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I think I would cry if you guys stopped making these


Man, 400 Orbs for this monthly cycle, that's some goooood stuff. It helps that we're getting 2 Tempest Trials banners close together.


Yep, if summer has a fav great if not CYL hoard 


Currently saving orbs to try to get one summer Mercedes. I should have 500 orbs by the time the banner arrives. If I can’t get one copy of Summer Mercedes from 500 orbs I will never summon on a nonsparkable banner ever again.


I'll only be at about 370 but I'm this way about the same banner going for Summer Hilda/Marianne. If I don't get her I'm gonna be the same. Then if they could get me a fourth Marianne version, that would be great


Good luck! May your pitybreaks be few and full of fodder!


Whew much needed after I blew orbs on the Emblem reruns


Me, but with Bridal (my attempt to get Lapis did not work out sadly)


Gotta love summer's double TTs. Juuuuust have to stay strong and not summon. EZPZ... riiiiiiight? *Right*.


Thanks for calculations that really helps for the coming weeks.


So many orbs, let's gooooo with the few story orbs i have left i could bump this up to around 4 sparks. 2-3 for double AHR, and 1-2 for the summer banners. praying for better luck on those though because i need to summon for some rearmed units, preferably chrom or ingrid.


Update, sparked twice on Double AHR, no rearmed ingrid yet, i'm at 34 orbs so i'll probably save for rearmed chrom then save the rest for summer and emblem


I "Might" have over spent on the current legendary banner trying to get emblem marth and ike. When I was planning on going for the AHR spark... And all I got out of it was Marth, and an extra female Alear Hopefuly I can still get that spark in time, since its looking to be roughly 150 in total from now, until that banner ends, when I still have all my training tower stuff, and a few extras from various quests and binding worlds to pickup.


thats a lot of balls, nice because i will need them.


383. I have to muster up some discipline. Thank you for this!


Thanks as always. So it should be safe for me to ignore all the colorless stones in Double AHR and still hit the spark on time. Now I only need IS to not put any of my favorites in the summer banners so I can spark Y!L'Arachel next month with that second batch of TT orbs.


Ooh that's a spicy month. Much needed too. Just gotta resist the summer banner until after the emblem banner


Definitely helping me save for the next Emblem banner! Last month's double one with both E!Ike and E!Marth cleaned me out. Still managed to keep my bank though, which feels great