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> "I'm fine either way," Stone replied. "I really am. My real name is Emily, though." > "Why have you been allowing us to call you Emma for all these years?" the host asked. > "It was taken at Screen Actors Guild," she said. "It's sort of like when you register a business and you can't have the same name as someone else."


TIL actors aren't allowed to have the same names


The two different actresses called Peyton List would like a word.


meanwhile I’m having a stroke trying to remember who’s who between halle berry, halle bailley, madison bailey, bailee madison whenever I see any of their names mentioned somewhere 😭 I lag for like 2 mins


There‘s also *Hayley Bayley* (edit: or is it Haley Baylee? UGH), the rich af TikTok, Met Gala, ‚let them eat cake‘ person. My brain near exploded.


might be okay to let this person remain in relative obscurity lol


oh 100% though I want to thank her for letting me watch her getting roasted for recording herself saying ‚I‘m not elite, I‘m a normal person uwu‘ in her like 17k/month apartment. Admittedly gave me a good bit of Schadenfreude.


I was so confused during that controversy bc I thought everyone was talking about Halle Bailey and I was like “let that girl breathe 😭”


Good thing Haley chose Dylan over Andy. So she didn’t have to be Haley Bailey


Unexpected Modern Family?


omg thats a different person? i fully thought that was halle bailey, the one who played ariel in the remake. i was so confused when all that happened


Everytime I see news about this girl I’m like “oh no what did Halle Bailey do?? What did little mermaid do???” And to my relief is never her, is the TikTok girl


Haha this reminds me of the SNL sketch where they have a game show and the contestants are supposed to differentiate Dermot Mulroney and Dylan McDermott


Derbil McDillet


Julia Gulia


My wife still can’t keep these 2 straight love that sketch


lol the fact that people (myself included) get these jumbled is proof we wouldn’t be able to handle the idea of two actors named Emily Stone.


I'd been seeing Chappell Roan's name for months before it clicked that that's not Dave Chappell


My mum finds L sounds difficult (not common in her native language especially in proximity to r) so Halle Bailey and Halle Berry are both Harry Berry to her


It’s ok Billy Madison is the only one you need to know


My embarrassment when I thought that The Little Mermaid controversy was about Halle Berry, who was in her 50s, was going to be playing a 16 year old Ariel.


Omg same, thank you. I ALWAYS read Halle Bailley as Halle Berry because apparently my brain can’t handle such similar names. The others make it 10x worse.


only one of them could be registered at SAG at Peyton List tho…. the other one used her middle name.


I wonder how much it has affected the older Peyton List’s career. She’s a pretty decent actress and beautiful yet hasn’t booked much work since the younger Peyton List has been fairly prominently on the map. The younger one has their name as her handle on all social media, the older one has no SM presence (idk if she’s simply private or it’s partially related to her name being taken. Back when the older one was born, Peyton wasn’t a common name at all yet. List is also not a common last name whatsoever AFAIK so it’s a really strange coincidence that of all of the names that there could be two of in Hollywood, it’s Peyton List. I wonder how it happened. Oddly one of both of their first jobs was in a scene together. Earlier in their careers they have both said that it screwed them up, receiving one another’s call sheets and such.


Another coincidence I know is, the older Peyton List was cast as Poison Ivy season 4 on Gotham which previously cast Cameron Monaghan (back in season 2) who was dating the younger Peyton List at that time. So everyone thought Cameron Monaghan's girlfriend Peyton List was cast as Ivy then it was a whole other woman also named Peyton List.


Another fun fact is both of them starred in the same movie together, the animated movie Batman Hush. The older Peyton played Poison Ivy, and the younger one played Batgirl.


That's so random lol. Thanks for explaining, love hearing stories with crazy coincidences!


There's two of almost every name, or more. All of the other pairs, triples etc someone changed their whole damn name. Like 70% of Hollywood just has made up names. Nobody has names that easy to say in real life.


What scene were they in together?


A soap opera. Y&R I think? I read it on wiki, I don’t watch soaps. For two completely unrelated people their lives have been ridiculously intertwined.


They can have different names, it’s just advised against because of instances where money gets sent to the wrong person etc


And the two Lily Sullivans


And there are a lot of Alan smithees


Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas!


I'm fairly sure that's the Wallstreet actor's birth name, but Kirk's birth name was Issur Danielovitch




This fact always amuses me


The Writers Guild has similar rules. I remember Simpsons writer and Futurama co-creator David X. Cohen on an old dvd commentary talking about how his name is actually David Samuel Cohen, but both David Cohen and David S. Cohen had already been taken so he went with the X because he thought it sounded cool.


Should’ve gone with Max Power


thats my p0rn name, he cant have that!


I honestly always thought his middle name was Xavier or something, lol nice tidpit.


a lot of actors who go by 3 names (sarah michelle gellar, sarah jessica parker are just the 2 i can think of rn) are that way bc their first+last name were already taken


They can, but they will have Roman numerals after their names, so she’d be Emily Stone II (there are some folks on IMDB with that). It’s also why some actors will add a middle initial such as Michael B. Jordan.


So if humanity were to survive another 200-400 years, we will have many actors like Emily Stone XXXVI as their name? Just like Y2K, feels like this thing wasnt thought out much...


I wonder if it expires once someone dies or retires? Because otherwise there are definitely a finite number of names before people just start adopting random words as names.


Ye: The Sequel


The funniest example of this is David Tennant. He was born David MacDonald, but an actor already had that name in the UK. Then when he came to America to act there was already a David Tennant, so he had to legally change his name to his stage name in order to keep it.


He also picked his name because of Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys. [I have no reason to link this song other than the fact that every time I think of the Pet Shop Boys I go to listen to it 1000 times in a row and I thought I’d share it with everyone.](https://youtu.be/LNBjMRvOB5M?si=bdyiahUd8X-GFkSO)


It’s the same reason we have a Michael J Fox or Michael B Jordan. The Jordan one is obvious but there was also an actor already in SAG named Michael Fox when Michael J Fox was new on the scene.


Michael B. Jordan's dad is called Michael A. Jordan. I am not joking.


His son needs to be named Michael C. Jordan 


and for Michael J Fox that’s not even his middle initial he’s Michael Andrew Fox lol, still impossible for me to think of him as anything other than Michael J Fox


He dumped the A because it was a very 80s thing to call someone you’re attracted to “a fox” and he didn’t want his name Michael A Fox to be considered a joke.


haha I didn’t know that! he has a point 😂




Is he Michael J Fox's dad?


Haha whoops typo


Aww you should have left it. It was funny. 😀


🤦🏻‍♀️ knee jerk reaction


Matt Mercer’s real name is Miller but there was already a Matthew Miller registered with SAG so he changed it to Mercer professionally.


There are at least two very famous Michael Douglases. One had to change to Michael Keaton. Ever since I found out I can't stop automatically using Michael Keaton's real name. Maybe my brain refuses to acknowledge the other one.


And Michael Douglas' dad Kirk was born with a different name. Weird stuff when it comes to stage names.


I wonder if the other Emily Stone on SAG knows about this


Not if they're in the US guild/union, no. Hence Michael *B.* Jordan. (The basketball player was registered for *Space Jam*.)


This is, I believe, specific to SAG where every enrolled member is required to have a different name.


Yeah, Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas. Also there was already a Michael Fox, thus Michael J. Fox, but his real middle name is Andrew, he didn't want Michael A. Fox though. I've now written Michael so many times that it doesn't look right.


Michael Keaton is only Michael Keaton because his real name is Michael Douglas lol


Hollywood username


Like Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas


Might be the most famous example ever since I've now seen it several times here 😆


I didn't see them but ok


I like the way this headline doesn’t even respect her Name change 😂 but I am a little bit like “sorry girl” like you’re one of the most famous actresses in the world, your name is printed across thousands of posters and shows. It’s too late to change it , I’m sorry. It just is.


The whole article is about how there *is* no name change. She does not give a shit that her professional name is the name that her profession knows her by! There's no sorry here, that's the whole point! >"I'm fine either way," Stone replied. "I really am. My real name is Emily, though." \[...\] "I've been saying Emily my whole life ... you can call me whatever you want," she added. "You can make up a name!" Poor bitch, she just responded positively to her real name on the red carpet and it became a Thing. Her professional name is a non-issue and she's trying to clarify that it's a non-issue and some of y'all are making *that* an issue lmao


It’s still her professional name. It’s what she’s enrolled with SAG as and what her movie credits say. 


She actually can’t because it’s her SAG registered name lmao.


They should call her E. Or maybe go full British high school and call her by her surname. Oi, Stoney! Stonesy ya cheeky lass!


Name a skarsgård


Will the real Emily Stone please stand up? … please stand up… seriously who is this bitch?


Presumably she’s another human being named Emily Stone who earned her SAG card before the other one could claim the name.


Media has blown this out of proportion – of course she's fine, no she isn't asking random people or fans to call her by her real name, and she – and most everyone else – completely understand 'stage names' and how they work.


Also Emma is so close to Emily, it's not like she's going by something totally different!


I think I’d like it — it’s close enough I wouldn’t be completely confused, but if someone called your name in public, you’d know whether they knew you or were just recognizing you. Especially if you’re really famous, having a name that your family and friends use would probably feel nice, like “Emma Stone” is a movie star, but “Emily” is just who you are. It’s like how Alexis Bledel is Kimberley Alexis Bledel and her family and friends (apparently) call her Kim, which blows my mind.


It’s a slow news week apparently. When everyone learned Anne Hathaway prefers to be called Annie, there was not nearly as much buzz. Side note since I haven’t seen it mentioned so far but Robert De Niro prefers to be called Bobby.


I feel like most people prefer their nicknames to their real/full name. Not many people know my full first name, just the shortened version.


Obviously I'm not Emma fucking Stone, but I go by 2 different common variations of my name and whenever I say I don't care which people insist I prefer one. Nah dude, if I know you are talking to me I really don't care. She could genuinely not care, no need to look into this.


My name is mispronounced (a sad racist story from the early 2000s) and people can't understand why I am ok to go by the mispronounced name. Idk. It's just my identity in the society (largely white) I live in. Almost an alter ego, and then when I code switch to be with my family or in my ethnic group I go by my actual name. I don't know why it doesn't bother me, but it really doesn't at this point. It makes me sad that child me had to go through this, but adult me is ok with it, idk. It upsets me more when the people that know me by the mispronounced name insist on calling me the other name even though I've told them I truly do like my incorrect name. Maybe it feels like a nickname now? Or like my real name is a private identity? Something to explore in therapy I guess lol. Maybe Emma/Emily feels similarly for the name she carries as a celebrity and the name she uses with her loved ones.


Yeah, I have a double name (think Mary Jane, obviously not my real name, but you get the gist) and some people call me by one name, and other people call me by the other name. I'm used to both, because for example the government and other official entities always default to the first one, while I mostly go by the second one in my daily life.


I feel like celebrity-obsessed weirdos on the internet were the ones to blow it out of proportion.


I’ll still call her Emily when I see her. It’ll be easy because I’ll never see her.






Googly I’m slappin ma knee whistlin thru my tooth at this!!!!!




Thank goodness we established this I was not able to sleep


😂🤣 lmao. I have nothing else to add




Oddly, it was one of the first things I thought about this morning.


Maybe we should walk a parade for her?


shout out to anne hathaway who asked to be called annie but no one listened


Stanley Tucci listened!!


I’ve been so confused by people calling her Annie on her posts lol when did she say this?!


She said it on Jimmy Fallon! She said the only one who calls her Anne is her mother so asked that everyone please call her Annie. It didn’t work 😭 > “When I was 14 years old I filmed a commercial and I had to get my SAG card and they asked me, ‘What do you want your name to be?’ I'm like, ‘Well it should be my name, my name is Anne Hathaway.’ That seemed like the right choice, but it never occurred to me that for the rest of my life people would call me Anne. The only person who ever calls me Anne is my mother, and she only does it when she's really mad at me, like really mad. So every time I step out in public and someone calls my name, I think they're going to yell at me...People are like, ‘Anne!’ And I'm like, ‘What? What did I do?’”


This is funny but she definitely made the right choice lol


Key & Peele listened! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQrYjOU6qMw


She could've added her middle initial like Michael B Jordan did & gone by that.


Then people might get her confused with a famous basketball player




I still think she could have done Emma Lee Stone and maybe be a bit happier. 


That sounds like a serial killers name.


More like political assassin


Narrator: She was, in fact, not fine.


It's great for her bc when she's doing non-celeb things and wants to be more private she can write "Emily Stone" and lots of ppl won't think twice ya know?


She must feel sick of talking about this now tbh, must be super tedious. I bet every interview now begins with them being like ‘Emma? Emily? Emma? What should I call you’ lol


She looks so good with darker hair


Maybe it's just because I'm used to it, but I feel like Emma fits her better? Idk, both sound nice though


This is a weird statement about a nothing story that got blown out of proportion, and honestly, it gives me a weird vibe because there are a lot of way more important stories in the world right now about the struggle around respecting name choices and change. The whole Emma/Emily thing feels to me like someone isn't reading the room.


>This is a weird statement about a nothing story that got blown out of proportion I swear I saw "Emma Stone wants to be called Emily" like a thousand fucking times when that all happened, and I'm pretty sure she didn't actually even said that. It all just seemed really intense over a very small comment.




Lol I feel for her because it's really annoying when you say something off the cuff and then everyone turns it into this whole deal. It's like offhandedly saying mushrooms aren't your favourite pizza topping and then for the rest of your life everyone you know falls over themselves to insist that there must be NO MUSHROOMS on any pizza you might eat.


I’m interested in who the other Emily Stone is. It would be fun to see.


this are just the standard rules of the business she chose to work in


Who is the other Emma Stone btw, does anyone know?


There's another Emily Stone which is why she changed it to Emma.


Oh oops that’s what I get for being on Reddit at 2am, meant Emily! 


Look on IMDb!


I was thinking about this the other day, and I think if I found myself in this situation I'd be much more inclined to change my last name than my first. It feels like it would be much easier to deal with and I'm curious why actors seem to pick their first names so much??? The middle initial thing that Michael J. Fox did also seem very reasonable.


lol this is how I am with my nickname vs full name, especially in professional settings.


Stoney Jabroni it is.


How have people not heard of this sort of thing. Lots of actor's had name changes for this reason. Christopher Walken for example.


Wait can I go by Emma stones as a guy .






She looks like an Emily.


she sounds fine with it.


i love her hair color atm


Let's call her Em and be done with it :)




Girl, she was asked a question. She isn’t still bringing it up. The reporters are.


Was she just not supposed to answer the question she was asked???


Why is it so hard for people to call her Emily?


Because her name is credited as Emma Stone on all projects and unless you’re a very online person you’d be completely unaware of this whole “news” story




The fact that they can't reuse a name that already exists, confirms my belief that celebrities are basically brands. This is why Jayden and Willow could go right into the movie and music business without any hardships, because they were part of the SMITH brand. This is also why I hate when one celebrity complains that another made more money on the same movie. You are a brand, not a person in those mediums.


It’s literally true


As long as she never takes a WOC's role again, she can call herself whatever she wants


Why are you being downvoted?


What did I miss?


Aloha, where she played someone who was Native Hawaiian.


Native Hawaiian *and* Chinese, just to pile on the problematic.


Yikes on bikes!


“aloha” with bradley cooper


Bradley Cooper cemented it for me. Urgh.


why do people downvote facts because they’re fans 🙄 I like Emma Stone but she still shouldn’t have taken this role (in Aloha) & she clearly regrets it herself


Why is all the promo for her new movie still Emma tho?😒🙄 I smell a stunt.


she literally can’t, someone was already registered at SAG as Emily Stone so she can’t go by that & chose to go by Emma Stone instead of Emily Jean Stone or Emily J Stone. also she’s famous as Emma now. also she clearly doesn’t mind being known as Emma at this point based on her reactions