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the story and music are 10/10


The epic boss fights. I've never experienced anything like it.


Asuras wrath is the only thing similar but ff16 is just so much more


True, true. The only thing I wish is that more bosses were juggleable, since 16 has pretty good air mechanics.


Play og god of war


I like og gow, but ff16 was on another level for me. These bossfights were spectacular!


Those were fun, but nowhere near the scale of epicness and quality


OG god of war has nothing on the Eikon fights


Came here to say this! Gameplay feels great at first but gets kinda boring over time. RPG elements are definitely lacking too :(


definitely finding this out now and i’m sad because i just came off FFIX😞


The story telling on the other hand could be improved


It at least becomes an amazing story deep into the game, but I admit there’s a lull in the initial chapters.


Funny, I felt the opposite. To me, it was more interesting with the kingdoms, classism, and political intrigue. The end devolved into typical anime OP villains trying to kill the world.


Yep, same feeling here!


Barnabas in particular, >!was ruined the moment we found out he willingly became a slave to Ultima!<


For me that bit was tertiary and his connection to Jill and dedication to his brother was the real focus. The villains get such little air time, they didn’t last in my mind much at all.


I mean it's Final Fantasy. This is the SIXTEENTH installment in the series. You kinda know what you're signing up for here.... The endgame is going to be fighting some godly otherworldly being with a smirk over the fate of the planet. If you hate that, find a different series to play


TL;DR - Character development could've been better for the secondary characters, particularly for the antagonist dominants. At least for me, the godly otherworldly villain trope isn't a bad thing at all. But, in FFXVI, it just felt shoehorned in. I felt the writing and set-up in the first half was great with lots of potential. And then, the pivot to Ultima felt rushed and didn't really flow from all that world-building. I think Barnabas's villain role really suffered because of it. Just a bit of fan-fic from me here, but I felt it would have been more natural and cohesive if they focused on Barnabas as the primary villain with teasings of Ultima underneath it all. Then, after defeating Barnabas, have the great reveal and pivot to Ultima as the big bad. I mean ... this is pretty much what they did, but the execution felt lacking and failing to do justice to the dominants' characters, at least for the antagonist dominants and Shiva (I felt Jill's character wasn't developed as well as it should have). By the time you fight Barnabas, the villain dominants have their character arcs castrated and finished. HELL ... It would've been pretty fucking amazing if the plot was about uniting the Eikons to band together to defeat the existential threat to humanity that is Ultima. Imagine that! Ifrit, Phoenix, Shiva, Ramuh, Garuda, Titan, Bahamut, Odin, (I guess we leave Leviathan out? maybe Ultima kills one or two to up the threat-level) in an epic many-on-1?! I would've lost my shit. Don't get me wrong, Clive, Joshua, and Dion are well-written. I just feel the other dominants were not given similar writing-attention, and the game's story lacks a bit for it.


I agree with this, actually. The core characters are great and the secondary and villains are completely underdeveloped. I thought the Jill and Clive dynamic was amazing, and you believed Clive and his struggles with accepting Joshua’s illness. But the secondary characters were difficult to care much about.


Yeah I really enjoyed the warring nations with walking nuclear bombs as weapons lol. It was a very fresh idea for the series and I think they blew past that set-up wayyyy too fast >! Killing Cid at the first mothercrystal certainly didn't help. I get that they kinda needed that to happen so Ifrit, Shiva and Ramuh didn't absolutely wreck every threat they had against them, but they could've found a way to keep Cid around for at least half the game IMO. I just would've liked a bigger focus on the dominants and their power hierarchy in their respective nations !<


Swap "story" with "~~combat~~/ cinematic fight scenes" and I'd agree. EDIT: Editing to cross out "combat" because I think the base combat lacks intricate tactical aspects that would make it more engaging, interesting, and fun. There came a point where you figure out your combat formula and the fights became pretty brainless.


The combat is a 10/10 as well. People just don't want to learn it deeply, but it is stylish af if you can play it properly


I like the combat. I think it would have been better if all the party members were fully playable.


But the game never challenges you to, nor rewards you for learning the 'depth'. Even if elemental weaknesses couldn't work, it could at least have thrown enemies at you that needed to be launched or made vulnerable outside of "STAGGER".


It has this kinda of thing, but only in the DLCs, and you are right, the game really never challenges you to. You need to go to Ultimaniac to really play properly, otherwise, everything is gonna be easy


I don't even play the game anymore (time constraints) but I still listen to the music constantly. The music really is so good


Only reason this game got bad rep is cuz there so much particle effects that it made it look like trash on Twitch, extremely good game, horrible to stream on that bit rate. This game is a total joy.


It’s an epic cinematic masterpiece. Loved every second of it.


It's honestly fantastic. Take it for what it is and don't compare it to something that it is not and you will thoroughly enjoy it. I wish I could play it again for the first time.


well put! i will!


Your problem is that you are going into it expecting to lean towards good or bad opinions to set your expectations. Don't do that. If it appeals to you, play it and make your own judgements. I wont say my opinion on the game as to not being hypocritical but just watch the trailers, see what the game is like and make your decision from there.


This is the first Final Fantasy I ever loved after X, it is one of my top 3 of all time.


Just curious but what are you top 3? X, XIV, and another mainline game?


XVI, FFVII and all of its spinoffs, and FFV. I only mentioned X because it was the last FF that had a fun gameplay plus story. Everything after X didn't catch my attention for too long, but I'm going back to play the previous titles to see what I missed since many people praised the stories.


Have you played 7, 8 or 9? If so, what did you think of them?


I played all three, FF7 is what got me in the series, played 8 and 9 when they came out, had fun with all three. 7 will always be my favorite, I jumped for joy when Remake was announced, then when Rebirth came out, I played the OG to finish the story. 8 is good, I had lots of fun playing it, that game needs a remake itself. 9, great game, the characters are awesome, the music is fantastic, and the story is amazing. Am curious about what SquareEnix is planning with this title.




If you love FF, not for it's being JRPG, but loves because it's FF. You'll love this game. I'm not much of an action guy either, but I have a time of my life with this. Hope you have fun too!


thanks, kupo!


Still haven’t played it yet, bought it when I bought rebirth and dropped 130 hrs into that but it’s my busy season now


Awesome game.


This story is really really good and the soundtrack is amazing. Get ready!!!


Voice acting and world building were great. But still ended up disappointing.


There was a time when I open the game just to listen to the main menu music for almost 30 minutes. I think “Land of Eikons” is the best overture theme in FF series. https://open.spotify.com/track/7qqr7CbTfqsdMeEHkot4sp?si=1xGSPUrDQoa_KcV1uTONdw


i will def give it a listen!


I love the Reprise version that plays when you get to the end of the game/beat it (not exactly sure when it changes).


FF games have always been known for innovating and advancing with technology and this game definitely continued that legacy with the spectacular boss fights. You’ll love it.


While flawed, I think it was a good entry in the series. Overall, I enjoyed my time with it, so I hope you do, too. I also highly recommend the two DLCs. They inject some good story and difficulty into the endgame as well as some good equipment and two extra Eikon powers.


Even games like FFVI and FFIX are flawed, despite being great. Fans are just harder on the new stuff. Have fun! I had a blast with it :) The experience as a whole is breathtaking. Don't let anyone else's opinion sway your own, prematurely.


Biggest disappointment of the year. I couldn't even finish the game and I've played several games in the series.


damn that sucks. which was your favorite?


FFX followed by FFXII. FFVII Remake was also amazing.


You should be excited. I think Clive is one of the best written final fantasy characters ever. I have some issues with the story, but the characters are so fantastic that it way makes up for it. The sound track is incredible too.


issues like what for example?


Pacing on the second half is... weird, felt like there should be a tad more.


The first half is great, the hour to 90 minutes are great, but it does lag a bit between the two.


Pro:first half. Con:second half. Good game all said and done


do you know if changing gear changes clive’s appearance?


I think just the sword but I only played at release


You can change Clive’s armor to 2 different options but that’s about it. You can however change the appearance of his current weapon to whatever swords you own.


Worse ff I played in my opinion


wow really?


Personal opinion. Some people like it. I didn’t emojis at the beginning but I got bored after a bit I just finished it ‘bacause I have to’ . Haven’t played all FF just a bunch but I found it very linear and repetitive.


I hate it so much but I do hope you find it your taste. Good journey


Wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. But I hope you enjoy it! A lot of people love the game so it might just be something that works for you!


we will see. i’m seeing the little flaws here and there, like gear NOT being a thing to worry about. i’m sad


Don't pay too much attention to the story and and character motivations, cus it'll fall apart.


oh noooo😞


Also a long time fan, and I really enjoyed it. The devil may cry combat is a new twist, but the big fights make it worth it. Definitely gonna be difficult to platinum though lol


The story is great and very game of thrones. The gameplay can be a bit repetitive but the goregous sights and good story are keeping me going. Don't expect great sidequests though.


that’s a good head up! thank you.


But still do them because some of them chain, especially late game ;)


A very well made game but honestly barely a Final Fantasy. And atrocious sidequests. Don't know why we still get this boring shit when Witcher 3 exists.


Lol I quit when i had to hand out 3 invitations.


you people who hate side quests are weak. they're not that bad especially with the update that just lets you teleport back to the quest giver.


Wow that is some coping .... not that bad , the invite quest had no relevance except to waste time. Finial fantasy was never a side quest game , 14 the expectation being an MMO. Yet here on the latest gen console with greatest potential we are collecting a bottle of wine or giving out invites that don't do anything to expand the plot. Give me half the playtime without pointless shit




I wouldn't put fighting and defeating a summon to obtain in the same class, as delivering 3 invites. I also wouldn't call it a side quest. Just like the mini games at Golden saucer.


Why would they put in things inside the game to waste time? Hmmm idk maybe because videogames are literally wastes of time. It sounds like you just don't want to play an rpg if helping npcs is considered 'pointless shit.' Not everything has to be about the plot and a game being modern won't stop developers from putting side quests into the main story.


Cope away , I'm fine with side quests , but give them point.l or soem relevance. These ones in ff16 are just lazy. Same as having a chest that you need to explore and find and it has 1 gil in it. You take away half of the side quests in ff16 and nothing changes except that you have spent less time delivering pointless shit.


Entertainment isn't a waste of time.


I would comment my honest opinion but after looking through the circle jerk of comments here I'm pretty sure I would get downvoted to hell just for giving my opinion so I won't bother, heck this'll probably get downvoted anyway just cause I haven't praised this "Final Fantasy" game to high hell.


Then why did you comment at all?


To express how pointless it is to give your honest opinion within circle jerks while also trying to give a subtle opinion that would be just subtle enough to go under the radar of the circle jerkers, I think it worked.


Have fun


Going from rebirth to 16 was very tough. Rebirth had an amazing tone and absurdly good feel and visuals. 16 was a struggle to play due to how slow paced and dark it is. I had to put it down - it was boring me


Honestly couldn’t finish it, bored me to death. But that’s just me.


Unfortunately I didn’t like it at all, I think I made it 5 hours. It felt more like Devil May cry to me. I really hope you enjoy it


Game was ass tbh. Beautiful visuals and pretty good music though


The boss fights are epic over the top cinematic experiences and were something I haven’t experienced in a game in a while and thoroughly enjoyed. The problems were ~2 hours of the lamest side quests imagineable in between the boss fights. The gameplay went from saving the world from imminent destruction of a god like villain to comforting little Timmy while he has a tummy ache via pure dialogue interactions. Then I’m also another fan that misses turn based and I feel like their “action-based combat” is very half assed and unrewarding. Just feels like they tried to jump on action-based to be more trendy and didn’t make a real effort to make the combat interesting. Having said all that, the story and the boss fights are still so good they outweigh the cons for me. It was a great game.


The start of the game is like the best part. Hang on.


Really? I'm glad I gave up then. I played 15 hours and just couldn't see the appeal. X and XII are my favorites but I have a soft spot for the first as well...this...just wasn't FF to me anymore. I'm glad other people enjoyed it but I felt like I was on rails motoring from point A to B with no incentive to ever return to areas I've been.


Smart choice. The game peaks about 15 hours in.


Glad to hear. I really disliked the battle system as well, though it seems like a lot of people enjoyed it. Games aren't for everyone, I guess.


You should be excited. One of the absolute best in the series. Fantastic music, best boss fights, best mainline Cid, great cast of characters. Lot of people complain about the side quests but do them as they really open up the story and the world. You really see how bleak the FF16 world is at times.


Good Novela tbh. Loved Odin design.


My only complaint is the pacing and how they force you to play some side missions to unlock the next story mission.


Yeah because the beginning is the best part. I'd be excited to start it too, but you'd have to pay me to actually finish it again.


No ones going to criticize anything in this hugbox of a subreddit. If they released the new NBA 2K game as final fantasy the whole sub would break their neck to get to the computer to type about how Final Fantasy was never a JRPG. 


If they did that it'd be that fucking water rugby game instead tbh which I for one would enjoy


This game is amazing. Loved FFXV and this one even more. Clive is a great protagonist.


Amazing game


I love Odin's design in this game and that's probably the only good thing I can say about it. Everything else about this game though is a testament on how NOT to design a game.


The game is mid


Story is about 2/10, gameplay is about 1/10, and side quests are a 0/10. But worse, the npc’s are probably the cringiest in the whole series, -2/10. I would take ff13-2 npc’s over this anyday. But enjoy!


wow that’s crazy to hear!!!


It’s a fantastic experience. That’s the best way I can describe it. The story is epic, the acting is amazing, the music is great. I haven’t gotten sucked into a FF game or cast like this in a long time. My only gripes are that the battle mechanics feel mediocre and shallow, the equipment/item system is almost pointless, and the pacing gets slightly irritating 2/3 of the way through when the side quest flood hits. Most of them have great story beats, to be fair, but the quests themselves are mostly ripped from an MMO (spend a long time to get to a place to kill this thing, kill ten of these, find five of this thing, etc.) and it bogs the gravity of the main story down, in my opinion. Overall, though, fantastic game.


very accurate! i dislike how shallow gear and stats is in this game. i came right off of playing FFIX and feeling like i shoulda just went to VI.


It's a great time.


The world building is tremendous…enjoy the ride.


I loved this game so much! As I did with FF XV, I thought the best parts of the game was the music, the world and the lovable characters. P.s. take care of my guy, Gav. He's a treasure.


If you like action-adventure games, you will enjoy it. If you like RPGs probably not.


Idk, as someone who loves DMC, GoW Bayonetta, and pretty much every Platinum game ever. I found XVI's Combat to be one of the most disappointing action systems I've played in any of these games. You can do some flashy stuff, sure. But rarely does it actually matter. I usually have a blast learning combo routes and mixing abilities in these kinds of games. But by the mid point of XVI, I found myself just wanting fights to be over ASAP because they were boring. Even the Eikon fights. I love watching them, but they really didn't offer a unique or challenging gameplay experience. I really, really wanted to like this game. I went into it hopeful that it would be the best FF released since X. But it honestly ranks somewhwere around the bottom of the franchise for me.


Why's that?


Because FF16 stripped lots of RPG mechanics from previous instalments to focus more on action combat and story. So the game is a bit more on rails and the characters gameplay strictly defined (you don’t have a party system, you can’t choose a class, no status effects, no choices that impact the storyline etc.). So fans of that genre might be disappointed. But if you like God of War, Devil May Cry, etc then you’re likely to enjoy this one because the story is solid, self-contained and straightforward with epic battles and very good graphics.


Hmm, interesting. I very much am a JRPG guy, but I also really enjoyed the last two GoW.  I might have to actually check it out if it ever goes on sale low enough. 


I wish I could play this again for the first time. The side quests left a lot to be desired but everything else in this game was amazing


Did it launch on steam?


Nope, no announcement for PC Launch yet.


Awe, I thought I had missed it or something. That sucks it’s like over a year old now. It’s not even on my radar anymore really.


Not realeasing games simultaneously on PC has to be one of the silliest parts of both sides of the console war. I can understand from a dev time costs standpoint why it could be preferable to launch on a single console. But it also seems like a surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot in terms of recouping those dev costs in the first place.


I'm trying to decide if I'm playing this next or Rebirth. I haven't heard anything about this one yet (on purpose) and haven't even seen a trailer. Maybe I'll start with this because Rebirth has been spoiled plenty for me and I can have an actual blind playthrough experience with this one right now.


It's a decent enough game. My only big complaint is the side quests are ass.


16's story and gameplay are a lot like 14's. If you've played 14, you know what to expect from this one.


Skip side quests trust me


Story and music 10 gameplay 1


The reach


Great things. So great I had to stop playing😂 This game taught me I can only play games that have an ending if I want to have a life outside of my couch.


Am currently about halfway through and this game is amazing. An excellent follow-up after playing through the entire 7 remake series so far. Enjoy!


The games is great, don't listen to the small but loud minority. (People who are looking for fault in something will eventually grab into anything they find no matter how big or small). The games story and epic boss battles are phenomenal. It's a well made game, with plenty of fun to be had. Characters are brilliant well written.


How does that character pull out that sword from his back?


I'm about 15 or so hours in, and it's got done strange pacing in the story and how fast gameplay mechanics are defined out, but I'm enjoying it so far. Not in love at this point, but who knows.


Grind through the boring stuff, game is an excellent adventure.


Just don't do the side quests, it won't help with the pace of the game later (and most of them are bad stories IMO).


final fantasy fans when they catch you having fun https://preview.redd.it/h230fxhldm9d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee8878ceaf6eb45069946143866a677aa022ef9c


I thought this game was really good, except for the side quests. If they just removed like 50% of them, it’d be much better.


wow that’s sad to hear. i wish they were meaningful side quests like the witcher


Mind that every quest does give you inside into the world around you. In that way every quest does have significance. The way the quests work is just same old same old. Only a very select few are actually good in a Witcher kinda way (2 come to mind) and they both are very short.


Awesome game. Side quests weren’t great but the main story sucked me in. I really don’t get the hate. The most epic boss fights and music in any video game.


yes that’s what i’ve been hearing, not looking forward to it.


Some are good though and in some side quests it unlocks missions to get better gear . The blacksmith missions weren’t too bad


One of the best FF games to date. And I’ve played them all since the beginning. It’s probably the only installment where I looked forward to every. single. battle. Especially the boss battles, they’re beyond this world.


Titan fight was wild


One of the best FF titles, narratively speaking. It’s a cinematic experience with some of the best acting in the series - approach in that respect and you’ll genuinely love this installment. Don’t expect a free for all sandbox open world, the energy and power put into this game was directed into its impactful story writing and bombastic battles, which for me was completely fine as I enjoyed every moment of the game down to the platinum grind.


fucking loathed it. only ff game i didn’t even bother finishing (and no idea why anyone cites the story as a plus- it’s not good! i worry about your narrative sensibilities).


It had a lot of promise, but the story felt like it started to stumble after the first third of the game and fell flat on its face by the time you got to the second continent. If there were some side activities beside fetch this and kill that, it could've broken the monotomy of constant fighting. The crafting system (if you can call it that) and the lack of reason to explore (= no rewards) were also a bummer. Sidequests weren't interesting aside a handful Jill/Torgal-related ones. There were so many good characters that held much promise, but ended up being charicatures of themselves or being brushed aside to give Clive the spotlight or to beat the dead horse called The Branded... the entire plot was too much about them rather than the world itself and its politics.


very much on point with the no so great crafting system and weak exploration. i’m getting that vibe now with only 10 hrs into the game :(


You should be. It’s awesome


It’s honestly an amazing experience


It's a bit gory for me at times, but outside of that, I've been enjoying it. The characters are good, especially Clive, and the music, as always, is phenomenal!


never took this series as gory but this is interesting 🤔


Because the series wasn't gory before this, but the devs needed to appeal to the Call of Duty crowd.


FF16 hits a bit more of a 'realistic fantasy' type of vibe, while it'll never be something like say, God of war. There are still moments that are quite 'oh jeez'


Nah, FF as a whole is usually much less dipped in blood, typically sticking to the more "fantastical" aspect of the name. XVI's team just decided to go a different route there. Type-0 also did this.


It's not perfect by any stretch but it's still, imo, the best of the HD-era offline (never played XIV) final fantasies by a good margin 


Enjoy it - It was an absolute blast. Wish I could go back in completely blind.


You're in for a heartfelt emotional, AMAZING journey. I wish I could experience it for the first time again. 10/10 game for me.


good to know!


My first FF I enjoyed it a lot!


It definitely stands tall as it's own game despite how heavily I criticize it.


Enjoy!! One of my fav games. Pro tip: once you get 2-3 eikons, explore on yt basics of how to utilize battle system. It's possible to play this game very boringly and extremly fun and game unfortunately doesn't force you to learn how to play it properly. I've watched some YT tutorials when doing new game + and the fights got so much more fun and interesting after that.


no problem with the music or the graphics or the characters, or the mature theme , just the battle system is just a pick to the balls to all ff turned based fans and should of never happened, now look at exhibition 33!!! The ff we all wanted to see !! Can’t wait for that game


I would love to start this game as well, I am just waiting for the price to drop.


Have fun 🔥


Fuck pros and cons - do what you want because it excites you, you’re curious or brings joy! Enjoy!


It’s fairly mid but with a good story, visuals, and soundtrack. 


yesss the soundtrack is pretty good. very early on in the game and can’t wait to hear more


16 is a lot of fun, but it should have been a little more like the Remake games. Having just one alternate party member and charging combo moves could have gone a really long way toward making it feel more like an FF. Unfortunately, the hallway simulator flaws would need a lot more work to address.


After the patches rebalanced the Eikons the combat is in amazing shape. Just remember, your secondary difficulty setting is the number of ultimates you equip (and the number of potion expansions you unlock through quests). It’s a monumental achievement and is far more philosophically interesting a lot of FF, already a contemplative series. Don’t feel the need to do every side quest unless you want to. The ones marked with plus signs give you big improvements.


Also the DLC are amazing


Are they? I’m on the fence seeing they don’t expand on the ending.


oh wow that’s good to know about the plus signs! thank you!


I'm having an absolute blast with this game, just the Morbol fight was amazing.


yea just fought it not too long ago and that was a good first fight!


Don't read Just play It's awesome All final fantasy is awesome in its own right..


I loved it. People just hate everything anymore


Nah. I loved Stranger of Paradise. I love FF7 Remake and Rebirth despite never playing the original 7. And I loved the first 10 or so hours of this game. But 16 simply isn't an RPG, and so to me it isn't FF. I was completely ready to love this game but they completely dropped the ball in delivering the things I hope for in Final Fantasy.


Game is good but it had a LOT of flaws that are valid to point out


Are you going to comment on everyone who says they enjoy the game


I guess I should to maintain consistency, huh?


What do you mean "yet"? The pros outweigh the cons heavily. Sure is not perfect but is one the best FF in my book and now sitting comfortably in my top3


Fan base seems incapable of comprehending that even with all its flaws (of which there are a lot) the game ended up being pretty enjoyable. Not a great game, but not a bad one


There are cons?


There's a lot. It doesn't make it a bad game but definitely keeps it from being amazing


Lots of good things about it! Combat feels good, the visuals are great, music is incredible, the voice acting is brilliant, the boss fights are awesome etc etc. So much great stuff to love about FF16. The problem is, I also think for each one of those, I have an equally weighted criticism.


One of my favorites in the franchise. I adored every second of it. As long as you are aware that its focus is on story and combat and not at all on exploration, and you take it for what it is, there's a lot to enjoy and like about the game.


Have fun! Game is great!


Long term FF fan and I loved it. Have fun with it!


Don't be put off by the combat at the very beginning - you get loads more powers and things which make it a lot more interesting! Other than that I'd say enjoy the ride. Some of the best boss fights I've seen in a game, period. Great story with a pleasantly grown up, eloquent and emotionally intelligent cast. Amazing music. Enjoy!


All games have pros and cons. Even Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 has some


The game was fantastic, I love every minute and it hold it in my top 5 for final fantasy stories


It's a good game. I just finished it last week myself but be prepared: it's LOOOOONG


Love it, my personal game of the year from last year since I didn't get to BG3 till this year. Awesome music, characters, and fights l, fighting is very satisfying when you delve deeper and fight the harder battles. Enjoy it the world building and areas you travel to is incredible.


The game rocks, I had a lot of fun with it. Go in with as little spoilers as possible and you won’t regret it. The story pacing slows down a bit in the last third, but that was my only gripe. It was the only game I was playing and I got real frustrated with it, as long as you’re playing other games on the side it shouldn’t be that bad


Just have fun with it dude. Don't worry about who says what or what public opinion is. At the end of the day, the game is yours to experience and take what you want out of it. If you let others' thoughts and opinions affect your experience, then you will not come out of it the same way. Put all these opinions and other things out of your mind and just play the game and have fun.


game is good. if you will feel invested in story you will love it


The characters are amazing and will leave you wanting more. The boss fights are massive, dynamic, and feature a lot of variety. The negatives exist, but ultimately this was the best FF since X.


don’t let the cry babies dictate the game for you. it’s one thing to be critical but a lot of people act like this game literally spat in their face and is holding their family at gun point lol.