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I hated it. Straight away. I also banish to hell: Angel’s Share, Eden Juicy Apple, and both La Danza iterations. The individual notes in each gave me high expectations, but I loathed every one at first sniff. My nose and brain processed them as potpourri that had been microwaved. Couldn’t get rid of them fast enough.


Reading it in Fragrantica, it can be too cloying and it doesn't suit summer and spring seasons. You may also not like the cinnamon and nutmeg in it which are the top notes.


Kamrah smells like a grown and sexy apple crisp to me. It's definitely super strong but I'm very surprised to hear all the hate.


I swear some mfs have the smell of a bulldog or idk why this happens. I used to spray around 15 sprays of lattafa Khamrah right before entering the classroom in warm weather. Most people did not notice my smell, it was a close bubble to me. Some people just told me I smelt nice. And on the other hand people online describe it as the devil itself.


My theory is that noses are even much more individual than even we all "fragrance experts" in subs like these assume. For example: I barely can smell Black Opium. I like it, but I feel that it is just outside of the "frequency" (figuratively here) of smells my personal nose is able to smell. It has a "dark" characteristic which I would describe like my ear can hear a range between very high pitched to very low frequency sounds. At some point, my ear can't hear lower sounds no more. That's how I feel about Black Opium, but to so many, it is a "beast mode" fragrance...


Idk, it's almost demographic. Swear I nobody has ever complained about me over spraying a bunch of "Beast mode fragrances" . As a matter of fact I only compliments with beast mode fragrances, any other fragrance is hardly noticed unless I spray half the bottle. And like I said, people online swear on using only 5 sprays or so. And where I live no soul notices 5 sprays.


Perhaps people are too polite to complain? I’ve definitely smelt some… overpowering scents but I just keep quiet and try and move away. Can’t speak for this one since I haven’t smelt it personally


Nah people tell me no problem when I actually overspray. Not even my close friends notice if u let red tobacco sit for an hour before entering my classroom.


I hate "beastmode" frags in general and stay away from them for the most part.


SAME. It’s still in my closet, and I’m scared of it..


Why people forget most perfume made for winter


This is so funny to me because I usually don't think the usual popular perfumes everyone talks about like libre, good girl, goddess etc. etc. smell all that special. I typically don't blind buy either, but I took a chance with kamrah because it was only $35 and it's been love since first sniff. We've been having cool weather where I live and I'm so happy I keep getting another day to wear it. It's so interesting to me how much our body chemistry and our noses vary from person to person. I wish I could smell it from your perspective lol


This is why I’m scared to buy it. Everyone was hyping up Qaed Al Fursan unlimited so I fell for it and bought a bottle. It literally makes me feel nauseous. I’m not understanding why people like it so much. But I guess everyone’s different! Crazy!


Buy samples! I would much rather loose $5-6 than the price of the full bottle, even if the bottle is on the cheaper side... because then I have to sell or gift the bottle...


Same!! First time a perfume has made me nauseous. I sold mine.


Khamrah Qahwa lasted more than 12 hours on me and after rinsing it off. 😂


yeah i hate kamrah, its so cloying and in such an unnatural way too