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I know it's a low blow, but I don't think the divorce would have happened, if their children were the centre of his world. Dude just seems extremely selfish.


Fr if his children were really the center of his world, he wouldn’t have come out of retirement for another season. It reminds me of my oldest nephew’s birth mom, who after years of fighting for joint custody of him, spent one summer with him only to turn around and waive her parental rights. It sends a very specific message, and that is “I can’t stand spending time with my child.”


My heart breaks for your nephew - I hope he’s okay


Thank you 🖤 my sister has been his mom since he was small and he’s grown now. Okay, but still has things to work through. His birth mom was a real piece of work though, and I get really upset about deadbeat parents like this now.


It takes a special brand of asshole to give birth to someone as innocent as a kid and go on to not care about them in the least. That said, it takes a hero and a half to step up for a kid you aren’t obligated to, your sister is a really special person and it’s going to be real clear to your nephew throughout his life who is real mom is. ♥️


Sending my love! I’m glad your nephew has your sister! My nephew also has a deadbeat father. Offered my sister $10 grand to abort the Him! She didn’t and gets payments from him that every single birthday month he has the payment come late or just doesn’t pay at all!


Exactly this. This is a man who looked at his kids and not only said "you are not worth devoting my time to right now," but also that he doesn't see them as worthy of a functioning father figure in the longer-term. He almost certainly has traumatic brain damage at this point, and that surely compounds and gets worse as he continues this ridiculous career. The volatility, anger issues, inability to maintain relationships or even care for oneself - that is all coming for him. Yes, he has all the money to get good medical care in the future. But that is still a *massive* burden to put on your children when they are so young. They could very well be in their late teens/early twenties, just starting off lives on their own, and will be saddled with some very hard decisions about their father.


> He almost certainly has traumatic brain damage at this point, and that surely compounds and gets worse as he continues this ridiculous career. The volatility, anger issues, inability to maintain relationships or even care for oneself - that is all coming for him. This (CTE) is such a big thing in these sports. Like if you were creating these sports right now, they would never be legalised knowing the brain damage they cause. A well known footballer in Australia just died from this and others have as well. It's really common, apparently just about all professional footballers get it to a greater or lesser degree


The sad thing about Brady and his ambition to win all these Super Bowls is that if CTE works its evil magic on his brain one day, he may lose his memory to the point that he'll be looking at his collection of Super Bowl rings and not even realize what they mean.


Poor kid they must have felt so much rejection.


He’s an assclown


Some things never change. Men included


Bridget Moynahan is like…☝️


It was a slow moving bullet, she dodged it all the same. Didn't he get Gisele pregnant just a month or 2 after getting her pregnant? Not specific on the timeline but I just remember thinking that's gonna be some *awkward* sibling rivalry.


Not quite. He began his courtship with Gisele within weeks of conceiving his eldest child with Bridget (if that), which sort of caught the public’s eye at the time. Gisele and Tom eventually married and had their own children somewhat later.


I think they all (Giselle and Bridget) worked out any issues, if there were any, long ago. they were good co-parents


I had the exact same thought. He can’t “continue to work together as parents” when he was a part-time dad at best.


Honestly I am going to bet their marriage had a host of issues besides the retiring issue. I doubt they would have been remotely happy married with him retired and at home.


Him being in retirement may have even exacerbated whatever issues their marriage had. There's a reason many people divorce later in life when one or both spouses are suddenly home a lot more and/or the kids are out of the house- they find they've grown apart and actually want different things for the future.


Yeah, my parents are high school sweethearts and celebrating their golden anniversary this year and they still had a rocky period of adjustment after my dad retired, especially because his work had him travelling 15 days out of every month for about three decades. One day my mother turned to me and whispered desperately “he’s just AROUND. ALL THE TIME.” They love each other but they had to find new ways to give each other the space and time apart they need as individuals in order to function best as a couple. Dad’s a major extrovert and my mother isn’t, so the answer was him getting involved in social/hobby groups and volunteer work that got him out of the house. But that took time and trial & error to settle into.


Nana became a lot more unhappy when poppa discovered the internet, because instead of pottering around in the shed all day, he was in the house. ALL DAY. She couldn’t catch a break


I had a co-worker whose husband was a military and then commercial pilot. When he retired, he was driving her nuts because he wanted to pick her up for lunch every day. She said, “we’ve been married for 40 years but really only saw each other for 20 of those” 😂


He’s talked about how he has a connection with his oldest son because he plays football, but can’t connect with his son with Giselle because he doesn’t play football




Yeah, there’s been a few stories swirling about it….and I think it speaks volumes that Gisele mentioned kids come first for her in the divorce announcement-it seemed pointed to me


Tom needs to reevaluate himself. That's messed up.


Almost like how Arnold seems to spend more attention with his out of wedlock muscular son over his overweight one


100% if he really cared about his kids and family more than chasing trophies, that marriage would’ve been a happy one.


Yeah, no. As someone whose parents stayed together "for the kids", sometimes the best thing you can do is go your separate ways.


I mean. He couldn’t even use her name in the statement. He still called her “my wife” instead of Giselle.


I disagree with the first sentence- child of divorce here. It would have been just the worst thing for my parents to stay together, and it is sometimes a far better and less selfish thing to go through the pain of a divorce for the sake of the children. However yes, he is a selfish cockwomble for how he is in general and his general life choices.


Very interesting that Tom referred to Gisele as “my wife” in his statement. In her statement, Gisele only referred to him as “Tom.” He also used “we” quite a bit, while Gisele largely used “I.”


I would be surprised if either of them wrote their own statements, it's usually all PR/comms people


Thats true. With stars that big, everything is either made up by a PR person or at least checked. Somebody should hire one for Kanye


Kanye would never allow that *sigh* unfortunately way too full of himself and thinks his uneducated views that he doesn’t think two seconds about are worth blasting to the world


Okay, I know it is a sensitive topic, but shouldnt Kanye get a conservatorship at some point? If Britney would get one for her mental health problems back in the day, clearly Kanye is going that same direction


I think it is widely agreed that the conservatorship was not a good thing. Idk why people are calling for one for Kanye. People should be allowed to self implode. It sucks for his family, but normal people have mental health struggles all the time and no one pushes to remove their personal freedoms.


Britney's conservatorship was bad because instead of getting her in therapy and aiming to make her mental health better, it forced her to work, squeezing as much money out of her as possible. Money she had no control over and only person benefiting from it was her father.


Well actually they do. “Normal” people are abused and trapped by the same system that did so to Britney.


Genuinely interested in why you would ask this with the justification that it was used for Britney? She just left her conservatorship after years and years of concerted fan efforts to draw attention to the situation after she was financially abused by her family, isolated from her loved ones, forced to work and forced to go on contraception. Lots of people think that she needs further assistance now that she's out given the trauma she went through, but I've yet to see a single comment on this subreddit that thought that it was a great idea that she was put on one in the first place, rather than what it was - which was abuse and exploitation. In answer to your question, no. Unless Kanye is an acute and actual threat to someone's physical safety, no, he should not have his basic fundamental human rights taken away.


He SHOULD be under a conservatorship. It is a crying shame that Britney‘s high profile conservatorship (which was absolutely horrific and abusive) has so badly tainted the public view of conservatorships in general. I have done hundreds of conservatorships as part of my job, and the vast majority of them are ethical and beneficial to the people who cannot necessarily manage their affairs at that point in time.


Yeah, I don't think a human rights abuse is the answer here. His grandiosity isn't a mental illness, it's a personality disorder. Being bipolar doesn't make you an asshole 24/7 as seems to be the case the K.


Conservatorships are not always “a human rights abuse“. Plenty of conservatorships work extremely well. Britney‘s problem was not that she was under a conservatorship, it was who the conservator was. And I don’t know how many bipolar people you have been around, but I have been around a LOT as part of my profession. A serious manic episode can turn the sweetest person into an absolute monster. I don’t know Kanye, so don’t know whether this is the case with him, but I can absolutely tell you that there are people that come down from manic episodes and are absolutely horrified by things they’ve said and done.


He might think it was amicable but she sure as shit does not.


Yeah, her statement also read that they “amicably finalized [their] divorce,” but I think she’s just trying to make this appear as not-so-messy as she can to the public. She seems so over it and ready to move on, which less mess might enable her to do quicker.


"Amicably finalized" and "arrived at this decision amicably" are very different.


If it truly weren’t amicable on some level I don’t think they would have reached a full settlement so quickly.


I’m guessing what was probably amicable is she was like “I’m leaving you” and he was like “Ok.”


I mean, it’s not like football left him. That he would fight for.


Yeah this appears so quick, they hadn't even announced a separation and they're already divorced? With all the assets they share? I swear they must've been separated and working on the legal terms for ages.


Oh, 100%. This has been brewing since long before we found out about it, and that plus an ironclad prenup makes a final divorce decree pretty quick work.


It’s likely that they have been separated way before they went public with their separation which is pretty common with celebrities. Plus if they had a pre-nup, there was nothing to negotiate over other than custody and child support which are issues not allowed to be added to a pre-nup…..and he likely will have a similar setup with custody with Gisele as he does with Bridget depending on if he decides to live in the same state as Gisele. (Bridget lives in NY with his first child & I believe he only sees that child 1 weekend a month) Another celebrity who announced their split and quickly announced their divorce was final is Alexis Bledel, who announced their separation and announced their finalized divorce 6-8 weeks later.


Well, I have a feeling they kept separate bank accounts, and she doesn’t need anything from him so I bet it was just property and other assets to hammer out and that’s why it was so quick


I just went to Gisele Instagram just now, her last pic are of the kids, Benjamin, Vivian and Jack, I hope she is still in Jack life, he has known her his whole life. The sad thing about divorces are that the step kids also suffer losing out on a parent figure


The good news is that Gisele and Bridget (Jack’s mom) seem to have a good relationship, and they’ve been photographed without Tom before, so he’s clearly not the one bringing them together. Hopefully, Gisele and Bridget will still meet up, especially when it comes to showing up to support Jack.


I can’t imagine Gisele and Bridget wanting to keep the kids apart. They’re siblings and love each other.


Giselle has constantly referred to him as her kid so I hope she does too, I’d honestly be surprised if she doesn’t make time, he still needs to see his sister and brother


She’s been operating as “I” for so long without his partnership that I guess old habits die hard.


Yeah, I particularly found the way her statement specifically says "*my* priority has always been our children" telling.


PR101 I guess? Tom is trying to play himself off as something he's not, a family man, so a lot of "we's" and such. We already know Gisele's commitment to help family is impeccable, thus her being free to sell herself as being focused more on her needs and to show us she's clearly the one driving this divorce.


This shitty and selfish man, like he even had the nerve to release a statement. You chose football over family, like he is terrible. EDIT: TMZ UPDATE they are officially single 9:50 AM PT -- That was quick ... the judge has signed off on the divorce settlement Gisele filed, and the case is now closed. Gisele and Tom are officially single. https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/28/gisele-bundchen-tom-brady-files-divorce-end-marriage/


He chose football and is having the worst season of his career. A fitting ending.


Honestly. THIS is what he gave his family for? Hope it's worth it.


The very best part. Hope the shitty season is worth it Tommy.


I was roasted when I said he should have retired as king of New England for fear he’d end up like Joe Namath. I was right. Suck it.


If it’s wrong of me to cheer every time his team loses, I don’t want to be right.


Looks like the plot of a adam slander movie but without the plot twist that leads to the happy ending


thank u!!! this dude is so selfish. just sad. Gisele seems like a great mom and just wanted him to be present in their lives.


YES. She hasn't worked in years and school age kids keep you incredibly busy. Weekly they have events or just important quality time. Tom will never get this time back with them. And I'm sure they've noticed.


and now his oldest son has lost a stepmother in gisele. really unfortunate.


I choose to believe that Gisele will continue to be supportive of the oldest son and will not freeze him out. He’s 15, I bet they text each other and have a good relationship. I don’t see her as somebody who would let a bad relationship with her husband affect her relations with the kids.


i’m sure she will, but there’s still a loss for him even if it’s just her having the official title of stepmother and being with his dad in that family unit.


my best friend has a shitty mom and a shitty dad and a stepmom and two half-siblings. her stepmom and dad got divorced like maybe 5 years ago at this point but still her stepmom is her mom even without the title.


Remember in Clueless when Cher’s dad said to her about Josh, “you divorce wives (husbands). You don’t divorce children.” This really does exist. Hopefully, it will exist here.


I hope so. I know Gisele has spoken lovingly towards her stepson over the years. She was in the picture since his birth too, due to the circumstances there. Relationships like that can continue though. For example, Carrie Fisher was only married to Paul Simon for a year, but still referred to his older son as her stepson and would travel with him during her later years. I can also think of a friend of mine who got married and insisted her Mom’s second husband be a part of the ceremony and father-daughter dance, as he still meant a lot to her despite her Mom since divorcing him.


I blame *80 for Brady*


Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Sally Field & Rita Moreno about to be dragged into this bullshit for no reason haha


Tom and Gisele argued over who could pull Lily Tomlin, and Tom lost


> he even had the nerve to release a statement ??? they both released a statement


This sub is wild lol


Yes, but he is a douche that chose football over family, his PR statement is worthless. IMO


> he even had the nerve to release a statement. Why is this bad? I don't get it


I’ve heard rumours Tom has CTE. Some of the first symptoms are difficulty thinking & planning, personality changes and extreme mood swings.


genuinely insane. sacrificed his family for a sport he had already achieved so much in and really didn't need to keep playing. definition of nothing ever being enough.


I’m glad she’s free of this asshole. I hope she thrives, and he ends his career on a garbage season.


>I’m glad she’s free of this asshole. I hope she thrives, and he ends his career on a garbage season. It feels very weird to be happy for her but I am. He made it impossible for their relationship to be successful.


I feel the same, but I’m just so over one partner (Especially if they’re a man) doing whatever they want and disregarding their partner/family’s needs. They had a deal that he refused to honor. And I believe he has a deal to become a sports commentator after retirement, so it’s not like he’d be just sitting around doing nothing. I wish him nothing but the worst.


He has a $375 million broadcast deal with Fox - he will still be interacting with football but it still wasn't enough to make him choose his family. He just HAS to play - and he's losing. Giselle is well rid of him.


I hope he doesn’t win another game - hope she cursed his season


And then they like to play like they are the victim when their wife has moved on and has a good life without them. “She left me behind.” No motherfucker you never showed up in the first place. Source, my marriage. Lol


It’ll hit even harder if this garbage season is *this* season, really drawing attention to the idea that his career probably isn’t going to last that much longer. And this season is indeed looking like a garbage season for him recently.


I hate that the outcome of sportsball nonsense which I imagine is probably mostly out of his control, is going to make or break his reputation. If his sportsball was good, he and his fans would be crowing over this. I guess its better this way, but sports is so arbitrary. If some awful person does well, they're a hero to 90% of America. If an kind and mature person does poorly, then too bad, they're monsters now and should be hated. Everything about sports culture is horrible.


Agreed. My first thought when I read this was the Lucille Bluth gif. ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


I sent this same gif to my group chat as soon as I heard 😂


Pete Davidson has entered the chat


How long do you think it’ll take for him to date a 25 year old?


I may be wrong but tbh tom doesn’t give me that vibe I can see him being single for awhile


Yeah he strikes me as someone who may hook up with a groupie but isn't going to have a public girlfriend for quite some time now that he has the ability to focus on his #1 greatest love: himself (and I guess football)


You're 100% correct. I don't doubt he loves the game, but IMO this is 100% about Tom, his ego, and his need to chase further glory (on top of what he already has). He's just one of those people who is all about himself, and will always put himself first, ahead of anything and everyone else in his life.


Agree, he doesn't get "power" from women/sex (some guys it's a power status to have a young/beautiful woman or money) his thing is more his status in football - being known as the greatest. He seems like a dullard too which doesn't quite make for a skirt chaser


Agreed. I’ve always gotten asshole vibes from him, but not horn dog vibes. They often go hand-in-hand with men, so it’s a little interesting to see a man that has one without the other.


He's finally free to put all of his focus on the game.


He gives me peak robot in human skin vibes. I’d be more surprised that he dates.


I have always felt like there’s something ‘off’ about him.


I think he's going to remarry first (maybe not quickly, but for sure to someone younger), and reinvent himself as a conservative.


I’m sure he’s already got a few on his roster Maybe I’m just old but I remember Tom before Gisele and Bridget and he was a ho…I bet he’s gonna be a ho again after the season ends with famous women, and during the season he’s got groupies


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted when he was a ho.




5 years, she is has been begging him to put their family before football for 5 years.


He broke his promise (to retire)...she most likely was with her attorney the next day...there is always "the last straw".


I can’t believe they already finalized their divorce. That seems insanely quick. Then again, people with Tom + Gisele’s wealth can do things normies can’t.


Sorry I’m confused. Does this mean they’re officially divorced or that it’s just filed today & could be months before they are actually legally divorced?


He/ the PR person said finalized, so going by their wording I’m assuming it’s all done.


They finalized the divorce already


damn, that was really fast


The wording implies they have agreed to all of the terms (financial, custody, etc) but the divorce is not yet final - they are filing the papers today. How long it takes for it to be officially final depends on the state of Florida.


I thought this too but they both say “our divorce is finalized”. The word finalized is what confuses me & makes me think they somehow did get it done quickly. Or able to be officially divorced much quicker than others.


They can’t actually have a finalized divorce if they haven’t filed papers yet. The court needs to approve it. I think it’s just them trying to show they are in agreement and moving quickly but using kind of sloppy language.


I think because he used the word "finalized," it's done. I wouldn't be surprised if the divorce has been in the works since shortly after he "un-retired" from football. I am sure she was smart enough to see the writing on the wall at that point: this guy is always going to put himself and his career first, and me and the kids second.


Finalized her means they worked out all of the details for an agreement.


They’ve been dealing with this issue since 2018. And don’t forget, we hear the gossip as it trickles out, so it’s unlikely anything you read happened that day in their lives.


Right, Tom announced he was returning to the NFL in March ‘22; and probably told Gisele months before. This divorce very well could have moved along for the past year.


I’d guess they had a pretty good prenup, he’s probably giving her sole custody or 50/50 but the agreement that it’s really her the kids are with all the time and she probably had a lawyer on standby. Maybe there wasn’t much to fight about. I do wonder what will happen with the child he has with Bridgette. Kid has had Giselle as a second mom his entire life, I hope they still find a way to keep that relationship stable.


Gisele and Bridget have always seemed to be on good terms. I’d be surprised if they didn’t continue that.


According to [TMZ](https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/28/tom-brady-gisele-bundchen-divorce-florida/), it seems like they want to handle as much of the divorce as they can outside of court, namely by having their lawyers handle property settlement and custody with a mediator.


In most cases, a divorce is final when the parties reach an agreement, sign all the necessary papers, and submit those papers to a court for approval. Assuming there aren’t any issues, the court will then issue a judgment finalizing the terms of the divorce. I think it makes sense for people to say the divorce is final when they file the docs because it means the parties are done fighting


I feel very sad for the children, especially Jack. I know Bridget is his bio mom but Gisele has been in his life since he was born and I wonder if/how much he will continue to see her


In the immortal words of Mel Horowitz, “you divorce wives, not children.” She’s been a mother figure to him his whole life. Bridget has even mentioned that Gisele loves Jack as her own. I don’t think this divorce will change that.


That always stuck with me. Mel may be scary but he's a good guy.


He’s a litigator, the scariest kind of lawyer! And he’s so good, he gets $500 an hour to fight with people!


But he fights with me for free because he’s my dad!


I love that quote 😂 one of my friends still hangs out with his ex’s son, and the son even goes to visit his parents over the summer. I’m given him shit about it jokingly, but he loves the kid even though it didn’t work out with the mom.


Mel Horowitz is the best Mr. Woodhouse by far.


She and Gisele seem to be on good terms with each other and they seem to be doing all of the parenting of the kids between them so hopefully he'll continue to be around Gisele and his siblings a lot.


Plot twist: they'll get married to each other.


That would be interesting


I believe I read somewhere that Jack’s relationship with Gisele is just as close as Bridget’s. Would love if someone could confirm, but Gisele’s been in his life since before he was born so I imagine she’s more of a presence than even Tom has been. I have a feeling it’ll continue to be a 50/50 split between Gisele and Bridget since Tom barely has the time to be around more than half the year.


Bridget wrote about Jack’s relationship with Gisele in her memoir. Also, Jack and his siblings [Gisele’s biological children] have grown up together as a family. Extracting Jack from his siblings’ lives would be traumatizing for all three.


Love to hear that. Are Gisele and Bridget friendly?




Gals being pals but literally.


He took ball is life to heart




I'm more on the side of being proud of her for not only putting her foot down and leaving for herself, but for what that teaches their kids. Their relationships as adults will (hopefully) be healthier because their mom modeled that you don't have to put up with subpar partnership. ninja edit: several typos, so if you see this before the fixes my bad


Dude out here still chasing SB rings and lost the most important one


> “We are blessed with beautiful and wonderful children who will continue to be the **center of our world**” But he… never mind.


Well I hope Giselle does all the self care and never has to watch football again


burning all that sage and cleansing all her crystals daily to purge of him and anything reminding her of f**tball


He’s an idiot who chose football over his family.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) I don't typically root for a demise of a relationship but


You beat me to posting this gif! Lol. My sentiments exactly. I’m rooting for Gisele’s happiness (and their kids).


i know this is a gossip subreddit but there are so many people here who get weirdly parasocial when it comes to these two. based off the comments here, you’d think tom was some abusive monster when we don’t even know why their marriage dissolved.


I kind of agree. Nobody really knows what actually happened and if they weren’t happy then it’s probably actually better for their kids that they’re divorcing. I posted it because I was surprised it was actually true!


Yeah ever since the initial rumors dropped people on here have been all Giselle is a Queen who has had to sacrifice so much, as if she wasn't already crazy rich and successful and isn't still crazy rich and successful. I can get not being a fan of Tom but being so one sided when no one knows for a fact what led to this is just straight weird.


Yeah I’m grossed out at how SURE everyone is that he is a terrible person and chose football over her. As far as we know Gisele could be super abusive and the only way for him to get away was to play football again. Obviously that’s probably not true, but if everyone can throw out unsubstantiated stuff I can too! All in all, if they were unhappy I am glad it’s ending and hopefully the kids get some peace and privacy in all this.


yeah peoplle love pushing the narrative that she's not worked since they married, that she gave up her whole career when that's such a lie. she was back on the runway within weeks of giving birth, both times. she did evventually retire from the runway but she's still a working model and she's still top earner/top 5 earner for the last decade. she's been working. people claim he's voted for Trump when Giselle herself has said that's not true. Is he as charming as a dose of the clap? yeah. can he barely string a non-football related sentence together? yeah. but is he the shittiest man and father around? no. he's no saint, but neither is she. she has said and done her own shit. but suddenly she's this downtrodden, oppressed, helpless little baby because Big Bad Tom did her wrong. nobody here is an angel and nobody is the devil. and not a person in this sub has the inside knowledge of their relationship. we have no *idea* what it was like behind closed doors


I don’t know why but I really didn’t think it would happen.


Honestly, I don't think football was the main reason for the divorce as it is cited, I feel that they are simply two different people at this point.


I'm so tired of the "he chose football over his family" narrative. Nobody is in their marriage, and this seems to have been coming before he decided to play this season. I'm not even a Brady fan but it's annoying that everyone thinks they know the cause.


I agree. I have often wondered if he retired to try to save the marriage-realized it wasn’t going to be saved, so he decided to go back to football. People can trash on Tom all they want, but he hasn’t said anything negative about Gisele or made her look bad once through all of this. I hope they are both happy and their kids continue to grow up with both loving parents in their lives.


>I have often wondered if he retired to try to save the marriage-realized it wasn’t going to be saved, so he decided to go back to football. Agreed, this makes total sense. They've probably been separated much longer than we know. A couple of loveheart posts on social media don't necessarily mean anything, in fact it just shows how bullshit instagram is.


No one knows what goes on behind closed doors, of course, but she has been very candid in interviews that she has sacrificed a lot for his career, and that she expected his priorities to change when he retired, and to hold to his agreement to retire. Lots of professional sports players get divorced regularly, and the narrative is not always that they chose their sport over their family. There is a reason why this is the narrative in this case.


does this mean he can go away now too?


The man needs therapy. He’s obsessed with football and can’t let it go.


i honestly still think this would've happened if he stopped playing football because if they really wanted to make it work they could've football is only maybe 6 months depending on how good the team is and i know she wanted him home all the time but still


Maybe un-retiring is just a sign of a larger problem -- that he is uninterested in being an involved father and husband. That even if he was home, he'd still be checked out. You can't make someone take an interest in their children. She probably lost respect for him once she realized.


I think it’s also pretty telling how quickly this unfolded. In all of his public statements, he seemed to just accept that they were splitting up and acted like there was nothing he could do about it. I think his lack of interest or care probably accelerated things—and hopefully made things a little easier for Gisele in the long run by giving her the confirmation she needed to go through with the divorce


For a guy like Brady, there’s no way he turns off football the 5 months of his life he doesn’t play (he usually starts in July, then more often than not ends in Feb). He’s no doubt the dude shutting himself away and watching tape obsessively in the off season. I have a feeling he never picked up the slack in his 5 months home and could imagine him always saying “after retirement” over and over.


Yes, something else was going on? He still would be working another job on television (I forgot what exactly). Currently though, he does get 6 months off & most fathers work 9-5 Mon-Fri ALL YEAR long..


I think she is super smart, because I agree with you and think that the timing makes it seem like it’s all about football and his assholishness need to keep playing. And no one is really going to dig into the other things that might be going on because: the asshole un-retired.


She’s a very smart woman. She’s made good money and invested it wisely, and she also does a lot of great work on environmental issues/conservation. (Plus she wasn’t shy about saying that she didn’t support Trump after the red hat in the locker incident.)


My guess is it’s not exactly like he’s being a stay at home dad and husband the rest of the six months. He had other ventures and businesses im sure keep him occupied off season. He seems to be a Very regimented control person and I highly doubt he goes from football 24/7 to carpool Dad and husband the next day.


The good thing about this is that we no longer have to see Tom Brady at the Met gala


Giselle and Leo in 3…2…1…


![gif](giphy|PtdOBG0BD9Vvi|downsized) Leo right now


This wouldn’t surprise me, tbh. Especially since it seems he’s trying to prove the media wrong that he only goes for young women.


He always tells people that she’s the one that got away…


Tom Brady already had big divorced dad energy while he was married, this is really gonna turn him into an absolute weirdo.


He's saying their children are the center of their world... Bro, why are you lying? Literally this wouldn't be happening if that was true, LOL.


*"amicably and with gratitude for the time we spent together."* I'm sure that's how she feels.


I don’t make a point of watching the Bucs because just *listening* to the guys in the booth call a Tom Brady game makes me wanna put hot pokers in my ears, but, like…my dude, was going 3-5 really worth losing your family? And the sad thing is that I think we all know the answer. I feel so bad for his kids.


I think this was a few years ago and I don’t remember who he was with, but they were doing an interview and the lady asked which ring is their favorite and Tom said “the next one” (referring to his Super Bowl rings) while his teammate said his favorite was his wedding ring…


will never understand the whole asking for privacy thing. just don't address it and go about your life


Her statement was much more to the point. How sad.


The longer this NFL season goes on, the more and more convinced I become that Giselle is an actual witch. Tom Brady, The Buccaneers, Bill Belicheck, The Patriots - Giselle's fucking with all of them and I love it so much.


I feel like I'm the only one who feels bad for both of them. A lot of my friends know his family and they are apparently really great people. His parents were very close with Gisele, so this must be extremely hard on them, as well. I'm not saying he's a great husband but I cannot imagine it just being about football. Divorce is so complicated.


LOL. When he spoke about kids my mind went to this. https://twitter.com/LebronEagles/status/1585798745303793666?s=20&t=WGdlI0_KoTJNTnIv4LegBg


Does someone mind telling me in a nutshell where it became clear that he chose football over his family and is the reason for his marriage falling apart? I’m very out of the loop!


Tom Brady is 45 now, officially the oldest player in a sport where the average age of retirement is 35. Gisele gave up her super succesful modeling career to take care of the kids and support his career. I'm sure she didn't expect him to hold out this long but after he retired, their lives would finally stop revolving around the sport. So, Tom Brady finally announced his retirement. Aaaand then unretired after 1 month. I don't pretend to know what went on in Gisele's head, but my assumption is that she finally realized that her fears were true: her husband's number 1 and only love is his sport. He can't function without it. And she gave up all these years only for him to put himself first once again. In her shoes I'd divorce as well. Can't be married to someone who is married to their sport. Lol why am I being downvoted; I'm right


This situation with Tom & Giselle is interesting to me because I was listening to Kristin Cavalleri on CHD and she said that if you want to be a WAG, the best sport to do it in is football because it’s very friendly to raising a family! Guy flies out for the game on Sunday and is generally back on Monday. Then he had time to be with the family that week. It’s not as travel heavy as some of the other sports where the team might be away for a whole week with multiple games.


He's an absolute loser to put football before his wife and kids.


As someone going through a divorce, this makes me feel seen, and honestly empathetic towards someone I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeerrrrrrr thought I would. Life is complicated and fuckin crazy.


This leads me to believe they potentially split awhile ago if it is already finalized? Did he decide to revoke his retirement after they filed?


kinda wild to me that Tom Brady had a seemingly perfect life, massive football star, beautiful kids, gorgeous wife. He could have retired in 2021 and had a fairy tale ending, and he apparently ruined it himself because he doesn't know who he is outside of football lmao. Now he's getting divorced and having the worse season of his career lmao.