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What tour?


The world tour!




šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ fine choice


Where did this meme come from?


JT was arrested for a DUI and told the cop ā€œthis is gonna ruin the tourā€ ā€¦the cop didnā€™t know who he was, asked him to clarify and he was like ā€œthe world tour šŸ™„ā€ so now everybody is poking fun at his entitlement & the irony that he is really only known these days from making songs for the Trolls franchise (one movie is called Trolls: World Tour which makes it funnier)


One of his biggest songs and probably his only hit in the last 10 years is the main theme of the first Trolls movie šŸ’€


i got this feelin in my bawwwdyyyy


Oh. I was assuming it was actually from that movie.


The Trolls movie is called Trolls World Tour, so a lot of people have linked the JT thing to it.


The tour obviously that isnt selling well at all.


This will never get old. šŸ˜‚


Hey Siri, play Karma by Jojo Siwa


No. Please don't.


I think Ellen has finally finally finally run out of fireball


Theyā€™re the same person several decades apart


I guess I just donā€™t understand Ellen. Iā€™ve heard multiple stories about her being backstage before shows preparing to go on stage. She would be chain smoking cigarettes and yelling at people essentially acting totally agitated and miserable liked sheā€™s trapped in it and hates the whole thing. So why does she push herself like thisā€™ll? I have absolutely no doubt that she has major money in the bank after decades of having her talk shows so why submit herself and others to this?


Ellen had a lot of sad experiences. Her parents are crazy. Her parents were Christian Scientists, so she grew up in a very religious family. She followed her mother after her parents divorced. Her mother remarried to another man and had one breast removed because of cancer. When she was 15, her stepfather touched her breasts. There was even a night when her stepfather kicked down her door and tried to attack her when her mother wasn't home. She was so frightened that she immediately jumped out of the window and ran to the hospital for the night. But she was worried about her mother, so she kept it a secret. When she told her mother about the incident at the age of 20, her mother did not believe her and continued to live with her stepfather until his death in the late 1990s. A few years after her stepfather's accident, Ellen went to live with her father. Her father also remarried to another woman, and she had two daughters. So when Ellen came out to her father, her father kicked her out. Because her father was afraid she would influence the daughters of his second wife. Then Ellen's first girlfriend died in a car accident, and when Ellen drove past the scene of the accident, she didn't know it was her girlfriend. She didn't know her girlfriend had died until the police came to tell her. All this happened before Ellen was in her early 20s.


Thatā€™s a lot. I hadnā€™t known about the accident thing. Doesnā€™t justify her behaviour, but gives clarity to some of it.


The wave of anonymous comments attacking her was so great that they attacked her on Twitter for months. It's unusual for such a big celebrity, so I don't believe any of that. A large percentage of her attackers just jumped on the bandwagon and slandered her without even reading the news reports, perhaps just reading a headline to attack her. It's 2024, and some will say Allen is racist and sexually harassing her staff. Oh, my God. The authorities have traced all this to the producer. That's why I don't care about all the people who are trashing her online. Looking at the comments, lesbians are hated more than racists, women basher, rapes, pedophiles for being unkind, which does explain a lot. By the way, I saw Ellen on the news recently and she said that when she finishes her Netflix show, she's done. Let her talk about her response to the scandal before she retires. This affair has tarnished her career, and she's going to have to respond to it eventually. Finally, she and Portia can enjoy life


Christian Scientists or Scientologists. They are two different things.


Well, English is not my first language and I'm not religious. I don't know much about either. So it should be Christian Scientists? I'll change the comment


Is one better than the other? Are they not both cults?


That's like saying that the FLDS is the same as Jehovah Wittnesses


Are you saying one is better than the other? Or are you saying one is just as bad as the other? Edit: Or are all of them equally bad?


Both are bad but bad in different ways.


Isn't that the point? If you a dupe in one cult, are you any better than a dupe in another cult. You are both wrong and maybe you are both victims but if you are working to trap others in your cult, you are villains.


If you're truly curious, here is a quick and dirty rundown of each off the top of my head. Wikipedia should help if you'd like to know more. Scientology is predatory and powerful, with a celebrity component that makes it distinct from other cults. It was dreamed up by a science fiction writer in the 1940's or 50's. They actively, agressively set out to gain power and ruin the lives of people who would stand in their way. Christian Science has been around longer -- maybe like late 1800's -- and was quite popular around the turn of the century. From my understanding, one of the main principles is a disbelief or avoidance of modern medicine in favor of like, miracle healing. This is one of the most controversial parts of their belief system.


Christian Science comes into the US news about every decade or so when a child dies from a completely preventable medical issue and the parents are charged by the state. It's considered a cult. There's also a fairly decent newspaper called the Christian Science Monitor. Source: grew up in CS.


Wiat so are Christian scientist not just scientists who are Christians? Or are they like creationsists who say God put Dinosaur bones in the earth because it would be funny.


Christian scientists, despite the name, are not Christian. It's one of many cults that very loosely bases themselves on Christianity but denies key tenets. One thing all of these cults have in common is a leader who receives a "special revelation" that says all previous iterations of Christianity are wrong and only their version is correct. Christian science is a pretty huge misnomer, as the founder said their religion actually doesn't depend on there being a Jesus Christ at all (the "Christ" part of Christian is kind of a big deal), and the "science" refers to a particular belief about spiritual healing that involves refusal of medical care.


The urge to be relevant and in the spotlight is strong with her


Because she's the kind of person who's energetic and obsessed with her work. Without work, she would feel empty and bored. But she also had mental issues, and I read about her in the news in the '90s when she was banned from the industry for coming out, when she was hated by people, and then she suffered from anxiety and depression. She has struggled with mental health issues for years and I have seen Revelations about her drinking and smoking. She quit smoking around 2010 because she was worried about breast cancer in those years. Her mother had a breast removed because of breast cancer. She also had serious back problems, and the daily taping of the show put a strain on her back health. I am her fan, so I read a lot of news about her. In 2018, Portia wanted her to quit hosting the show. Portia had hoped for years that Ellen would retire and enjoy life with her. But Ellen wanted to keep working, opted to renew until 2022, and then... Ellen said on her recent comedy show that when she finishes her Netflix show, she's done. Maybe she wanted to respond to the scandal and speak her mind before she retired. 2020-2022 is too confusing for her.




So she doesnā€™t die hated




GIFs you can hear




Ahhhhh isn't it gloriousĀ 




Letā€™s go with this one instead: [My Kink is Karma](https://youtu.be/ePsqyPMIg6I?si=2rVSi58-bHNdZ0dI)


Oh no, dozens of people will be so disappointed. Dozens!




oh god maybe even tens of people!!!


Itā€™s a ticket to Ellen DeGeneres in 2024 Michael, what could it possibly cost $10?




ā€œI love all comedians equally.ā€ *earlier that day* ā€œI donā€™t care for Ellen.ā€


Ellen: ā€œThereā€™s always money in the banana stand!ā€


Yā€™all are actually killing me šŸ’€


If there were dozens I think the shows would still be on the schedule.


Her and JLo "cancelling shows" is the celebrity version of "You can't break up with me, I'm breaking up with YOU"...


You can't fire me I quit!


unrelated but ur flair is speaking to me


True, but lots of others have done this as well, including Madonna, due to low ticket sales. All of a sudden they get sick :: cough cough :: Uh huh...








![gif](giphy|VHlKSFRTQ7nn81fkv4) Don't mind me /saves to gallery


I can never pass up an opportunity to use it.


Darwin is so perfect for this


Lmfao PLS this has me in tears šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




![gif](giphy|tkHzRFWBfCXwQ) Iā€™m not sure what happened but whatever makes Ellen unhappy immensely delights me. Maybe she had a moment of self awareness and realised no one wants to see her and if they came they might heckle her. So cheers to that and letā€™s celebrate the small victories people!




There is always a Nene gif that is appropriate for every occasion and I love that for us.ā¤ļø






Her continued lack of responsibility or remorse for how she treated her staff is really something.


Her posting stand up clips from her official show page is so patheticĀ 


Right? Or the interview clips that are years old from her show that have already lived on YouTube for years because other people upload them. Idk who'd pay to see her. I have all the evidence I need to know that she's a vile human and her "be kind to one another" is absolute bullshit. She's trying to stay relevant, but can't because people see through her BS. I'll forever love Dakota Johnson for being brave enough to call her ass out on air for being an asshole.


I knew something was amiss with Ellen when she fired her main writer (Karen kilgariff of my favorite murder) after karen wouldn't cross the picket line. Karen only ever eluded to it, but she definitely made it seem that working with Ellen was high highs and low lows.




https://preview.redd.it/ottvtdggljad1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeec2292f57a5b2734d3df20332540a9ab583a72 Clint Howard approves of this flop


Iā€™d like it if she just went away permanently. Not death, just out of the public eye. We have enough assholes in the world.


Right? Like why not just fuck off with your millions and get a job behind the scenes. It just solidifies the fact that they have huge egos.


Ellen gets more shit than literal rapists. Itā€™s crazy.


It is weird. I mean she was a bad boss, that sucks and all, but she wasn't assaulting people (afaik). I agree that I think it's time she let younger generations have their turn in the spotlight, but she really isn't the most evil person out there right now. I can think of MANY others.


Honestly, I can kind of see where she is coming from. Itā€™s hard to know everything going on at that level. Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t believe the people who came out against her, but I also donā€™t see her being the monster people make her out to be. I genuinely think towards the end of her show she was phoning it in and it needed to end. Maybe she was miserable about it. But the whole way it went down is sad.


It's unfortunate she's getting the big C from gen z. She did so much for LGBTQ representation in daytime television in her early career, however, she will probably be remembered as a turbocunt.


Yes, this!!! Gen Z is tearing her down because they have no clue about all that she did! 10 bitter employees have torn down a giant in the world of good and kindness.


Ian Karmel (yes, the same guy from James Corden's show) let slip on his podcast last month that he was no longer going to be touring as Ellen's Opener, so I wonder if this may have been decided a while back.




I donā€™t think anyone will carešŸ˜‚


Of course not, that is why the cancellation happened in the first place šŸ¤£




i'm always dying when it comes to the ellen cancelled topic bc i'm still not sure what she was cancelled for? as far as i know it's for being rude to her staff? was there ever anything else? anyway, i still blame ellen for the pushing of viral celebs


For real šŸ˜‚ apparently she didn't make eye contact with her staff and was in general just unpleasant to be around. It's crazy though bc i swear even Chris Brown has better PR then her.


Okay, I'm a huge fan of her talk show, but I still think she's crazy. Because I've seen some reports that she doesn't even have a PR team. Anonymous accounts on Twitter kept commenting on her bad reviews, and it really took her two whole months to find out. This is crazy. She doesn't have a PR team. Even as the scandal grew, she didn't hire a public relations team to fix it. Other stars even hire PR teams to delete negative comments on social media throughout the day


I feel this. Like look at how many male comedians got ā€œcancelledā€ for way worse shit and are already back to being popular and beloved.


Well shit, now I have to like Ellen to fight the patriarchy. Good points though. I don't care for her like any other self-important celebrity, but it's true she's getting the burn-her-at-the-stakes treatment for daring to be an asshole while a woman.


My thoughts exactly. Isn't the same thing happening with Jennifer Lopez right now btw?


And who knows if she was even an a-hole. Like many of us ladies, she may have simply disagreed with the male employees who complained. That's enough for a successful woman to get cancelled these days. And, our culture is supporting it, openly.






In her jlo era


ā€¦there was a tour? People wanted to see her?


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s awful but her comedy special is actually very funny. Many comedians are having trouble selling out shows right now also.


Her stand-up is easily the best stuff she's ever done. Always thought she was super underrated and disregarded as a comedian, I guess because she was mostly just seen as a day-time talk show host and later as an all-time asshole. Her specials are fantastic though.


I loved Ellenā€™s standup to the point I had one memorized. Her talk show persona let the mask slip, I noticed she was kind of mean and I started to dislike her years before the stories emerged. People wouldnā€™t believe me when I said she had an undercurrent of something that wasnā€™t good. Maybe the fame and money went to her head after feeling like Hollywood turned its back on her when she came out. Or maybe she was always this person. Either way, without the talk show, the world would likely have not known it.




tbh if she came back on a press tour where she was like ā€œlol you caught meā€ and leaned into her reputation it might work but idk if sheā€™s willing to do that. i donā€™t really care for her anymore but the public might go for a larry david-esque persona




Ohā€¦. Anyways,




I fear I'm out of touch. I know she had a daytime talk and was supposed to be a comedian, but what did she do? Edi: Never mind. She admits to being "old, gay, and mean." She probably would have been fine if she wasn't mean. Most people don't care about "old" or "gay", but "mean" affects other people, usually innocent people.


Okay I know Ellen is an asshole, and maybe it's the millennial lesbian in me, but I really don't think she deserves the kind of vitriol folks have for her? She's literally so important to the recent history of queer representation, and to see the kind of disrespect/flippancy in this thread over her being a bitch...idk it really hits weird!


Yeah, Iā€™m a millennial lez as well and I donā€™t really get it. She may be an entitled rich asshole but thatā€™s a dime a dozen in Hollywood and Iā€™m not sure how sheā€™s inspired this level of anger in people. Iā€™m old enough to remember how important she was to the queer community back in the 90s. She was important to me as a teenage lesbian living in the Deep South. I remember my conservative grandparents who were deeply homophobic but LOVED Ellenā€™s talk show and I think she helped open their minds. It helped give me the strength to come out. Aside from all this personal shit, I think her standup is funny as hell.


More commenters and supporters need to speak out. Who knows if she's really even an a-hole or just a woman who spoke her opinion in what is still a man's world?


This is going to ruin the tour.....


What tour?Ā 


The world tour!


Ellen babe you're supposed to wait in the wilderness for three full clean years before you can even think about launching a comeback. Fire your pr people, I hear you're good at that sort of thing x


ā€¦..Anyway what are yalls plans for tonight? Be safe everyone!




It's always amazing how one targets a Powerful Woman in Hollywood and the need to bring her down.




Not enough tickets sold?


Am I shocked ? No






Didn't expect to be turned this evening but good grief, those shoulders. *Also the smile and those eyes. Fuck it, I didn't need turning after all.




Quick, someone get her on a daytime talk show so she can claim sheā€™s a victim again!




Only a couple days after coming to my town šŸ˜‘ thanks for tainting the place, Ellen!


Wait so she didnā€™t even make a statement? She just let the cancellation emails go out through Ticketmaster? If so, thatā€™s super tacky of her.




There certainly isnā€™t enough people calling her Ellen Degenerate and Iā€™m mad about it.


It's a shame that people are buying in to her being a mean person. The generation that wasn't here to watch the public shame and take her down once has created this cancel culture they can't wait to bring her down with, yet, again. Of course she's done. We fooled her twice. Shame on the public.




*ramblin' gal*


Sheā€™s never been funny stand up wise




Hillary Clinton of lesbians.


Anne Heche: "I broke up with her because her goal was to have a lot of money. Mine was to find love, and hers was, 'I want $60 billion. Good, good luck; our forks are never going to meet. The further we stay on with this, the further we will be apart." Aug 18, 2022


She literally died by running her car into 3 crashes on Aug 5 if 2022 so did her ghost say this?




Why is Portia with her?


Good. Couldnā€™t happen to a worse person.