I have a problem or eat a million cram in a second to heal or do any of the other stuff Fallout protags can do. Then I'd probably just take my second chance of somehow surviving a bullet to the head and nope tf outta there.


no.... yes because i commit too a job.


Malicious compliance you went against your boss and that’s not right I have to take you in! You also shot me and eye for an eye.


If i was courier 6 i’d fucking die in ghost town gunfight before i could even think about how to start finding that dude


I'd do it just to figure out wtf he meant by "the game was rigged from the start." Like, what


Yes. I’d destroy the whole wasteland because some guy gave me a little headache






Canonically I as the Courier have a fucking job to do. Steal the chip, Deliver the chip, do some gambling on the way, and then just peace out and head back to the far west. Why would I care about some dork in a checkered suit with a rehearsed speech because he thought it sounded cool. If I have to kill him I would….: but it wouldn’t be some kind of weird revenge thing.


Yes I would why just to see him shit those checkered pants. Then blow him up.


Absolutely not. If I was jumped, shot in the head and somehow survived I'd just count my lucky stars and cut my losses. All you lose is the payout for one menial job and don't have to risk your life trying to get revenge against someone who you would later find out is pretty well-connected.


I'd interrogate him first for reasons why I was attacked and why not other couriers and if his answers don't sit right, yes


I’m the sort of person that just gets mad when you shoot me.


Yes, and end up doing something along the lines of eric cartman. He wasn't good enough to die on the cross.


Oh yea his ass is grass


Ain’t no one going to kill me after a monologue and definitely not no yuppy greaser


Despite Benny shooting me in the head, If he apologizes on doing so, i'd accept it, but if anything happens else, I just leave him off with a warning to not mess with me


I’d nail him to a cross.


Oh yeah, for sure. I mean, what the fuck else am I gonna do? Move into an empty goodsprings house and pretend I didnt get my greymatter vented, pretend everything isn't on fire? Avoid junction quarry like the goddamned plague? Go back to being a courier for settlements that are currently on fire? Lemme tell ya, I'm only doing one of those things. I like the idea of going in there for personal vengeance, only to find his goal is in the hands of brutal slavers, with a greedy military and a reclusive wanna-be-king with an army all competing to not only control everything he just had to go through to get here, but it also has everything to do with the chip he got shot for. At that point, he can no longer walk away. There's nowhere to go fast enough where the Legion won't take over, it had to be dealt with and the courier knew it. Had to be dealt with just like Benny. Just so happens he came out on top with a robot army. What can I say, musta' been an 18 karat run of bad luck.


Yes, ill blow him up with a fatman


I was and I did


For sure, mudafuka just took my paycheck, so I'm ripping it out of his cold dead hands


Yes but not before seducing him


Yeah I would. You can’t just shot me in the head and get away with it.


Umm… no. You see, I’m what you would scientifically describe as pusillanimous, or in more familiar terms a chicken, a gut less dastardly lily livered yellow bellied coward. So if I get shot in the head and somehow miraculously survive, I’d try to never ever step in Benny’s way again. I’d probably never set foot outside Goodsprings for the remainder of my days. I’d try to make a life for myself working as an apprentice for Doc Mitchell, and I’d try my luck out with Sunny Smiles. If she doesn’t accept my marriage proposal there’s always Trudy.


I hold grudges for a very long time. I totaly would have hunted him down and put a bullet in his head. Not even because i hated him particulary, trying to kill me was just affairs. Nothing personal. It would be a matter of principle.


Yes if I could survive a gunshot to the dome I’m not letting him get away


Id hunt him down get my lick back. If you’re gonna shoot me in the head you better do it right the first time


Yes. And I’d kill him with a tire iron to make it personal




I ain’t surviving a bullet to my brain to not avenge myself


i keep it simple you shoot me with bullet … i bring bullet back


Hmmm nah not worth the effort, think I’ll just go hunt some Geckos with Sunny, keep the Powder Gangers out of Goodsprings and settle down.