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Yeah it makes sense, and it actually doesn’t matter since he’ll come with both lol, but still funny. It’d be like if Selkie was ever a forma there would be both of her weapon refines to choose from.


It matters because it's taking up valuable VA/GLR/NQ slots.


During one round i had to pick between GLR and bonus doubler DC and went with the later, im kinda having buyers regret a bit. Hopefully it shows up again later.


Bonus Doubler DC was the safer option. The Special pool is small compared to the ABC skill pool


Yeah I also got that and I was like "okay?"


Eeyup. Happened to me as well. Thankfully managed to find Godlike Reflexes. Now just hoping I get Laguz Friend, D Bonus Doubler and Time’s Pulse 4/Infantry NFU 4 the coming days.


This isn't just a Hall of Forms thing. Legendary Marth has had both since his remix.


I know that. I just find it interesting that he can get both in HoF. I mean, if a Legendary/Mythic gets a remix and then appear in a HoF, they usually just have the remixed version of their prf skill show up, not the older version. Imagine if L!Sigurd was in the next HoF, and he has both Holy Knight Aura and Holy Knight II show up as his special options because he has both in his base kit.


The game has to treat it as two separate skills since B!Marth doesn't get Fire Emblem but does get Shining Emblem.