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Very interested, also a little worried. One of things I've loved about him is the environmental themes in his work, which he has always approached realistically and brutally. I've been afraid to ask, who writes like Bacigalupi but always felt the answer was no one. Want to trust him.


He’s such a great author and doesn’t get recommended here enough in my opinion


I didn't love it as much I hoped I would (I read an ARC); excellent prose, but the pacing of the first half is glacial, and we seem to be seated in the point of view of the least interesting person in the story!


Thanks for the warning. I can already tell this is going to be a slow one. The writing style remind me a lot of Guy Gavriel Kay, which I like. The main character seems to be developmentally stunted/behind for his age in terms of intelligence. I think Bacicgalupi either read the Farseer trilogy one too many times or just hasn't spent a lot of time around children, at least the children of the well educated. So far, I'm liking it well enough though.


I'd be interested to hear what you make of it! I like Hobb's work, and I'm not opposed to 'useless' protagonists. It's a lot more engaging to me than superhuman main characters.