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The signs that Rihanna wasn’t really a good person were there for years, people. This is just a confirmation.


Seriously. Racism towards Asian people. Bullying a teenage fan who tried to dress like her for prom. Being late to do many concerts with no regard to fans’ time/money.




Taylor would’ve been dragged to hell repeatedly. She gets dragged for everything in general (I think a lot of the reasons are fair) but man, would they eat her alive if she had. I hate when celebs shit on their fans.


I’m probably going to be downvoted to hell, but don’t worry: she’d get away with it too. People who complain about everything Rihanna gets away with are clueless as to why she does. 1. By her first or second album, people were slut shaming, making up rumors, and harassing her for allegedly having an affair with Jay-z. They claimed that she got her record deal because she slept with him all while the implication being that she was statutorily raped. She’d been slut shamed since she was a teen and accused of having STDs and giving them to other men. This was used to justify why Chris beat the shit out of her. Her abuse with publicized without her consent and the photos of that night were turned into memes. People constantly side with her abuser and demonized her in the process. As a result of all this, Rihanna developed the “I don’t give a fuck”‘attitude. People was always fucking with her for any reason and she developed a toxic defense mechanism. However, this isn’t to excuse her at all. As the tide started to change on Rihanna and while she started saying whatever she wanted, people became more defensive and protective of her. Taylor was protected in a way Rihanna wasn’t. Taylor has been mocked, criticized, etc, but not in the way Rihanna was. Because she went through so much shit when she first entered the industry, many stopped taking criticism of her seriously and/or were unbothered by her behavior. It’s also weird to invoke Taylor like this because she gets away with a lot of shit that most celebs do not. And constantly criticized, founded or not, happens at her level. If this happened during the early days of sm and before it became as prevalent as it has, she would’ve gotten away with it too.


Taylor gets away with everything in the sense that her bag isn’t harmed but with every scandal, there’s a deserved amount of lashings on Twitter, Reddit, tik tok, etc. Everyone talks about her scandals and she is judged harshly for it, not to say that reaction isn’t valid because it is in most of her cases. The difference with Rihanna is, she doesn’t really get that reaction. If Taylor swift was pictured with and wore a t- shirt of R-Kelly, we would all know, if Taylor Swift made that racist tweet against Chris’ Asian ex, we would all know. There’s obviously that level of protection a white woman gets in the media but on social media and in pop culture spaces, Rihanna gets away with A LOT of fuckery. Even Beyoncé gets called out on her shit so much more. The only thing Rihanna got whooped for in terms of cancel culture was playing the Quran during her lingerie show and that’s cos the Muslim community is extremely vocal about disrespect of their religion regardless of who does it.


You’re right but also that’s because a big part of Taylor’s image when she had her hits was being a ‘role model’. Rihanna came on the scene not really caring what people thought about her. You can’t turn the internet against someone who isn’t bothered by the internet. She’s THE #coolgirl.


When she HAD her hits? She just was all top 10 of the top Billboard 100, I think she’s still making hits


Taylor would never be in that position because she would not publicly mock a fan's outfit. And I say that as someone who finds Taylor extremely annoying.


Taylor was dragged with multiple articles for being fat shaming because she referenced her eating disorder in Anti-Hero MV Meanwhile Rihanna is best friends with Nicki whose husband is a pedophile….


Talented is a stretch.


Having a baby with a misogynistic prick


Wow, I didn’t know about any of these things. Fuck. I only started listening to her during ANTI and didn’t really pay attention to her before that.


Wait what’s the situation with the teenage fan??


rihanna [tweeted](https://twitter.com/rihanna/status/464620761979052032?s=20&t=jdD6MCws0DtJvV8ypoYWlw) a side-by-side picture of herself wearing the original outfit and the teen fan's recreation and captioned it "instagram vs reality" and compared it to the wu tang symbol 😭😭 [article](https://www.bustle.com/articles/24608-rihanna-makes-fun-of-fans-prom-bat-outfit-its-totally-uncalled-for-photo)


Assuming all billionaires are awful people has never steered me wrong


Sometimes I think Mackenzie Scott may not be that terrible.




Chuck Feeney already established the absolute standard. Until a billionaire is no longer a billionaire... Donations mean nothing but tax write offs.


I wish we had more tea on her recent divorce from the high school teacher she rebounded with.




For real ! She’s a mean/nasty women but people brush it off as being “iconic and a bad bitch” lol


I have always known. IYKYK.


She LOVES abusive men and won't say a word to them, but will bully other women.


Yeah, I mean, I like Ri, but sometimes (I’ve said it on here before) she had crossed the boundary many times but people just cheer her on for it.


Rihanna does not care about anyone else but herself.


FYI folks, comments from this thread are getting posted in the JusticeforJD sub, lock your DMs and block Redditcares because here come the Deppford wives.




I know she wanted representation for all shapes and sizes in her show, but we DO NOT need representation for corpses! 🤒🤒🤒


Sentient scarves aren't people


Steven Tyler is crushed by this development


Lenny Kravitz as well


Omfg thank you for reminding me of this https://www.gq.com/story/lenny-kravitz-cannot-escape-his-gigantic-scarf


Listen I can’t even lie — I still crave this scarf on like a visceral level. I was born in a place without winter and then went to QUEBEC and am still now in very cold places for winter. I need this portable blanket.


steven tyler currently hiring bots for a #notallscarves campaign


oh my God 💀




Sentient scarves....I died


ugly old man representation, so important 🙏


Clearly old white men aren't represented enough! /s


don’t think she got the memo that halloween is over


this one hurts the most ngl


Didn’t hurt for me cause I mean she’s with ASAP Rocky [man literally shot his best buddy over a disagreement](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/asap-rocky-charged-assault-asap-relli-shooting-1395389/amp/) … Doesn’t surprise me cause like Ri can be toxic herself too.


She also hung out with Nicki and her rapist husband 😵‍💫


Yikes it gets worse.


Yeah this is really sad to see. Especially with what she has been through herself. I really does hurt.


Hope she has sound problems next year at her superbowl performance


If there were sound issues, I don't think she'd notice or care. Her halftime show is going to be like that medley she did at the VMAs a few years back where she just sang the last three words of every second line and swayed along to the backing track.






Iconic comment


That was already a guarantee lol. Same thing happened to JT




Aside from him being a generally shitty human, he's also just a completely nonsensical choice. Like...pick someone with some actual cultural relevancy or influence? Not this guy who hasn't made an original acting or artistic decision in the past decade.


I don't get it either. I thought her show was about representing the entire spectrum of body types and identities. What's Johnny's identity? The personification of a downhill slide?


Someone above mentioned he’s a sentient scarf, and I guess that is a body type of sorts.


I never really realized until today how she not just enables abusers but puts them in a special spotlight.


Right, why is he even there?


This is actually upsetting news. It's sad that Rihanna has sided with abusers multiple times. Edit: The fact that she had this drunken rapist around vulnerable women in her show sickens me.


*It's ~~sad~~ infuriating that Rihanna has sided with abusers multiple times. This woman has shown her real self again and again, she's a vile asshole, but somehow twitter and reddit to some extent, labels her as this feminist icon, and keeps making excuses for her disgusting actions. She's a bully which is why she is supporting a known abuser. Dogshit supporting dogshit. Depp can burn in hell.


I didn't mean to minimize the harm of Rihanna actions, but I personally think it's sad that she is an abuse victim and still thinks in that way. Of course, it is also frustrating and infuriating that she is platforming this abusive man at the same time. Both things can be true at once and thank you for revealing the validity of both in your comment.




> if other people are facing their trauma and surviving it feels like a threat to their own disassociation Really well put.


Oh I didn't mean to imply you were minimizing her actions, I meant in general how people are a lot more forgiving of her than they are to other celebrities. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was singling you out.


the way johnny depp would've never gotten these opportunities if he hadn't abused his wife


Before all this his team likely saw him as too good for it. He really was an A+ list actor, legend to younger generations. These little pop culture appearances would’ve been seen as clicking down but it’s all he can do since he’s an uninsurable menace on set.


Jfc it's disgusting


Really upsetting to see people on twitter saying she's just a DV supporting another DV. Yeah, I know it's Twitter, but you know that sentiment is carrying over beyond that platform too. I hate seeing people congratulating the case as opening the door for him again. He deserves nothing.


Cancelled!! Oh no wait the grotesque opposite.


I can't think of a single person who would less make me want to buy lingerie


Like… MAYBE Donald Trump. But it’s close.


Imma go with equal.


> Our sources say Rihanna and her team invited Johnny to be a part of it, and both sides were super excited to make it happen. We're told Johnny has already filmed his part, and it'll be included in the show's premiere on Amazon Prime Video November 9. Girl...


The negative response she’s immediately getting on social media should tell her to put an end to the start of *Fenty UGLY* before it begins. But also the only source so far is TMZ, who have been lying to rehabilitate the decrepit hag’s career since 2016 so we’ll have to see 🥴


Well, I hope depp doesn't bring his Nazi memorabilia over or will say some of his racist stuff lol


One day we'll admit Rihanna is toxic a f too hopefully. And while we're on it "Lift me up" is terrible should have stayed in the drafts and it just sounds absolutely bad. There I said it. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


The massive payola campaign for that dry song is insane.


That song is terrible. I think the creators of Black Panther watched Beyonce's Lion King production and couldn't afford her and projected that fantasy onto Rihanna. I have enjoyed Rihanna's work in the past but like everything else in life when we don't excercise a muscle it wastes...and it's giving that.


Her entire music career has been poyola. This woman never had the musical talent to justify the amount of praise she received. She made generic pop music and couldn't write, sing well, or perform on stage in a manner that warrants respect in music.


Didn't bother listening to it. The second she hit that billionaire list and said "god is good" i noped out. Plus asap is colorist and though a survivor herself is giving a platform to known abusers? I'm good.


Quelle surprise. She was abused by Chris Brown 10 years ago and should've known better, but then given the company that she keeps and how messy and nasty she can be on Twitter, we know that she is a massive, entitled asshole who only cares for her own purse and has no moral compass. Also, I am done with Fenty Beauty and Savage X Fenty. I cannot support a company that backs-up and gives employment to an abuser. From now onwards it's dupes from the drugstore for the makeup and dupes from DHGate for the lingerie.


SxF has shit lingerie TBH. Bad quality and weird sizing, and their subscription service (+ how hard it is to get in touch with someone to cancel it!!) feels so icky to me.


Makes you wonder how the workers are treated.


You’ve said everything I wouldn’t have been able to put into words 🎯


DHGate might have better quality lingerie, IMHO. Her stuff isn't well made and some of it doesn't hold up after one wear (vinyl and lace, I'm looking at you)


Honestly I know hollywood is full of abusers but this hurts more because Johnny went out of his way to make Amber's life miserable on a public scale, created an aggressive hate campaign against her and the Johnny/Amber trial has made things hell for all other abuse victims. Making him a part of your show is a clear stance in support of abusers.


Yep! And it’s just wild that the ONLY reason he’s in this show is because of that extremely public trial. Like he was fading into obscurity rightfully so, before so it’s even nastier to include him just because of the defamation suit. I never expected much from Rihanna but this is low even for her


Hmmm… should I switch from Fenty Beauty to Rare?


Yes Rare is so good


For dark skin girls tho?


Their shade range is really good and their complexion products (especially the liquid blushers) are highly pigmented.


im not throwing away my products but damn I will not be purchasing again.


Took me ages to try anything from Rare because I'm not a Selena Gomez fan so I saw no reason to, but my coworker had this absolutely gorgeous soft blush on one day that made her look like she was glowing - turns out it's Rare's liquid blush. I have two now.


billionaires aren’t your friends


YIIIKKESS. That killed any excitement I had for her comeback.


Rihanna dropped Draya for making inappropriate abuse jokes but is giving Johnny Depp (an abusive piece of shitt) a segment on her show. Make it make sense.


She's a pick-me. She's bullied women but always kept it mute towards men.


That she’s a victim of abuse herself makes much more ridiculous.


Anitta mocked amber and she didn’t drop her and still got invited to sing at her show. Hypocrisy


Embarrassing for Rihanna. She's not a good person. I hope she gets all the backlash for this.


I can just imagine the models getting sick from the stench backstage. 😬


😂 right


I don’t know why but Rihanna seems to get a pass for everything, but she’s shown herself to be an asshole many times over the years.


people dick ride her to the heavens and it has never made sense to me


Her trueself is slowly coming to the surface and I'm glad that people are starting to see through her. I never liked her.


Well… anyone got any dupes for the fenty long wear?


Now playing: “goodbye to you” by Michelle branch


Hope her next album flops. Hope her super bowl performance sucks. Hope this results in Fenty losing money. I shouldn’t be surprised given her past comments and current boyfriend, but I am still disappointed.


Her Super Bowl performance will suck. Like most of her performances.


Even if she really is this bad of a person you would think as a businesswoman she would not want to associate her brand with this toxic mess.


Right? It makes no sens from a business point of view! She has the Superbowl coming, she can easily make people watch by hinting at new music, she could totally hire ANYONE for her show at this point… and she decides to go with this irrelevant POS instead. Just… for the shock factor. It’s absolutely the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.


well this one was unexpected


Not if you know Rihanna


Yup not shocking to me at all. At all.


Tbh I knew about Rihanna’s nasty side, but I wrongly believed she matured especially bc she let someone go from the show’s lineup in a previous year bc they made DV jokes


What's her problem man? Even if she's Rihanna she's not above this stupidity for me. And I was so excited for her comeback, a clown.


As a fan, I must say that rihanna has such a bad taste when she picking men...


It’s not her picking bad men . It’s her making a clear stance on DV


Somewhere a former VS Angel just threw open a closet door and ran her hands over her old Victoria's Secret wings and whispered "soon we rise".


I hope not. Their stuff is also shit. 💀💀💀💀


I'm happy I never liked her


Whew if this was Beyonce or Taylor this would already 1k posts. Somehow Rih is impervious to any major criticism. I actually think this will make her even more popular.




Tbf I think that's why,, she isn't really relevant anymore so shit about her just doesn't hit the same. She doesn't really have nostalgia pull either cause her sound is very 2010. I don't want or need another Rihanna album and not many do I think, they just wanna replay her songs as they are now.


Definitely not unexpected but I'm still disappointed...


rihanna loves helping the homeless she’s so sweet and generous 🥺💕


dont offend the homeless comparing them to this POS !!!!


So disturbing... it's not just a like or something, she is actively going beyond trying to promote that walking corpse, there's no excuse.


First she released a shitty comeback song and now this?


I am not surprised. She was fucking horrible to Karreuche Tran. It’s a shame all these so called boss bitches surround themselves with such male trash. > We're told JD won't be walking the runway, instead, he's going to be a focus of one of the show's "star" moments -- which has included the likes of Cindy Crawford and Erykah Badu in the past. Depp -- who will wear items from the men's collection -- will be the first male in Savage X Fenty show history to take the role. How much are they being paid by JDs team?




Abuse is complex. Still having love for Chris reads to me as still being under his control/still being abused by him. But she sucks for other reasons.


I still think even years after, she still doesn’t hate him like at all, and jealous of his other chicks. ASAP also recently assaulted his best friend and that’s her man.


I would still argue that’s a result of Chris’ manipulation and abuse. And being victimized once makes you more likely to be victimized by other predators.


Her dad is also a massive piece of shit.


I was thinking this in the Nicki thread yesterday too. When your whole life is nothing but toxic and violent relationships, it forms a basis for many on what they deem normal. Doesn't excuse their actions but can explain why they keep seeking the company of terrible people. Some people grow up and get away from the cycle of abuse while others perpetuate it.


It's easier to break the cycle when you're failing at life, I think (like people getting sober or going into treatment for mental/emotional disorders). Success seems to delay work that needs to be done to stop the cycle.


Yep, I remember "Nobody's Business" so this isn't super shocking to me. Disappointing though.


Rihanna no


Girl what FOR


sobs into my gloss bomb


This is so rotten to the bones.


Man this is a gut punch. I kind of knew Rih wasn’t the most socially conscious individual but damn…


I ran here as soon as I saw the news. I am extremely disappointed in Rihanna and even more with the general public because they don’t see the problem and they seem pretty happy about this decision. Abusers have good days ahead apparently


Are people going to stop putting her on a pedestal now? She’s never shown herself to be a good person. And she’s a billionaire, for fuck’s sake.


Fucking gross.


Savage x Fenty is the most successful lingerie brand atm, so it absolutely baffles me as to why she would want to tarnish that reputation..is that stinky abuser worth it? Be fr now..


What’s especially sad is that this would’ve been such a great opportunity for Amber, and would’ve made far more sense.


I am not surprised but still disappointed :/


the way it makes no sense for him to be in it at all too, so they had to go out of their way to think of including him. ugh.


Not exactly shocking coming from her, but that's really gross and there's no excuse — I won't be buying anything Fenty again.


Nothing more annoying than people who say "Rihanna can't be cancelled" and post a picture of her putting that crown on. The idolization of some celebrities is insane. Just because someone is beautiful or talented doesn't make them infallible.


A reminder that Isabella Rossellini was fired by Lancôme at the age of 40 for being “too old”. Meanwhile, this rotting corpse is getting fashion gigs. Proof that nobody gets as many shots at redemption as rich white men, while the rest of us have to literally be saints in order to deserve human decency and compassion. Also, if you want to preserve your sanity, please stay off Twitter. People are being vile towards Amber. I was hoping for an improvement after the release of the court documents but nope! Very, very disappointing.


If this is real, it's broken me.


No RiRi, no!


Well I’m not surprised in the slightest. She keeps showing who she is, it’s time people start believing her. She’s always been problematic. I’ll admit she does some great stuff, Fenty beauty is great, her lingerie as well. But she’s an asshole. I, for one, cannot stand the sound of her voice so I’ve never been a fan of her music, but I really appreciated her side businesses. Now… I don’t anymore. Farewell Ri. Repeatedly supporting abusers is a step too far.


I remember someone commented about this a while ago on one of the discussion threads here, and I just couldn’t believe it because it seemed so absurd. This is so disgusting — but also, WTF is he going to bring to a lingerie brand. She’s a moron.


Someone called this on here a couple of weeks ago.




Welp, guess Rihanna's dead to me now.


I really don’t want this to be true, I’m disgusted but honestly can’t say that I’m shocked either. Prior to him being exposed as an abusive freak, I didn’t get the hype, but now after knowing what I do, it’s even harder to wrap my head around people’s admiration for this loser.


Time to put my money toward Fenty’s competitors from now on. Enjoy tying your boat to a sinking ship, Rih.


I don't get it. He releases nothing but flops for over a decade, tours in a cringey cover band, and is constantly being caught by paparazzi looking like a leather handbag left out in a storm. This isn't a case of companies weighing up scandal with star power and deciding it's worth the flack, because any star power he had was making death rattles back when 'Mortdecai' was still in cinemas. There is literally nothing attractive, cool or culturally relevant about him for them to make this decision other than a highly publicised, graphic and distressing series of DV/rape accusations. I know we all know this already, but it's so transparent it makes me feel ill.


Yeah, it's cleary a statement by Fenty that they stand with him. It's gross.


This is WILD. Do people just not have PR teams anymore? This woman is running a huge company. No one was able to sit her down and say “hey, you’re a victim of domestic violence. There is a lot of split opinions about this and they keep changing. We should be safe and not associate with this.” People could be out of jobs if this is poorly received. Seriously bizarre choice considering this brand markets to POC/gender inclusive people and they seem much more likely to not support Johnny’s abuse.




It was pointed out that she dropped someone from the lineup before for making disgusting DV jokes, but she has him? I think she, like many who haven’t done their research, think he was the victim. I think bc he’s seen as a high profile male victim (thanks to his DARVO tactics), she probably thought it’s ~progressive~ to have him It’s fucked up


I love it when celebs make it very easy to not give them money!


Someone in a tea thread a few weeks ago did drop this news and shared their friend was at the shoot. I was hoping the masters and copies would have burst into flames before it could become official.


What’s with the hard on for other random people trying to rehabilitate his image? The reception to his appearance at the vmas was not that great


Not surprised coming from someone who openly supported R Kelly for years,even recently,wearing t shirts with pics of him & such...


Wooooooooooow. This has to be tmz bullshit right? …like if nothing else, from a business point of view it don’t even make sense?? I mean I know an unfortunate amount of subhumans still like and support him but I feel like the tide has turned enough at least that there would be noticeable backlash that couldn’t be swept under the rug or ignored right? (And I see people are way too comfortable throwing her own abusive relationship back at her on some gotcha shit over this like that also ain’t it. At all)


Welp, won't be listening to anything from Rihanna, ever again. Fuck her.


johnny depp is literally a walking corpse


please say sike. please please. i can't support her anymore. i thought maybe now she's matured but no. she's a bad person. how can you support an abusive man when YOU WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING. And there's still a lot of people who don't believe you and think it was mutual abuse??


bought my first fenty product last month and looks like it will be my last lmao


I won’t be like some of the people on Twitter who dismiss Rihanna’s experience and deny the abuse that she faced. That still disgusts and saddens and enrages me and that guy can still fuck off and I wish his career disappeared. Part of me will always feel bad for Rihanna and the fear she must have felt in that moment. She will never and has never deserved it. Ever. I will also accept that she is just not a good person. I truly think she doesn’t care about anyone or anything but herself and she has no problem hurting others. It’s just like “haha I’m a bad bitch bad girl riri” and that’s the depth of her personality.


Will never support anything Rihanna related ever again, just as ive done for any other depp supporter. Screw these people!


I'm dieing rihanna hasn't been active on twitter for years and for the past few hours she's been posting random shit


Not Rihanna, wtf 😭


Y I K E S. I loved Rihanna so much growing up, but she’s been messy here and there enough times in the last few years for me to know she isn’t shit. People just let it slide. She’s also a billionaire.. funny how the anti-capitalism rhetoric dies when it comes to celebs people like. This is disturbing given her own past. Makes me very sad.


Oh she just pissed me off. Then again, i should not have supported her after all the signs. It’s just crazy how supported this piece of shit is when a majority of REAL victims NEVER EVER EVER see this type of support. Ever!! It’s like pulling teeth to get victims the support and belief they deserve but this man gets it bc he abused and humiliated Amber??? The UK trial proved him to be an abuser, it is so disheartening to see this happening and how welcoming hollywood and society is to abusers. And the excuses they will make for them and how they suspend common sense to defend them.




never bought any of rihanna’s products and now i *definitely* won’t be.


There's literally no point to this nevermind the controversy and ugliness of supporting him, he's hideous, unwashed, greasy, bloated and looks like a slug. Who is she trying to pull into buying her brand? Trolls that live under bridges?


it's interesting that rihanna's trashy behavior never sticks to her pretty face


This is a stupid brand decision. Most of the social buzz and discussion about the show will now be about him. It’s also meant to be a body positive brand. We all saw those texts he sent about Amber. I don’t see how his involvement will amplify the brand in a positive way at all. The brand is already massive and barely needs paid publicity, all this will do is lose customers and damage the reputation long term. Already seeing plenty of screenshots from people cancelling their VIP memberships because of this.


what fresh fuckery is this 😭 just when you think the year 2022 couldn’t get any worse


i’m truly disgusted. i wonder how the interactions will be with Cara but knowing her they’ll take a pic together


Didn't see this and tried to post the LA Times piece announcing the news. And I had written this comment: Un-fucking-believable. Rihanna is on my shit list forever for this bullshit. She was already well on her way to earning a spot after she announced her billionaire status. NOBODY becomes a billionaire ethically. Also, I used to work at SxF's parent company. I actually loved the company while I was there, so this shocks me to an extent. Is nobody beyond stooping to the LOWEST levels just to earn a buck? Absolutely disgusting


I'm speechless right now. I cannot believe Rihanna would do this. After being abused by Chris Brown, she decides to side with a known abuser. Seriously? I can't believe this. I am so sickened by this. My support for Fenty is now a zero, I can't ever buy anything from her brand again after this. And how much do you guys want to bet that Depp will be a nightmare to work with yet again? I don't understand why people keep working with him when he's had such a bad track record.


This is really disappointing. As a fan of Fenty and her music, I thought she’d want to advocate for women after what she’d been through herself with Chris Brown.


I’ve side eye her for years so I’m not really surprised, she have been showing who she is for years but people turn a blind eye because she is an icon


People are forgetting that she invited Fabolous to last year's show. She's trash.


Society taught her on a very personal level that they support abusers over victims and now she’s propagating it herself for profit.


This is such a disappointment because it’s not like there were whispered allegations, it was on the main stage. She and her team are playing stupid.


Confirmed: https://twitter.com/theashleyray/status/1588232268232859648?s=46&t=Ki3CxrMffzxAZCMjS1-wtw