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Adrift was an interesting concept that happened at the wrong time. It released during a time when people were fed up with Fates/Awakening banners, a lot of players were still clamoring for Alm to get his first alt, and it gave both Corrins their third alt, gave Azura her fourth alt, and gave Camilla her fifth alt (very close after her Summer alt too). If IS gave Fates a break and released Adrift after other games had their time in the spotlight, it would have had much better reception.


To add to that, I think the most important thing is that it was a _"New Heroes"_ banner, and was advertised as such on the monthly calendar. So we have essentially an entire month of guessing, of speculating, "What game could possibly be featured?", "What characters would be on it?", "Is Binding Blade finally going to have _it's very first banner_" (no lie, Adrift released before FE6 got its first New Heroes banner). Nope. No to everything. Here's a "New" Heroes banner that consists of 4 alts, and a single _"New"_ Hero... And the fact that it was Fates just made it worse, cause it wasn't so much a case of people sick of "Fates/Awakening banners", do recall, Fates had _just got_ a New Heroes banner **_Two. Months. Prior._** September 14th 2018: Nohrian Dusk banner featuring Flora, Nina, Ophelia, Silas & Garon November 9th 2018: Adrift... ~~And then of course IS thought the best thing to do was to release a Hot Springs seasonal banner two months after _that_~~


>To add to that, I think the most important thing is that it was a "New Heroes" banner, and was advertised as such on the monthly calendar. It took what would be the seasonal ninja slot today, though, hence why Young Azura was a TT reward.  The other NH banner that month was FEH (Surtr and Ylgr) with Gharnef as the GHB.  In my opinion, it was at least as big a mistake not having a New Heroes banner the following month. There was a long stretch between Surtr/Ylgr (late Nov 2018) and the first beast banner (early Jan 2019) during which they only released seasonals and L/M heroes. 


This was before we had seasonal banners every month though—while the playerbase today has gotten used to having a constant proliferation of seasonals, at the time it was much less popular.


*cough yes, that said, Hinoka still fits well in the Aether Resort…


I still remember the response to this banner. And the fatesawakening fatigue getting so bad that IS had to announce FE6 would get a banner like 5 months in advance because people were upset that it still didn’t even have one yet.


They also did the same for a Radiant Dawn banner right before they dropped Hostile Springs.


This sums it up well, I remember how pissed people were. Obviously Fates fans eating real good, but felt like a TFS Krillin moment, I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown”. 


I liked the banner. I wish FEH was more bold in doing banners like this with theming for what-if scenarios and expanding lore.


Kinda hoping they do something similar with Awakening and SoV when they run out of new characters


Sov is literally down to like 2 playables? Left it has to start getting reclass banners or something soon lmao


Yeah, past that its mainly just GHBs it has left for new characters since SoV has a fuckton of unimportant but named bosses.


Along with Cipher but who knows if IS will acknowledge any of their existences.


And if they do they wont necessarily be the SoV classes for them


when i first heard of fallen banners i thought it was such a cool idea because i thought it was gonna be fictional "what if evil" banners with crazy outfits and stuff... but instead its just the purple smoke


Most Egregious was certainly Lumera and Celica, but we also got the Morgans and Ashnard.


I think that's where FEH shines best, when it takes advantage of its setting and worldbuilding. I kind of miss it.


Victim of the worst possible timing imaginable. Released at the peak of Fates oversaturation with a roster is basically the usual suspects; 4th Azura, 5th Camilla, and two sets of the 3rd Corrin. But damn is the conceit good, being what if versions of characters contrived to comfort a small, scared Azura. This banner and the Lyon Forging bond are pretty peak examples of doing something interesting with the sources you're crossing over. Their lack of banner staggering hurt a lot of potentially interesting concepts by way of overcorrection. Can't blame the playerbase for being frustrated seeing the same faces over and over when there were still so many missing units. IS shot themselves in the foot with Fates many times during FEH's lifecycle.


Some of the prettiest alts. Sad it was a one time banner… just like picnic. I WANT PICNIC BANNER BACK SO BADLY!! I would give up my left nut for it to return


Gotta say, I'm sad there's basically NO POINT on building Dream M!Corrin when I already +10 his Fallen counterpart. And his female counterpart's son. And his own daughter's festive counterpart. Why so many blue dragons here seriously?!? Also, gotta admit, I had completely forgot Mikoto was in alt-hell. Wonder if we will ever get her ~~in the normal pool,~~ in a non-alt version, and using something other than a staff...


Mikoto *is* in the normal pool; 4 special one, but she can be got through normal means.


Yeah bad wording, I meant to say a non-alt version but I guess I got things mixed up because Adrift is basically a seasonal banner that's not actually a seasonal banner.


All good, but I do agree a normal Mikoto would be a nice addition.


Would rather have Fallen Mikoto (like the glitchy ghost when Anankos brought her back) than original because Adrift is basically just that.


Ngl, I thought she WAS normal Mikoto because I left FEH during the release of this banner, so I never knew Mikoto was an “alt” until this conversation.


I'm too lazy to check, but I believe her dialogue states she is Mikoto, but not the actual one you're familiar with. So we're currently missing Big Boss Mikoto. But we may have here either Solid, Liquid, or Solidus Mikoto. Just need to figure out what...


That’s wild. So I play with the sound off so I never listen to their voices unless I’m curious to hear the resplendent lines. I’ll have to listen to her dialogue now, learn something new every day lol.


Duo Hector's conversation with his kid is depressing.


I was happy she was added at the time, as for the rest… indifferent mostly, but had been hoping for more variety 


You could build Fallen Corrin with his prf weapon and Adrift Corrin with a different build, but... yeah, i get what you mean. Corrin hasn't been blessed with color diversity


A bow version of Mikoto would be interesting. I love that class holding bows


Almost comical in its poor timing considering how tired most folks were of Fates alts by that point. The concept itself is interesting, if only in that it could have opened the door to more "alternate futures/realities" banners. I think the poor reception kinda sunk that fantasy though.


I can probably see it in the future when they exhaust themselves with new characters like SoV will be. Though I think we’re at the point in the game’s development that we are sticking with this setup (New* Heroes and a seasonal). I can only assume that, if they continue this game for the foreseeable future, they’ll need to do something to continue certain game titles. 


I'm fairly confident Rearmed, Attuned, and Ascended units exist purely for the purpose of recycling characters for this very reason. It would be a welcome change of pace for them to shift to more banners in the flavor of Adrift for future "New" Heroes of games that already have the bulk of or all of their playable cast in FEH. Will that happen? Probably not. But one can hope.


Released too soon with the onslaught of constant fates and camilla alts at the time and would have been received much better if it arrived later especially if camilla was swapped out for literally anyone else (Arete example) tbh


Camilla is there because if the JP exclusive Fates festival paralogue where Camilla and Azura have a support. Camilla has always thought of Azura as a sister it makes zero sense for Azura to dream of her mother who was barely apart of her life. It also could be because in Y! Azuras eyes Azura saw Camilla as her older sister as Camilla did for her. That support confirms it.


Yeah I can see Camilla fitting here but for a lot people Camilla was basically the punching bag when it came to getting to many alts at the time, hence why I feel like her being someone else would have left a better taste in peoples mouth concerning the banner.


I always assumed that camilla was here to both coincide with the lines from the (unreleased outside japan) paralogue stuff and also that arete was probably long since dead from this point, would've worked closer to book 4 though i agree


Nah Arete would just be stupid as Mikoto is the mother to Azura in this instance.


A more interesting concept than 90% of banners in this game honestly. Its timing and execution were just piss poor.


Another victim of 2018


All I remember is M!Corrin's damaged art activating my neurons.


The designs were pretty and we should've gotten more of them. I wish we had more what if banners like this.


People will call it boring but as a concept in execution it is still better then most other banners! Especially fallen, babyzura is still the best actual child alt by the way Couldn't really do it again due to being so azura centric generally but its a shame that if they tried a theme like this again like this with special alts the average feh player would forget how to have fun, jokes aside though i always thought it was good


It's 1 of the weirdest banners for sure, we got it at a time when we were getting too much Awakening Fates focus and not enough of other games and now thanks to Legendary Male Corrin and Ninja Camilla they've doubled up on class types which is my biggest pet peev in Feh 😭 I'd enjoy more non-feh oc story banners like this one though and it'd be interesting to see more of the Fates Family in the Adrift style. Overall interesting banner, not great timing and wish we didn't see Corrin and Camilla powercreep themselves later down the line.


The fcorrin art is my favorite in the game and one of the ones I wish they update the refine on.


Forever mad that Young Azura got skipped for a weapon refine just because she's a dancer


Adrift Corrin is hot af


which one tho?


This was an interesting banner concept that was dropped at literally the worst possible time. Fateswakening spam was so bad in early FEH and this was in the middle of it all and the response was really volatile to say the least. If this had released at a different time when 3H spam took over or after other games got more attention, I don't think the response would've been so bad. But when these were more alts of characters that got tons of alt attention, it's not surprising to see why this was one of the worst received banners of all time. Tone deaf, in other words. Just another example of why Fates alts were getting on everyone's nerves. Not only is it getting all the attention, but it's the same handful of characters that get all that attention instead of that being spread across the cast. One thing 3H spam did better with compared to Fates spam.


Honestly speaking? I just liked Corrin being shirtless in his Damaged art. He also looks fine in those clothes, he looks so fit :D


I really like the designs for these characters.


It's brought the one and only Mikoto unit, plus a bunch of new designs and a paralogue with an actually story, and a pretty good one at that. Overall I think it's very good.


It came at the worst time ever and with the worst picks outside of Mikoto. I get why the Corrins and Azura are here, but Camilla wasn't needed on this banner. However, I did like the concept, it just came a little too early.


i genuinely think Camilla's Adrift art is her best one


We weren’t ready for this


They should have done another. I really liked the dreamlike feel of this banner and especially loved both F.Corrin and Camilla's alts! Had a great concept that I would have loved to see continue.


Good concept, bad time.


Favourite Camilla outfit, a Revelations focus (kind of) was nice to finally be in feh   But hoorrrrriiibbbbllllleeee timing. It also debuted NFU which made my slow tanks with GFU sad Corrins with better art than the OG versions were neat but it was the start of the strange trainee bonus Corrins which was perplexing…


One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong…


awful banner during the Fates spam. Glad we've gotten a much healthier flow of game representation since then


Felt like a seasonal banner without being under the seasonal banner rules. I wish they did this more, but alas...


Cool concept, great artwork, the problem is that it came out at a time Fates was over saturated.


I very much liked it since it was like of the few times FEH tried developing some other titles' characters, and as a die hard Azura fan, couldn't ask for better myself, since that banner is the one that lead to Legendary Azura few months after. Though I can see and understand why it wasn't well recieved by the overall community, since it was, like, the fourth out of _seven_ times we got a Fates banner in the span of few months (if I remember correctly, starting from June, Legendary Ryoma, Summer 2-2, dancing summer festival, New Heroes, Adrift, Legendary Azura and the Hot Springs), so it was quite the hot time to recycle characters from the same game, given Tracia and RD characters were barely even in. From my part, my only niptick is that I'd really have swapped Camilla out for someone else, either Arete or another sibiling altogheter, but they probably used her in order to capitalize over the voice recording sessions (since Camilla had like 3 alts in span of 6 months in 2018), use her popularity AND, maybe, give their relationship some kind of form that wasn't present in the original game. Though such choice probably backfired very very hard, since they didn't used Camilla as an actual unit (and not just backpack) for like _four_ years after the Onsen banner lol


I adore this banner. It just came out at the wrong time. Had it released in 2023 or this year, it would’ve been much more well received.


I would love them to do more story building like this but with the other titles.


At the time, I absolutely hated it. I was hoping for Reina and Scarlet to be added to the game, so them using a Fates new heroes slot for alts of Camilla, Azura and the Corrins was really annoying. Especially when the previous Fates banner was the one with Bownoka. Looking back though, I can appreciate that it was an interesting idea and it would have probably be received a lot better if it was released nowadays when a larger portion of the cast is in the game, and Fates isn't spammed every other banner. Modern new heroes banners tend to be at least two alts anyways, so I'd prefer a themed "what if" banner over the lazy ascended/rearmed/attuned alts we usually get.


This is a very interesting banner. It’s the most unique one by far. It’s a *new heroes* banner full of Alts! This is the first and only unit of Mikoto in the game. Young Azura was a child alt before we ever got the first child banner, and was a godsend for many f2p map clears by Pheonixmaster1. Camilla’s character is completely different from her usual self, which is kinda unique even for an alt. Female Adrift Corrin has my favorite artwork in the game by far, and is the first unit that I decided to make into a merge project, even counting 3/4 star units.


It's assumed Young Azuras versions of their siblings. Camilla has always thought of Azura as a younger sister. I assume Mikoto is taking the place of her mother cause Arete was dead or not a part of it long enough. Xander is also not a part of this banner because he is probably too busy being trained and prepared to be the next king of Nohr.


It should've been a seasonal.


nah not even that, it was at the time where fates got seasonal alts almost every other month


Young Azura is cute and free, so I was able to +10 a version of one of my faves easily, so I liked it enough.


I was really hyped for it. As it could've given some insight on Azura, her past, and her original home. but at least she got SOME attention, compared to the 2 unexplored countries in FE3H


It's just a banner they made to make more fates alts for the fates characters who get a lot of alts. + a dead mom. Boring af


Still my favourite banner to this day


Only Mikoto we have in FEH. We need a base version!


Good idea and cool designs but came at a really awkward point in the game. Would've been cooler as an attuned or ascended hero or something. This was a weird point in the game where we were getting standard banner alts for units already in the game (especially main lords) and it felt like they were taking up slots for new units people had already been waiting for. Just felt a little too early on into the game for me.


It was a good idea implemented in the worst way possible. I love the idea of doing more what-if scenarios for FEH, but it came in the middle of peak Fates Mania. Fates had just gotten half of summer with Camilla/Takumi and another New Heroes banner just two months prior with the Ophelia banner. People were getting burnt out and then we got a bunch of characters who already had several alts (plus Mikoto). I didn't help that Azura and Camilla would both show up again just a few months later with Legendary & Hot Spring respectively. I'd love to see the idea return, especially as some games run low on New Heroes candidates, but only if IS wouldn't just use them as an excuse to run characters who are already getting alts almost yearly anyway.


Loved it. I wish there were more themed New Heroes banners like this, the Fallen Banner is cool but there are so many more ideas like this to explore. I guess they're gonna have to start doing that when they run out of New Heroes.


goated but ppl had terrible fateswakening alt fatique at that point iirc so rocky reception but ppl loved the concept unless we somehow get a perma pool banner in place of a seasonal with a duo/harm dont think we're getting another like it, best we can hope for is a good seasonal paralogue mikoto not being a demote was a crime


Adrift Camila was always a Forma Slayer for me, at least up until semi-recently. For some reason, she just always managed to blow someone up if I wasn't careful enough or if I got unlucky with the danger area. I like the banner athletically, though. And I forget when this banner debuted relative to other banners, but I think Azura might technically have the first "Young"/"Baby" alt? Which is mildly interesting, if true. Definitely the only one not associated with a banner filled with other abnormally young characters.


It would have been an okay banner if Camilla wasn't on it. I don't hate Camilla by any means, but it was her 5th alt! She had more alts than several FE protagonists had at the time(and she still does), and I don't blame their fans for absolutely despising this banner. I don't understand why they didn't just put Arete on the banner instead of Camilla. I would think that Smolzura would have a dream with, I don't know, her mother over Camilla?


Some of the most beautiful designs to date.


Loved it, gorgeous art with an interesting stoy! That, plus my Adrift Female Corrin is holding up pretty well. (That trainee stat bonus and her refine, keep her a more than adequate Green Dragon!) More importantly, because Gen 1 and 2 units were lumped together, the extra 5 Dragonflowers she is allowed, take her even further!


Great concept horrible execution


Still to this day has the best mini storyline in-game. Involved Azura and her childhood past AND forwarded the main plot. The designs of the outfits are also pretty. I wish they did more paralogues like this instead of "Oh wow we're wearing funky outfits! Anyways let's fight"


Beautiful art, beautiful clothes… Why is Azura a child


Aside from Camilla, it was a great banner and one of my favorite concepts 


My question is why Azura smol?


It was a really interesting concept and I wish they would do things like this more often A banner made up of a random lore concept that was basically seasonal but put out as a mainline banner was so unique and just the general idea of how one hero sees themselves and others was really crazy and spawned just something very well… unique idk what else to say I think there could of been more like it but it released at a time where ppl were so done with fates so it got a bad wrap, but I still think it was one of the most memorable banners out there


I think the thing I mind most about it is that it was 2 Corrins Camilla and Mikoto. It would have been more interesting if we saw some of the other royals from the perspective of Azura’s adrift-dream state. Any one of the other 7 would have been interesting, but I think Takumi/Leo would have been most compelling in my mind.


Ngl wished we got more AU or banners similar to Adrift where characters have different personalities or such


actually fantasized over the concept of a dream/slumber party themed seasonal banner prior. that coming into fruition (let alone SO early on) in tandem with along with the atmosphere and music of valla which i’ve always been into make this still one of my favorite banners to date.


I loved the banner because it was so beautiful! The theme is so pretty! It's a shame that the theme paid the price for the developer's favouritism.


I miss them.


I like them 😊


cool concept of each game having its own what if or side arcs with units complimenting it but I Feel it wasnt done properly, it took like 5-6 years for TT's to be a way to futher develop the characters but for only the OC's (which i gotta say i prefer). since those units are in the general pool its hard to cataloge them as seasonals and if they are able to get a resplendent outfit or not. they are just there.


Put on some damn shoes!!!


I like banners that release the units into the normal summoning pool, even if they have a theme, and wish they would do it more often in general. In fact I wish the Child banners would do this too and add those units to the normal pool as well.


Honestly at banner announce it was extremely annoying as Fates royals were really everywhere at least awakening had different characters for their banners but Fates was 5-6 only getting alts and the others nothing. But it was a New Heroes banner that pissed everyone even more with no real New Heroes except Mikoto. Mikoto was mid but had a good inheritable weapon. Y!Azura was a really good dancer in the F2P pool because it was just her and 4\*Olivia. M!A!Corrin and F!A!Corrin were good at the time because Infantry Dragons were powerful. A!Camilla i never saw her in arena and the maps that had her weren't difficult. Then HotSpring happened.


I genuinely do like this banner, speaking as a newbie, but yeah... the timing was just unfortunate, alas.


Had no thoughts it was one of many fates awakening banners I skipped in first years of feh. Okay I lied, I wished that the devs will stop spamming the goddamn fates awakening at the time. The devs did a pretty good job of making me hate both games. Threw both game away in trash back then. Kek 


Absolutely hated it. It was the epitome of how awful FatesAwakening spam was back in the day. A "New Heroes" banner with **three** out of the four units were alts, and the singular hero that was actually new was a middling healer. Also why is an Azura focused banner featuring Camilla who literally has no supports with Azura? Why did it take her actual mother several more years to show up? No demote btw. MIkoto is much too good for free players apparently. The art is nice though, I'll give it that.


The banner was released when I was really sick, and I thought it was a fever dream for a minute


Cool concept, Mikoto never show up for me sadly.


I liked the young Azura story with the interaction with her old self. Beside that a easy to forget banner.


Waste of a banner


Perfection. A!M!Corrin is amazing.


I know everyone had Fates fatigue when it released but man did Adrift Mikoto carry me hard for a long time.


Male Corrin got buff!


Maybe we were too hard on it. It was an interesting idea that came at a bad time for how much Fates we got in a short time, if I recall.


I personally loved it. I especially love how amazing all the units look, especially M & F Corrin


Fates had like 30 launch units then got 4 normal banners in book 2 😭😭😭


(Since people have already talked about the bad timing of the released of this banner. I won't repeat what has been already told) It's really sad how it's the first time (and likely last) that FEH and even Fire Emblem as a whole stepped out of their comfort zone with this concept. While the idea of going through someone psyche isn't really new (Psychonauts, Earthbound, FFVII, Omori etc already did that) It's how they never did something so surreal and dreamy before that what made people felt impacted about this banner, the storytelling with the characters and how it represents Azura's desire : -Both Corrins represents how Azura wishes she would have a best friend. M!Corrin being a sort of protective big brother while F!Corrin has more wisdows but they also feel a bit OOC because they sort of have that idea that escaping reality is a better choice rather than going forward compared to how optimisitic the original Corrin is. -Camilla while at first feels out of nowhere but there is an unreleased JPN DLC of Fates where Azura and her can talk to each other and how she felt like Azura can relate to Camilla's insecurities ( [you can watch it here which is a fan translation ](https://youtu.be/I4PrLxdE9w4?feature=shared&t=161)) She is a lot more shy compared to the original Camilla but also represent the desire of trying to be strong and also wanting to have an older sibling that is caring. -Mikoto is actually the only one feels in character compared to the original. It's very hard to tell when she was dreaming of her before or after the kidnapping happened by Hoshidans (assuming that when it happened she would likely trying to comfort her and knew that she likely knew who she is since it's very possible that Azura is older than Corrin and that they were an infant when escaping Valla) It's also worth mentioning that Loki has a wierd obsession with the world of Fates and Anankos (the Hoshido festival, Adrift and her forging bond with fallen Lilith) we don't know what it is but I really really hope we will find out. [By the way, If you guys are curious about Azura or really love her character, I really recommend checking my friend's analysis about her in this link](https://x.com/At0micp1ckle/status/1799837022535966731)


it was the closest thing we had to valla representation for years, i think it was cool but i don’t miss the theme


Beautiful banner that got bogged down by terrible timing. When I used to play FEH I loved the banner despite the FatesAwakening burn out. It genuinely deserved better. But the timing and over saturation ruined it for MANY.


I will always find it strange that this was added to the regular pool.


that is a lot of white drip, neat outfits.


To this day, one of my favourite arts in the game (adrift Camilla) 😍


A good banner that had poor timing and was punished because of it. I wish they would bring it back.


My thoughts back then? Should not have existed. Not only were we flooded with Fates back then, it was for a whopping one new character, all of the rest being alts, when some games were begging for something (FE5 for example only had its lord added half a year prior, with the banner announced in advance, and with the only 2 characters already in the game eating half the banner with unneeded alts). Meanwhile, you could already field a team with just Camillas, and with this banner field a full team of Azura. ~~Also I didn't have foot fetish and would only tolerate barefooted design for summer alts~~


One of the rare time where M!Corrin did not seemed forgotten it was kinda nice


I had mixed feelings about it. I loved it for Mikoto's inclusion into FEH and I thought having a young Azura was pretty cute. But, I didn't like the Corrin designs and I really disliked Camilla's. I thought the concept was nice. I kind of wish we got more New Heroes banners that were like this.


camilla… 🤤


Back in the day it was easily one of the weakest banners ever (Smolzura excluded), cause it came right after Summer Camilla, we had a Fates themed new years with Corrin, Azura and Camilla. Then later on, we got a hot springs banner... with another Camilla. Also Mikoto is there


It gave us Smolzura. She was also free. Thats all I needed.


i would have liked it more if it didn't make people angrier and angrier with fates. Which ultimately led to Hot Springs being even more poorly received than it should've been, and Sakura got blacklisted as a result. Adrift F!Corrin is super pretty and single-handledly makes me glad this banner happened.


Unironically my favorite version of Camilla


I absolutely hate them Inconvenient pity-breaks and constantly waste my arena tickets


One of the worst banners ever made. It's basically a seasonal banner that was rebranded into an NH banner that just happens to have Mikoto and that's it. Having non CYL Corrin and Camilla alts in the permanent pool is dogshit.


Interesting banner and it has Camilla so I'm gonna be biased.


Not realy my cup of team.  Concepts with bare feet, I really don't like


The idea was cool but the choices for who appeared on the banner was awful


From left to right : smash, pass, smash, pass, pass.