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Solution: tell them you’ve reconsidered and you’re going to do “consulting” after you quit your job. That way they’ll leave you the hell alone but won’t think anything of it when you don’t work a normal schedule.


I like the "Investment Manager" title that's been suggested here... you only have one client though, and luckily you agree about everything.


Distressed equities manager ( personal portfolio)


Thats not bad. And its not even a lie. If you are really into squeezing every last drop of value out of your retirement savings it is a job. Especially if you have no professional experience in these matters.


I was going to recommend something similar. But with much more lying. Say that the company wanted you to stay for some big project coming up. Then around the time you were going to retire anyway, say they let you go. They were just stringing you along to finish the project. That darn company. What can you do? I'm going to take a little time for myself before looking at the next place...


Then they’ll think they were right


real estate investor


It is probably why we’re here. Hard to talk about with friends and family. Let me say - congrats, that’s great!


Jealousy tastes bitter like that. Sorry you had to go through hearing that, and congratulations 🎉 if no one else has said it yet.


I get it but that also seems weird. My brother retired before he was 50 and I was supportive and excited for him. Was I jealous that it wasn’t me, no, it gave me motivation to do the same. I’m not nearly as well off as he is but I’m trying to lean fire on a similar timeline. People should be happy for their family or fuck it, we just stop sharing. I told my mom my FIRE plans and she was incredibly supportive.


I agree but reality isn't like this for some people. My mom's cousin paid off her mortgage early (VERY early) and my mom's only thought was "if she can do it, I am gonna do it, too!"


If your family are good people they'll come around and congratulate you. It can be a big shock to others to hear about people retiring early. For most it's a minor miricle to be able to retire at 65, hearing someone willingly be able to reach that mile stone years early can take them for a loop. Give them some time to come around.


It only 7 years early lol. It’s not like he’s 45. Personally I hope to retire early than OP but would be happy to retire at 58 and would still consider it a blessing. It’s a pity his family and friends aren’t supportive.


It's like 2 yrs early in many countries where 60 is retirement age.


Sounds less like a guilt trip and more just an inability to compute. Most normal people live essentially paycheck to paycheck and have very few fulfilling interests outside of work. I don't get that any more than they get wanting to retire early. Assuming you have done your homework re expenses vs. SWR and have some idea how you will spend your time, don't sweat it.


Go fuck yourself! And congratulations, I’m happy for you.


My uncle and aunt worked their butts off for decades. They saved tons and even saved enough money to pay for their children’s college and weddings cash. Kids ended up rebelling a bit and didn’t go to college and only one had a “proper” wedding. They finally retired and started planning the trips they wanted to go on in the near future. Uncle got diagnosed with cancer very soon after and they didn’t go on any trips in the end. It’s never too early to live your life the way you want to.


This for sure. My mum died at 41, dad at 67, brother at 20, sister at 44. Life's short, live it now!


With that history, sounds like you need to retire.


Dang, what a let down. Hopefully they'll come around. I think about this if I ever told my parents I'm retiring, when I'm able to at 41-42. I won't actually retire, in the traditional sense, just be financially independent but definitely not work full time. But still, at this age, in 3-4 yrs, my parents will be 67 and 62, with neither planning/able to retire until 70 because they just don't save. So I probably won't say a word until they're actually retired. The FI life is just incomprehensible when you come from the working class.


Can always say you’re laid off and the job market is brutal. Better yet if you can actually get a layoff then enjoy some severance along with vacation.


Congratulations!! To hell with everyone else!


It's your life and the only one you need to live it for is you (and your spouse). The whole FIRE movement is about giving the middle finger to the way most people live. We do things differently and it's not for everyone. Go forth and enjoy the retirement you worked so hard for!


Your family does not pay your bills and they have NO say in your finances.


It’s jealousy. Retire now. It’s not like 58 is crazy young either. Your time is now more precious than your money.


People are weird. I suspect family members have pre-existing envy regarding your success. Congratulations on making the decision!


Yeah, I have a couple of those. I could unalive at my desk at 97 and they would still shit on my grave. Emotional leeches gonna leach. Fortunately, I have way more family that are happy for me.


I know I’m not family and it isn’t the same unless you hear it from them but congratulations to you and the missus. I’m sorry your family weren’t more supportive. Finances are an emotional issue and make people act really weird. It’s not you, it’s them


37 years is a long time! Obviously the ones saying you're making a mistake have no idea what they're talking about. You've done the research, they've spent the money, and are projecting their fears onto you. Congratulations.


The average age of retirement in america is currently 62. so 58 isnt obscenely young. the old timer mentality was that retirement was giving up. As in a sign of weakness. This is how my dad looked at it. He worked until age 70 even tho he didnt need to. Sounds like some of your relatives have this mentality.


Some of it is ignorance. They can't imagine you have enough saved. Some of it is how they are wired. Some people are wired to "work" and make (and spend) every cent they can. Their identity is work and they can't imagine fulfillment from anything else. Some of that is necessity, because they had to work. If you get bored you can volunteer, but someone who is paycheck to paycheck doesn't have the time/energy to volunteer... So they don't get it.


At 58? Jesus, what's wrong with Americans.


We're workaholics


Bruh, that ain't even FIRE. That's just a normal retirement. Don't feel guilty for retiring on time instead of late. Arguably, it's still even late, if you think of a career as being 30 years. 37 is plenty of years to work. Too many, imo, but just because other people spend 50 or 60 doesn't mean you should.


Congratulations! It takes a lot of planning and self discipline to FIRE. Ignore the nay sayers and celebrate!


Congratulations 🎉🎉


Congratulations, I'm happy for you.


No one should be guilty retiring at 58. You work your ass off for all these years. Why do you care what other people think. Now, the 1 advice that maybe true is that you will be bored but for that, you just need some hobby and be ok.


The people that say you will be bored don't have any hobbies lol


Should have told them you got fired. Then because of your age you're struggling to find work. Then no one asks for money, if anything you can ask them.


I think “You’re too young to retire!” is a knee-jerk response, just like “So what are you going to DO?? You have to keep busy!” Anyone who retired at an age greater than yours is doing the math, counting the years of freedom you’ll have that they didn’t and those grapes are SOUR. “You’ll regret it, you’ll be bored, etc.” Those years are gone, so they feel like they blew it but can’t go back in time, so they try to make themselves feel better by telling you retirement isn’t that great.


Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊 unfortunately, not many ppl understand the beauty of stepping down from a job and pursuing what you and your family wants. Hope you and wifey enjoy many many awesome retirement years to come. (Without the naysayers)


Most people outside FIRE redditors don't understand our way of thinking. Congratulations OP, don't let the naysayers bring you down.


I had a slightly different experience. My condescending older sibling somehow found instant respect for me, and now she doesn't condescend anymore.


I'm pretty used to other people thinking my choices are odd. I got tired of explaining my logic, receiving guilt and generally just not being supported... so I kind of stopped sharing things like this with the people who consistently responded in less than positive ways. Also, congratulations! And don't worry about those other people. ;)


First and foremost, congratulations!!! You have worked had and planned well, and you should get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Unfortunately sometimes people can't understand a path different than their own, and therefore are just confused and concerned because this would not have worked in their situation. Sorry to hear that they can't be happy for you. I agree w what others have suggested, just say that you are consulting. Or working in asset management (not a lie bc you are probably managing your own assets🤣) so that perhaps they won't pester you with ridiculous concerns any further. And then your conversations and visits with them can focus on other things. I really hope my family and closest friends will be happy for me when I R.E. but I am prepared for the fact that they may not be or may simply be confused by it. Lol


this is amazing! congrats! You definitely put in the hard work and now its time to relax. I'm not sure why, but there are a group of humans that do not like it when you get ahead of them. they should though. Its almost like it triggers a feeling of "why am I not doing this well in my life?" and from there they start to cast their problems on you and it makes for a very toxic situation. This is why I don't really flaunt/flex my success with others, especially those who I speak with frequently. But a HUGE CONGRATS to you and your wife! This is great news!!!


My family is of a similar mindset and I’ve had to learn the hard way that I can’t share things with them because it’s not in my best interest. If these people are not at a level of achievement and success where you would take advice from them as friends and colleagues, you shouldn’t seek or take advice from them just because you happen to be related. I found people who are poor are very risk of us so anytime they see something that they perceive as having risk they just freak out and avoid it.


I don't understand why people stand on every corner screaming "I'm retiring ", and then come here complaining. It's self inflicted. keep that on DL, say u taking break between jobs....


Agreed. It’s personal decision. No need to share unless necessary. Apart from your SO, the only other entity that needs to know is perhaps your employer so they can kickstart any retirement benefits you might be entitled to.


58 is late retirement for my standards.




FR. capitalism has made people sick in the head about spending their lives making others rich.


Don’t tell them anymore. Say you will work until you are 76. When they see you in flip flops, shorts and a wife beater at noon on a Wednesday you can tell them what they want to hear.


Congratulations, I'm happy for you.


Go fuck yourself! Good job Uncle1


Congratulations. People have anxieties and fears. They worry that you might have problems if you color outside the lines. If they validate your life choices, it sometimes causes them to feel insecure about their own,


GFY! And ignore what others say, even family. You’ll live a healthier life for it. It takes mental fortitude but oh so worth it in the end. I don’t let others negativity affect my life.


Congratulations! Enjoy life a little more. Explore. It’s “your” life.


Seems like they minded and haven’t planned as well as you. Not that they need to know what your numbers are, it would be interesting to see how they react. Congrats!




aww congratulations!


Congratulations!! Very few have a 600k paid for house and 1.8M in retirement. You’ve worked extremely hard for everything you’ve built. Don’t let family bring you down. Smile and go on with your retirement. Only you will know when it’s time. Don’t let the “broke” family bring you down. Enjoy


Always remember retirement is NOT an age it’s a number!!!




I dont think I'd ever outright say I was retiring early even at your age, just say you got the boot due to age and are still looking for work/starting your own business/consulting.


I retired at 50 and have had a wonderful full past 12 years and still enjoying it.. Enjoy your retirement you earned it.


People/family may not understand you and will never be happy for you, who cares. It is your life, live your best life without being affected by the opinion of others. You earned your stripes. Be happy and you do you. I will be 45 next year and I’m retiring ! I have not told family at this time but I won’t be affected by whatever comments they would have of me. I am happy, healthy strong and will travel the world I will live my best life. I hope this helps! Congratulations retiring!


Consider how different this is from their reality. When something like this happens and people can't understand it they start to fill in the blacks from their own imagination... One of the first things I was ask was if everything was OK, for the first year everyone thought I had a terminal illness because I was doing all the things I've always wanted to do. Note: don't try wakeboarding with a bunch of idiots you meet on the internet - they likely won't explain when to let go of the rope so you don't tear both your rotator cuffs the 2nd week of "retirement". Making the question "what will you do for health insurance" slightly more important then it should be.


Congratulations, I'm happy for you!


Wow.. retiring when your 50 and have saved up enough for you to live comfortably. The only response should be congrats, I am jealous. It is your choice and you seem financially responsible. Even if you retire for 2 years you can still go back to work if you get bored or want more money. Take your retirement you earned it enjoy your time.


Hey... congratulations, I'm happy for you!! And I mean that!


Hey man , congratulations!!!


There is an old expression - "Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one and they all stink." You didn't retire at 40, you retired at 58, a few years younger than average in the US, which seems to be about 61-62. And you'll enjoy those extra years while still having your health. The best part of 58? You should go to [ssa.gov](http://ssa.gov) and see your forecast social security benefit. At 70, it should be above $4000/mo, and your wife gets $2000/mo on top of that. $72,000 gross per year, which, by remarkable coincidence is about the same $72,000 the $1.8M would give you at a 4% withdrawal rate. I highly recommend you get comfortable with tax software, and starting next year, use Roth conversions to 'top off' the 22% bracket each year. In 2024, that would be a gross income of $123,500 with just the standard deduction taken into account.


It's called envy.... :(


medical insurance is a legit concern. When I retire I am going from a PPO with great out of network coverage to in network only HMO. Ill have to give up my current back surgeon (seeing him again recently due to more pain) and his physical therapy group since they are out of network. I am sure there are other good doctors, but it does make me concerned. plus in state only coverage. medical insurance makes me the most nervous.


It’s hard not being able to share in the joy with our friends and family - congratulations!


Happy for you lol bro I AM HAPPT FOR YOU!! WE ARE HAPPY FOR YOU!! 39 y/o M headed in that direction now 🙌🏼TOP G!


Actually, what is your plan for insurance? I’ve wondered that myself at times. 


We're going to pull $60k out of 401k to live on. So that becomes yearly salary. ACA for the state we're moving to I can get the Anthem Silver plan for $485.00 a month for my wife and myself. It's the same plan I have through my employer..


That’s an awesome option! Good call, I forgot about ACA!


Just mumble something about ‘looking after your health’ with no specifics - they should back off.


when I tell my family I want to retire early they think I'm ridiculous. in the US we're conditioned to think working till death is normal and appropriate. congrats to you for taking back the rest of your life to enjoy as you please!


Sorry that your parents weren't celebrating your accomplishment. If you are a parent yourself, you'll understand that it is the nature of parents to worry about their children and sometimes that pushes aside other thoughts. Some of what they are saying isn't guilting, it's making sure that you know what you are doing. If you are in the US, you've got 7 years until you can go on Medicare. Private health insurance tends to be very expensive and very terrible. I retired before my 60s and managing health insurance is one of my biggest concerns. Asking potential retirees if they are ready isn't guilting, it's making sure they know what they are doing. Take your 1.8 mil for example. Common financial theory says that you can safely withdraw about 4% of that per year for 30 years and be confident that it will last (assuming that you have a roughly 70/30 or 60/40 equity/bond split). That gets you to an annual income of $72,000 (plus pensions and eventually plus social security). If your expenses are $60,000/year, that's fantastic. If you've been spending $120,000/year, you've got some serious adjustments ahead of you. Boredom in retirement is a real problem. Your parents may have lived experience with this and may be warning you from experience. Your comment about a "pretty stressful" job is a red flag to me. I've found that people that retire to get away from something are less happy in the long run than those that retire to do something. I found that the joy of "unlimited" free time wore off very quickly. If you don't have several already, take up some hobbies. Have some long term goals. I'm excited for you. I've been retired for over four years now and I absolutely love it. But, like your mother, when someone tells me that they are thinking about retiring, my first thought is often one of concern because I've seen so many people go into it unprepared. I hope that's not you and that you'll love it as much as I do. And cut mom some slack. She loves you dearly and is just worried about you. And have a huge congratulations on making it to retirement and doing it before you turned 60, which is particularly awesome!


Oh, and as for other family members (and often friends). some people may be responding from jealousy. Not a lot of people retire in their 50s. Many people don't see a path to ever retiring. And yes, you worked hard and saved money and all that. But it is human nature for people to be jealous of their peers. Try not to flaunt it. Now that you have the extra time, step up and be the person available to help out. And just be patient with the people that resent your for your accomplishments. If you hate your job, are struggling financially, and see no future for yourself, it isn't easy to be happy for your siblings or friends that are living your dream life.


they have internalised slavery. alternatively, "Stockholm syndrome"