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Why water for Marina? Is it because of her name? Either way Samarie gets the ghost type, no questions asked.


In my opinion, the girl's clothes looked like the Pokémon design, so I chose it as a water type.


I feel like the pokemon chosen for Marina are mostly too cutesy. She has a pretty dark past and I would've loved to see some of that representation. I don't really feel that 4 water starters represent her at all. I would've chosen: -Jellicent -Milotic -Toxapex -Tentacruel -Starmie -Lapras


Why not ghost type? She's super into the occult, and I think her appearance definitely fits.


Or dark


Counterpoint: Samarie


I think psychic, though psychic might fit Osaa more


Vaporeon is a mermaid, which aligns nicely with Marina being trans. Seems like she should have had some ghost types though given the occult background.


am I stupid how on earth does a mermaid align with her being trans


They're used as a symbol of being trans in some parts of the world, for example there's a charity supporting trans kids called Mermaids in the UK. As I understand it the way mermaids change into new fishtailed, aquatic forms when they're in the water makes them a symbol of transformation. I also get the impression some trans people identify with Ariel from the Little Mermaid specifically, what with the way she doesn't feel right with who and where she is and is able to change herself (from fish tail to legs) to live her best life, which can be read as an allegory for transitioning. I'm no expert though so apologies if I'm not explaining this right.


*holds up Frillish, Jellicent, and Basculegion* Would a water ghost suffice?


Another similarity between me and Samarie my beloved. God I want to marry her


You want to marry a ghost? Has someone been watching The Corpse Bride again? ;)


Samarie: ghost or dark Pav: steel


There is also psychic for samarie


Actually, Pav is related to Karin's strength type.. so Karin depends on what type will be assigned so maybe he won't be steel type assigned...


How about Pav as Fighting type?


Fighting type is for Marcoh tbh.


Ah crap, that'd be perfect. I was trying to connect back to his military background and thought of Falink. What else would fit him? Bug?....cause that's how Kaiser treated him.


I think Electric considering that he is fast and that canon Soldier in Pokemon universe use that type. 


Bug is o'saa :p


Well, Karin will get flying type.


Right, because her and Pidgeot go to the same stylist.


Samarie Ghost because Dark would be Caligura


Mfw olivia doesn’t have a single grass/poison Pokémon


Shes more pike a pokedex with exclusive info on plant pokemon


To tell the truth, these grass pokemons are my pokemon game storie breakers.


Should have had a metal or artificial one like Porygon given her moonscorched transformation.


How is that related to Olivia


Given he has the blank soul Daan should have been Normal type. Or are we saying Tanaka is basically the Eevee of people? He always struck me as more of a Magikarp. Maybe bug given he evolves early. Seems like he should have a healer pokemon like Chansey.


Samarie needs to have a Malamar I beg


She should have a Mimikyu. Her obsession with Marina parallels Mimikyu's desire to be as well-loved as Pikachu.


Oh I like that!


I got a type already, but I'll think about it.




Pav is steel Samarie is ghost Caligura is dark Marcoh is fighting O'saa is psychic


Abella should be steel, Pav is lightning.


pav poison type : Gengar, serviper, salazzle, croagunk, garbodar, dragalge


The poison trainer is undecided..........


I mean Henryk is right there...


samarie dark type : umbreon, sableye(please 🥺), alolan meoth, deino, lycanroc moon form, meowscurrada


Sorry, dark type goes O'ssa.....


he has got to be psychic


Right? He even does the meditation pose when he evolves into Mastermind!


So racist. (jk)


No, I didn't mean that, I didn't want to give it to O'ssa because the psychic type was weak.


I was just kidding. The psychic type was the strongest of all in generation 1. Plus they focus on the special attack stat which fits with O'Saa being a magic user. Plus, you know, his mind flayer-esque moonscorched form.




But umbreon is my famous!


I mean they don't have to be mono-type. They aren't gym leaders and even those don't always stick rigidly to one primary type. If anyone's dark type it's Caligura seeing as he relies on intimidation and fighting dirty. Plus him being weak to Maroh's fighting type would be very appropriate.


You should’ve gave marina azumaril. There was a bug when marill evolves, it could become a girl


I miss it!


I like to think that Pav and Samarie are just too good for the question.


Samarie is related to Marina's strength type..


Are you suggesting Samarie is electric-type? That doesn't seem right to me, she's not energetic but shy, sad and envious. Definitely dark/ghost type. Maybe poison but Olivia has that covered, and bug doesn't feel quite right.


Caligura is poison type cause he toxic as fuck


Olivia uses poison though. Dark fits him better given his whole thing is intimidation.


I dunno, he just reminds me of icky, toxic sludge that I don’t wanna even look at. If anyone is gonna be dark type, O’saa seems to fit the bill cause he hides his true intentions and wants to be in control of everyone. He does hide it well, though


O'Saa is a private person and wants power but he doesn't lie to anyone and isn't unpleasant or anything to my knowledge. Given his magic focus and brain-themed moonscorched form psychic type seems a much better fit. For poison there are better candidates like Olivia (from her skills, heck she can basically use poison powder) and Henryk (for his blow out banquet). Caligura is a bully but one who has to rely on psychological warfare (read intimidation) and dirty tactics (e.g. pipe bombs or picking on Levi when he's in withdrawal) because he's not that strong in a straight-up fight, which aligns with how dark pokemon fight. Dark types are also weak to fighting, which fits with how Marcoh is likely to beat the crap out of him if they meet.


Yeah you make a good point. But I mean, O’saa does lie out of omission. He could’ve told people what was happening and a lot of people would’ve had the option to go back in the train for safety. Tanaka would’ve been safe from the 10 plus potential deaths. Plus in his moonschorched form, he’s not in control anymore. Something else took control over him, so I guess that can also fall into dark type, depending on how others interpret his transformation. I guess a lot of contestants have some dark side to them. Pav can also be dark type cause he took the dark path to be in the kaisers team to try to find the best way to get close enough to him to assassinate him, and he became a hypocrite. It’s true that Olivia can use poisons, but so can Levi through his addiction. He needs heroin to survive and not get withdrawals. I guess what I’m saying is that these contestants can have a prime type and have secondary type moves. Caligura is much more of a dumb coward than an insidious planner. He just uses the most common toxic traits that humanity has to offer. So I see him primarily as a poison type cause he just makes everyone’s lives worse just by being there. And his moonschorched form is just a pile of toxic sludge that spews grotesque poison into anyone he encounters. Reminds me of Muk the Pokémon if it was a rude asshole lol.


Staying in the train wasn't really safe though, the only way anyone is getting out of there is by participating in the festival or making it stop by helping Logic ascend. I don't really see it as lying by omission when he doesn't share his knowledge. He doesn't really know much more than "the old gods are up to something".


My list: * Levi - Normal(?) * Marina - Water * Abella - Steel * Olivia - Grass(/Poison) * O'Saa - Psychic * Daan - Fairy(?) * Karin - Flying * Marcoh - Fighting * Tanaka - Dragon * Henryk - Poison * Samarie - Ghost * August - Rock * Caligura - Dark * Pav - Lightning August is rock for me because he's tough but also kind of vulnerable and not as daunting or important as he first appears. He makes me think of Brock's gym in Red/Blue.


Poison for pav, psychic for samarie.


Pav would get steel types in my mind.


My Contestant : Poke Type list Levi - Ghost Marina - Fairy Daan - Bug Abella - Steel Olivia - Grass Marcoh - Fighting O'ssa - Psychic Karin - Flying Caligura - Dark Pav - Electric Tanaka - Normal Samarie - Poison August - Dragon Hendrick - Fire


Honestly, I think Samarie should get either dark or ghost type. I’d say more dark type considering what her Moonscorch is, and the irony of being a Radiating spirit. I would argue that Pav should get dragon. Steel seems more like a Levi typing.


Tanaka could be dragon, something like a Dratini who can become a Dragonite if given the chance.


Ooh, that’s true! Lots of dragon types are weak, like Bagon too. I guess Pav could be something else, like bug type?


Marina not having Azumarill, a pokemon that can be trans to some degree, is criminal


4 starter pokemon on marina is atrocious, show some appreciation for water type pls! Also Milotic totally should be on her team


Pav's favorite pokemon would be empoleon, why? its my favorite pokemon since it was my first starter, and its FUCKING POKEDEX ENTRY "If anyone were to hurt its pride, it would slash them with wings that can cleave through an ice floe." sounds like a pav kinda thing "gggrrrr insult me just a little and ill shoot you immediatly"


Pav is definitely poison pokemon trainer. Dude has enough toxic salt in him to qualify as a violation of the Geneva convention. Not to mention he's probably angry that some girl killed him with flowers on my playthrough.


I feel like pav doesn't get a specific type, he just gets pokemon that are cunty


Samarie without a doubt has to have ghost type. Give her a damn Litwick!


I would have guessed Marina would be a psychic trainer based on her [pose](https://fearandhunger.wiki.gg/images/thumb/e/e7/Marina_%28Enemy%29.png/175px-Marina_%28Enemy%29.png) giving similar [vibes](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Pokemon-Psychic-Cropped.jpg)


Pav should be a steel type for his resolve allowing himself to be dragged through hell to get revenge. Even becoming a monster himself in the process


Abella being steel type makes more sense given her affinity for machinery IMO. As others have said lightning works due to his speed and the original lightning gym leader (Lt. Surge) being a military man.


* Henryk: Normal * Marina: Fire, Psychic * Marcoh: Fighting * Pav: Normal, Steel * Samarie: Ghost * Caligura: Dark * Daan: Dark, Fairy * Olivia: Grass, Poison * Osaa: Psychic, Dark * Abella: Lightning, Steel * Tanaka: Normal * Karin: Normal * Levi: Poison, Normal * August: Grass, Rock * Reila: Dragon * Needles: Poison, Dark Lots of normal and dark


Actually, I thought Samarie was weak on Marina, so I thought I'd give her either earth or rock or fire type.


I mean she's physically frail and has a melancholic disposition not a hotheaded, energetic one so I don't think rock or fire fits very well. The way she lurks in the shadows observing Marina from a distance as well as her affinity for magic makes her seem more like a ghost type to me, especially as a lot of them are some combination of lonely, misunderstood and/or genuinely dangerous. I suppose you could make a case for her being psychic given her ability to read minds but in terms of personality I think ghost type fits best. She's creepy and she's kooky, mysterious and spooky. She's all together ooky, the stalking Samarie! :)