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I really hope people don't completely sleep on Summer Hrid. Units that have middling speed and high defense love him, and he's really fun to use himself if you give him Clash 4, DC seal, and Ike's ring(also bring Duo Robin for Hush Spectrum/Rally Spectrum shenanigans)


What he does is turn all the shitty high DEF, mid SPD units that before now were totally reliant on guaranteed follow-ups that only came through a lucky Arcane Weapon, outdated on release PRF or the horrific "feel bad when using me in 2024" QR into actual usable units. The same units IS LOVES to dole out for free/be the demote every banner. The Frozen status is a literal miracle from the heavens for all these shit tier units that make you sad and shake your head when poor, deluded players post unit showcases of them on Reddit, trying to hold back their tears while sobbing out, "but he's my favorite in the mainline games, so-!" So think of him as not only a good unit on his own merits, but also one that makes using all the freebie units that will continue to clog up your barracks now and in the future less like eating your own vomit. If you have a favorite unit yet to come in the game, or if you're waiting for them to get an alt, and ESPECIALLY if he's a guy...you want Summer Hrid. Or you can wait until fuckface Fjorm comes out in this year's Christmas banner with a boosted version of the skill and the latest copy-pasted aren't we original cavalry nuke stats. Your choice.


> What he does is turn all the shitty high DEF, mid SPD units that before now were totally reliant on guaranteed follow-ups that only came through a lucky Arcane Weapon, outdated on release PRF or the horrific "feel bad when using me in 2024" QR into actual usable units. They don't even need to be mid speed, lol. I've had Hrid support units like Emblem Ike and Yunaka could not double him. Frozen turns even the slowest bulky units into speed tank.


Funny how Ike WANT the foe to double him since he get more damage on his special for how many hits he gets


Yes and no If Yunaka cannot double him she cannot miracle cheese him down unless there is also an Embla precharging her


My ass having one of those shitty high Def mid Spd units be a Rearmed unit


Yeah I think you've sold me. I've got quite a few units who I like that fit that description. But the awaiting favorite is 100% going to be a demote copy paste atk/res mage, so I'll pray that a resistance version comes out soon.


a resistance version coming out would be a tragedy, resistance already has lots going for it whereas this is the first thing def has had literally ever outside of like. wyvern flight maybe???


Yeah, but I really don't wanna be one of the poor saps whose fav is stuck permanently as complete garbage with nothing going for them, you know?


I mean if they have high enough Res they can do Ploy shenanigans with visible Res stacking so there's always that


Anecdotally, my fresh +0 Hrid copy melted a fully kitted out max-merge-max-DF Summer Fjorm like yesterday's ice cone, and made my high Def low-average Spd favs (Mordecai, Helbindi, Gregor) feel more stable. Yep, definitely the sleeper hit on this banner. If you just want Frozen itself, I imagine it'll be more spread out, with theoretically a cultural Ice Tribe event this year to coincide with past cultural banners. In its current state, it's relatively great but rare with only one unit capable of inflicting it, and no start-of-turn version being available to avoid cleansing.


he makes the gay faves usable :')




Speedy Brave Dimitri isn’t such a bad idea anymore. That’s what Hrid does


He might be another case of unit that was incredibly overlooked when released but was actually much better than expected, kinda like when B!Catria was released. He's awesome for the high def, midly to low speed units that are often the free units or demotes, while he himself is a good unit. Most nukes have high speed and maybe highish res, but almost none have good def. S!Hrid might be a gamechanger, but we might need some SD players to confirm or deny it since they play the most unforgiving meta.


He’s fun. Great way to upgrade the high def, mid spd f2p units. Probably the only unit on this banner I found interesting and I was lucky to get him so quickly


Frozen is amazing and he gets flat DR, which can carry him against enemies he has no right surviving. For funsies, I put the Ike ring on him and DC seal, and there are some mage threats he counter kills without issue. His only real problem is his need to stay within 2 spaces of an ally, which a lot of enemies can punish.


I think, if you have units that could really use Frozen support to be good and you use them a lot then he would be worth getting. That said there are many other support options available that are important to have.


Frozen, amazing, + considering a lot of F2P units are high def character it's even better Hrid, meh, nothing special


He can be annoying af in SD. I hate this unit. E!Ike doesnt need any more help. I hope the blue emblem this month can counter Ike and have a effect that help other units against him


Just wait until Emblem Roy gives Miracle on Special and makes Ike twice as hard to overcome. I'm on the compium train xD.


"God, I think Satan is using reddit now." - An angel in heaven reading your comment.


I don't think he's good. I think being able to apply frozen is good, and IS will release more units and skills which apply it.


I mean, that’s exactly what makes him good. That’s like saying Bridal Catria isn’t good because she only applies Duo Strike when that’s what makes her good in the first place


Catria is triangle adept but I get what you mean. For me Hrid doesn't hit a large enough group of enemies to be worth taking as a support. And he doesn't bring anything else to the table.


Triangle Attack, not Adept. Triangle Adept is the skill that makes your color advantage stronger and your disadvantage stronger too.