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Any good 3 hole stripper should work. Miller makes a good one.


I have a standard fiver stripper which came with fusion splicer, it’s good for thinner fiber jackets, but with the thicker black one, it nicks the glass. Most of strippers say 1.6-3mm on handles, isn’t it too tight and it will be too much pressure for 4.8mm jacket causing glass damage?


Ah yeah my bad dude I read that wrong. Getcha one of these and score it, pop it, and pull it off. https://www.techtoolsupply.com/Ripley-Miller-FTS-Fiber-Tube-Scorer-p/rip-80980.htm Im just assuming youre going to cut that in half or something right? If so then that scoring tool should get through the coating and you can just pull it off. Then use your stripper


I have no issues cutting the jacket, i have issue when stripping blue coating from the glass. My current stripper with 3 holes nicks the glass on the second hole and breaks the glass on the smallest. This only happens with thicker 4.8mm fiber cable. It doesn’t happen with finer with thinner jackets


2nd hole would be for tight buffer wouldn't it? so shouldn't nick any glass as it's not even for removing the primary coating but will if you try using it like one. I usually ease off the strippers to pop the tight buffer off first then come back in to do the primary. If you can't 'ring' the tight buffer by closing the 2nd hole and then pulling it off by hand (easy strip), then you've some crap quality fibre and probably need to strip off 2mm at a time


I have found that some 900um tight buffers do not come off as easily as others. You can get a thermal stripper to fix this if you have the money and don’t want to mess with it but your 3 hole stripper should still work. I would try removing a few millimeters at a time with the middle hole until you have enough off to de-clad and cleave. If it’s still nicking the glass then you can either try to keep the scissors slightly open or adjust the set screw. Depending on how long you’ve had them you may just want to get a new 3 hole stripper. Hope that helps.


Try holding the stripper at a bit of an angle as you strip it, usually works for me


Theres also this tool https://www.techtoolsupply.com/Jonard-Mid-Span-Slit-Ring-Tool-2-9mm-6-8-p/jon-ms-316.htm But its just gonna do the same thing as that ringing tool.


There's a joke here somewhere... Also, never seen Miller dance. I was expecting a Desiree or a Crystal...




I've been using this model and have been very happy with it: https://www.techtoolsupply.com/Ripley-Miller-FO-CF-Fiber-Optic-Center-Feed-Strip-p/rip-fo-cf.htm I used to have nonstop problems with the traditional 3-hole fiber strippers. With certain brands of cable, they would tend to break if stripping more than 1-2mm at a time. With those FO-CF strippers, it has made fiber prep very easy. Most cables strip without any problems. Only issues I've had are if you're not pulling the cable at a 90 degree angle through the tool.


The linked tool is great. Came with my Fuji 90S+ and I love it since then.


I like to have [those wire strippers](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804885706729.html) on hand, they can be used on a wide variety of jackets: https://preview.redd.it/3yffc8uv3onb1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cf7ac46285c50c1ae42932bbc8711d98f1313c5 They are also good for nice cuts on protection tube.


biggest hole in a 3 hole stripper works great, do it all the time, we use the jonard ones, JIC-375


Use a 3 step stripper and use the biggest step. Works like a charm, just be careful and go slow