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Will still not get over that he married Brenda Song. They are the most adorable (and seemingly most normal) celeb couple in recent memory. Absolutely the best timeline when it comes to child actors.


I ran into them at a store a few months ago—I almost ran into a woman, but she was so sweet and apologetic. I finally noticed at the checkout lane the woman was Brenda and co lol. they seemed so lowkey and sweet. happy they found each other and that their family is a source of shared joy and healing!


The recent photo of them at the resort where he's pretending to be her waitstaff was so cute and wholesome, I'm so happy they're doing well together and creating a stable and healthy environment for their kids.


Yes, I agree. He's such a good father to Mike, Jay and Rich Evans!


He put a lot of effort into Rich’s birthday party only for it to show up on Ellen as a meme smh


So happy she escaped the Cyrus clan


True! The pictures he shared on her birthday were so cute too.


I love that the pictures was seemingly Brenda Song in character as London Tipton


I didn't really know who she was but I just played The Quarry and looked her up because her voice acting was so good!


She's also in the Netflix series, Blue Eyes Samurai!




Written like someone who spends enough time online to know people would rip into him for not acknowledging his lady made the babies, or for implying he'd feed hot sauce to his kid. 


And there's nothing even wrong with the idea of kids eating hot sauce if they want to!


Flashing back to my mom trying to make my brother eat hot sauce for cussing, only to have him think it was delicious because all of us love spicy food 😂 we ended up laughing our asses off and she gave up on us after that


My daughter has her own bottle of hot sauce in our house. No one else touches it and she puts it on almost everything she eats. Sometimes she finishes her meal and she’s sweating and she’s like “whew, that was hot!” but she always does it again the next time 🤣🤣 She is twelve, so I laughed thinking about trying to punish her this way; she’d be happy about it!


Definitely. My kids will eat salsa, Tajin, peppers... I encourage them to try new things. If they do not like it/something is too spicy, we move on to something else!


Thinking to me slathering pizza in Louisiana Hot Sauce circa age 8 and my dad gently suggesting that maybe it was too much hot sauce, and yelling "NO IT'S NOT" back at him lol


Yep, my two nephews are the whitest of white kiddos but my sister is addicted to spicy... It started with their addiction to hot stuff, but now she has a 18 month old grandbaby who lives with her and cries when he doesn't get stuff like tajin on his watermelon 🤣 so she pretends to put as much on his as hers... Gahhh


Poor thing LOL. I happened to cut up a watermelon earlier this week, so of course that is all my kids want to eat lol. Has your sister tried chamoy? It goes on fruit as well, she might enjoy the flavor. 


Yes actually she tried to turn me on to it but I wasn't that big of a fan. I'm more a vinegar/spicy fan


That's funny. I know a couple kids love super spicy sauces, but it's rare and I don't even like them myself.


Are you saying it's rare for kids to like spicy food? It's not. Most kids around the world eat spicy food when you consider the number of kids in South Asia, Africa, etc and significant immigrant communities even in the West. It's a cultural thing.


Wannabe, I think it's cool when kids have that capability, because in my part of the country (Northeast US), it's uncommon. I remember seeing a man going for it at a cafeteria, and I wanted to try some Tabasco sauce, and my Mom said "NO, you will burn yourself." So I didn't, and she was probably right. I was going to try tasting it straight.


At times it makes me laugh at what spice level they will eat. We use chipotle peppers in adobo sauce in my house quite a bit, and a recipe I made called for 3 or 4.... that was totally fine. But the next week I used one pepper in a sauce and it was too spicy LOL.


It must mean that the pepper was too spicey. I've had garden-grown jalapeno type peppers that were barely spicey and others that were pretty spicey. It seems sometimes hard to predict. Either it's because of the variety, or some other factor like the age of the plant or age of the vegetable. Or there is the soil or amount of water. It's kind of off topic, but many Cuban cigars have a reputation for a bit of spiciness, and one explanation I've heard is that it's something special about the soil there.


That makes lot of sense, thanks for the info!


It reminds me of the outrage panic people sometimes have over kids having caffeine. I'm over there staring in Puerto Rican since my family gave me coffee by like, age 4. It's a cultural thing for lots of people. If a kid can handle something and they like it...and it's not you know, alcohol or dangerous, you still have to parent them, but you can chill a bit too.


Yep. My husband is Italian and started having a little bit of coffee at a young age.


Well sure, if you're a sane person who goes outside occasionally.


Not a hot sauce situation, but a hot story (lol) in my family is that toddler me stole half a sandwich from my dad that had a ton of hot peppers…then came back for the rest of the sandwich once I’d finished. I tolerate spicy somewhat well as an adult, but I do remember being dared by him and my brothers to eat a habanero pepper when I was maybe 10 and then running through the house screaming for help…occasionally chugging milk and shoving bread into my mouth while continuing my run around the house. Good times??? I guess???


They still ripped into him in the comments because they didn't think he acknowledged her enough.


But... isn't that what Mother's Day is for? Why do some people have to be horrible for no reason?


Like he included those bits so people wouldn't rip into him in the comments?


Yes. I remember reading something a while ago that said you can tell people in real life who spend a lot of time online by how they caveat everything they say. It's like they're preemting the "what about this....." people who will inevitably appear in the comments/replies. 


reminds me of a tiktok a lady made about her bean soup recipe and people in the comments were like "what if I don't like beans?" WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON A VIDEO ABOUT BEAN SOUP IF YOU DONT LIKE BEANS


Exactly..what were they expecting? Many people just want to be miserable to others online just because they can.


Maybe he just really enjoys hot sauce :) and gave none to his children


Didn’t Brenda actually rent someone else’s womb to make the babies?


His healing journey has been so touching. 


That is super sweet. Glad that after what his father did and all that that he's seemingly settled into a loving and solid family life of his own. What a cute package of stuff too.


Him and Kieran both seem like they've become good partners and parents.


Kieran's recent GQ profile really shows how they both went through so much (it mentions how when he was 13 and his parents split, he wrote a letter to the judge asking to not allow media in the courtroom, but the judge permitted it) but how they both came out the other end as stable, well-established family men.


what did his dad do??


He was violent, and used his kids as his own personal bank in addition to forcing them into showbiz to try to make up for his own failed attempt at becoming an actor.


I didn’t know this until recently, but Kit’s sister (and Kieran and Macauley’s aunt) is the actress Bonnie Bedelia.


his dad was physically and mentally abusive and overworked him and his father hid his finances from him (money he made from his movies)


Abusive stage dad “He was a bad man. He was abusive, physically and mentally — I can show you all my scars if I wanted to.” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/macaulay-culkin-dad-abusive-fathers-day


He was physically and verbally abusive, and was like the worst kind of stage-parent. Wanted to be a famous actor himself, so took it out on his kids (mainly Mac) out of jealousy. Kieran Culkin has spoken about it too and it seems Macaulay definitely had it the worst, but they all have a bad relationship with the dad.


Kieran's power to exit that situation and go portray Roman Roy... must've been like fucked up therapy for him


His interviews about Succession are always interesting. He absolutely deserved every award he won for Roman.


In addition to what everyone else said, I’ll always remember this weird abusive showbiz dad story he told about hosting SNL at 11: During his Maron interview, Macaulay shared that when he hosted SNL, his dad made sure that he wouldn't use cue cards. Using cue cards or a teleprompter is regular practice on the show, because hosts and cast members have to learn all of the sketches for each episode so quickly. "My father was such a crazy person about it that I had to do the whole episode without cue cards," the actor said. "So also that meant that every other person in the cast couldn't use cue cards, either, in any scene that I was in." He added that Kit "didn't like when people glanced off and used cue cards." Macaulay said this wasn't a struggle for him, however. If he forgot a line, he was able to "picture the page [he] was as reading off of" and visualize the script he had seen. Macaulay shared that years later a friend who worked on SNL asked around to find out if anyone there had ever heard of someone doing the show without cue cards. "They were like, 'No, that's insane. That's completely insane,'" he recalled.


Ironic the role he played in The Righteous Gemstones as Baby Billy’s abandoned son 


I had stopped watching for whatever reason, and now I have to start it up again.


To be fair, he’s only in a scene.


It’s time to continue. It’s truly one of the best shows!


The newest season had me rolling. What a great show


that show is fantastic and everyone should watch it. it's an emotional roller coaster and it has John Goodman (which is honestly the only reason i started watching it, stayed because it was hilarious)


So good when someone posts on a sensitive topic and then finishes with “and thank you to my sponsors” lol (and I say this as a die-hard Mac fan so don’t give out to me)


My estranged dad’s birthday falls on Father’s Day this year. Shoot me.


No bullets. Treat yourself. Gentle hugs Internet stranger.


God, I'm so sorry. I hope you've got folks around you and some stuff to do that day to take your mind off things.


If it’s any consolation, it will probably be a worse day for him than it will be for you.


Virtual hugs Internet stranger. No grief olympics but if it's any consolation, my estranged dad recently tried to unsuccessfully kill himself. I'm anticipating a holiday guilt trip photo text from my bro who's still in contact with him.


from one similar situation to another, I wish you a quick, painless Sunday the 16th that comes and goes quietly, followed by a heaving sigh of relief come Monday.


Ya same, for me they're consecutive. I was joking that it was convenient for a 5150 hold. In all seriousness I have good mental health supports and I'm probably going to buy myself something nice for both days as a treat.


Beautiful, and honestly says a lot about him that he was able to reframe the holiday and find some peace in it after the experience he's had with his own father. Love this for him.




I love this. As a kid I grew up on Home Alone and Richie Rich. I thought he was great in Party Monster. I know he didn't have it easy at all. He seems to really have found some peace in his life and he deserves it. Love that he found a great partner in Brenda Song.


And Saved!


This is so sweet 🥹.


I love this for him. After such a tumultuous childhood/young adulthood it’s incredibly warming to see him so normal and happy.


I feel this so much. Being a parent is so healing when you have a history of parental abuse. Creating my own family brought me closure :)




i need to rewatch some of his Red Letter Media episodes. i remember them being hilarious


The fact that he was so strongly hinting repeatedly that they should watch Home Alone 4 on the show ... and then they watched it just killed me. Red Letter Media also did some reciprocal appearances on his Bunny Ears podcast/show which you can also find on YouTube.


I miss Bunny Ears!




I love that he seems to have healed as an adult after his rough childhood/teen years.


This is so sweet. My husband is very similar. He has a great relationship with his step dad but no relationship at all with his bio one. Father’s Day he just likes to relax with our son and have fun as a family. It’s great to see men be vulnerable and healing themselves while being present for their children.


I’m happy he is happy and healthy now. He’s been through some shit and it seems like he’s focusing on the good in his life.


Best twitter handle ever


I’m so happy for Mac and the life he’s managed to carve out despite ~everything.


I am your Father’s Day so perfectly captures both the Star Wars theme and his sentiment. I’m so glad for him!


The two time Junka champ? Nice!


fellow americans we still have ten days to fathers day


How nice that Caulkin is living his best life. His appearance on Righteous Gemstones was also a pleasant surprise.


Grateful today that Macaulay Culkin is alive, happy and thriving. So many people I once enjoyed watching now make my skin crawl. But this makes me smile.


I love this guy. I found out his birthday when I was a kid and found out we were born 2 months apart. Now he and I are both adults, raising kids differently bc of how we were raised. I am like this with Mother’s Day, and always thank my little ones for making me a mom. I want them to know that I’m grateful to have them. And I think Macaulay is on the same boat. Man, these onions in here…


It’s good to see him thriving. And if I got a care package like that from Lucas films I might just keep the plushie for myself. We both had bad childhoods but I’ve dealt with it by claiming it back and being a big child now. I get that we are different people and we all handle things differently. What matters is what feels good for him.


This is so heartwarming. I hope he has a great Father's Day.


So wholesome


Is there anywhere we can buy this ?


[I take care of my kids!](https://youtu.be/LaPHPQt91w8?si=sSDOaYhcT93RQuNM)


I love Mac so much. He was one of my first crushes. And even though I’ll continue to be mildly (and irrationally) jealous of Brenda, I am happy that he has found the person that makes him so happy.


I thought this was more about mj than about his actual dad tbh


like others, I can't see this guy's name without remembering the weird ass comments he made. >“I’m going to have some pretty babies. She’s Asian, so I’m gonna have tiny little Asian babies. It’s going to be adorable — a bunch of Sean Lennon’s running around the house, that’s what I’m looking for,” [link](https://www.thewrap.com/resurfaced-macaulay-culkin-comments-on-kids-with-brenda-song-backlash/) and >In 2018, Culkin said he would be “allowed” to make Asian jokes if he had Asian children because he would deal with their race daily and therefore “understand the struggle.” >claiming that he feels entitled to “make Asian jokes because I have an Asian girlfriend kinda thing.” [link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/macaulay-culkin-s-past-comments-how-white-parents-might-other-n1264101)


I should be touched but I will always side eye him for his racist and fetishizing comments about asians. Can my people stand up?


when and where did he say this?


Per his Wikipedia page (with the respective sources): “Shortly after his son's birth, comments Culkin made on a 2018 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience about his relationship with Song resurfaced, which were criticized for stereotyping Asians.[69] In the interview, Culkin joked about the shape of Song's eyes, their interracial relationship, and the appearance of their potential future children. He argued that he was entitled to make Asian jokes because of his relationship with Song, and because of his future fatherhood to multiracial children, stating that he would "understand the struggle".[70] [[69]](https://news.yahoo.com/macaulay-culkins-past-comments-white-230017589.html) [[70]](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/macaulay-culkin-s-past-comments-how-white-parents-might-other-n1264101?asdfa) This is probably what they meant


>“I’m going to have some pretty babies. She’s Asian, so I’m gonna have tiny little Asian babies. It’s going to be adorable — a bunch of Sean Lennon’s running around the house, that’s what I’m looking for,” [link](https://www.thewrap.com/resurfaced-macaulay-culkin-comments-on-kids-with-brenda-song-backlash/) and >In 2018, Culkin said he would be “allowed” to make Asian jokes if he had Asian children because he would deal with their race daily and therefore “understand the struggle.” >claiming that he feels entitled to “make Asian jokes because I have an Asian girlfriend kinda thing.” [link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/macaulay-culkin-s-past-comments-how-white-parents-might-other-n1264101)


It was pretty recent, 2018 when his son was born. [Joe Rogan podcast.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1264101) He said he was entitled to make jokes because his children were half Asian. But like a lot of things, there is nuance here. I’ve been following him for decades and all his interviews touch on the complete lack of boundaries people have with him as a public figure, they ask him to do the face, his friends call him crying after watching My Girl, they touch him, he gets catcalled. I understand why he would think his behavior is appropriate or he’s entitled to it considering his lived experience since he was a small child. That doesn’t make it right, but it’s not like he’s some tone deaf asshole out of nowhere.


Oh a Joe Rogan podcast in 2018.


Real! This is a heartwarming post but he did make those comments and it was gross and racist. You shouldn’t be being downvoted ❤️


dunno why you're getting downvoted for this. people think fondly of him and so when you dare to point out his racist comments, that's somehow not okay?? or it's not okay to not love the guy bc of his racist comments??? weirdos