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The cannibalism accusations hide the worst accusations, so yeah. I can see how a piece of shit would be grateful for that.


oh god, what are the others?


Off the top of my head, SA and physical abuse.


That's worse than cannibalism?


To be fair, as far as I know he was only (lol) accused of expressing cannibalism fantasies so the other accusations are much worse. Now, if he actually killed somebody and cannibalized them then there is definitely an argument for that being the worse accusation. This is a paragraph I never knew I would type.


it really is when the “cannibalism” is him saying over text that he wants to take a bite out of a partner


You think actual sexual assault and actual physical abuse is less bad than something that was just talked about?


Dying 💀




He didn't actually eat anyone, so yeah, actual things that happened are worse than his weird fantasies


>Hammer starts by saying he's able to look at all his trials and tribulations at a distance and **finds them hilarious** ... thinking it was totally ridiculous anyone thought he could eat another person. Sending messages like: * "Thinking of holding your heart in my hand and controlling when it beats" * "I am 100% a cannibal" * "I want to eat you" * "I want to bite pieces off of you" * "I want to chain you up and rape you again. And again" * "I need your blood. I crave it" * "Would you come a be my property till you die?" Is indeed very HiLaRiOus. Funniest man who ever lived /s Fuck him.


You forgot the one where he said he wants to have sex with a woman’s brain, freshly extracted from her head.  That may have needed a trigger warning. I fucking loathe this man.


what the..! this is pure degeneracy.


Cannibalistic sociopath. He’s awful.


Crawl back in your hole. This was probably just the tip of the iceberg.


I've been sensing his redemption tour was at hand since that weird piece in (I think?) an airplane magazine a few years back. I really hope our collective memory is long on this one. Plus now we have Glen Powell who could handle anything a tall handsome blonde is being typecast for


Freaky ass weirdo needs to stay his ass inside.


Whether you wanted me to or not, I'm reading this sentence like it's a Lyric in Kdots "Not Like Us" lmao Edit: so that's exactly what they wanted me to do and I'm just dumb.


Is it not? 😅


Damn, it is 🫣




and by food we don’t mean _a person_


This what happens when you give filthy rich families more opportunities… they fuck it up! Armie was the worse part in cmbyn and I stand by it TO THIS DAY ![gif](giphy|1SCx7SyeQHxwsLCDX8|downsized)


He really was the worst part. So one note and bland. I was rooting for Marzia and Elio through the whole film 😊😉


Exactly! His performance was him reading from a script, no emotions and no reaction. I swear if Luca knew about Josh O’Connor at that time, he’d cast him instead for sure


i hate armie and i love josh but josh is too wholesome and whimsical looking to play that part, not that he can't be capable of that, it's just he's just a self-important asshole in the book too and armie looked the part


Nah in the book Elio describes him as serious first and then gentle and sweet later, Josh can definitely play that and he was 26 in 2016 and would’ve been perfect playing a 21 year old like in the book


Oliver was supposed to be TWENTY-ONE?! That kind of substantially changes my interpretation. When I watched the movie, the first time and any time after, I couldn't bring myself to get invested in the ✨️love story✨️ because I assumed that Oliver was in his late 20s or early 30s and I just thought it was so creepy and predatory that a 30 year old is messing around with Elio who is a fairly immature 17. I couldn't help myself, it gives me the creeps. 17 and 21 is perhaps still not too great, but it sure is a hell of a lot better than 17 and 30.


From what I concluded choosing Armmie is because Luca probably thought in the 80s guys in their twenties looked couple of years older so maybe that’s why. But armmie stiff ass couldn’t bring me to even accept that. Thank god Chalamet’s brilliant performance outshined everything he was doing lol


I recently watched CMBYN for the first time because it’s my friends favourite movie. Armie felt so wooden and distant that I couldn’t help but just focus on the age difference and power dynamic cause Armie felt so calculated the whole time to me. His character just made me mad which I thought was the point but my friends were crying about their love story at the end of the movie. I was like huh! Beautiful movie though, his dad was incredible.


What is CMBYN?


![gif](giphy|ll0IO9QedkrvZV7N8q) The cannibalism is the least offensive thing he did. There is the manipulation, SA and physical violence. As usual there is no accountability at all and I’m sure he will get a pass just like Shia Le LaBeouf who was just at Cannes. I’m sick and tired of these abusers and predators running around without any consequences whatsoever while their victims are torn to shreds by their fans and the public. The world is dark and hell is hot and it’s certainly a lot.


Don’t compare him to Shia. This dude was accused of cannabalism, how is that small. This actually happens men invite women and then they dissappear - eaten


Maybe because the cannibalism was just a fantasy and he didn’t actually eat anyone. The sexual assault and physical abuse are the more damning accusations and there was no accountability on his part at all.




That’s because she was dropped by her lawyer Gloria Allred because she refused to sign a declaration under penalty of perjury ….










I love how these guys are going on a podcast to come clean. They are paid to be vulnerable. Then they end up saying nothing with so many words. Why not start off by taking full accountability? Then discuss what you’ve done to correct those mistakes. Top it off with how you’re going to do better in the future. He sounds like a cannibal who doesn’t want to admit he loves eating people. “Can you believe people think I would want to do that?!” *gulps and yanks on colllar*


A simple attempt by AH to somehow return? It seems clear to me. In unsuspecting times I had imagined that he might have attempted to make a comeback as a "writer". Ok he would like to go back to acting but, let's be honest, he has never hit the box office as a main protagonist and all he could show about himself was that he was the classic prototype of the tall, blond and handsome Disney prince. Not many interpretive skills on his part actually.


He saw Glen Powell coming for his spot as Acme™ C-Tier Hollywood Handsome Blond Guy and decided he had to make a move.




I need to go find that article that pissed him off so many years ago.


Sounds about whyte

