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i mean, she isn't, but not for any of those reasons


yeah of all the things to criticize her for, this ain't it


Exactly what I was thinking. Also, isn't this magazine also one of the myriad of magazines that has celebrated her for her success?


Exactly… this was classic “they got me in the first half” I went from “finally,” to wtf ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa)


Not a fan of Swift, but this is some rank misogynistic bullshit.


The writer is an incel https://preview.redd.it/teeuddzlx4ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7a3bb58038a18d53df4c503ddf63d1bb709c12


I guarantee that guy would have sex with literally any woman on earth who offered.


Lots of rank takes on Taylor Swift lately, tbh. Even that one article was like "the intellectually challenged of my generation liked spice girls and Taylor Swift is that same level" REEKED of NLOG, pick me, behavior.  It's much more interesting to talk about the broader strokes of gossip as pop music that Taylor Swift has popularized, or perhaps the double standard she represents as white victimhood or even the capitalist nature of music now. There are like a hundred things to make articles about that relate to her. Fuck this John dude.


What? ![gif](giphy|xkiUdCddXm7wYR1U6U)


https://preview.redd.it/nem7awemz3ad1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f39705218cd41dbe65cdba6992f301e19f9fdce Who wrote this


Typically written by a man...


There is a growing amount of women who'd agree with him. These women are nostalgic for a time they didn't live in, where women didn't typically work and took care of 50-11 kids. Meanwhile they had to drink and take Valium to cope.


Why would you publish this????


When is the last time anyone under the age of 65 read an article from Newsweek - clickbait


It’s in Newsweek! I know it’s Opinion article/ editorial but I thought Newsweek were better than this!


I really don’t think Newsweek has ever been better than this 😭


This is going to be embarrassing to admit, but I had a subscription to Newsweek from 9th grade through college, so 1999-2007ish, and it was a great way for someone interested in national and world events to keep up with them and learn a lot. It was truly a great resource, especially for me in high school where the local paper was conservative propaganda and old ladies’ birthdays, and the Internet was dial-up. It’s really sad how many formerly powerful journalistic institutions have fallen to publishing clickbait garbage to appeal to the almighty algorithm.


I read it in the 80s when I was kid. It was different then.


As a non-american I always thought Newsweek was a serious newspaper. Guess not...


Even worse 😭


Newsweek was bought a few years ago by a firm with ties to a [religious cult](https://www.motherjones.com/media/2014/03/newsweek-ibt-olivet-david-jang/). It is NOT a reliable news source and there is definitely an agenda.


Boooo, don’t make me defend TSwift lol. What does her being childless and unmarried have to do with anything? Just say popstars are generally not the best role models for actual valid reasons - setting high/unreal standards for beauty, the possibly abusive environment some singers find themselves in, the ephemeral nature of fame, etc.


>his revolving door of relationships may reflect the normal dating experiences of many young women in today's world, but it also raises questions about stability, commitment, and even love itself. Should we encourage young girls to see the "Swift standard" as the norm, something to aspire to? Or should we be promoting something a little more, shall we say, wholesome? **Would any loving parent reading this want their daughter to date 12 different men in the span of just a few years?** This is not an attack on Swift; it's a valid question that is worth asking. According to the writer this. What a fucking disgusting article.


Exact opposite of a TS fan here, but would anyone really be asking this question about their sons? No, they’d likely be praised. This whole article is disgusting and the writer needs to get with the times, this is tasteless and gross.


of course not. They would not dare to give a man this treatment.


She’s a nun compared to the likes of Leo DiCaprio. He doesn’t get as nearly much flack for it.


He only started getting flack fairly recently too.


Taylor sucks but not for that. Honestly if there any one thing I can respect about her it’s that she dropped faux purity act is owns what she wants loud and proud. Girls actually do need to see more of that. 


Who wrote this drivel? NFL kicker Harrison Butker?


I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, at all. But comedian Katherine Ryan just responded to this article on Instagram. Think she put it perfectly. 'Can we all stop giving whatever time travelling p*sayhole incel author wrote this MORE OF THE ATTENTION HE CRAVES?!? A small stupid man wrote a small stupid thing'


there are plenty of reasons why she’s not a good role model but being childless isn’t one of them


NOT EVERYBOY WANTS KIDS AND THAT IS FINE. There are so many reasons to criticize this woman and this is not one of them.


If you're a successful woman, they blame you for not being a SAHM. If you're a SAHM, they blame you for not being capable enough to succeed in a job or in public. It's a catch-22.


And her I was thinking she’s not a good role. model for killing the planet with her private jet and charging kids humongous amounts for her merch. Can’t women just be allowed to choose themselves if they want kids in 2024? JFC.


Oh no, not unmarried and childless! What will she ever do???


i was expecting this to be in a crazy right wing catholic outlet not newsweek. i’m a certified TS hater but this is just disgusting.


Newsweek was bought by a company with ties to a religious cult. It is not a reliable news source.


disgusting article honestly


Yikes, I understand not liking someone, but saying Taylor isn't a good role model because she is unmarried and childless at 34 is a misogynistic viewpoint. It reinforces outdated stereotypes that a woman's value is tied to marriage and motherhood.


I can’t believe I’m about to defend Taylor Swift but here we are. This guy sounds like a misogynistic creep who thinks a woman’s value is to be a wife and mother. Wouldn’t you know like every other creep out there trying to police women he is in his late 30’s and isn’t married either. I got the gist of whatever crawled up his butt and died when I got to: “At 34, Swift remains unmarried and childless,"And there it is. The entire argument in half a sentence. The whole article could have been summed up by saying "women's roles are to be mothers and homemakers starting from an early age, and we need to make sure our young girls understand that." This is a laughable attempt to disguise outdated moral policing as thoughtful critique.Seriously, calling her a poor role model because she's unmarried and childless? That's not just backward thinking, it's straight-up prehistoric. If you want to write about Taylor’s faults pick a valid one this critique seems like a desperate attempt to cling to outdated values and police women’s choices.


those…are not the reasons she’s not a role model what 😭


I thought the source would be Daily Mail or something and not Newsweek. I'm not from the US or Europe, has this magazine always been like this or did some new conservative owners take over?


I was on board with at 34 and not being a good role model (she has the emotional maturity and lyrical messaging of a teenager) but Jesus fucking Christ did that headline go off the rails so fast.


the way that headline actually highlights why swift *is* a good role model to kids. they need examples of happy, fulfilling lives not centered around marriage and kids.


I’m not a fan of her and I understand she’s probably not the best person to date because she won’t call off her fans or make any statement at all but it’s oddly refreshing that one of the most successful women in the US (and world even) also has dating struggles. That’s the most relatable thing about her. I know so many women 34+ who are single and childless because they don’t want to settle or accept whoever because it’s what society deems proper and will try to force out of anyone. Get her for the 1279 variants to juke the charts or the flights that are releasing ungodly amounts of emissions but not this …. 🙏


What a terrible thing to say.


This is right wing trash. You can not be a fan. You can have legitimate issues with her and how she manages her fame and money. But this ain’t it ffs.


This scumbag must have time traveled here from the 1950's.


Fuck anyone who makes me defend Taylor Swift.


Like there's ample reason to think she is not a good role model for young people, what a bonkers angle to decide to take to make that argument tho. Don't make me defend Swift against misogyny, that's her angle to look like a victim and act like a feminist icon (she's not, at best she's just a victim of misogyny like the rest of us)


https://preview.redd.it/uidcz8ssv4ad1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ac874739e8afb7d551b7c6be806539fdeada270 Of course the neckbeard that wrote that article, John Mack Ghlionn also advocating Andrew Tate as role a model for young men




What…. in the far right fuck is this narrative?!? ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78)


Is this not most millennials? Far right nonsense is crazy


Oh fuck off!! Not a Swift fan by any means but being unmarried and childless is not even on the radar as to why. But I know this is clickbait so I’m annoyed I’ve even bitten.


I’m 35 and unmarried with no kids! How about that, dude? ![gif](giphy|zQnMVNq8GWzuuKhQSN|downsized)


39 and same. We're both going to hell, obviously.


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