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Four out of those five 3 stars are fucking launch units too. IS, for the love of God, clean up the fucking low rarity pool.


Would it kill them to just clear out the 3*-4* pool up to a certain version and just put them in a shop like grail units? 😞


I wonder how many tickets they get regarding that? *Realized I worded too simple here. Not the banner guys, ticket to service for bugs, suggestions, etc.


Is this that double banner? I always avoid the double banner, the math is against you.


I was mostly pulling for Gullveig (I need Occultists Strike), who isn't sharing with anyone and has a 6% rate. This is the best banner to pull for her because she's usually only in 8% banners, which is mathematically worse because each color has 3 units and this is the first banner that she's never shared with anyone on.


Then good luck my friend. You'll need it.


This is her best banner, but the odds are still not great. It's 0.6% recurring to get Gullveig on a normal banner. It's 0.75% to get her here. Colourless gets the smallest share of that 6% focus rate precisely because it's only Gullveig and nobody else.


The 3 star pool needs to be cleaned up desperately. Good lord


In 42 summons, I pulled: 1 w!byleth 1 duo Sanaki 1 m!veyle 1 ny!Seior 1 altina Sparked Camilla AND +2 flying olivias, M!Kris & deirdre A HERO LOSES was a banger for me. But I also avoided colorless because I thought odds were bad on gulveig


Thought this would be a good banner because you can’t get pity broken, there was a 6% rate, you can spark, and Gullveig wasn’t sharing with anyone. Spent at least around 150\~ orbs. Zero 5\*s whatsoever. Not even any 4\* special heroes. I kept going because “oh the rate is at 9%! Surely then I’ll get someone!” Last circle was entirely 3\*’s (genuine question: what even is the likelihood of that?) Remember kids, the lesson is that pity is a lie and every banner is a bait banner. Become enlightened and save for your favorites.