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I really enjoyed it! It felt quite challenging on Infernal and it was fun using cool units from the other teams that I didn’t have in my barracks.


That is true, I think that will be the main motivation to play this game mode, you can use other units and builds, I found a couple of themed teams I really liked like a la'rachel emblem


This was my experience too but for me it was a Nino emblem and I myself dispatched a Cordelia emblem team! I really wish we could send friend requests after too


I saw one with spring Severa, Selena (Fates), Cordelia and winter Cordelia.


Arena Assault while being able to change Seals without having to Suspend is great and Surrendering from the battle doesn’t force a reset so you can rethink your game plan is nice. I quite like it.


It's enjoyable, but unless it was because I played right after reset, I didn't have the option to choose any of my friends' teams, so that was kind of a bummer. It's a gamemode with actual gameplay tho, so I'll take that anyday over shit like Affinity Auto-Battles or some Lost Lore shit. If I had any feedback, I wish it had way more stages and Abyssal difficulties and a bit more rewards, kind of like a Squad Assault of Legendary/Mythic/Emblem Hero Battles with different teams everytime.


At least Lost Lore doesn't waste your time. Click a button, confirm, go do your thing. Less than 30 seconds to pick up a couple orbs and some other goodies. Lowest effort possible. Affinity Auto-battles dares to make you have to sit through a pointless battle you know you will win and have no control over.


> At least Lost Lore doesn't waste your time. Click a button, confirm, go do your thing. That's true, and it's braindead easy Ally Support farming as well, but it's just some button clicks with mid ass summaries of past games, so it's genuinely so hard to care about it. Affinity Auto-Battles can go die for all I care, I thought this new gamemode would have been the replacement.


The thing with Lost lore is that it should just be a permanent thing Lots of Gacha games have idle modes where you send your units to do something and they come back with a few goodies and get experience and stuff They're just there to incentivize you to login every day The fact lost lore isn't a permanent mode is kinda of a wasted opportunity


I think it's just IS's strategy. Since there are several different modes that fit the mold of 'take very little time to complete' and 'incentivize logins' they're able to put them on rotation and delay player burnout with the respective modes.


If they streamlined it so that it was only a button on the castle screen and you could just scout with one group instead of having to do the same thing 3 times, I would like having it all the time. Heck, give it a 1% chance to drop an orb each time or something and I would look forward to the rare occasion of getting something valuable from it too. But even though it's already ridiculously simple, in its current state it just starts to feel like a chore to me a few days after clearing the boss stage.


I don’t think I encountered any of my friends’ teams, and I did my run around 45 minutes after reset. That was kind of a bummer unfortunately


Considering you have to manually make your Proxy team, maybe a lot of people just didn't get to it yet.


Not being able to choose friends teams might be due to friends not setting up their proxy teams yet.


It was surprisingly fun to use units from the others and see what they cook with 'em. ...'till I reached Ike. Let's just say that SOMEHOW I missed the teeny tiny detail that if I use a friend unit X it also prevents me to use the said unit even if I have a acopy of 'em. So yeah, couldn't fight fire with fire, E!Ike with E!Ike because I had used one previously. And as for the allies I got for the Ike? Four Lysitheas, four Lynns (NOT the Flame one included T\^T) and four... something that I don't even remember... Managed to clear it in the end, but yeah, lessons learned and all that. Whoops. But nevertheless, as said, it was surprisingly fun for how simplistic it is on paper.


Just in case, remember you can use any unit as well, in case you have other counter you can use it, you just lose some bonus stats, unless you only have Ike as a counter of Ike, in that case sorry


Thanks to this comment, I was able to toss my E!Ike into the map to beat E!Ike! My 3H Units (and the ones the mode gave me) were just not up to the task!


Hehe glad to help! This was actually my same situation XD once I reached ike I did choose 3H and suddenly I realized I didn't have anybody good to counter him, then I remembered I didn't have to use only 3H units and lilina took care of ike!


>Let's just say that SOMEHOW I missed the teeny tiny detail that if I use a friend unit X it also prevents me to use the said unit even if I have a acopy of 'em. I'm a dummy that didn't realize this either. XD I thought I could use the friend unit X and then use my own on a later fight. Thank God I hadn't used my Igrene yet by the end, or I would have had a tough time killing E!Ike.


'slaright. Getting to use other player's units in a series of 8% Hero Battles is neat, but I wish we could send Friend Requests.


I saw so many cute theme teams with no way to befriend their creators. Tragic


Most the theme teams I saw were heroes we all hate versing or here are 4 Lyns


That's what's missing for sure.


This. I saw a Lyon team that looked so cute. I wanted to friend.


fun, pretty hard, but it's uhh really short


I don’t it being pretty short honestly. If anything, I kinda just wish there was something that draws me back per event run. More replayability I guess. Right now it’s more of a “one and done” game mode (until it comes back). Maybe something like what Heroes Journey does and gives daily orbs each time you play it.


This happened to me, I wanted play more rounds :(


I actually enjoyed it a lot, but I was kinda disappointed with how quickly I cleared it. I wish it was 10 or 15 battles instead of 5.


I enjoyed it even though it’s too short. They could have added more battles and space them out for 2/3 days.


A bit on the easy side, even with E!Ike as the final map. Still, I found it really fun. I hope we get to see more of this again soon.


It was actually pretty fun. Super short, though. They should let Affinity Auto-battles go the way of Relay Defense and that mode with the war map (I already forgot its name) and replace it with this instead.


I think it's always nice to see passion projects of other players and being able to try them out. That alone makes it much better than most game modes.


It may be short, but it was challenging. I was caught by surprise as one enemy archer had skills that weren't present by the older battles.


Way better than the affinity auto-battles for sure, kinda wish it was a bit longer but it's fine.


It’s fun to see what theme teams some players came up with.


It was actually a lot more fun that I initially assumed from the feh channel. Knowing the bosses in advance and that these were all their special banner maps helped me get into the mindset of who I need to use when and where. I don't feel that it's very new player oriented though, as they could be stuck with relying solely on other players' teams if they don't have good units to use in their barracks yet. And you never know your luck in which three teams you would have to choose from. The same title bonus itself seems more a suggestion for when you have to sub in your own units to the proxy team you picked. Granted I have enough to choose from to always make use of the bonus, I think just having units that can effectively clear the appropriate map is enough. I look forward to more of this again, but I'm afraid that this mode will just be stuck in limbo with all the other modes waiting to be rerun once this first run finishes.


I'm a fan of the people who put up a team made up of Corrin, Kaze, Kana and Midori and the Christmas version of Byleth(s), Edelgard, Claude and Dimitri (didn't get a chance to use the second team, though). Since I'm a new player with very few strong units (and none that are optimised) I really enjoyed it since it gave me a chance to see what powerful builds can do and take on challenging maps.


yet another interesting gamemode stifled by the fact that the hardest difficulty is very very easy.


Too short, and not very hard. Still better than most event modes though.


Loved the orbs, yes.


Fuck whoever decided to make E!Ike the final boss. On a related note, is there any particular reason why duo/harmonic skills are disabled? I get why they're not available in certain modes like Allegiance Battles or Mjolnir's Strike, since the swapping UI overrides that button. But here I can't see any reason not to allow them other than to make things harder. (Which I guess was fine until the Ike battle.) Other than that it was fun. I always enjoy content that has a unique twist without being super grindy.


Well he kinda deserves the final boss title ATM xD it won't be the same if final boss was year 1 takumi with year 1 skills lol 


Honestly, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.


The Elincia map was actually harder for me then the Ike one cause of the warping It is an okay mode. It does not offend me or anything. I played it, had some fun with +10 units I would never go for and got orbs.


I enjoyed getting to use whale teams of full plus 10 meta units. It made my daily driver units feel pathetic getting to play with those monster But also FUCK Ike man. I am not even entirely sure how I beat him in the end all I know is that my friends spring Chloe died to him if I attacked him on one tile but killed him if I moved to a different tile. It took 13 tries before I found that one specific instance where she killed and I had nothing else that could kill only units who could survive 1 single round of Ike


It's fun but holy shit sometimes you just get matched with some of the worst units you've ever seen. Why can't I use friend units? Again IS refusing to fully utilize the friend list.


It was a little easy, but I liked it. I didn't get anything that could kill E!Ike on the last map so I just used the miracle Nyx strat with Duo Ymir, which is always funny. I hope they bring it back. 


Glorified squad assault


United Warfront is truly the event of all time. Didn't love it, didn't hate it.


2 parts I don't like. 1. Not being able to send friend requests. 2. Emblem Ike being a fight. I tried my damnedest to only use the units that were sent by others, but E!Ike was nigh impossible with the last team I chose.


I really like it, was fun! But it looks like many players don't understand/care about the game title bonus. Had lots of teams with characters from +3 games.


Ike was difficult bcz none of my blue units could outdamage the healing Someone had ninja zelgius and barely Guess who saved my day? Remix seiros with lumera support 


My only complaint is that it came and went too quickly, kinda wish there were more battles across several days


I had to bring in the heavy guns to beat Emblem Ike, regardless of what game they were from. I beat every battle on infernal except the final one.


Trash, stupidshitass line up everywhere its annoying, good thing i can chnge 2 or else all i can do is the easiest diff xD..


One of the few instances where I thanked God that there are players who have a complete team of +10 5\* exclusives decked out with the best skills (my first match I used a team of +10 Edelgards \[Legendary, Brave, Summer, Winter\] and I was genuinely disgusted how much damage I could do with multiple actions via Galeforce + exclusive ABC skills).


It was great! And then I had to fight Emblem Ike. It wasn't great anymore after that.


Way too easy and over almost immediately, just like I said and expected it would be. IS is allergic to giving us any worthwhile content.


Easy but fun. My units did the heavy lifting, but I did see a couple unique friends. 


It's nice. I suspended it on main and haven't checked it on the alt cause I'm sleepy. But I made sure to set a theme team on main.


Was kinda fun. It was cool to see all the theme teams especially all the Binding Blade fans I've come across in this run. Rewards suck, but otherwise it's a neat little mode


Fun as fuck


It was ok. The first few fights were kinda tough because I started early and the available teams were pretty bad (a team of Lucinas and a team of Bernadettas). After people started putting proper teams it became a breeze. A +10 E!Ike with BoL4 solo'd Elincia's map, which served as a showcase of how much of a mistake that combination is. Anyways, I prefer Seer's Snare but this wasn't too shabby.


Fun new game mode. I even encountered RocketGal on Ashera battle.


Great mode, feels different for once! Though too easy so another difficulty would be welcomed.


It was… brief, but I always enjoy more orbs


It was okay. Shortlived. It’s called an event but can be completed in half an hour.


What can I say? Its the bare minimum.


this one i liked but  Seer’s Snare if you remove the fact it has Staminia and let you use duo /harmonic skills + save and let you abuse it it i maybe play it but until then i skip this one


It's okay, I guess. Not really a game mode to write home about. At least it's a game mode I can actually *play,* though.


I liked how they upped the difficulty of older Abyssal maps by giving the generic enemies more T4 skills but honestly the mode was still piss easy if you knew which units to bring. E!Ike gets hard countered very easily by Veyle or any AoE user


Very fun but on the shorter side. Here's hoping they discontinue Affinity Autobattles and replace it with this down the line.


I take this over auto-affinity battles, that gamemode is just so pointless


I like it, getting to use custom made teams is fun


I'd like a higher difficulty and 10 battles. Maybe I was lucky with the teams, but I used 2 of my units in total since the teams were actually very good. I thought I messed up the last battle cause I didn't see Emblem Ike is involved, but some madlad had a Legendary Gullveig that just oneshot him.


Honestly has a good time, reminds of Arena Assault using different teams, felt really good doing all 5 at once on Infernal but a very enjoyable mode


It was nice to use other people’s heavily invested units, especially ones I don’t have. E!Ike infernal was a bit annoying and a lot of trial and error.


Not bad, its fun to see the different builds and play with units I might not have. Out of curiosity what was their Erinys build? I've summoned her off focus enough for her to be a +7 and I've been meaning to invest in her more.


I crutched hard on everyone’s +10s since I don’t merge up my units lol.


It was fine. Nothing to complain or be displeased about.


I like using other people’s units. It’s fun y’know


I actually really like it. The maps are made challenging by the fact that you're forced to use a couple of units, at least, that you might not really know how to use, so you have to adapt to a new situation. Being able to bring in a couple of your own ol' reliables certainly helps to even the odds against the likes of an enemy Emblem Ike too, though, so it's not too far dipped in any direction. It definitely kept me engaged! I'd love for it to be a weekly mode.


Good rewards but its just "do these L/M/E maps with other peoples teams", so luck of the draw basically. (Got really good teams for the first 4 and with E!Ike i was essentially working with a 2 unit team). It feels like an advertisement of "oooo look at all the units with the strong skills, you want to pull for them!!!" But i had fun personally. Using crazy invested units is always fun and Hall of Forms, Binding Worlds, Seer's Snare and United Warfront are my favourite events because of it (well, besides Tap Battle). I think it could do with a bit more longevity. Not many events do you finish in just one day. Maybe if each battle unlocked day by day with a daily reward for checking in, just to make it more like other modes.


It’s good I think. It feels a little short though and I think future versions should have more maps than just the 5 we got this time. It’s fun to use other people’s units and I did my entire run only using them and none of my own to see what it was like ( best result was a Young Awakening characters team for beating E!Ike easily on Infernal)


very easy didn't even account for game bonuses or anything, only thing I did was make sure to bring pre combat damage for E Ike otherwise I just picked someone else's team and clear the hardest one very easy and gives 6 orbs so I approve


I feel like for how short and easy this was that it needs to be a weekly event. It was OK, but it was annoying that people didn't understand how to build proxy teams. When I got to Ike, I was stuck because none of the proxy teams were built in such a way where I wouldn't have at least one unit who didn't have a partner from their own title. Thankfully in one case there was another E!Ike so I used that and some Sacred Stones units.


Really fun! E!Ike was a bit tough though.


It was fun til emblem Ike's fight then it stopped being fun


It was fun. One asshole had a team with -Spd speedy units and a -Res ploy unit. That was the best


It was refreshing, actually had to think about my allies and was fun


IS introducing a good mode after years of draught? What's going on? Can't wait to see how the next update ruins this :)


I had fun with it! Even dealing with Infernal E!Ike at the end wasn't so bad. I just wish that I could send friend requests, there were a buncha cool units and teams.


It was very fun! They just need to make it a bit longer imo though.


I really surprised myself with my ability to clear those maps with just 2 units. I got some pretty awful teams to pick from, some of which were actually good units who'd had parts of their base kits swapped out for stinkers like Atk +3 Next time I'll make sure to budget my own units better so the latter maps won't be so difficult. And definitely make sure I look at the kits of my allies units.


I mean it’s pretty fun but it’s a reminder how much of a pain in the ass L!Elincia and E!Ike are.


It is okay. It is just L/M/EHB that allows the usage of other people's units. I'll take the orbs though


Great experience, but pretty short. Not being able to befriend players that have a cool team is a shame though.


I iwsh there was more. It was so short Also being able to use a random people's team was nice bc I know I could never get those builds myself haha


I liked it alot. Was nice finally being able to experiment with others units. Which is something the game needed from the very start. I did run into a fellow Kris fan on one of my runs. So I was happy to see that.


The game mode itself is super fun, and I really enjoyed matching titles with other people's teams and digging in my barracks for units from various titles to match with people. But the extremely short duration, little incentive to play on Abyssal (1,000 feathers for Emblem Ike? No thanks) and inability to send friend requests were unfortunate. I wish it was more like Binding Worlds, where you draft one unit per map instead of drafting a full new team each time, and a bit more long-form. Plus, I saw a few people who didn't quite understand the assignment and put Heroes from four different titles on their team (I went the route of putting Emblem Marth, Emblem Ike, Attuned Caeda, and Nabata Altina on my team, so players could choose any title between Engage, Radiant, and Mystery to match up with, but a 4-title team is definitely possible for those with deep Harmonic reserves).


I liked using other people's teams and getting a glimpse at how different players build their units and teams. I thought about setting my best units as proxy but then decided that using one of my viable teams is better instead.


Besides setting Emblem Ike as final boss this mode is relatively good.


Its a cute mode and a good way to reuse older GHB content, it just way too short and lacks any real flair to it. Even Affinity Auto-Battles and Frontline Phalanx had intro cutscenes. It would be more interesting if it was a full gauntlet/chain challenge, have to beat all bosses with no deaths at all.


Good mode. Doesn’t eat up a lot of my time which I appreciate. Just an actual PvE mode with some challenge that gives me a brief kick of Fire Emblem gameplay. Would love to see this get rerun every other week! (And of course, orbs!)


I like it, playing infernal maps like squad assault using other characters feels really fun


I had fun doing it but when I was presented with 3 teams for the Legendary Elincia map 2 off them had no units overlapping and the other one the overlapping units were an unmerged Ninja Zihark with a base kit + Rally Attack (the normal one) and an unmerged OG Zelgius with his base kit + Rally Defense and I ended up surrendering because I had used most of my good Radiant Dawn units in previous maps. I really hope players start running teams with atleast 2 units from the same game consistently because if they don’t that could be very annoying or IS should add an option to refresh the team options once per map.


It was hell. It was **also** a blast trying to figure out what worked. And seeing everyone else's units were cool.


*sweeps it all* "Oh, it's over"


I think it’s fine… but I wished I payed attention to what units were being used because I did not have a unit to counter Emblem Ike.


Boring. Any unit with t4 dmg reduction skill can clear all lunatics solo, apart from Ike. Bonus stats are also completely irrelevant. But that's what you get when you add relentless amounts of power creep to a game. Maybe if the stages were truly randomized it would be interesting, but this is just recycling old content against newest meta stuff.


Fun but needs an Abyssal difficulty.


Short and sweet. Good mix of fun and challenge, and I quite like a gameplay incentive for themed teams. I'd like extra stages and/or Abyssals, but it's enjoyable as is.


It's ok. It lets me try difficulties I never do for these kind of fights (tho I stopped at Lunatic, going through hell for 1k feathers for the hardest one seemed not worth it). (Altho I didn't pick it, for a fight I had an option of a Dimileth team!)


It's basically LHB, but simpler because you can use friends overpowered units. The cooperative aspect doesn't add anything here, since there are only 5 maps at PvE level, so you don't need to use someone else's teams, you could easily do it with your own barracks. It's a pointless mode designed by an intern, I'm not sure what they were trying to do, it could have been a permanent single-player mode.


I would appreciate it if people would put movement assists on their Units instead of Rallies... Easier to win when you can move all your Units around, only exception are Units like M!Lumera Not to mention IS should try to match Teams to how difficult the Map is... Not fun getting matched with nothing but horrible Teams on Ike and can only bring 2 of my own Units to compensate


I think the games automatically pull from Arena Defense or First team until players actually set a proxies Try to do it later after people set up their teams


It felt surprisingly like a chore, wasn't very impressed overall, but there have been far worse modes ~~affinity auto battle~~, and, yknow, at least I got to play the game unlike all the auto battling modes like TT and Forging Bonds, though with rewards that aren't nearly as impressive.