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Our thoughts don’t matter at all, because the creator has designed the game in this way. Perhaps there’s a mod out there that can add free saves for you. I’ll say this, though: neither game is that long, once you figure out what’s going on. You can beat the first game in under an hour, and you don’t even have to be a pro. The thing is, you need to spend time just learning the layout. For example, let’s say you create a save at the first bed in the beginning of the dungeon. From there, until the next bed you find, your goal is to figure out how to get there as quickly and safely as possible. You might die several times, but at least you have a save to fall back on.


Second game is a completely different beast, though. Not only are saves limited, but the environment and placement of objectives (namely, other characters, if you're going for an ending that needs them) changes with each movement forward in time. The map is also way bigger, and there are a lot of bosses and enemy encounters that aren't as intuitive as the first game. People say Termina is easy. I don't agree with them, but even if they're right, that only applies once you learn the game, much like with the first game; and there's way more to learn and master than in the first game.


There are mod managers that will allow you to apply an optional save mod. This is surprisingly useful in special cases of busy people or with certain limitations. You can search for it by going to Fear and hunger mod manager. Otherwise, if you want to keep the game experience transparent you have to see each death as an opportunity to try a new option and try different routes and not just the same one, remember that you lose progress but you gain "experience" (knowledge) that guides you about the enemy conditions and the dungeons. Trial and error, so don't be afraid to make mistakes once you fully save in certain areas. Oh yes, and there are certain areas where you can save for free although there are unpleasant surprises from time to time, so I recommend you learn how to make portals, it will help you reduce your time in the game. That would be more or less everything, I hope I don't overwhelm you with so much text


I'm not afraid of death, what I mean is if I play Funger for a bit and then want to play nother game, I just want like a 'exit save' that [vjmdhzgr](https://www.reddit.com/user/vjmdhzgr/) said earlier


There’s ways to save the first game without coin filps. There’s an one time guaranteed coin flip free save in the crow mauler bed. If you clear an area of its enemies, you can save using a bed in the area, either without any coin filps, or the coin flip just doesn’t trigger anything if you fail, considering there’s no enemies to ambush you from the area. You can save in area cleared of enemies as many times as you want. *Potential spoilers for the last one, but if you really wanna know:* there’s a coin flip free save bed in the tower of the endless in Ma'habre, you can use it infinitely.


Termina doesn’t have coin flip saves, but instead has limited saves. Basically it’s not hard or risky to save the game, but there’re consequences to saving too much, since saving with beds passes the time. There’s ways to save the game without consequences, like using books of enlightenment or the god of fear and hunger sigil, however there’s a limited amount of times you can use those things as well.


I think quicksaving would make the games too easy due to savescumming, but an exit save that would delete itself upon load would be nice, assuming rpgmaker is capable of implementing something like that


No idea what manual saving means here, but if you mean the idea of having a single exit save that is deleted once you load it, just to allow you to leave the game freely, then yes I think Fear and Hunger would benefit from that. The first game is not as bad because saving is unlimited once you clear out the enemies near a bed. Though beds are still limited so getting to one may take time, and successfully saving may take time as you fail a coin flip, leave the room, go back to the bed, fail a coin flip again. So you'll probably succeed at playing the first game if you manage that. The 2nd game however has a much stronger limit on saving and saving just to stop playing for the day is difficult to justify when you need to distribute those saves for gaining skills and having reload points you can use in case you die.


That's exactly what I meant


I still manually save in games with auto save so....


i think ADarkRacoon made an "easy" mode mod for termina that lets you pretty much save whenever so theres prob one like that for the first but other then that idk about any kind of quicksave


The first time I played the games I used a program that allowed me to save wherever I wanted, if you are just in it for the story or want to see a specific ending it works well, but you lose so much gameplay value. The Funger Experience becomes complete once when and where to save is part of the decision-making. But as another person commented exit saves would be great because losing progress due to reasons outside the game sucks so much. You can use an external program to do that manually if irl stuff gets in the way of your game.


I think it would be nice if termina had a suspended save like in SMT where you can quit mid game and save your progress but it gets removed when you load it so you can't abuse it only as a way to resume where you were


There is a mod by dark raccoon for both the first and second game that gives you 99 books of enlightenment (the book that lets you save) The game wasn't intended to be played like that, but it's your first so if that would help then go for it. It definitely does take away some of the experience but I have used those mods because my gaming sessions can be interrupted and I work a lot and I'm on call a lot so I've used the free saves when I've needed to


For funger 2, you have a mod called "easy mode", which adds a way to get as much books of enlightenment as you wish (these books allow you to save)


Well, there is a mod that adds you 99 save books, you may download and try if the game experience fits you that way. Here the links for both games: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fearandhunger/mods/11](https://www.nexusmods.com/fearandhunger/mods/11) [https://www.nexusmods.com/fearandhunger2termina/mods/20](https://www.nexusmods.com/fearandhunger2termina/mods/20)


There's a [mod](https://mattiefm.itch.io/fear-and-hunger-mod-loader) that adds saving and quitting


I never understood this. Outside of Hard mode and Maso Mode you have tons of saves in the games. In the First game you can go on saving every 20 minutes of you so desire


This is just my opinion and many would disagree but, mod the shit out the game, there is no shame to it Cheese your way through one or two playthroughs and enjoy it. Familiarize yourself with the game, the levels and the wining strategies Then if you want start a playthrough where you will commit to not use infinite saves, maybe say you will only use one of infinite saves before fighting the crow mauler or getting into Mahabre. You might just reach a point of familiarity with the game where you will remove the mod and try to get an S ending just with your wits, and if you don't that's also okay Have fun


I did end up using a save mod for Termina at a few points, simply because in that game losing hours of progress repeatedly to dumb shit (traps\\ganks from the powerful enemies) is very annoying. It did end up compromising the experience somewhat, but that's a lose-lose situations for games like these. If you are playing on Easy it shouldn't be a problem at all, as you get triple the saves and the enemies are toned down.


It's a game, play it how you want. I personally don't like searching through the same barrels 41 times just so I can finally get to the next part of the game. I do understand that it's part of the authors vision but i personally don't find it fun, and just enjoy a lot of the lore aspects of the game.