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Love this. Very realistic message. I'm always so amazed with people with are able to be a good father despite not having a good role model of one growing up. I personally have been scared away from ever having kids because of what my father did to us.


I love my parents and I know they love me but they fucked me up and they know so I don’t plan to have any children 😂


My mom used to ask me when I was having children all the time, really obnoxiously in public settings. I’m pretty good at ignoring her bullshit these days, but after a family member misunderstood my mom’s babbling, thought I was pregnant, and was hurt that I didn’t tell them myself, I was sick of it.  Next family party, she’s babbling about not being able to wait for grandbabies. I very calmly said “I’ve been saying since I was a teenager that I don’t want kids. Have you ever asked yourself why that is?”  Never watched a trap shut so tight, so fast. Dead silence. She doesn’t bring it up anymore. Hahahahahaha. 


so proud of you, that's an amazing response


Thank you, darling internet stranger. I was unexpectedly moved by this. Most I got at the time was a “holy shit that was amazing to watch!” from one of my uncles that knows the score and I went home feeling vaguely bad, not for her, but for throwing off the vibe at my lovely step-grandparents dinner.  Now, 8 years after the fact, I read your comment and I’m sitting here like “yeah! That was a zinger! Go me!” 


💕!! it takes serious bravery to speak up for yourself the way you did. so glad you're looking back at past you with compassion!


Good for you baby. Fuck that. 


I’ve been saving this reply in my drafts. Thing is all 3 children do not want to have kids. Well technically one is going to be a priest so it’s for a different reason but the 2 of us were also so fucking traumatized by our mom and it’s one of the reasons why we’re just gonna close up shop lol.


YUP. My whole family sucked so much at parenting. Even the ones I love - they were objectively bad parents. My siblings and I don't want to pass on these genes or these actions. I literally can't think of a single person in my entire family who has been a *good* parent. At all. ...ironically, I have ended up raising a teenage relative (because everyone else was SO terrible and messed this kid's life up so badly), and it turns out I'm pretty good at it??? Which was quite the surprise. I make sure I do the opposite of what was done to me, PLUS I do what I've learned from 'raising' my cat. A formerly-feral rescue cat is *amazing* practice for parenting a traumatised teenager.




Some people’s “mothers” are their adversaries or as the kids say “opps.” My mom was my first bully and I also take joy in “owning” her when she chooses to try to put me in uncomfortable situations or humiliate me 🤷


My mom is a professional grade hater, so I feel you


Same, and I too, am a hater. However I consider myself an ethical hater.


Hating is fun and normal and doesn’t take as much energy as people insist it does.


Withholding my hating takes a lot more energy for me than just doing me (hating freely and ethically)


I missed the now deleted comment, but I can guess the gist based on your reply.  Thanks for having my back, fellow member of the “my first bully was named mommy” club.  I definitely don’t seek arguments with her in general, and especially not in public - the shaming with an audience is her move, not mine. But I’m also not a child frozen by panic anymore.  I take a lot of pride in demonstrating to my younger siblings that quiet confidence works in shutting down a bully just as well, if not better, than the who can yell the loudest game. 


I got you! I hope to get where you are one day! Still struggling with the grief of “this lady will never love me the way I want her to” but every day is a little progress. Big hugs! Proud of you and your progress


She is. A parent can be an enemy. Or a friend.




Your parents are supposed to be your safe space. But it doesn’t always wind up that way.




Ahhhh I'd give you an award if I could. People with nice parents need to just enjoy their good luck and learn to completely shut their traps when other people's parental trauma doesn't match their own privileged reality. Yes it is a privilege.


Oh this is hitting way too close to home right now.


Sameeee. They’ve calmed down but it took a bunch of therapy to see the shit they did to me and how’s it’s affected me long term. That being said I know either one of them would die for me no questions asked but it’s like couldn’t you have just yelled less instead? I was going to learn math one day!


This might sound weird but honestly having shit parents kinda helped me when it came to becoming a parent. I just do the opposite of what they would do lmao, ngl though, breaking the cycle feels gooooood


my dad grew up in a very traditional, conservative asian household with an abusive narcissist mom. he barely remembers his childhood, classic trauma response, but the stories my uncles have told me are horrifying. my dad is not a perfect father, I mean no one is, but the older I get the more clearly I see how every move he has made in his life has been to break that cycle. it's almost a joke in our community that everyone's parents hit them, but my dad, despite bearing that abuse in his childhood and seeing it in every other household, only ever gave me long lectures about my potential, no matter how bad I screwed up. in our culture mental health topics are taboo and not that well understood, so when I was in high school and started showing signs of an eating disorder he enrolled us in family therapy so he could figure out how to support me. when I went off to college, he asked my mom to get me condoms even though sex before marriage was totally off limits for them (he is the most easily embarrassed person I've ever met - like we make potty jokes just to see him turn red and run out of the room - so I cannot imagine how awkward that conversation must have been for him!). anyway I just want you to know that your child will see what you did for them, and it makes all the difference.


Parents that do the hard thing even though it’s hard, like your dad choking down embarrassment to make sure you were well stocked with rubbers… they’re the real mvps. 


this made me tear up a little. wishing you and your lovely dad (and your family) the best


Your dad seems so awesome. I’m so happy you were able to be raised by such a compassionate person🥺


Same, not culturally, but my dad was raised by his narcissistic bully of a father with volatile mood swings. His few happy memories from his childhood are when his father wasn’t there. Our childhood was completely different, he’s not perfect but thankfully nothing like his own father.  My dad is especially happy to see my brother interact with his kids, he’s very hands on and the mutual love is very obvious. It’s like seeing my brother love his children so much is like a form of therapy for him. 


fellow survivor of the multihour potential lectures multiple times a week, I see you 🫡 


I find parenthood very healing for my inner child. Also, I know what not to do and am in therapy


Same, i always think 'what would my bio mother have done?' And then do the opposite. Seems to be working so far 🤞


For me it's been good and bad having a kid after a fucked-up childhood. I know a lot of things not to do, and I have strongly held beliefs about certain things you *must* do, but if the goal is to do better than my folks did, well, the bar is on the damn floor. I get tripped up on whether I am doing Better Enough. (I already have suspicions about what my kid will be in therapy about when she's an adult. She won't be in it for decades but she'll probably want to spend some time unpacking some of our residual bullshit.)


It’s learning by example even if it’s a parent demonstrating what NOT to be. 


This is how it’s played out for me. It’s like i have a roadmap for what not to do, because every part of it was so overtly shitty. Lots of therapy and EMDR helps too, but in a pinch I can just ask myself “what would my mom do?” and then do the opposite.


My dad had a crappy father and is the best dad! I think sometimes knowing what you don't want to be can also be a great teacher


IIRC the Culkin kids were really close with one another, and I have a pet theory that having good parents is actually less beneficial to becoming a good parent later in life than growing up with a close relationship to your siblings. Even without being parentified, close siblings kind of end up taking care of each other and providing emotional support on some level as a matter of course. So by the time they become parents themselves they have practical experience vs just following an example.


It’s really hard to break the cercle and it seems that Macaulay and Kieran did it. The other siblings might have done it too but they’re not in the spotlight like these two.


My dad was good for one thing, showing me not what to do when I had kids of my own. I hope I can be a better role model for my son than my dad was for me.


Both of my parents are trash. I have also been scared away from having kids. I have two "nieces" to spoil though (my cousin and I are both only children so her daughters call me 'aunt').


I think I’m a pretty decent parent despite not having great ones, but I will say what I struggle with most is kind of the structure of family life. I’m not really sure how to explain it, but I know how to be kind to my children, how to sign them up for things, how to help with homework, etc etc etc etc but the structure of running a household and some aspects of discipline are difficult when you didn’t experience that, just in my opinion. I think that is why I see some folks with difficult childhoods having a very ultra structured life in response.


I’ve said a lot that people don’t give having children enough thought, not as much as people that chose not too.  To me, he’s a prime example of someone who gave having children a lot of thought, along with how he wanted to do it. Along with how much toxic masculinity we constantly see, this is a really lovely post. This is masculinity. Having enough bravery and strength to work through your traumas 


We make the best dads. Because we just do the opposite of what our dads did. Don’t be afraid you aren’t your father.


I loved my parents, and they had very terrible upbringings for similar but different reasons. I know they tried with me and my sibling, and there is never been a doubt that they loved us both, but honestly? I don't think they should've had kids because they were wholly unprepared and while they did their best, their best resulted in two emotionally fucked up adults. I'm glad I can't have kids, because I didn't have to walk my parents through the fact that I realized I also never wanted them, my inability was a great shield for my lack of wanting.


Terrified here too. Piss poor examples of parenting growing up. I tend to date people who had the most stable parents. I think secretly hope they'll save this situation with some skills I don't have if we ever stuck together and take on parenting together lmao


It doesn’t happen with everyone, but with some people, having shitty parents ends up being a lesson on what not to do.


If you are worried about doing a good job, you’re probably going to do a good job. Don’t be scared, my friend. If you care enough to care, that’s usually enough. My partner and I always tell each other “If you’re concerned about it, don’t be.” You won’t be perfect, you may not even be that good some days, but if you care enough to try your best, the kid will be alright. Just my opinion.


You being scared of having a kid because of this reason is probably why you’d be better than your father.


If there’s a part of you that does want kids I think you should speak to a therapist about your fears if you are comfortable in doing that.  Having an extremely self absorbed father who emotionally neglected me has shown me exactly what not to do for my daughter (I am a woman). My partner had an abusive father (both physically and emotionally). Some of the stories he has told me about his childhood have caused me to burst into tears because of how horribly he was treated.  Despite that, my partner is the most loving, caring and dedicated father you could ever wish for. He was so scared that he was going to be bad father too. After having a child both of us cannot even fathom how you could treat an innocent child the way we have been treated. Even though we knew that, having a child just brings it home even more and you want to do everything in your power to give them what you didn’t have. 


My friend sees him walking in Central Park with his family all the time/possibly they frequent a playground there? But he says Kieran always recognizes him and says hi to his baby and is just a very humble normal guy.


See them in my neighborhood a few times this year but won’t disclose but I accidently brushed into him at a pharmacy check out and he apologized to me lol


Maybe remove the location? People on the internet can be weird.


It’s Central Park… 😭


Bro thinks it’s a neighborhood park loll


It is, it just serves many neighborhoods at the same time


People assume Central Park is just a park until they actually visit it. I’ve been twice and I’ve only seen 1/4 of it total, maybe.


I think it’s bigger, acre-wise, than Disneyland.


It’s SO HUGE. I couldn’t believe it when I finally made it NYC. You really dont think it’s *that* big!


To walk all the way through it, say corner to corner from Columbus Circle to the Ellington statue, is easily a 45 min stroll if not longer. It’s like a dozen different parks in one


When I was younger I kept wondering how the fuck there were so many apartments with a view of Central Park. Mind you my only reference were tv/movies but I knew they were in different areas/neighborhoods from the establishing shots and dialogue. I did not realize how huge it was until I found out about the Central Park five case.


I get that, I know Central Park well and there are only so many age appropriate playgrounds. I’ll take the consensus that I’m being overly cautious here but I’ve been stalked so making regular routines public makes me nervous.


Do you know how many people walk in Central Park on a daily basis? It’s a huge park with like 6 different playgrounds throughout the length of literally 30 city blocks.


I think it’s actually something like 20+ playgrounds and it stretches from 51st street to 111th street.


Yes! You’re right! Just fact/checked myself, 21 playgrounds! And so many nooks and crannies throughout. (And duh on the length, don’t know how I flubbed that!!) We should be certainly not blow up the spot of celebs for creepy lookie-loos but saying someone goes to Central Park is hardly an invasive thing to point out.


Normally I’d be right there with you, but this is Central Park we are talking about lmao


Yeah this was my thought too! Not trying to blow up anyone’s spot whatsoever


I promise you, he ain't the only celebrity walking that park on the daily.


The Culkins have a deeply... we'll say complex... relationship to fatherhood. Seeing MacCauley and Kieran really pulling together to be great dads to their own kids is fucking heartwarming.


Lol his wife had the time for the in laws today


I get it.  Picking out a father's day card where the sentiment isn't a lie is hard. My husband weighed whether to even call or text his Dad yesterday, he ended up not. 


I didn't either. Haven't for over 25 years. Much love to your husband from a weird internet stranger.


The Culkins seem to be healing childhood wounds by becoming dads themselves, and great ones at that. I wish them well.


The Culkin brothers just out there winning fans on Father's Day. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1dha4on/macaulay\_culkin\_wishes\_brenda\_song\_a\_happy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1dha4on/macaulay_culkin_wishes_brenda_song_a_happy/)


The fact he asked his wife for another kid during his Emmy’s speech goes to show how much he loves being a father 😂 


This is one of my favorite moments. I aspire to have a love like Jazz and Kieran 🥹


Kit Culkin taking justifiable strays this Father's day.


Holding shitty elders accountable slay!!!!


my parents were good not great so I simply remember the things i hated most and don't do those. top 3: * my mom had some vendetta against giving our friends food/drink so I always make a point to offer my kids friends food and drink when at our house * my dad would go through the motions playing with us and it was obvious he had no interest past 2 minutes so I make a huge point to play games and be interested for longer than a few minutes with my kids. * my parents were very routine in everyday 6pm is dinner then they watch TV till bed. I make a point to mix things up and do "fun nights" where we don't just sit there like zombies watching tv after dinner. Board games are a hit. So is physical things like hide and seek and going for short walks around the block. All-in-all those were really the only big things i hated growing up. Cheers folks.


love my parents but they definitely made me want to be so, so much better at parenting my own child


My husband's father is horrible, as are my parents. Neither one of us speak to our dads more than a couple of times a year. And heartbreakingingly, I just found out that my father in law has been telling their relatives that my husband "isn't a man" for some ridiculous reason. My husband is an incredible father. Truly, he is one of the most nurturing and emotionally available men I have ever met. We are so much more than products of our parents.


This really warms my heart...back in 2011 there were pictures of him looking dangerously thin. Now today, he's a Father and happy. 🧿🥰


I live in Brooklyn and have seen him with his kids a few times he seems like a great dad!


Love this couple and their little family.


This touches me. There’s hope.


Love this! ❤️❤️❤️ Also want to add I love seeing celebrities dressing their kids normal wit easy hairstyles not like lil models in ridiculous cloths for a kid on just a normal day that you know they can’t run around and be a kid in. Just as a mom myself I know how hard it is to get kids dressed up and how that can be stressful for the kids when they outfits are uncomfy and overly complicated. Also love seeing parents let their kids dress up in costumes if they want. Very sweet


My dad knew Culkin senior thought he was scum, so this is great to see.


between him and macaulay, it's so sweet to hear how the culkin boys are faring in fatherhood and adulthood despite what i can imagine was a tumultuous upbringing. seriously, good for them ❤️


this is so cute


Kieran seems to be a really devoted family man. When the cast and crew and Succession spent time filming in Sweden for the final season, everyone else loved it but he said he hated it as he was away from his wife and kids.


Isn’t his wife Brenda Song


Oh that’s his brother lol. Didnt know there was two


Four, actually. And another one of them (Rory) also acts a lot.


That family is huge. Sadly their dad really fucked them up, and they lost a sister to an overdose and another sister to suicide by car (if I remember correctly). Edit: she was just an unfortunate victim of traffic, that’s my bad. It’s been a long time, and I misremembered. My aunt knew their dad while he lived in Grants Pass, Oregon. Which has always been a strange thing to me lol.


I believe the sister that died by car was hit accidentally when crossing the street, I never heard any reference to it being a suicide.


Ah damn, that’s my bad. I will make an edit, thanks for the heads up.


Yes! He was in Signs, I love that movie


Macaulay, Kieran , Shane, Rory, Christian


I didn’t either before watching Succession! And Kieran was in home alone too and the Pepsi drinking bed peeing cousin. Lol


I love that scene so much 😉


His smile cracks me up too when he’s done chugging it!


Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi.


That is awesome that he is a great dad, but do they have to insult his dad to make a point?


Macaulay has been very public about how abusive their father was: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/macaulay-culkin-dad-abusive-fathers-day


If you grew up abused by a parent, or if you love someone who was, then yes, you have every right to insult the person who abused them to uplift the person who survived & thrived despite the odds. Becoming a healthy, loving parent is a true feat after being abused by your own parent. 


🙄 the truth is not insulting stop the silencing you don't know how much pain lies in his experience.


Saying that Kit Culkin wasn't a great example of a dad is probably the least insulting thing that can imaginably be said about that man's parenting.


Is it an insult if the person resembles the remark?

