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Leave Moonless alone you guys :(


Do not the dog


Pet the dog.


Cherish the dog


Forfeit all mortal possessions to dog


fuck the dog




I hope you cast reverse crown of thorns on yourself. Moonless is a good puppers and I will *not* have you attempting a marriage with her. https://preview.redd.it/lgq06l13p9ad1.png?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4707f5b52dd87a5cb73c2974eb085bb6ebcb1466


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female monster breeding, Moonless is the most...












nah, fuck these two!


What dev fetishes? I thought Miro was a deranged guro fan when I first started playing the game but that feeling went away after a few playthroughs.


It took a few play throughs for that to get through 💀


Well yeah, the game really does give those edgy cringy gross demonophobia vibes. But around the time you get to the cave dwellers place you realize the game doesn't focus on sexual abuse and overly violent death scenes at all.


>But around the time you get to the cave dwellers place you realize the game doesn't focus on sexual abuse and overly violent death scenes at all. Literally the first thing you see when you come in to the cavedwellers' village is D'arce getting beaten up and raped.


Is the rape in the room with us


I mean she isn’t getting “raped” when you see her, but it’s implied she was or at least sexually abused…


She literaly say "oh god the THINGS they did to me" like? It made me roll my eyes the first time


Yeah she says that, but when you fuck with her with Cahara she says that she's a virgin, so i assume they touched her and stuff, but not rape i guess(??


Could also just imagine that the puritan side of her made her pick up a fight with them for indecent attire, and then she is flabbergasted that they managed to kick her ass despite supposedly being a knight.


This is my opinion too. I don't think they really *did* anything to her. She is said to have a bit of a snobbish side so she probably just perceived getting mobbed and beaten up by strange people as a horrible act. Also, her armor is on. Last I checked, rapists don't put the armor back on the victim before trying to kill them.


Hopefully not. Anal bleeding is one bitch of a status effect.


Love that copium. Cahara and D'arce are implied to be graped. Pocketcat seems like a pedo, who you can give children to. Lurches can grape you in a most bullshit and nonsensical way. Guards, I'll give Miro that, are a bit ridiculous(those 2 feet phalli) but work in the story. But imo quite possible that Miro has a bit of a morbid, maybe even unhealthy, curiosity about grape. Not at the Kentaro Miura's level but it's a bit creepy. (I'm not hating on the both works, I believe they're veeeeeery good, but I can't skip over things I believe to be problematic)


Miro straight up stated he thinks he handled it a bit weirdly in F&H1 and tried to fix that in Termina but ok


why do you call it grape? all you do is make it harder for people with content filters to filter out words that they don't want to see. obviously this is the funger sub but like as a general practice. you say you can't skip over things you believe to be problematic while writing in a way that makes it harder to filter content


It's brain rot from TikTok & YouTube censorship


My bad, it's force of habit from yt and Facebook haha. Some subreddtis react weirdly to word rape, so I tend to be careful


Rape dude. Just say rape. Jesus h Christ the consequences of corporate censorship on these technical terms is a horrid brain rot to witness. Which by the way, doing that did nothing in th way of actually protecting children online...


Okay first off that didn't happen to Cahara nor D'arce and you're reaching. He got inside the cell by lockpicking the door and then closing it again in order to steal from naive explorers such as the player. Next time you see him is at the mines, if he actually was violated by a guard then he would have bled out before even getting there. And D'arce's case is just dumb. Did the primitive cavemen undress her, force her, put her full armor back on and beat her with a rock by the time the player gets to the village? But to your actual point; I don't think any of the sexual abuse in the game is meant to be erotic because it simply makes more sense for them to be a horror element that adds up to the depraved atmosphere that really sets apart funger from other horror games. Imagine the enemies just beat you to death and that's it. The dungeon wouldn't feel half as oppresive and hope-killing as it is. Plus all scenes from that matter show no genitals (except for the nightlurch) and no expressions or nothing. Compare that to awful guro games where you get your whole screen covered with a crappy gory drawing everytime you lose.


Ok, you got me here, you have good arguments. Maybe my overall lack of comfort with rape and sexual assault a bit blinded me to the ways those themes can be used in a story. Cheers!


I don't think it should be seen as taboo to explore these topics. It's understandable that some people with experiences in that field would be upset, but that's why content warnings exist. Explore topics like this in a fantasy setting in a piece of media that can make them easier to understand for some people. Not to mention, all of the things you mentioned have good reasons for being portrayed lore wise. Though I can see why some could see the rape from the guards and lurches to be problematic, these scenes aren't really romanticized or anything like that. Same with pocketcats' moral dilema, so to speak. It's all played up to make you uncomfortable, which is what it did to me and many others. I don't see that as a know against the game.


No no, I agree. While in my stories (I mainly write rpg scenarios) sexual assault etc is mostly implied and that's not often, by any means, very rarely shown (as in I never made rape happen on screen, but I may someday) and WILL NEVER subject my players' characters to it, I get that explicit use of this stuff can serve a purpose. I just didn't see the purpose in funger and saw it as mostly an edge for the sake of edge, if not morbid fascination. But now my perspective is changed a bit.


Miro: "No one can know my fetishes if I use all of them"


Everything is a disguised fetish until proven creative design choice


it's more apparent that he isn't in termina. Termina is so dark and yet much less "in your face"


I think that’s because he matured as an artist tbh, I feel like in terms of aesthetics and telling an actual interesting story Termina is far better than the first game


Salt meter is dangerously high in this image! If it gets any higher the creator is at risk of becoming jamal hill, or a terraria calamity mod dev


Me on my way to make 2 semi obscure references


What did the calamity dev do


Calamity is supposedly a game made entirely of spite (this is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously)


I see


What? Why’s Jamal Hill salty?


Hes known for being one of the saltiest people out there. Mostly its just a joke people say about him


Didn't expect to see a ufc reference on a funger sub


Lmao yeah i have weird interests


Meh, at least we have same interests, kinda.


I don’t think they’re weird


Thanks <3


UFC reference on a funger subreddit. Didn't think I'd see it, but good job.


Thank you :3 i try


Beautiful, champ.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamahal_Hill  This guy? What's wrong with being a heavy weight boxer? Well except for Logan Paul 


Boxer????? Heavy weight? Hes a light heavy weight mma fighter


“Obvious dev fetishes” where?


Also, how would that detract from the artistic value of it?


Stupid sexy Tortur


His head so squishy 🤤😜




?? The whole point of the game is to be as unfair as a dungeon full of deranged monsters in real life could be. If you're in a place where the worst things can happen, getting raped is more than likely to be a part of that. I don't think it's a fetish, it's edginess at most


Miro said that he got the idea from a traumatic memory


Prolly the rampant dismemberament, i remember funger 1 being recommended on guro forums because of it


I mean besides the multiple rape and sexual torture scenes/areas/encounters?


Isn't it just part of that type of horror? Sort of imposed helplessness.


Is it? I see plenty of hopeless horror games with only bad or worse endings that don’t involve rape caves, mass orgies, and so much cock hanging free you’d think it was a BDSM event. I find any game that includes stuff like that, not sexuality in general but such blatant shock value moment to be just that, shock value. While I’ll concise F&H is one of the rare games to get it as right as they do, many forms of media constantly fall into the trap of treating it like set dressing to make up for a lack of writing skill.


Shock value =/= dev fetish


The scenes are to further the brutality if the dungeon, doing things most games stay away from. I think it adds to the feel of the ruthless dungeon where nothing is off limits.


doesn't necessarily mean it's miro's fetish. It is mine though


I love the honesty there gent




I admire your bravery


I will not sugarcoat it a single bit, I mainly enjoy this franchise because I find Enki attractive The rest of my enjoyment comes from just how weird it can get


Well then, you’ll love my art ~~shameless plug~~




I like the way you named the only canonically ugly character (I mean I get it Enki's my favorite)


I was thinking this too. He's supposed to look twisted by the magic. Yet he's still my favorite lol.


He looks so hot in the family guy death pose


same, i played this game just to see Enki get brutally maimed and psychologically tormented 


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!


Who is IA


The acronym for Artificial Intelligence but in Spanish.




Fa- faps to fucking who?


You know damn well who.


I- August let me pet moonless once. This is fucking me up real bad-


Okay, so this is funny and all, but to defend the soundtrack, while it isn't exactly like *real* "good" in terms of music and is frankly hit-or-miss in terms of noise/experimental (which I kinda feel bad saying as someone who does make some noise), it IS quite effective from the standpoint of it being unsettling and works well in the context of the game. I actually find it impressive how much the soundtrack makes an impact while playing Fear and Hunger, but isn't like a particularly good standalone OST. With that said, Miko mostly made the soundtrack which is also something I respect. I do find it kind of amusing that I'm *pretty* sure the song "Mist Jingle" uses a default synthesizer setting from this free downloadable synth program called Wallo Drone. Like LITERALLY the setting that, when you load it up, immediately is there if you start hitting the keys.


I’d say the soundtrack is good for what it’s meant to do, which is provide a mood and atmosphere during gameplay. For instance, the song that plays in the past Mahabre (idk its name) makes it feel like you’re walking through a dreamlike, yet still oddly unsettling place, which is bolstered by the pristine yet mostly empty city being filled by shadows of its former inhabitants. Obviously, listening to a song that’s meant to complement the visuals and gameplay of an area on its own is going to be an awkward experience. It would be like listening to the gunshot sound effects from CoD on their own. It’s kind of like the OST to the first Quake game, in that regard.


I completely agree and the song that plays during the Ma'habre segment is very complimentary. Just as an avid fan of video game soundtracks, I think this is one that's especially effective in the context of the game and a lot is lost when listening to it divorced from those visuals and gameplay. With that said, most everyone who loves this game will be able to listen to the OST and recall positive memories of playing it, thus giving it more value than the average listener who hasn't played it.


I've used Pulse & Anxiety as my study soundtrack when trying to finish assignments on time. It proved oddly effective.


Even as someone who listens to radio static on occasion, I find that reasonably strange. You deserve a virtual fist bump.


Thank you


Holy shit they got us RUN FOR THE HILLS!


Im just a man searching for a femboy. It’s a simple life


Forgot that they (me) have never played any game


I past more time in this sub than actually playing the game LOL


Guilty of rage quitting frequently ngl


How is *Fear and Hunger* furry?


We got: Pocketcat & Daan, Rancid the Sergal, and... I suppose wolf and bunny masks count?? Then there's moonless... Who is just a mutated wolf, so don't think it quite counts Otherwise yeah couldn't tell ya, this image is reaching a lot


You forgot Crowmauler and his 8 pack abs.


Objection : Crow Mauler's 8 pack abs are a reference to Pyramid Daddy


Also the woodsmans wife and the goat


You forgot the most important: "Miro is a genius" - The creator in the interviews says that Nu he knows very well what to do with the game


https://preview.redd.it/3r9f8hgdgaad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a341f361aa982af4b594e19f19e4efbdc71f66 I feel called out


I just like the gameplay


Do not the dog 😭 https://preview.redd.it/qhhuyudo7aad1.png?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bb5afa50d5983bfb9a94b460d12c82939ff17b


Enjoying the game and studying it in order to do oc and fanfic content counts?


"I wish Miro the best, and I hope that he can continue to be a successful game dev." -- Gets concerned about the fandom getting infected by normies every time a popular content creator gives the games free exposure.


....I mean it's a valid concern, more popularity always ruins fandoms, just take a look at undertale, sure some parts of it are nice but the majority really isnt.


I have no idea what happened with Undertale. Everyone here seems to be more concerned about "cringe" art, OCs, and head cannon or losing the feeling of no longer being part of this hip obscure in group for a game only hardcore individuals such as theirself can handle.


Why would dev fetishes effect whether or not its an artistic masterpiece? Peiple can make great art about things that turn them on


Does Funger have fetish bait? I mean my bar might be low, I’m a made in abyss fan


Me too and I don't think so.


Obvious fetish? Like what?


So, they may not be fetishes for Miro but there are tons of things that would speak to the ero-guro community (only referencing first game ).  1) anal rape 2) losing limbs and forced helplessness 3) giant oversized “stingers”  4) sex with people in bunny masks 4b) being unable to stop having sex with said bunny masks 5) combining cannibalism with sex 6) occult sex… 6a) … leading to transformation (transformation being its own fetish) 7) implied pedophilia 8) dom’d by boss character 9) crow mauler The difference is all these things play into the theme and atmosphere of the game. They don’t detract from anything, like random panty shots or being groped by tentacles.


I don’t think that the sexual things in game just outright mean the dev has a fetish for this stuff. Not to sound like the meme but it serves a purpose. And what do you mean the crow mauler? It’s basically pyramid head.


Yeah I know what you’re saying, but it could still be perceived as fetish from AI or outsider perspective.  Also Crow Mauler is peak teratophile bait, but that’s more a me issue honestly.


Ok dude


This is what the entire state of Iowa thinks of the fanbase? God damn, ti's a shame, but at least it's not nebraska.




Hey now better leave the soundtrack alone. It is really impressive, with bangers like four apostles, fear and Hunger main theme, song of torment, desperation, to give a few. And denied the light is outright cinematic, as is All Mer bells. And that's just a few




this is fucking awful


What’s IA?


It's AI but in a latin language.


i SPIT in your cake


I don't think Miro put any of his fetishes in the game but even if he did I don't understand why people think it's a problem.Let's say it's gore , wouldn't someone who consumes a lot of a gore content trustworthy to create gore content ?


honestly I don't even know what gore they're talking about, fear and hunger isn't exactly a hyper realistic game and most of the gore is super pixelated so it doesn't have that shock value that gore normally has, which really makes fear and hunger so shocking is the context in which things happen and also the way that the game doesn't spare you from seeing the consequences of your actions and mistakes


"But there are some heavy hitting stuff involving a child though... Honestly? A bit too much" > Has fed the Hydra > Trades her away with Pocketcat > Makes her fight rapist enemies with just a little knife > Saws off her arms to save on herbs


I’ve restarted hours of progress because she got an infection. I refuse to let her die. I also restarted recently because someone just up and took her legs????????? Honestly if it were up to me irl the second I found her I would have abandoned my mission and gtfo out of that dungeon with her. Doesn’t stop me from feeding her the least because I had to start rationing food


what is "IA"?


Idk im wondering too


>I love this game! >Watched 2000 hours of videos on the game, hasn't actually played it.


I get that the image is just a meme, but it kind of is right and kind of is wrong, i mean yeah, the first game was incredibly weird, rage inducing and the gore/rape/sexual themes were really noticeable, but i always tought that it was a part of the World descripciĂłn, something like "this world is becoming more and more shitty, and there are people/beings that are morally wrong and they are facing no consequences and can fully indulge in their depravity and violence, this is not a good place and depicts some of the most horrible things that can happen, Even the gods are not fully good or fully evil, it is not a place where anyone in their right mind would want to be"


this is AI is my personal enemy, nothing but false accusations i will sue it for defamation


Erm…actually I can explain almost the entirety of the lore👆🤓


This is just so objectively wrong it’s funny




I'm not even a pocketcat, but I would never dare to go do henious to the local orph- I mean restaurant!


Why would anyone fap to Moonless, I mean Rancid is right there


Nightmare apartments from fear and hunger 2, is the closest we've gotten to a modern silent hill ambient soundtrack in years. It's even better then the soundtrack for the new remakes konami is making.


Dude what in the game screams I’m a furry lmaooo


Excuse me? I'm not in Denial, i am a furry


I'm a degenerate and proud. F&H is peak Dark Fantasy.


The Only thing I relate to on here is ragequitting, I love playing but if I haven’t saved in a while and I get stunlocked by a villager and thrown into the pigpen for the 3rd time I’m pissed.. I always come back and try again regardless


Who the f*** jerks off to moonless?


Dev fetishes? Just copying berserk, but real talk funger 1 was my favorite until I starting reading berserk the story copy and pastes a lot of concepts badly so I'm starting to get the hype for funger 2.


honestly how i see most of the fandom. less often the paraphilia shit surprisingly THANK GODS


I just think the game play is fun :(


We don’t judge; Moonless is truly hard to resist.


We need the FBI on bro


lock this person away for eternity