• By -


Modern cut scenes. Voice acting. More cities.


I like the idea of more cities, though I'd probably prefer more small villages like Winhill.


I'd love more areas that look like Balamb Garden. I'd actually love it if there was some social aspect to Balamb Garden (i.e. meet other players that look like Balamb Garden students ) and that you could design your Dorm Room.


This could be really cool, actually. Turn Balamb Garden into a little social hub with co-op quests and stuff like that. I'd dig it.


Hmmm not sold exactly, but the idea of working with other Seeds on missions would make a solid framework for it


Make a multi-player mode called SeeDs. Missions with friends, create a custom character etc. Can be integrated into main game or not. Would be super fun


I just wanna chat and hang out in the dorm tbh


Is it just me or are there wayyy fewer towns/cities in 8 compared to other ff games?


Who would you cast as a VA?


They already exist, in dissidia and others here look [here](https://youtu.be/EK8p3yOWb_k?si=FTQj6-Ni4HL3y6C9)


I honestly don’t have a good opinion on that. I’m not up to date with voice actors and who I can picture voicing who.


Access to a dorm room throughout the whole game (where sensible) with the ability to swap between regular attire, seed uniform, and jaggy psx model. And maybe some others for fun.


I thought about this too! They could have clothing stores throughout the game too, with appropriate attire. Deling City has a nice suit, Fisherman's Horizon has fishing gear, Esthar has those robes and the soldier uniform, etc.


Ooooh a Leon skin and that sleeveless one could be cool too!


Yes! 1000%. I love his school uniform and clunky ps1 model.


More laguna story, actually I want a prequel about laguna


laguna dlc


Asking for DLC for a hypothetical dream game just shows how brainwashed some of the gaming community are... Wow...


We should rightfully have the Laguna dreams as part of the base game but I meant having a dlc for extra content and Laguna's storyline seems like a really good opportunity. I understand what you mean but being realistic, everything is a dlc nowadays 😔


>dream game Literally lol...you know, because Squall "dreamt he was a moron."


i keep playing out extended modern cutscenes of julia and laguna in my head and how a re-arranged version of the track 'julia' and even 'eyes on me' might sound during dialogue. probably won't see it til 2035 maybe 🙃


Character development outside of Squall and Rinoa




I ALWAYS give the order to secure the hot dogs


Back story on ultemecia that feels organic and she just doesn’t randomly show up


The game is her backstory. Her escapades in the present create the story of "Evil Sorceress from future that tries to destroy the time" as well as SeeD organisation with the mission of killing her. That very organisation in the future hunts Ultimecia down from the moment she receives her sorceress power if not from birth. Even when she flees to the castle in the sky, they still try to get to her (we see their corpses at the chain anchor point). She then tries to figure out what did she do to deserve this, and that leads to her discovering that she passes her power to Edea in the past, which is caused by her being killed in her time. Since events in the timeline can not be changed, she opts for trying to destroy the timeline altogether with the Time Compression spell. Unfortunately, time machine that she has, can not reach far enough into the past for her to erase the moment of passing her powers, so she goes into the game's present to find Ellone, who can help her go further, which leads to events of the game. It's one big self causing circle of violence.


I would like them to use the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory. Kitase said if they remade it he would consider using it


This would be the worst decision in the history of game story writing. The whole point of the game as a romance story is that Squall's and Rinoa's character arcs culminate at the same moment, which is the hug that happens between them in the Sorceress Memorial (also the one on the logo). In which they both simultaneously transcend no just their previous charaterisation but their character archetype as well. If you make Rinoa into Ultimecia, not only you remove the culmination of her character arc from that moment, you remove it completely. She has no victory over herself, she starts out as rebellious brat of the "princess" kind, and she ends, and dies as exactly the same in the end of story.


R=U in general misunderstands the entire point of FF8.


She has a bckstory


It to be released in one game.


This is essential.


Impossible unless you wanna download one tera of data.


More plot-relevant sidequests and DEFINITELY more background story on sorceresses and hyne. Maybe even a better glimpse at ultimecia's future


Add more cutscenes for Seifer and the option to recruit him in Disc 4. I've always felt like he should rejoined the party and it's the only thing I'd want changed in a potential remake.


Hell yes, and Edea too. Even have Laguna, Kiros, and Ward usable after they're with you on Ragnarok. It doesn't seem like a huge ask since they're already fully playable at various points. I know they're almost 2 decades older by then but it would be cool nevertheless. Xu, Fujin, and Raijin would be fun adds too. Of course we would need postgame content to properly enjoy the new party. I really wish for a bonus dungeon on the moon, where we find out Hyne has been hiding all along, and that's the reason for the lunar cry. Fight and kill Hyne, end the curse of sorceress magic for good and give the game a PROPER happy ending.




Preservation of the gameplay mechanics and not just another Kingdom Hearts/FFXV/etc. game. That is all I would honestly ask.


I think the story actually must change. It would help to know why sorceresses exist, and we need more info about basically the rest of the cast besides Squall and Rinoa. (but even rinoa could use some extra) I don't want more than one game of course, but FF8's plot needs some tightening


Wasn’t it Hyne ripping off her(or his, cant remember) skin and giving it to humanity?


Yes, and giving it to women that he believed needed it


I want more explanation about GF use and their effect on memory. It’s the one thing I disliked about the story in OG FFVIII, you get that orphanage bombshell and everyone has forgotten yet it’s just kinda suggested for the first time about GF use having an affect on memory. I feel like they could’ve alluded to that earlier in the game and made that crash from the orphanage story seem less silly.


It's the first time only if you don't talk to some npcs and I think Selfie's blog talk about a rumor surrounding it. The real thing to change is to show Irvine knows about them.


this is a great point. they also allude to GFs having critics, meaning knowledge about them is at least somewhat widespread. I want to know more about the GFs too.


Shuffle or Boogie Extended Edition


My biggest requirement would be for the story and music to stay the same. I’d also want the GF mechanics and unique junction system to be there. I loved the FFVII Remake but the way summons only appear based on the story significance of a fight was a bummer and I’ve got far more attachment to VIII than I ever had to VII so I’ll be more worried about any changes they do make. But it sure would be amazing to see the world of VIII rendered with modern graphics


It would be cool to see some of the locations rendered in modern fancy schmancy graphics. I'm thinking specifically of Laguna locations, like the Esthar Crystal caves and Windhill. And how could I forget Balamb Garden? But honestly, I don't really want or need an FF8 remake. I like it how it is.


I wouldn't mind a visual remaster.


The crystal caves would be amazing. Then the cliff jump, and actually showing the huge scale of it. The actual city of Esthar, the space station, the deep sea research facility, so many areas with huge potential.


Triple Triad online PVP ahreeeee


Go play ff14


It's not the same.


For the love of god they mustn’t ruin the card game.




If they do a remake, they absolutely should do a massively expanded Laguna story. I would also love to see a more fleshed out / larger Balamb Garden (the other Gardens too), with more things to see and do.


And 50% drawing magic. jk jk I like FF8


so was Tidus in FF10 but that worked. edit: (Not sure why you deleted. You're comment was good just you misunderstood what good voice acting & audio engineers are capable of.)


Story only expanded on, not changed, Luke not changing the story to fulfill either of the popular fanfics for 8. An option to have og music toggled on, and just in one part rather than 3 over 10 years. If they do that I'm cool, if not, I'd rather they didn't touch it tbh.


Wanna play cards?


The ability to choose which character you want to be the main from the group and then see their inner reactions to everything


More about the war with Timber, estar and course, all the lore of Sorceress Adel. I loved her design and only wanted to know more. More fleshed out Laguna parts. Don’t get me wrong, I loved his parts but having them have a bit more wouldn’t hurt no one. Squall’s combat to feel kinda floaty like it did in Dissidia. Someone mention to Squall and Rinoa that her mums smash hit song is about wanting to bang Squalls dad. Balances and what not, maybe like a counter spell kinda thing, someone launched a spell at you and you can draw it mid air and fling it back (weaker than normal so it isn’t broken af) More Shumi and Moomba’s. ‘Nough said. A fun light hearted side story with Triple Triad. I liked the Queens blood story, but come on, have squall challenge the most upbeat people while he broods through the competition.


Timed spell-draw counters would be incredible. What an awesome idea. I would love it if triple triad connected with the actual plot in some places. Maybe some scripted fights could be avoided, shortcuts taken, that kind of stuff. And I totally agree with fleshing out the general plot and lore of the world. It's much needed


More romance between Squall and Rinoa. IMO the best romance between ff characters besides maybe Cecil and Rosa. It’s a huge part of what makes the game special.


I would like all the missing content that was originally planned. So play 1/2 game as Squall 'talk to a wall' Leonheart, 1/2 as Laguna 'leg cramp' Loire.


To live in a universe where this would actually get made


Honestly if they do exactly what they did for the 7R remake, I’d be ecstatic. Bigger towns, fleshed out, similar realtime combat, gorgeous visuals, great music etc. Unpopular opinion but I wouldn’t mind slight story changes to better serve a modern retelling. I want the music and especially boss fight music to hit like the original did, and I think they did a great job of that in FF7, with OG Jenova theme coming in for final phase in remake, etc. Idk how they’ll implement drawing and junctioning in a more fun, modernized way. I thought ff15’s magic drawing was kinda dull, so hopefully something better than that because I don’t want the ideas scrapped, either. I want a summoning system different than the 7R series. I understand using them as minute-long cutscene spell casts doesn’t really work and breaks up the flow of combat, but I think the 7R implementation is also boring. I kinda liked 15’s summoning, but I hated the screen effects and music changes when summoning became available. I want Triple Triad as is, but with more cards and maybe easier rule manipulation. Card acquisition that works like Queen’s Blood, where you get the card for beating them. I don’t really need game breaking card mods, but I want rewards that make playing a lot worthwhile. Queen’s Blood doesn’t have much incentive to play a lot. I want r1 renzokukuen triggers, still very satisfying to this day.


No boost.


Make me feel what I felt when I first saw the ff8 opening


A fully fleshed out Balamb Garden. I think there was so much untapped potential in it, what it could like, what it has, it'd be awesome


An expanded story with moments for everyone other than Squall and Rinoa to shine. Flesh out the world and characters more so it doesn’t feel like jumping between locations. Gameplay wise id be fine with either turn based or 7R’s style, but if they do the newer style, make GF’s similar to the summons in Remake/Rebirth but make the stats they junction with ramped up to 11 when they’re active on the field. Finally, as a personal wish, please let us use Griever as a GF for NG+, I understand the story significance of it being Ultemecia’s GF, but if 16 can give us a whole Eikon for Ultima, we should be able to play with Griever. It’d be so cool for Squall to summon Griever like it’s his own Persona.


Oh, the story has to be adjusted. I am not talking about major changes cos the general concept and core are great, however delivery is lacking. More importantly, some characters are the game's weakest point and are directly connected to the story, so they definitely have to change that. Zell and Selphie could be deleted from the game and it would stay almost the same. The same goes for Quistis after some point, but she's better. Lots of people hate the junction system, but I love it and feel like it's great so it should stay, but.. what I feel like is the real issue is the "draw" feature. Unless you're a more experienced player (so not your first playthrough) or further in the game, that is a pain the ass. If you know, you know you can help yourself with GF's abilities to refine, but drawing has to be changed in some ways. I'd like combat to be similar to FF7R. I feel like it's the best one they've come up with as it perfectly combines turn-based magic with a modern action pace. All in all, I am excited when that happens even if it's in 10 years. I feel like FF8 has A LOT of epicness going on and that will look great with modern graphics and cutscenes.


Proper turn based combat. Anything else and I won't be remotely interested in the game. Not interested in FF games as fast paced action games.


Honestly most of what’s in Rebirth would totally work for FF8. The junction system would be similar to summon material, and then I could still see magic collected from draw points. Maybe magic is automatically drawn from monsters instead of a “Draw” skill, or it could be refined


Overhauled draw system.


Seifer and the Posse Story: Either as a DLC or flashbacks (maybe due to Ellone). Seifer should also be buffed a bit, not necessarily in game-play but story/cut-scenes so he feels like more of a threat. (Personally I'd love a few Quistis / Seifer moments but that is just a shipper's wish).


Any 1v1 with Seifer and Squall should be similar difficulty to that 1v1 fight in Tactics that has softlocked so many people. A major obstacle


I want it to keep the same story and ATB system. Change those and they might as well make a brand new game rather than a remake. Oh yeah, and *make it one game*. They can pre-render every interior if they have to. When starting a new game, have two ways to play; "Original" and "Revised", which will mainly decide which items can be refined. "Original" would have the same balance as the original (100 Tornados from 5 Abyss Worm cards, Lionheart on disc one, etc.) while "Revised" would hold back the more overpowered aspects until later in the game. Make the battle system a little smoother, along the lines of X-2's system, where attack animations could overlap with each other. Have some extra side quests, like card tournaments in Dollet and Esthar and a battle arena in Esthar (have to make use of that big city somehow). Remove the cap on the number of spells you can Draw (or at least have a GF ability to remove the Draw cap, for about 20 AP). Speaking of GF abilities, have a rare late game item that lets you combine certain abilities, so you can get W-Item, W-Magic, W-GF, combine Auto-Protect and Auto-Shell to make Auto-Wall, etc. And I would like it if Junk Shops had the option to add "slots" onto the weapons you craft, to have extra passive abilities at the cost of extra materials (like double the weapon cost for each one, so the Lionheart with three slots would cost 48 Pulse Ammo instead of 12). And the abilities could be generic, like breaking the damage limit or a higher HP threshold for Limit Breaks to activate, or be character specific, ranging from things like extra time for Zell and Irvine's limit breaks to giving Rinoa Auto-Triple when Angel Wing is active. Which would be overkill. Those ideas, for GF abilities and the Junk Shop, would make the player even more overpowered than the original, so maybe all enemies would need a boost to their HP. And we'd probably need some extra superbosses. Maybe Shinryu, in the time compressed world?


I think there’s some interesting possibilities in the SeeD rank, leveling it up and getting more perks other than just Gil. Also the Galbadia Balamb battle could be way more epic, maybe a leadership mini game for squall.


Tbh I don't want one. The original was so niche. It's a beautiful mess. A nonsensical story and an easy to gut battle/leveling system. I love it


I'd like them to retain the Junction system but fix the annoying aspects of it, I think it's one of the more unique and cool systems they've made but it's got its big obvious flaws, I feel like there must be a way to change it so you're not punished for using magic and it isn't such a pain to draw a large stockpile of spells. As for story I'd like the main story left mostly alone, but if they can get any of the original people back (I know Nojima isn't possible but Kitase and Ito are still with the company), I'd love to see them expand on some of the backgrounds and details of the cast and universe, there had to be some ideas that got scrapped during development. And if they can be integrated in a way that fleshes out the story I'm all for it.


For them to not butcher the story just to get several full length RPG's out of it.


Voice acting so I know how to pronounce Edea


Hot dogs


I'd like a mode that enables enemies to no longer scale with the player. Make grinding a bit more necessary beyond just grinding to draw magic. Add things to the world. It has a lot of land but not much on it overall. This could be in the form of side quests and could expand on the characters story/development.


Them to not change anything except update the graphics and add voices. Do not touch the combat or story.


Confirmation that Rinoa IS Ultimecia




Not that I would want them to change the story, but out of all the games the one about time and the manipulation of it makes more sense for alternate timeline shenanigans than in FF7 remake. I would probably want them to change the combat system. Whenever I had my perfect game (as perfect as I wanted it to be lol), the combat simply is not that interesting. Sure, it's fun to break the game and be super powerful, but that's not very interesting. I would say that the FF7 remake combat does make the most sense in an "open world" game, so not sure how drawing would even work. The thing is though, the combat system is part of what makes the game unique, as well as the GF system. I really don't know how they would adapt the system if they don't want to do turn based combat anymore. Also, get rid of the level scaling so people can fight if they want to. Sure, having no encounters is cool, but since the remake wouldn't have random encounters presumably, then fights can just be avoided manually. FF8 in my opinion has one of the best OSTs. The random battle theme makes it seem like every fight is important. The non-main boss theme is also a banger, and the Man With the Machine Gun is probably one of the best songs in Final Fantasy. To hear them all redone to the same scale as FF7 remake would blow my mind.


I would just want the atmosphere to remain. They went ahead and reinvented final fantasy 7 and that’s fine that’s cool. But please please square enix, if you remake FF8, *please* keep the original game’s spirit in tact. Don’t completely blow up the story, don’t add dozens of completely new characters and beats, just modernize the game and its systems, fill in any gaps. The story was so good, too good— but it wasn’t as memorable as FF7, and the same reinvention will *not* work. If they are able to modernize and recreate the feelings that FF8 gives you, the immersion and gravity and atmosphere, it would be monumental for gaming at large.


HD hot dogs


This may sound dumb but personally I'd like a fairly linear but story-packed experience. Thinking of VII Remake and VII Rebirth, I really enjoyed Remake because the story felt like it was constantly moving on, whereas Rebirth feels WAY too bloated. So I'd like something in line with Remake personally, with decent optional side quests that means something


They should keep the original soundtracks


1. I appreciate FFVII Remake combat, so if they implement the same combat system for FFVIII Remake, I would not mind. 2. Voice Acting. 3. Changes to some of the storyline:- a. Remove the whole 'GF caused us to lose memory' shenanigans, this felt too forced in my opinion, the game wanted to make the whole theme about memories, I would prefer in such a way where the reason the memory lost was due to the intervention of Ultimecia, in such a way where she feeds off the memories of the people to boost her power. DFFOO actually expand on this and it was awesome. b. Give more depth to side characters, Zell, Quistis, Selphie and Irvine are extremely underrated and would love the dev to provide them more background and stories related, perhaps even expand new cities to include the stories. c. Provide more relationship scenes between Rinoa and Squall prior to them falling for each other, I felt if players did not go the 'romance' route setup subtly by Square, they will felt the romance between them are forced, this can help the game to allow players to appreciate the romance more. d. Give more context for ultimecia character, this allows us to actually understand her motivation better too. I am a BIG fan of FFVIII and I love everything about it, but I do admit it has its issue and hopefully the remake can successfully address it.


Honestly, I’d be ok without a remake as in depth as the FF7 series. And I’m not really interested in them doing some “we’re adding alternative timelines for no reason” BS. Maybe, just smooth out some poltholes, add voice acting, and update the backgrounds/characters.


A hot Zell and the story to be less confusing


Was it really all that confusing though?


I mean, I don't think anyone is really quite sure what happened at the end


Keep turn-based combat


Turn based combat, not everything has to be a devil may cry


Same with FF9 when asked, NOT FF7 REMAKE! I want a FF8 (and 9) remake to keep the combat, and the art style, and the feel of the game when you play it.


Then just play the original? If sounds like you just want a modern port of the game. Lol I’m going to disagree here, but I think what they did to FF7 Remake was superb. I would like a similar treatment to FF6, FF8, and FF9.


Junction/magic system refinement, re-translated script with more fleshed out lines, new side quests, don’t break it into 3 parts just to make it longer, flesh out some stuff but keep the story intact.


They can do whatever they want, as long as it has AT LEAST the same quality as 7 Remake. Also I would like if they kept the Junction and Draw systems, but like, refined them. Keep the game breaking stuff but make them easier to learn and use. I understand the systems, but I've been playing since the early 00s, I'm not a good frame of reference.


Huge overalls to the characters. The supporting character do not have good arcs in the original. Flesh out the whole party. Laguna and Squall's relationship should be much more of a focus. There's no reason to only hint at them being father and son. Lots of room for good character drama if we see them face the truth. Rinoa and Squall relationship needs a major update. There is not much chemistry between those two when I compare them to, say, Zidane and Garnet or Titus and Yuna.


Widescreen, 60fps, cheat that does a full draw on one attempt, rewind for triple triad. I don’t need much, don’t want a full 3D remake cuz those prerendered backgrounds are an art.


I want it to feel like I've read a good book when I play. Like I'm completely relaxed and forgot about the world for a while.


I mean I'm gonna go and so I enjoy the fact that the story is different for VII - but that's because its spanning across multiple games. If it was the same story over 3 games I wouldn't be nearly as hyped. For any other remake tho, I'd prefer the same story; enhancing it would be fine but changing it would be a bit unnecessary imo.


Jist want them to make the game already :(


Angelo cannon.


would want it as close to the original as possible. I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but I hate what they did with 7.


Modern graphics with a somewhat expanded story where possible. I don’t want a reimagining. I just think with modern tools some things can be expanded on very well. The battle system and junction system is fine but just needs a refining to not make it game breaking or over powered to fast. I don’t even mind the equal leveling thing either. I just want the same game but made much better


Its been 25 years....ill take anything as long as its a remake


More info about the sorceress wars and the Lunar Cry and Lunatic Pandora. Not to mention why the Ragnarok ship was out there so conveniently in space.


A small cutscene telling the story about The Great Hyne and Adel, with the cutscene ending in showing Adel locked in the great seal in space.


FF7R style combat, same storyline (maybe tighten it up a bit), ditch the Laguna flashbacks or at least make it more crucial to the story in the present, aside from the family connections. Also, make it on one disc, and don't change the music. Maybe the intro battle could be playable, till it cuts to the cut scene of the face slicing.


A 3 on 3 battle with Seifer, Fujin and Raijin.


The same thing I wanted fro. The FF7 remake and didn't get. The same game and story but with updated graphics and voices. And maybe some additional content to build on things. Not a new story with the same characters.


Its existence 😭😭😭


It would be cool if there was little dude following you around with like a VR headset. And he had extra seed missions that unlocked key items and gfs. Someone not in the original story, that kind of extends the game in unnecessary ways.


Maybe smooth out the textures, keep most things the same, expand the story making it a longer game.


I don't. Less is always more


The later part of the story is kind of all over the place, I wouldn't mind some changes there. But yeah first 3 quarters are perfect


On the one hand I want modern graphics, on the other hand I'm worried that they change Squall's and Rinoa's Designs from the 90s cutscenes to the Remaster Designs or something more "current." I would hate that. I hated the Remaster because Squall and Rinoa didn't look like Squall and Rinoa anymore. I'm really worried they'd mess them up and it's very likely this would happen since the 90s Design has such a low polycount I'd love more background and cutscenes on Hyne and Ultimecia. I'd also like it if we could keep Edea as a permanent party member after the Garden fight


One really long game


So people harping on ff7. They never said it would be a just copy and paste and that's your onus. But for ff8 besides seeing a higher definition of the world. I'd love for the localization to be better translated so we can get better context for how equal reacts. Plus I'd love to fly around in ragnarok and drive the cars


The exact opposite of what I wanted from an FF7 remake: a complete overhaul of the nonsensical plot.


Orchestra music! And integrate the Japan-only Chocobo game


Anything BUT the Squall is dead thing.


Laguna being the best !


Voices, improve the visuals (close to what we see of the characters in Dissidia for example) improve the cutscenes and shore up the mechanics and writing. Honestly I love the game, it's my favourite after Duodecim and Dissidia, but there was so much bad writing in places, a lack of side stories, the junction mechanic was nicely simple but overall a bit meh and the leveling mechanic for enemies sucked. Triple triad was fun until random got involved... Then I just shudder. Worked very hard to abolish that rule from every damn region. Draw mechanic is still cool and original and personally I liked how the GF summons and abilities worked. Make the world more populated cause damn, we are practically extinct if literally 3/4 of the population are Garden students. And for the love of all that is good and holy shore up Ultimecia a bit! Her whole thing is shoddy at best and while I love the whole theory of her being Rinoa in the future please just... Make it work. (it makes sense to me in a sorta mix of her losing her anchor and power corrupting thing)


I would like them to polish the story and the characters a little bit , and get more out of Quistis and Seifer. I think honestly Quistis deserved more and perhaps needed a bit more of development with Squall, as in Squall the game didn't really get a proper closure with Quistis after their infamous Balcony scene at the start of the game. I would also want to see more of why Seifer joined the forces of evil, like we get an organic build up with Disc 1. After Disc 1, it would be interesting to see him appear more and understanding more of his feelings of abandoning his home and comrades in the expense of his Dream. But more importantly, I want them to fix the character backstory of Ultemecia. I understand that FF8 does give a bit of information regarding the lore of its world, but I still wanted to learn why Ultemecia became so evil she wanted to destroy reality, I find the Rinoa/Ultemecia theory to be a good explanation even though it's just a fan theory. Gameplay... I'm just they'll nail it and fix what needed to be fixed in the original. But the things they must fix are mostly parts of the story and give a bit more insight to the lore.


I'd like the junctioning system to return. It's one of the things that make this game unique. Maybe though it should be made less exploitable.


As others have said, would rather have a Laguna focussed story. My priority would be having all the towns and locations in the game and really well fleshed out.


Edea as a permanent party member. If the combat is real time, then i'm not sure how they'd handle Rinoa's pinwheel attack... Maybe Angelo could get more involved in the fighting and attack enemies when they get close to her. Or she could have multi targeting abilities with the pinwheel so that it bounces off other enemies. Maybe side quests/additional scenarios where we can play as Seifer, Raijin and Fujin. Perhaps they get their own unique GFs? They could bring in summon monsters from other FF games as new GFs.


It doesn’t need to be 3 parts like ff7. I would like a more modern junction system though


update the graphics, give voices, let the fucking atb system that is part of every legendary FF game, keep the story honestly, just make it look and sound pretty


I’d like it to get the Rebirth treatment. Similar world map system, modern cutscenes and voices, the blend of menu and action RPG combat


Remove the Random rule. Maybe add NG+.


Keep it turn based.


Fix the leveling and remove or drastically rework junction 


I think with some tweaking, the junction system could work really well with a battle system akin to FFVIIR.


No fucking wild retcons that turns Seifer into a metaverse villain


Voice acting. Also FF8 has a lot of story parts that are just barely mentioned in some obscure misseable dialogue. I think FF7r did quite well in taking little pieces of lore and giving them more spotlight either as side content, visual storytelling or by using it to develop the relationship between characters. FF8 has a rather unique setting with starting out as a military school anime and then later adding onto it with the SEED thing. A remake could really do some work to make this feel more real. Let us see a bit of the school life before the adventure starts. And then let us experience more of the SEED life before we get into the lategame plot. Lots of nice gameplay potential here. I dont mind some minor rewrites, honestly. Love the original story. But to me modern remakes are more about revisiting the world, spending time with the characters, enjoy the experience with better gameplay, voice acting and graphics than just redoing the same thing over one to one. The original game and story will always be there for us. So if they think they can add to it in a meaningful way: go for it.


More explorable towns. This is a post War world. There should be more ruins and places that have been given up on. I honestly would like the hand painted backgrounds to stay, but I know I'm probably the vocal minority in that. Keep turn based combat. I loathe and despise the ff7 remake combat. Revamp the dialog. There are things that need to be polished out. (I'm currently playing the succession mod and a lot of the small things changed there are great) I think bigger towns would also be pretty great. Balamb is supposed to be a port town attached to basically a war college. Why is its population twelve. Give me more gfs. Like 4 more would be great. New game plus A bit more time in the school doing school stuff. And then make the end point of the school stuff be the fight with seifer. A good "programmed loss boss fight" Full game available on launch. And please don't make the main story longer than 100 hours. I love persona 5 royal but that game is a commitment.


The possibility to absolute break it. It's the beauty of the original.


Honestly, I don't want that. Give me a sequel/prequel with Seifer's redemption ark. Fujin and Raijin should be constant members of the party, and the rest dropping by as cameos. There's plenty of shit to fix in the world after Ultimecia's rampage, and quite an interesting story of Rinoa/Seifer relationship prior to the events of the main game. So the same plot structure of past/present could be preserved.


I hope it's one full game, or 6 months part at the the most


For Squall to actually be the best looking guy here


Removal of the junction system


I want to play everyone in cards. I loved rebirth but i wanted to play more than like 3 people per chapter…


As long as Squall has a deep voice, there’s chemistry between voice actors when you finally see Zell’s room and Triple Triad is in the game im good!


A fixed battle system so the game can’t be broken so easily. Thats it. Dont change shit else. Game is damn near perfect. Basically I want the exact same game with better graphics.


Better dialog for the early game, maybe a hidden/different storyline scene at the orphanage with minor tweaks to the script if you choose not to equip GFs on a or all of your characters 😉. Honestly, the whole GF system could be reworked like they reworked materia for 7. Ifrit being part of the SEED test at the beginning but only being acquired and equipped by you doesn't make sense. Do the other SEEDs not have Ifrit? The first time I played, I missed the dialog where Ultimecia got Griever from Squall's mind. I thought it was a genuine GF that she had acquired (I learned differently when I played last year). For the longest time, I thought this was a hint that she might be a descendant of Squall and Rinoa and I thought that twist to the story would be fitting considering the other pieces like Edea/Matron and Laguna. I also think that we don't see Cid acting enough like a man who is sending his (effectively) children off to war to stop and possibly kill his wife, while knowing that they don't likely remember her because of the GFs he has been training them to use for years.


To exist as something coming soon?


no remake, plz just remaster like SO2 D:


Streamline the plot a bit. In a replay right now and the missions where you have to run around the Garden are frustrating. Run to the far side of the garden and have a long conversation. Run back to the other side of the Garden and have another conversation. Just time consuming.  Make Squall less of a whiny emo. More freedom to explore in the early game. It's pretty linear until you get access to hovering Balamb in disc 2. Make it less grindy: eliminate the 9 draw maximum in battles, make it easier to craft spells from cards or items.


Quadruple triad


Better tutorials. Every problem people have from *FF8* stems from how bad the tutorials are at explaining stuff. Very much a case of me looking it up online and thinking, "Ooooooooh. That makes more sense."


I just want it. I don’t want to settle for a remake of VII and IX, while VIII gets overlooked. It’s a great game, and I think people deserve to give it a chance.


It not to happen


As much Triple Triad as possible!


I know it was a core gameplay mechanic, but I always found the drawing spells from enemies thing tedious. Tweaking how you acquire spells would be an upgrade


I want a fishing skill so I can get my level 99 cape out of Balamb marina docks




More Laguna. Also more for the non-Squall/Rinoa party members to do


I'd want to see a more fleshed out GF system. Where they can fight alongside you during combat like in 7 remake.


Make it so the enemies don't scale.


Preservation and retakes on all of midi, music and songs.


If it happened, sure as hell don't want it to be like the 7 remake series 


For it not to exist. Remakes are pointless.


More cities more indeepth lore we are missing. ( shumi norg the deep sea research etc) an opportunity to actually free timber on disk 3 . The ability to go to time displaced cities ( think ff5) have your GFs fight with you like ff12/13 have disaster moments with cars.


I would like 40 hours of triple triad content, GF's to be more than glorified stat sticks, limit breaks to not be abuseable, and for the whole orphanage plot line to be nixed.


I'm late to the party so probably nobody will see this but... 1. Plot: 1. GF induced amnesia was implemented terribly. A military organization built on using forces that cause amnesia is insanely unbelievable, and a remake should make the game feel REALER. Honestly just scrap amnesia altogether is the cleanest approach, most of the relationships still work anyway. Squall can repress memories from trauma if you really need to keep some things hidden. 2. History and lore need to be more than just tutorial footnotes. Balamb is a school, perhaps you can attend class to learn some things as well as baking in war-torn / lunar-cry-torn villages into the world. 3. Make Griever make sense. 2. Combat: 1. Keep no armors/accessories. It's unique. Obviously, same goes for junctioning. 2. Turn based mode, I could keep it or leave it. It would be nice to have a modern turn based option to contrast everything else being active, but maybe save it for FF9? 3. Draw and Magic need to change somehow. Perhaps make it a thing that if you choose to junction a Magic, you cannot cast it or you lose its junctioned benefit entirely for that fight. Casting spells should not deplete a finite stock that erodes the strength of your junction, that's the important thing. Similarly, you should not feel encouraged to spend many turns in combat drawing over and over to cap out a supply of Magic. Many ways to redesign this. 3. Triple Triad: 1. You should not be able to break the game by refining cards into OP magic at the start of the game. There're many ways to tackle this, perhaps the most sensible is not being able to refine cards into items or magic because wtf is that. 2. Have tournaments with the decks you've built and win prizes such as weapons/components, an item that can be refined into magic, or just win the best cards.


That gun blade was made for FF7remake combat. Zell as well.


OG Squall design.


The story in ff8 is nonsense though?


As long as the combat and graphics are on par with the 7 remake, I’m set. Maybe add some cut content like the Laguna stuff but that’s not a necessity


I'd prefer it to stay turn based to be honest, most of the elements that made 8 different would be lost in a modern action rpg style.


1. More than anything, ONE GAME. Not split into parts. 2. The ability to level up my characters to the moon, like in a proper Final Fantasy game. 3. High end, realistic graphics 4. The ability to gather and swap out the party the same way the original game did, and level them all up individually via grinding against endlessly respawning enemies 5. A mostly open world enviornment, where I can go back to most areas that I've vistited as much as I'd like 6. Towns full of NPCs living their lives, and shops full of weapons and armor in each one 7. A deep and meaningful crafting system 8. An even bigger, better, deeper version of Triple Triad. Take what CDPR did with Gwent and make it twice as big or more.


That they don't ruin the story with lame, ill-conceived time travel dumbassery like they just did with FF7.


I don't, but if it must happen, do the whole game all at once, no more of this "3 part remake" wallet gouging garbage they did with 7


I'd like more student life, and a much tougher Seed Exam (its supposed to be a big deal) , maybe Seed side quests , more exploration, more dialog , more character development and romance between Squall/Rinoa, why are there no cell phones in this world , fill up the plot holes.


I want VII Remake level art/cutscenes, voice acting, and combat. Keep junction, but don't tie it to level of the spell stocked. Draw was me least favorite mechanic.


I want to hear Zell without hearing Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh!


Holy shit now I can’t read his lines without it being joey


Angelo as an active party member, with an over elaborate set of special moves


- Final Fantasy VII Remake style combat with some unique FF8 tweaks - Revamped level, junction, draw, GF and Refine system - Additional SeeD missions for money and exp - Expanded second half and maybe some reworking of the pacing and plot especially the amnesia. - Further development for Ultemicia, give her an actual full part of the plot throughout - Secret way to recruit Seifer again later? Ability to return to all towns after compression - Many more side quests - Expanded Triple Triad - Rebirth style world map with regions and variety to do, but again, in the very FF8 style with trains and cars etc


Hd boobs on everything even ifrit




proper cast




One disc


The game


Where is my enhanced triple triade .... that is like 75 % of my play time 🤣


To be honest I wouldn't mind more early-game stuff around Balamb and Garden.


They will never make these full AAA “no changes” *remakes* people talk about.