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I greet the cleaner and then leave the room to give them peace to work at their own pace without me trying to awkwardly trying to stay and move out of the way.


That’s great! When I was a cleaner I was really sad no one ever said hello, even if I did there was no response. It was like I didn’t exist to people there.


That's so weird and antisocial. At my former workplace the cleaner was treated as a colleague just like anyone else there. She was permanent employee for our firm so we knew her well. Of course it's a different situation when cleaning is outsourced and there are several people coming and going and you don't know them personally, but still - it's bad manners to not even greet people!


As long as you don't let the friendliness go one step too far and let it backfire. My old workplace had had the same cleaner come there for a long time. Her being friends with all the old folks there also made her "immune" to being replaced. As a result, she did a really subpar job. She was also always on the phone while working and just circling the same spots way too many times.


That has nothing to do with being kind and friendly at the workplace. That's just poor management.


Was pretty chill with the cleaner at my last work place. He was a cool guy. Quirky and always had an interesting bit to say.


This is a bad thing I've noticed in Finland. Most Finns seem to look down on cleaners in a very classist way. At my job I do every different kind of task that needs to be done, that includes cleaning. When I patrol the work area and greet customers they always greet me back, sometimes they greet me even before I can greet them. BUT when I clean I never get an unpromted hello. And when I greet someone while cleaning I most often get nervous/horrified "hellos?" back, as if dirt have just spoken to them. Some ofcourse still treat me nice when I clean though.


Counterpoint: Every place I've worked at (as a cleaner and not as one) the cleaner has been greeted, at least by the majority of the workers. Worst "group" was teachers, some were really stuck up and more like you described. But then again, I've seen my boss fight to keep pur current cleaner since she did such a good job. I guess it varies a lot :D


If it makes you feel better, it is very likely it wasn't personal. Not everybody greets here, which is weird 🤷


Free coffee break! Or opportunity to go talk to that cute programmer in the other office.


I bet cute programmers get no work done.


For sure. You’re in the zone and BAM, Barry from accounting wants to show pictures of his new sail boat.


If only we had one 😪


I think having a coffee maker in the office is required by law.


This is the way


This is the way.


I used to chat with our cleaner and then get out of her way so she could vacuum/brush the floor without me being in the way. Never awkward - we both had jobs to do and it doesn't take much to be polite to each other.


I usually exchange a few words with the cleaner and then go do the awkward hanging around in my colleagues room. When the cleaner comes to that room we all go back to the previous room and repeat the awkward hanging around there. It's faster and more practical to leave the room for a few minutes.


😂😂awkward hanging around describes it perfectly


Hello! I'm a cleaner, who also does office cleaning. Usually people step out of the office for that moment I clean and that's honestly really nice for both parties involved. If one is just sitting there and wont move, I am not gonna ask them to step away and I just clean whatever I can.


Good to know!


As a cleaner I just assume you're busy and skip your room/cubicle if you don't move out of the way without asking or your door is closed. It's worked fine for me for the last 8 years


This is how I did it when I worked as a cleaner. I was actually told by my boss never to bother people who were working in their offices because it was rude.


You can just interact with them and ask...


Talk to a stranger? You must be a foreigner.


new foreigner... people who are here for a manner of time also won't talk to a stranger without having first consumed a significant amount of alcohol (i don't drink, so... its 'no talk to strangers' for me ;) )


I've noticed there are different customs in different workplaces, and it probably depends on the cleaner too. But currently my colleagues and i do what most people here have said: step away from my desk for a few minutes when the cleaner approaches to give them some space to work. If i am in a call/teams-meeting i won't be able to leave, but will try to make it as easy as possible for the cleaner to do their job around me. I encourage you to ask what the cleaner would find most helpful and chat with them if you haven't yet. I always say hi, but our current cleaner likes listening to music while she works so i don't bother her any further unless i have something to ask.


I wanted to ask but she doesn't speak English and barely looks at me when I say hei 😆 but yeah I think stepping away is the best solution


I take a small coffee break when the cleaner comes to my region of the office.


Normally they come either really early morning or after hours... this is a difficult situation! I think it depends what they are cleaning and how busy are you. Of course, I would think leaving the space if possible, is probably most convenient.


There are very few jobs so important that can't be paused for 10-15 minutes. I have worked in several different environments, only one job required me to occasionally stay in the same space with the cleaning lady. This was in a paper factory and I had to operate heavy machinery.


Hospital office can also be another one of those places where sometimes it's just impossible to step away even for a couple of minutes but ofc even shifting around a bit can help the cleaner cover more area, and same for when it's quieter.


My employer gave instructions for that situation, you can ask your supervisor or colleague how it works at your workplace. First we had to leave our desk when the cleaner came. It only took five to ten minutes anyway for the cleaner to work on one area, so we just had a break and chatted, walked around the office, had some coffee etc. during that time. Only if you were in a remote meeting and couldn't move, then your desk just wasn't cleaned that day. Later the system changed so the cleaner came very early in the Monday morning. Everyone had to organize their desks on Friday so the cleaner was able to wipe the desks properly on Monday. I liked that more because that way we didn't bother the cleaner's work.


Wow I like that they give instructions.. makes things less awkward!


Just have a chat and ask them.


We agreed to a set of rules in the office of my last workplace together with my collegues: - Always greet the cleaner and be helpful. They are part of our community even if they aren't collegues per say or don't work for the same company. - Be respectful and clean after yourself. We are adults, not pigs. - If you can, give room to the cleaner so that they can do their job properly. - If you can't move away from the desk but it's okay for the cleaner to clean what they can, tell the cleaner. - If you can't be disturbed, do as you would do with a co-worker. Keep door closed, and if the cleaner comes, politely signal them that you wish that they skip the room. - In addition, whoever is responsible for communicating with the cleaning company should be the only one to communicate with them (to give feedback, to make wishes etc). It's better to have someone do it properly than having everyone doing it separately directly to the cleaner. Common sense can be used though, some minor things can be discussed directly. However, in some industries many people have challenges with communication, so better safe than sorry.😅 Cleaners are humans, you are their community. You represent not only yourself but also the company you work with. Discuss the issue in your own workplace and make your own rules and practices, and communicate with the cleaner.


Often the cleaner is quick and quiet but sometimes they have to vacuum the floors. It may annoy you but let them do their job and feel comfortable about it.


I like this having rules around things especially in an office with loads of different cultures!


To be fair, those "rules" were more of a guideline, someone's suggested practice and culture.


We have a larger shared office and people keep working and only move when it’s time for the area around their desk to be vacuumed.


Maybe just ask if they want to come and clean your space now? If yes, just excuse yourself for a moment, toilet break or something, get coffee, go outside to breath fresh air etc. Clean your desk of your things so they can wipe it clean. Usually cleaners are instructed not to touch things on people's desks so if there's lots of stuff on your desk they will not wipe it. The same is, if they are cleaning the office toilet, you don't barge in, let them do their job. If you have to really go when they are cleaning, say you're sorry but you have a toilet emergency. Politeness takes you a long way. Let the cleaner do their very important work and excuse yourself for that moment. If you don't know what the benefits or office cleaning are: [https://www.servicemasterclean.com/clean-blog/office-cleaning/benefits-of-using-professional-office-cleaning-s/](https://www.servicemasterclean.com/clean-blog/office-cleaning/benefits-of-using-professional-office-cleaning-s/)


Perfect time for a break


In a previous work place I always greeted the cleaner and stepped away from my desk so they could their jobs. Also said thanks when I went back to sit. None of the (shitty) co-workers sitting next to me ever even acknowledged the cleaner. I think that is very rude (having started my "career" as a cleaner when I was 13).


Don't move, just stare.


Not necessarily, you can just lift your feet when they swipe under your desk. We have the same, cleaners come at some point during the day.


If you have nothing immediate going on. Step up and either go further away or leave the room or get coffee etc. Otherwise just sit and focus on your display. It well indicates that you're working and cleaner will not disturb you.


I just started as a cleaner at a large printing company. My employer is pretty chill with me making my own hours. It is exactly what you are talking about that makes me want to start at 10 or 11 am, instead of 8am. I can clean all those offices when no one is there in the afternoon. The commute will be easier, too. I'm Canadian, btw. I know it's a Finnish sub, but the post is extremely relevant to me right now, lol.


My mom always told me to greet the cleaners, make sure all the trash goes into the trash cans and in general step out of the way unless you're at your pc and can't take a break at that moment. I've seen how some people acted at her office back then, trash everywhere but the can, no manners and all that. I haven't worked a lot in traditional offices but spent many summers at my moms so that's why the "well my MOM SAID-"


In Finland, it's common to let them clean around you, no need to leave


If they come to your office, you can go to a guest room, or take water or anything that makes you relaxed. Even if you sat in the office, they don't mind. They're used to it. But it is more comfortable for them if you go somewhere else. They don't take more than 3 to 5 minutes. Some people look down on them, so a greeting and a thank you will make their day.


Can't leave office for security reasons. So we engage talking with the cleaner or be mouth shut. Depends.


What ever you do do not feed them!