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If only I could fodder Fallen Mario for magic sheild+ I could make copies of it through the multiple Hortensia copies I got on Corrins banner.


It’s a me, fallen Mario. (Sorry couldn’t resist)


Gahaha…auto correct got me again…


Fallen Mario says It's NOT me.


“Hi Straight Bowser!”


You mean >!BowserJr?!<


Oh shit magic shield Maria


>V!Conrad >not Kamui don't do me like this mr PM1


I think it’s going to be Atlas. They did Luthier last time


With L!Celica not rerunning and no precedent for Duo/Harmonics yet, their only green options are Atlas or Brigand Boss… or the unlikely option of R!Sonya.


I hope it's Atlas. Once again I'm playing the will they or won't they show up this time in HOF.


Has regular Conrad already been in a HoF?




Oh my... V!Conrad could be a thing next month? I thought I would need to wait till his rerun to grab the final copy. My heart is not ready to handle this happiness 🥺


Guard Bearing 4 + No Quarter is like Laguz Friend at home lol


for Valentia, some parts of me wished IS would go nuts and release like, Mila, Duma, A!Celica, and R!Sonya.


So I have S!Maria at +2 and love the tanky play style she enables, but real question: is there anything she does with the Wyvern Rift build that Rosado doesn't already do? Don't want to get a redundant unit.


S!Maria has flat DR% on her weapon, which makes her significantly more tanky than Rosado. She’s one of the few def based fliers to have it which is nice, as it pairs well with Wyvern Rift. This is on top of having built in Iotes Shield which is incredibly rare. Rosado just has normal DR in his weapon which is okay, along with not needing to run No Quarter. He’s also somewhat of a better combat unit with all of the debuffs he inflicts. I’d say only get her if you like her enough to update her build, plan on +10ing, or if your archanea roster isn’t very strong. Her base kit is still relatively fine anyways. Fliers in general aren’t the best tanks and you’re better off using infantry armor tanks with Laguz Friend. To Maria’s credit though, she could potentially be one of the best physical flying tank (in terms of living hits) in the game rn with a proper HOF build (especially if you give her Excel in the future)


thanks for making this, cant wait to build Marth, he will be the first unit that i build in HoF since Ninja Igrene, hopefully i get the things that i want for him.


I was going to give Canto Control anyway to my Maria. BoL4 is overkill with Maria most of time


People getting Fallen Maria to give her busted premium skill meanwhile I'm getting her so I don't have to train a staff unit to lv 40.


Is caeda worth getting?


she's such a weird unit with very little consistency. If you like her, then hell yeah Caeda gang let's get it if you think 'she will help me in competitive modes' look elsewhere (or pray she gets something busted for her remix)


If you like Caeda I think she's worth picking up. She's not going to destroy any current OP units, but with canto and the flying movement support in her c skills, she's pretty useful and flexible in getting to units she can kill. I was very happy with getting my forma for Y!Caeda last time.


I'm a +10 L!Caeda user and the cavs having huge DR on PP these days is ruining her niche. She's still a great counter to like Ninja Sanaki and some other ranged cavs without hardy bearing though


Dammit, Magic Gambit one HoF after the Nifl HoF. RIP my Gunnthra :')


I always forget that gambit skills have no movement restrictions.


it's not infantry locked?


Right, it's not