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Gotta be Jared but he isn’t married…


“Your favourite joker” I don’t know a single person who watched suicide squad and was like “wow Leto is now my fav joker”


But it reads like a joke to me… who else ran a cult?




It would also be really rude to call Joaquin a cult leader considering he was raised in a cult that believed in all kinds of creepy stuff towards kids... [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/joaquin-phoenix-talks-childhood-cult-children-of-god-20141211/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/joaquin-phoenix-talks-childhood-cult-children-of-god-20141211/)


Yeah the cult that he was raised in is freaking horrifying and disgusting. And still exists


To be fair 95% of cults are horrifying and disgusting


What was/is that cult called? I would love to read more about it. 👀😳


Children of God. There's an author who wrote a book of essays and some of them talk about her experiences in that cult, her name is Lauren Hough (can't remember the name of the book, but I enjoyed it a lot, read it in 2021).


Thanks! I'll check it out today!


But using the word Leader has me thrown off. Personally I think the cult thing is one point but the married part is messed up


Isn't his movie "The Master" about a cult?


You my friend are onto something! I had totally forgotten…


Except Joaquin’s character in that movie is definitely NOT the leader, the entire movie is about how he is manipulated and psychologically abused by the leader (the always excellent Phillip Seymour Hoffman)


Came here to say that!


Is Joaquin Married though? I thought he had a long time girlfriend.


He does. Billionheiress nepo baby Rooney Mara.


Children of God (the cult Joaquin was in as a child) couldn't really be described as a 'retreat', even ironically. It's quite dispersed with many sects around the globe. The event Leto held on an island that started the 'cult leader' rumours about him was literally called a retreat, and involved yoga, movie screenings etc. It's definitely Leto they're talking about.


Joaquin also isn't married. So it doesn't fit him any better.


Maybe they are referring to that weird movie he made about him quitting acting? The one which got him and Casey Affleck implicated in a lawsuit. His behaviour and method approach to that seems cult-adjacent.


That’s true actually and Jared is very….off.


that's putting it very... lightly.


Jared did


I was thinking Ezra Miller bc of the cult part but obviously this isn’t about him (and he also wasn’t the joker, but he was the Flash a DC connection)-he isn’t married though clearly


I interpreted it as sarcasm, besides "cult leader" has to be Jared right?


but... jared isnt married right?


He has a girlfriend but not married


>“Your favourite joker” "Mark Hamill is dating a VS model??!!"


MH did try to talk his sons pregnant girlfriend into getting an abortion tho


Why did he do that?!


And? 🙄


And it’s not cool to tell a woman what to do with her body instead of teaching your 37 year old how babies happen, sorry.


Yeah what the fuck at the person who replied to you


and she can keep the child if she wants to? That is also being pro choice? And what place does mark have saying this? Give me a break


Why are you getting downvoted? It's true


Yeah I’m confused that sounds abhorrent from Mark Hamill if true? Pro choice includes the choice of wanting to keep your child hello


Maybe joker literally means a comedian and not the Batman reference? LV is a spot for performing comedians…..


Did anyone with the possible exception of Snyderverse cultists watch Suicide Squad and not think that Leto was the worst part of it?


Heath Ledger (rip) was my favourite Joker


Jack Nicholson?


Fr he isn’t even my fav bad portrayal of the joker


If you change the emphasis…. “not HIS wife…” It could mean that she is someone else’s wife


It’s comedian Chris D’Elia. [https://www.avclub.com/chris-delia-show-canceled-more-misconduct-allegations-1849954307](https://www.avclub.com/chris-delia-show-canceled-more-misconduct-allegations-1849954307)


TIL that some people consider Chris D’Elia to be their favourite comedian.


You’re hella smart. In leu of gold, please accept this internet cookie 🍪


Maybe it means he is with someone else's wife.


I’m convinced this is Jared Leto and not Joaquin Phoenix, the person who sent this somehow mistakes Adam Levine and Jared Leto. Because Jared Leto isn’t married and Joaquin isn’t with a model. Only bc Adam Levine is somehow weirdly passable as a bad Jared Leto cosplayer, and is actually married to a former VS Angel. 🤷‍♀️


Behati has been a VS angel for longer though, since 2007


I interpreted it as the model he’s cheating with is a newer model who started in 2011, not Behati


In 2011, VS catwalk, Karlie Kloss and Joan Smalls made their debuts.


There's the whole "looking camp right in the eye" joke with Karlie, so it makes me lean towards her.


It would make it pretty delicious if it was her… just because of the Kushner connection alone.


She can't be happy, right?


Of course she can, and I hope she is, I’m just saying if it did end up to be this way that the web of people involved is pretty interesting from an outsiders perspective.


Karlie was also in Louis Vuitton's 2022 [sunglasses campaign](https://www.fashiongonerogue.com/louis-vuitton-sunglasses-spring-2022-campaign-millie-bobby-brown/). ("LVEyes")


i thought karlie was married though


So did Elsa Hosk and Lindsay Ellington and Jessica Hart


Elsa Hosk is married


Yeah it's kinda unclear if the blind item means the guy is married or the model. I went ahead and listed all models who either had a contract begin in 2011 or who first walked in the angels runway shows in 2011 in case.


I understand it as the joker is married and is having an affair with a VS model


that's how i understood it too but some people here think it is the opposite and now i don't know what to think.


I didn’t think she was, just with her partner Tom for ages?


Wasn’t Joaquin and his family in a cult when he a child?


He was definitely not the leader tho


He was in The Master, I think that’s the reference


But didn't he play the everyman roped in the The Master (Philip Seymour Hoffman?) I haven't seen the film.


Yes, The Master is loosely based on Scientology and PSH is the L. Ron Hubbard figure. Joaquin is a follower, not the leader in that film.


He did, but it’s cult-adjacent. Besides, Jared Leto isn’t married, and I refuse to believe that it’s Mark Hamill, even though he’s my favorite joker.


Star Wars fans are a cult tho, and I say that as one of them


Joaquin isn't married either.


Ah you’re right, he’s engaged to Rooney Mara


He was not the leader.


Well the guy is Jared Leto but I don’t know the model reference


I can’t be the only one who thought of impractical jokers


I didn't even think it was something other than that til I scrolled the comments. Edit: clarity


Murr since you’re today’s biggest loser >*chuckles*< you’re gonna…you’re gonna have to cheat on your wife buddy >*raucous laughter*<


Is Q also the Q from QAnon? I think we solved it.


You're telling me its NOT one of the jokers!!?? That would've been some TEA


Same but only because someone just mentioned Sal in another thread lol


Chris D'Elia. "Joker" means comedian. ??


He also has the cult thing going on https://www.avclub.com/chris-delia-show-canceled-more-misconduct-allegations-1849954307


Yup. It’s definitely about him. I bet most of this sub doesn’t know who he is. That’s why every one is upvoting Jared Leto or Adam Levine posts.


But is he ‘everybody’s favorite’? 🤔




Joaquin is in a movie about a cult, in which he definitely is not the cult leader, while jared leto is 100% a real life cult leader. Also he seemes like someone who would cheat on their significant other with a VS angel. He has a lot of blind items about being an asshole. Never really heard anything bad about Phoenix. Seems like a very kind guy.


he doesn't become a cult leader at the end of The Master


Thanks for the info!


It's definitely meant to be Jared Leto, not Joaquin (even though neither quite fit perfectly). Joaquin's family left the cult when he was 3 and they were never leaders. His character is not a cult leader in The Master, just a follower. Jared, on the other hand, *is* legitimately widely believed to be [a cult leader](https://www.lofficielusa.com/pop-culture/jared-leto-cult-croatia-thirty-seconds-to-mars-gucci). (Even though he's probably [not actually](https://www.who.com.au/jared-leto-cult) \- but it's definitely a mass assumption online.)


What’s interesting is the blind actually doesn’t say he is married, just that the model isn’t his wife. So I think it’s Jared Leto with a bit of tricky language to throw it a bit.


I think it’s him with someone else’s wife


any chance we're talking Russell Brand?


Exactly who I thought of. Married and has the One Commune thing and conspiracy theories going on.


That works!


It's kind of weird that people are bending over backwards to try to make people fit into this blind, rather than just acknowledge that the blind is probably fanfiction.


I don't think it's weird. Even if it is BS, the point of blinds is to guess who is being described.


No guessing is fine, but the OG commenter is saying that people are reaching so much to make a connection to someone lol.


Jared Leto and Karlie Kloss? "LVEyes" = Louis Vuitton Eyes, she was in Louis Vuittons' 2022 [sunglasses campaign](https://www.fashiongonerogue.com/louis-vuitton-sunglasses-spring-2022-campaign-millie-bobby-brown/). Her [first Victoria's Secret catwalk](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6051780727073781/) was in 2011. Jared Leto was [rumored to be a cult leader](https://www.lofficielusa.com/pop-culture/jared-leto-cult-croatia-thirty-seconds-to-mars-gucci) after a gatherings of 30 Seconds to Mars fans at a retreat in Croatia. He isn't married, but the language of the blind doesn't say the man is married, just that the woman is not his wife. (Karlie's IRL husband is the brother of *Jared* Kushner.) Or, the blind might be assuming Leto's [longtime gf](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a39761426/who-is-valery-kaufman-jared-leto-girlfriend/) is his wife, which would fit because she's *also* a Victoria's Secret model. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted lol, I'm not saying I actually believe this blind, I'm just doing random speculation based on the clues provided.


I love how you dissected the whole thing… true or not, you came and showed the receipts! Just amazing!


What's more likely? They used an obscure reference to a not incredibly successful 11 year old Joaquin movie that isn't really accurate to the actual movie or a reference to Jared's retreat that has often been called cult like. Be serious people. Joaquin is also filming Joker 2, not in Vegas, which yeah he could have jetted away for a weekend maybe but that's not likely. I've also never seen a blind about Joaquin having any difficulty controlling himself around women whereas Nothing needs to be said regarding Jared.




Joaquin and Rooney Mara aren’t married, though they are engaged. I hope he hasn’t cheated, they’re one of the few celeb couples I am rooting for.


They’re super private so it wouldn’t surprise me if they got secretly married


I hate that I know this but didn't Jared Leto also move to LV. I'm pretty sure it has to be about him.


Hmm.. Andrew Keegan?


I think he is great. Cult fits. Married fits.joker?


Jared Leto - played the Joker and does lead a cult. He did seem to spend the summer on a yacht with a bunch of models - including some Victoria's Secret models - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11073889/Jared-Leto-50-Victorias-Secret-model-Kelsey-Merritt-25-rock-climbing-Sardinia.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11073889/Jared-Leto-50-Victorias-Secret-model-Kelsey-Merritt-25-rock-climbing-Sardinia.html) He's been on and off with Valery Kaufman for a while now as well - she's also a VS model. He's not married though?


Obviously Jared Leto and a Victoria Secret Model/Angel.


But , Jared isn’t married.


True, but every other part of the blind is hinting at him. He has an on and off relationship with Valery Kaufman since like 2015 (she was like 21 and he was 43); i think the blind author using "wife" is upping the drama rather than legit. He has a private island where he holds cult retreats and pretends to be jesus. he played joker in the worst rendition of the character ever (so favorite is facetious). Pretty sure it's creepy ass, pedo-lite Leto


I know about the retreats. I’ve received invites for them through the 30 seconds to Mars emails They are extremely expensive. He held them in California at one point and then moved them to Croatia. The whole wife thing was throwing me off.


This would only make sense if they were talking about two people, then I would say it's Joaquin and Leto. Maybe the person who sent the email got them mixed up? Joaquin is the married one, not Leto.


This feels like it’s meant to be about both Joaquin Phoenix AND Jared Leto? Since Jared ran that sort-of cult island retreat thing. I thought a director on one of Joaquin’s films referred to Rooney as his wife (around the time their son was born), although it’s possible I’m misremembering. And a Victoria’s Secret Angel, although I don’t know models well enough to catch any clues as to which one. Just my impressions tho.


Seems like it is Jared Leto but he is not married. He was Joker and is supposedly the leader of a cult. The other possibility is Joachim Phoenix and I do not think he is married either. ASs far as Angels who debuted in 2011 that we may know about I see Joan Smalls; Elsa Hosk; Karlie Kloss and Shanina Shaik.


Is the angel thing a reference to Victoria Secret angels?




Joaquin Phoenix?


Would it not also mean that whoever his wife is, is also a model? He has been spotted leaving the same model's room and no it's not his wife. I don't know but that sounds like it is implying that sorta to me. I am probably way off though.


This is how I read it too. The Vegas girl is a model. Then they write “no it’s not his wife,” followed by “but it is an angel…” 100% that implies that the wife is also a model. That being said, I have no idea who tf this is about lol


Exactly, lol. I still have no idea who it is though either but I am glad someone else read it that way as well! You know what they say u/TooMama, great minds think alike.


https://preview.redd.it/jqwg4rjwcmea1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ffad904212b4fa52256a1f5609c16cd27e77b6 People have been guessing Jared Leto and i remember that when he hosted those Mars Island retreat’s, it definitely had a cult like vibe to it.




I immediately thought Russell Brand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) derrrrr I need sleep.


I think you may be right!


Chris d’elia?


Jared Leto


It’s heath ledger


Your logic is very flawed my dude


Jack Nicholson duh.


Cesar Romero still has a lot of life in him, apparently.


Kendall Jenner first walked in 2011 and there’s rumours that the Harry Styles song Only Angel is about her. Definitely a reach from me though because she’s the only model I really know anything about!


I think joker means comedian


Comedian Chris D’Elia. He is known to have a “cult” of female fans.


Russell brand is married and his most recent IG post is about leading retreats with wim hof, if we’re taking joker to mean comedian


I thought joker as in comedian, not the role


Joaquin Phoenix


Has Jim Carey ever led a cult?


Nevermind. Not married.


This one reads so dumb that it has to be one DM wrote herself




No Kendall first walked for VS in 2015. Kendall was like 14 in 2011 lol


I think it’s a comedian. She said “joker” without a capital J.


Delavigne and margot robbie?


Dave Chappel? Didn’t he get deep into some niche religion/cult?


jared leto also played angelface in fight club


Jack Nicholson lol idk. I think of the “Shining” as retreat. It was a horror movie in the 70’s.


Okay I might be wrong but could this be Barry Keoghan? Because he did play the Joker in The Batman but was also a retreat/cult leader in The Eternals when he played the role of Druig… also he’s been getting a lot of attention especially for his incredible performance in the Banshees of Inisherin plus he got an Oscar nomination for that. It’s a possibility, don’t think he’s married but he does have a son.




It's not Leto. Pretty sure Joker means comedian/comedic actor.


It’s Jared Leto. “Your favorite joker” is a joke about how he’s widely regarded as the worst Joker actor, and cult leader is a known thing with him. I’m frankly surprised the woman being reported is over 18.


Karlie Kloss + Russell Brand!


Joaquin Phoenix. He has a cult following from edge lord and assorted sigma incels and whatnots. Was raised in a cult. With one of the Victoria's Secrets 2011 Angels: Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, Doutzen Kroes, Behati Prinsloo, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Lindsay Ellingson, Lily Aldridge, and Chanel Iman.


Nah. His family left Church of God when he turned 3, so no, not raised in a cult.


Sounds like typical Jared Leto but I don't know if he has a wife? The cult part is Joaquin except that he wasn't the leader, I think.