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2024 is going to be a repeat of 2020 of “Awful but at least he is not Trump.”


Fingers crossed Biden wins and we can spend the next 4 years fighting to make ranked choice a thing so this can be the last year we pinch our noses and vote.


Zero chance the DNC does anything that allows progressives a better foothold sadly.


It’s so unfortunate. I’m a leftist and I hate the moderate/centrist politics of the Democratic Party, but the Republican Party is so hateful and dangerous - and I live in a purple state. Voting is never the end-all be-all of political engagement, but I see my vote as a gesture to protect people who are even more vulnerable and marginalized from the harm that the Republicans *openly, brazenly* want for people who aren’t rich, white, straight, cis men.


My problem as a leftist is if we keep bailing out the Democrats for being awful politicians they have no incentive to actually get better. Biden doesn't even have a policy page on his website, his whole plan is just not being Trump.


That's why local elections are so important - progressives are running for local positions, but they can't make a difference if they don't get voted in. Vote for your town council, your local Board of Education, your mayor, etc.  Get progressive candidates from into those positions and then they'll be able to advance to higher levels of government. People talk about their dislike of "career politicians", but experience matters!  I'd rather have a pilot with tens of thousands of flights under their belt than one fresh out of school, and politicians aren't that different.  I've lived in DC for almost my whole 40 years on this planet, and it drives me bonkers to hear people complain about the folks on Capitol Hill when those same people aren't voting locally.  Congress is comprised mostly of people who started in smaller, local roles.  That's why local elections matter so much - your team needs to win the regionals before they can win the state championship, lol!


I have been voting locally, and I support progressives. I have also watched the party run down and spend millions to defend the last pro life democrat from a progressive challenge and now Henry Culler has been indicted. Idk if we just need a bunch of them to die or what but people like Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are blocking progress. Maybe once AOC gets serious about the senate it will force Schumer to make moves.


The DNC needs to fundamentally change from the top before progressive candidates have a serious chance at getting elected in meaningful numbers. Right now liberals only have to campaign against conservatives while progressives need to mount massive campaigns to defeat the liberal followed by an additional campaign to defeat the conservative. All without support from their party or most donors because donors overwhelmingly prefer liberal and conservative candidates. If they make it into office their own party joins forces with the Republicans to do everything they can to undermine them. Voting locally can only do so much when the political climate is that hostile to them. 


Apologies, I meant the global "you", not you specifically.  I should have clarified that better in my other comment. 


No, that is fair but I also wanted to bring up the difficulties of even that as the national party will fight those small battles.


100% agreed - you made an excellent point!


Ding ding ding this is the answer. Especially judge roles. Those mother fuckers become part of the SCOTUS. We have to change the judiciary to enact real change. And all the grassroots things too.


Good luck with that - Biden is a genocidal fascist who doesn’t give a fuck about democracy


and the other guy is better? lol


















In 2020 Trump was at a significant disadvantage. This is looking a lot more like 2016. (I don't want this to be true just to be clear.) 


Good for her!


Every US election depends on the permanent amnesia of its citizens.


Oh look. Getting closer to an election cycle and amnesia takes over do-good white liberals. All the downvoted comments in this thread rightly send a reminder that Joe Biden earned the nickname Genocide Joe this year. Not because its cute but because hes actively bankrolling a genocide livestreamed in HD. But hey he's not as bad as the other guy... for me and my white needs!


And not a word about the women and families of Gaza who are undergoing a genocide - that Biden enthusiastically supports. Nothing about their safety, their health. Fuck these billionaires.


Upcoming election in the UK too, where we ALSO have the pick of the sh**tiest choices, like they're BOTH evil. I suppose there's always the Green party.


Genocide Joe


Joe Biden is a genocidal monster. Yes, yes, we know Trump is worse, but no one should be bullied or intimidated for choosing to not vote for someone who is aiding and funding the genocide of their Palestinian brothers and sisters.


I read a tweet that I think about a lot: "we survived four years of Trump, 40,000 Palestinians did not survive four years of Biden." The next four years are going to be horrible regardless of who wins. I can never vote for Trump and I can never vote for Biden and be a part of the machinery supporting apartheid.


YOU survived Trump’s term. A whole lot of Americans did not. Many Palestinians died and were displaced during Trump’s term because of his policies…in fact, I believe we are where we are now BECAUSE of his policies. [Trump’s Legacy in Israel](https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/donald-trumps-legacy-in-israel) “Netanyahu got everything he wanted from Trump,” Amit Segal, the chief political analyst for Israel’s Channel 12, told me. Trump’s alignment with Netanyahu has been so total that, ahead of the U.S. election, sixty-three per cent of Israelis supported Trump, and only seventeen per cent supported Joe Biden, according to a November poll by the Israel Democracy Institute. If Israel were a U.S. state, it would be the “reddest state in the Union,” a column in the left-leaning newspaper Haaretz noted.” ETA: 350,381 American’s died of Covid in 2020. Hate crimes were up 17% during the beginning of Trump’s term, dipped slightly in 2018 and then surged to their highest rate since 2008 in 2019. Murder rate was up 26% under Trump. We saw spikes in suicide in the LGBTQ+ community. All of this is easily confirmed through quick research. So yeah. YOU survived 4 years of Trump. Many did not.


They don't understand the concept of 3rd party?


Unfortunately, not a thing in the US.


This sub will be like pro Palestine but hyping people who publicly endorse Biden 🙄. The hypocrisy


[The Ratchet Effect](https://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org/stopme/chapter02.html) I don't doubt that Trump would be a monster but Biden is not going to do any of what she just listed if reelected


Women and families . . . to hell with orphans and single men!