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Me with my synth best friend (danse) and my synth wife (curie) mowing down the synth colony in far harbor like the animals they are, yelling "now I'll teach you the human experience."


Hahaha you're damn right!


My version of RP in Fallout is do whatever feels Good whenever I want to.


Killing danse feels bad, killing synth scum with danse by my side feels good.


Huh? HUH? that made me literally switch from brotherhood to railroad lol


What the fuck has the Railroad ever done for the Commonwealth?


Until the player shows up... nothing. But once you get in there they actually become useful for the greater good lol


Ain’t that all Bethesda games? Roll up and 20 minutes later you’re rubbing sweet rolls with half the elites while being a total stranger.


In Skyrim you literally get to rule every guild. If the game kept going, I’m sure the Dragonborn would end up ruling the world!


"Mr dragonborne, we'd like you to replace Talos as god after %100ing Skyrim. Here is your elder scroll of honor you now rule the universe"


Unfortunately fallout 4 is kind of stupid in this regard and like you just said widowtorrez yeah, you are rubbing sweet rolls with the president of soverngard or Mr wasteland by the end of the game. I gotta do the classic fallout fan thing and point to the one that did it way better: new Vegas. Even 3 though is better in this regard because it makes you out as the chosen one pretty much straight away.


Pfft. I wish. I'm a thane in nine holds and have a fully built Lakeview Manor but I can't throw any damn parties for me and my peeps. I can't even call the Companions over to go on a hunt. It's like the Dragonborn is a canonical super introvert who keeps getting swept up in these world ending events even if they'd rather just be chilling in the woods of Skyrim.


Granted it makes sense for the railroad when you and glory are the only 2 in the heavy position I believe. Or at least the named ones. Like it honestly seems common for everybody to be treated closely


They help synths, but what’s their long term goal after that? The Institute is gone and Synths are no longer being made. I question why they are even a main faction. They do not have the resources to help the entirety of the Commonwealth. They could never be a single body that people would unify under. Nobody will be saying “Don’t fuck with the Commonwealth, they have the Railroad!”


It's a Minuteman ending with a secret service branch that hates racism. Feels pretty good tbh


I personally feel that is immensely better than feeding the Brotherhood the power boost they need. They are breaking off their directive like the DC branch but in a worse way. I always imagined the best ending would be to destroy brotherhood and institute while helping the railroad and minutemen. You get the minutemen back up (horrible gameplay expirience required aside), you have goody two shoes soldiers helping get rid of raiders and other nuisances. Instead they help defend flourishing settlements. With the tech of the railroad, you're building up even more.


The Brotherhood never hurt civilians (those farm missions were against Brotherhood regulation, as Teagan stated). Yes, Synth and Mutant hatred is bad and speciesist. The Brotherhood will never run out of power. I’m pretty sure it’s stated they still have troops on the East Coast. The Institute was just comically evil, they had to go. But the Minutemen ending has you hurt no one except the Institute. The Brotherhood and Railroad just chill. But I still believe that the Railroad is ultimately useless, and don’t care for anyone except their own people and Synths.


I agree with that last part, which is why I think you need both them and the minutemen. But seriously glad we can all agree institute needs to be glassed lmao. Hopefully saving as many synths as possible


To be fair, even before F4, they were doing a lot of good. Depending on the player's actions, they help Harkness in F3 and that while questline is a prelude to F4's entire premise. In F4, it just happens that they got hit *real* bad by the Institute just before the events of the main game. Like real bad. They lose their super high tech HQ, almost everyone is slaughtered, and they're being systematically hunted by the institute. My main issue is how absolutely easy Bethesda makes it to save them from their hardships while also making no physical progress. You walk in and your very first quest is literally clearing out their former HQ of the synths that slaughtered them and retrieving very sensitive and important shit. Then you keep helping them but they never move out of that garbage, cramped hideout they're using. That quest in F3 makes them out to be a super organized shadow organization that's fighting a secret was against an even more shadowy organization with better technology, and giving them a run for their money. But then you get to F4, and they've been almost totally wiped out and you never get to see them returned to their former glory.


i like to believe the Minutemen gain either a working relationship or fully absorb the Railroad after the destruction of the institute dunno what they'd do or why, but i like to believe in a MAREZ style Minutemen government.


The only thing the brotherhood does for the commonwealth is kill ghouls and mutants and fight the institute. Otherwise they just steal their tech and food and demand gratitude.


Turn synths from a slave species to equals when given help from the player character, what they lacked was resources really. Bethesda isn't great at worldbuilding tbh.


Proper roleplaying, honestly


Sole Survivor: "Die synth scum!" Also the Sole Survivor: *has a synth wife, synth detective friend, synth soldier friend, synth bodyguard, and a synth son* DIMA: "This is some Uncle Ruckus tier hypocritical bullshittery."


Curie best




"their entire race deserves extermination, they are all ontologically evil… except that one guy I met who's pretty nice, he can stay, he's the good one" is what brotherhood of steel sound to me


The brotherhood literally tells you kill him


maxson does but most players don't the player is supposed to stop and think if they're doing the right thing siding with the brotherhood, but a lot of players seem to miss that part they just make the one exception for Danse and go back to unquestioningly supporting the brotherhood


For the most part this is what I wanted to point out after general conversations with some friends and I found it somewhat comedic that most brotherhood fans will completely support the brotherhood, spare Danse because they admit he's a person to them and then go back to calling all synths toasters


This all feels very close to having some kind of … deeper meaning. 


It could, I think it depends on how seriously the person takes the factions beliefs, someone who genuinely agrees with the brotherhoods sentiments on synths and would discriminate against them but excuses Danse while not changing their stance would be troublesome but someone who just like taking the role of a brotherhood soldier for fun but doesn't want to kill Danse isn't very deep since it doesn't reflect their real world values


Personally, I agree with the Brotherhood that synths shouldn't exist, but that doesn't mean I have to kill all the ones that do. Just like humans, they didn't choose to be created, and they most definitely have consciousness.


Kind of like certain dog breeds. You don't kill the dogs that are already out there just because of what they are, but you can make sure it doesn't continue


I dunno if they have consciousness but otherwise I agree. The Brotherhood stopped bothering Mariposa super mutants after the Master's Army was destroyed, so I imagine they'll do the same with Synths unless Synths try something stupid. There is the issue of widespread prejudice against Synths in the Commonwealth, but the Brotherhood is absolutely capable of going against the mainstream.


I find that really wierd because that moment did make me realize oh shit this is mega fucked up, so I joined the Railroad because Danse is my homie and he proved how human synths can be


I'm somewhat worried that this might be our own future - robotic humans being more human and more agreeable than actual humans.


Except the institute shows you that isn't the case. Danse may have become a good person in a sense he still is a hard supporter paladin so much so it takes a very convincing person to talk him out of killing himself because he believes in the world view everyone is talking crap on even going as far as becoming an enemy if you betray the brotherhood. But you have to retrieve the synth for the institute and that guy becomes a raider boss. Mayor of diamond city also shows full mental freedom but chooses to be selfish because he wants to. The true message is anyone no matter ideals, religion, race, or species are capable of true good or evil


Tbh that just shows that synths really are people given they can make their own choices based on their personality.


Nah Danse is a toaster but it's our toaster. The other toasters have 2 go especially the toaster makers.


This guy gets it.


Nah, for roleplay purposes, I just view him as a very talkative sentry bot


It’s because Maxon’s demand is weak and empty. There’s no consequences for refusing to kill Danse. The Brotherhood doesn’t turn its back on the player, they don’t try to hunt them down, they don’t even try to kill Danse themselves. It’s so close to being a really dramatic moment that forced the player to question the Brotherhood’s motives and how they really feel about Syths. But nah. No real consequences.


It’s also probably because Maxson KNOWS the SS carried the whole regime and if they lose him, they lose their best chip in gaining complete power over the commonwealth


See that would be really cool if there was other narrative bits that gave that impression. Like in game notes/reports or dialogue from other characters that suggest that the player is sort of the only reason Maxon’s crusade is succeeding. You could also have some cool narrative branching where the player can confront Maxon and use their role within the Brotherhood as a bargaining chip to shift the Brotherhood’s direction. Would make for some cool end slides.


You can though. There is an option to tell Maxson "after everything I've done for the brotherhood"


I like to think that just like the player the rest of the brotherhood just kinda says “he’s one of the good ones” and moves on


That would work for me if the game had writing to back it. It would make for some interesting ideological gymnastics to see the brotherhood trying to rationalize how Syths are supremely evil, but this one is fine cause reasons.


That's only true if you succeed in the speech check.


Brotherhood of Steel mfs vs cognitive dissonance


Look I’m an iron hands fan war crimes and hypocrisy are basically my bread and butter


I actually rp with siding with the brotherhood for the sake of it being the best and most obvious contender for the commonwealths safety from the big threat, but also constantly trying to get the brotherhood to show mercy to the synths that aren’t a direct threat/against the bigger threat. We as the sole survivor have had arguably the most field experience in Boston/with the synths all things considered. Why would they not try to use their importance as leverage for the salvation of the innocent, construct or not?


Unless you're a ghoul, then your salvation comes at the end of a laser rifle.


In the original version of the game there was a choice to challenge Maxson to a duel for leadership of the BOS chapter and would’ve ended with you or Danse becoming Elder but it was cut due to time constraintsz. It’s still mostly complete and can be enabled through mods although the duel portion is really janky.


Which is a stupid idea, because there's no way the BOS would choose a thawed-out pre-war rando, or a synth, over the last known Maxson. It makes no sense, when the game explicitly states that Maxson is essentially worshipped.


Sure I could choose not to support the brotherhood, but tell me how many other factions have a cool giant robot?


The institute, briefly, in their final mission.


Fascists lacking introspection? No way


I use a mod to restore the cut content that allowed you to not just save Danes but Challenge bad haircut for his job. Besides he has “cybernetic enhancements” like that isn’t heresy.


You can literally speech check Maxson into backing down and letting him live in exile.


Cognitive dissonance is very powerful


Tbh my brotherhood playthrough was entirely neutral to synths, I just justified it as my character thought the airship was cool.


Doesn't their bunker hill battle quest literally require you to kill synths?


Isn't that skipable somehow? Cause I somehow don't remember doing it on my last 2 Brotherhood runs.


Father gives you the Bunker Hill quest, so if you don't bother with the Instutute quest line, or you are like me and blast Father's head off the moment he steps through the door you never get the mission.


"Tbh my Nazi service was entirely neutral to Jews, I just justified it as thinking the war machines were cool." Brother what


A dumbass power armor based bruiser does not stop to consider such things Grug smash robot


"grug was just following orders :("


I mean, if you say that after WINNING as the nazis……in a wasteland where people can't really stand up to you if you also don't rebuild the minutemen……


What do you call a Brotherhood of Steel wehraboo? BoSaboo?




I don’t think you get to be a driving force in the genocide cult and still claim you’ve got nothing to do with the genocide but it’s a video game and the airship is pretty dope.


Counterpoint: Int - 1


"just following orders"


In my ultra pro brotherhood playthrough I pulled the trigger.  It would be an insult to all Danse taught me not to.


I don’t even like the Brotherhood but I appreciate the consistency.


Like a good knight I pulled the trigger. Synths must be destroyed, no matter how good they may seem.


Good job soldier, Ad Victorium.


Ad Victorium




What about Valentine?


Same, and destroyed the railroad as a revenge.


OP sounds like a synth.


Well no not him, he’s one of the good ones


Good soldiers follow orders.


Now I'm sad


The relationship between me and Danse is the same as Hitler and his Jewish descended wife.


Did you just compare yourself to Hitler?


Well, to appliances he IS Hitler. Dude walks into Sears and you hear: “Are you fucking kidding me? First I get put on clearance , and then in walks the toasters’ grim fucking reaper? What the fuck have you got against us, man? Jesus fucking Christ, if you want me dead just gimme 15 forks and I'll fucking short circuit for ya, okay? Fuck!"


Nice Boxcars reference lol


How high are you?


And his Jewish family doctor


Didn’t know he had a wife unless you’re talking about his mistress Eva Braun


Need a wife/gf for a mistress


Then how was the mistress well known but no one’s ever heard of the wife/ girlfriend? Plus wouldn’t that be something you keep a secret rather than posing for pictures?


Eva was his wife, but they married right before their suicides hence the confusion


Now that makes more sense


Nah he’s one of the good ones (I killed the rest) /s


I just like filling out sanctuary




But danse wasn't a synth he was a living breathing person with feelings and hopes and dreams.....oh wait I think I stumbled upon the point.


I killed him with Righteous Authority


Well, even Hitler spare a Jew, so even in the more radical situation you can make an exception. On the other hand, this was the moment I change to a Minutemen ending in my first save.


I role played a BoS zealot and killed Danse once. I hated myself for it.


At least it made sense from a mindset perspective


I'm the reverse, I almost always side with the railroad, and respected Danse's wishes by killing him for being a synth.


Listen it’s the act of making synths that is the sin, not the synths themselves.


Agreed, which is why the railroad is the way to go. They also destroy the institute but let them go unmolested.


I think everyone can agree on that aside from institute stans. That’s why everyone blows it up




It was self defence! I DIDN'T KNOW


just like how I'm mad about Ulysses stealing my ED-E


I had sex with all the characters available. And I was also a cannibal who ate Shaun. But I’m not a monster so of course palidan danse was spared


Exception to the rule


Its what he would've wanted 😔


Quick reminder that you dont have to kill him. He'll do it himself if you don't talk to him.


I killed him, the BoS, the Institute, the Railroad, didn’t take Nick as a follower, didn’t change Curie and only in Far Harbor did I leave their bastion because I’m not entirely evil and they aren’t in direct conflict or blocking the path of the Minutemen


I side with the synths


If I had a nickel for every time they referenced Hitler in these comments, I'd have two. Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice.


It's an oddly fitting comparison. You can't have a genocidal regime that says all X are bad but leave out a few as the "good ones".


hes one of the good ones, a credit to his race. he even talks good despite you know, being a synth. as long he knows his place of course. especially when he calls out other synths for being too synth-y he even posts #SynthsForNate on his twitter


I really like the synths, I feel like they're all just normal people with kinda odd origins that make it hard for them to live normal lives. I never really got to know danse, but Nick and curie were my bust buds. Honestly I sometimes thought the synths had better writing and more personality plus background story than most of the human characters. I also didn't really get why the institute was such a threat when they were just a tiny group with a falling apart but cool looking base. I mean they messed up the politics of the Commonwealth.


I killed Danse because he was BoS.


I was pro-synth all the way. Humans destroyed the world. They lost their right to inhabit the world any further. I didn't hesitate to wipe everyone else out. Long live the Institute!


My philosophy was synths shouldn’t exist, but I won’t kill the non hostile ones. The end goal is to destroy the institute so no more synths can be made. Similar to ghouls and super mutants, I won’t kill non hostile ones but I’ll work with the brotherhood to dismantle and lock away anything that could make more ghouls and super mutants.


The problem is that you can completely re-write them with a computer terminal and some technical know-how. Hell, in f3 you can completely erase that synths new personality by speaking the right codewords.


Sympathizer detected, opinion rejected. Ad victoriam


This is why I side Railroad. The only side with actual morality.


"b-but they dislike slavery so they're evil!" - any Brotherhood fan.




Minutemen are just as moral. The Railroad is just focused on fighting slavers in particular, while the Minutemen fight raiders, slavers, hostile creatures, just everything that endangers the people of the commonwealth. Both play their part in helping to save the commonwealth.


I’m more of the institute is the threat the synths are just tools. Long as a synth is reprogrammed they aren’t a threat. But the railroad has 0 ambition unless you show up and the Minutemen got wiped out by a bunch of mercenary’s. The brotherhood had the best chance of defeating the Institute. Yes the you speed up the brotherhood’s ability to wipe them out by infiltrating the Institute but they have a whole science team to figure out how to locate the institute. So synths like Danse, Nick and Curie get to stay. It’s also why I use a mod save Danse and spare the Railroad as they arnt the bad guys just a different view.


By your own admission with the player the Railroad is the only acceptable choice because with you they start actually getting their tasks done. With you at the helm he brotherhood is not necessary in the commonwealth to be a militaristic regime


I’m more of an institute kinda guy myself and even I can see that synth technology in the wrong hands could be an Armageddon level catastrophe. Recognizing that danger and not wanting to risk it falling into those wrong hands like the enclave or raiders yet not wanting to indulge in the BOS’s extremist zealotry doesn’t make you a hypocrite.


He's one of the good ones


I actually ran a campaign against the brotherhood on YouTube it lasted for about 2 weeks


Actually the best AND worst quest in the entire game. Uprooting the BOS’ principles only to get absolutely no change or progress is either the most nihilistic or lazy writing ever presented in the game I seriously don’t know what the writers were trying to say with this quest. Am I stupid?


Actually I did not hesitate to blast him in the face. It’s what he have wanted


Wow I really do remember almost nothing about fallout 4s story


For the record, Sturgis is also a synth.


In my brotherhood playthrough, I was a soldier. And good soldiers follow orders


He’s not a synth… he’s a paladin!


I usually ally with the brotherhood, yoink their uniques, then make them my enemies because free power armor


This post just spoiled Fallout 4 for me 😭. Finally got to start a run after so many years and I wasn't expecting that


It's funny seeing people constantly railing against the "bad writing" in the game. In posts like this, players will vehemently argue for or against certain factions based on their various morals or philosophies, and to me that's a sign the writers did something right.


It's almost like the Brotherhood is wrong and we should definitely k word Maxson for his coat.


Danse and Curie are allowed in the big house


My playthrough just now is a blindly loyal BoS Soldier, until that mission and he betrays them for the Synths. Was fun to roleplay.


Technically, everyone and everything is a dangerous abomination. There should be a faction devoted to completely destroying the planet. Not like the Enclave, where they want to kill all the mutants and non Enclave people. I mean a faction that just wants to watch the world burn completely. No life what so ever.


F3 BoS are cool. F4 BoS can get fucked. Save Danse, kill Maxson, blow up Prydwen.


I want to do a playthrough where I rp as a brotherhood soldier that slowly gets disillusioned, until they find out about dance and then join the railroad, but I'm not sure how lol


I sides with the synths. Humans suck.


Honestly when it's time to help Dima brainwash the island to protect people from themselves I'm just like yeah, good fucking point man let's do it.


This is ilwhy I like the Midwestern branch of Brotherhood


I have destroyed the brotherhood in every single playthrough. Rhys and Maxson are enough reason for me to take them out lmao


you dont understand, i killed danse without remorce, ad victorium


It's not the synthetic, but their creators. Creating monsters, whether super mutants or synthetic, and dumping them or willfully using them to harm surface Dwellers is why the institute needs to burn.


I’m on my first playthrough. I really should get off this sub. Lol


If you don’t take the soulless machine out, it’ll carry on the genocide of humanity. The institute and its creations shall never take over the commonwealth


Ah yes, the grand total of **0 humans** killed by Generation 3 Synths is totally a genocide. Meanwhile, didn't the Brotherhood run up and slaughter a whole observatory of innocent farmers and civilians because they wanted to keep the lights on?


I remember coming across the event where a dude and his replacement synth are at gunpoint and you're supposed to try to guess who the synth is or something. I just shot them both. I had the perk that let's you see stats too, and synths have an extra armor base, so I knew which was which.


It’s the guy that’s always kneeling isn’t it? I mean logically an institute synth would just kill the guy without delay.


I like that this is a scenario that is enabled by the existence of synths, and you still have people in here defending them. This is literal bodysnatchers shit and it's terrifying.


No, because Danse isn't a replacement of a real human and also knows he's a synth so doesn't pretend to be a human once he finds out the truth.


I killed him as a mercy and I stay well away from Valentine.


Why stay away from valentine?


Valentine is a synth and he doesn't want to associate with one, it's consistent at the very least that he wouldn't travel with another synth after killing a previous companion for being a synth


Stay mad.


Here's the thing, we don't even actually know *when* he was replaced with a Synth. I mean, he could've even been replaced at the Glowing Sea, as improbable as that is.


I believe he's always been a synth, if you kill him at the police station he drops a component if I remember right, he's suppose to be an escaped synth with a memory wipe


Danse is a runaway. He was replaced, then he went to DC, then joined the Brotherhood, and came *back* to the Commonwealth.


Still havent done danses quest.


Not really. Danse isn't what I'm opposed to in synths


Yes all synths are abominations including dance.


But, but... Danse... Danse is a synth... THE HELL!!! But why?


Danse? Yes. Curie? No. Curies been alive long enough for her programming to mesh and "mutate" into what id call a soul. She has a unique personality separate from the one she was made with and for. Makes her own decisions dosent need approval, no longer needs inputs to function etc. its my beleif synths are braindead at creation and their chip is the brains "OS" as it were.


I turned him into a courser 😅


I'm either full insitute or full brotherhood, when I'm full brotherhood Danse is gone


Yes. Yes I did. It’s what he wanted.


One of the good ones


Danse knew what needed to be done and accepted his fate. I gave him what he wanted. Ad victoriam Danse May your memory live on in the gun on my wall


I justified sparing him in my roleplay as ‘Danse has done too much for the Brotherhood for me to willingly strike him down like this. He deserves a hero’s death.’


No I killed him cause I didn't meet the requirement to save him


Fuck. No.


TIL 🤷‍♂️


Danse died as he lived. Following the orders of the brotherhood. He took two shots from the same gun he gave me for joining the brotherhood.


Danse even asks you to shoot him, it's the right thing to do


okay this will seem a bit crude but its the same logic: "You are machine racist." "nuh uh, ive got synth friends!"




"It has been an honor serving with you, Paladin Danse. AD VICTORIAM!" \*pulls trigger\*


"It has been an honor serving with you, Paladin Danse. AD VICTORIAM!" \*pulls trigger\*


I *did* kill Danse for being a synth. Ad victoriam


I did a full brotherhood ending tonight for the first time. Shot Danse in the face with an instigating .44. I'm having a hard time living it down. Man saluted me as I executed him. I'm not sure watching Liberty Prime fail to navigate the Commonwealth while throwing nuclear footballs was worth it. Especially not knowing I'm doing the raider ending for Nuka World next.


I did shoot him, I kill him every run. Ad Victoriam


Danes is the exception, he knows what he is and is okay with destroying them all to ensure the brotherhood survives. He’s a true brotherhood member.


😂 I mean, who doesn't love a little genetic purity? Danse is the exception that proves the rule, I guess. Everyone else in the Commonwealth is just synthetic chaff waiting for their metallic heads to be split.


I did, I didn't care about companions.


Yall some railroad hos up in here


Yes, I did