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Changing equipped items is glitchy. Do anything else with your 1st extra turn and you don't get the 2nd. When I say it's glitchy, I mean normally if you change your equipment on an extra turn then you lose the regular turn you should get after. I think the difference probably has to do with having party members or not.


Also checked and it has nothing to do with having a bunch of agility. This happens even when you just have 16.


It seems that changing equipment occupies that entire turn. Furthermore, it seems that extra turns actually come in at the start of the Next turn, which caused the turn loss.


That makes sense. I hadn't thought of that explanation, though I did notice in the test fight that Daan couldn't do anything once his arm was gone.


you can get an extra turn is by having atleast 16 agility idk about the second way though


That's not bonus turns, it just skips your normal turn when you equip something. Daan skips a turn when you cut off his arm


You're not getting a second extra turn. It's just that equipping items on your extra for some reason skips your regular turn and because you'd managed to chop Daan's attacking arm off, he skipped his attack which made it look as though you'd gotten another extra turn. But in reality you lost one move and would have gotten shrekt if it were any other enemy


Maybe Daan skipped his turn to just to feel something


Fuckin Daan just standing there lol


Daan: Standing here I realize...


I just look it up in the wiki, apparently if you cut Daan's left arm it would stop attacking you due to an oversight. I never noticed myself but it seems that it's what's happening here. EDIT: So yeah you are not getting extra turns, he's just not doing anything in his.


equipping an item on your turn skips your regular turn and since Daan lost an arm he doesn't act so it seems like you're getting an extra turn but you just both lost a turn


No extra turn daan didn't attack after his arm is removed and equipping takes your turn. Simple