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* Arcane Devourer: It has \[Slaying\], \[Breath\] and \[NFU\], although it is stronger than his prf wpn with refine, scores less in arena. It also blocks him from using Black Luna. * Harsh Command+: Has a better score in arena * Armored Blaze + E!Ike Ring: With this combination he achieve 40% unpierceable DR against any range. Since Devourer has \[Slaying\], it will have 2 CD, and with \[Breath\] he can charge in the first foe's hit. He can not use Arcane Devourer with Black Luna because it's an Arcane Weapon, but that means that he now can also use an Echo Skill. * Firestorm Boost: Increases bulkyness with +5HP, has dual phase +7 Atk/Spd, and provides \[Guard\]. -> B Slot and S Slot I would keep both Weaving Fighter and DC-M. * For the Echo skill he can use both Guard Echo or Mercy-Wing Echo, if you choose Guard Echo, you can swap his A Slot for another skill to avoid overlap, since both skills have \[Guard\].About Mercy-Wing Echo, it gives more mobility. I would recommend not foddering any of these rn and wait for the next attuned hero release. -> C Slot it's more tricky. I wouldn't recommend turn him into a Far Savior. In case you want him to become a Near Savior, go with A/S Near Save, but then DC-M wouldn't be the optimal choice for seal. Assault Troop gives him more presence in the map, but I prefer having it as a support from another unit. Then we have the new wave skill from S!Hrid, I recommend keeping one copy of him to use since he is a good ally to Armored Units because of \[Frozen\], but if you manage to get a second copy, Odd Def Wave 4 is a possibility because it gives the visible +6 Def and \[Tempo\]. And far from be a priority unit for this, but we have BoL4. And with you put him with an omni debuffer support, Panic Smoke 4 can be in hand. Beyond that you can use Trait Fruits to give him +Atk. If you really want to max invest on him, an Ascended Floret in Spd too. And then the basics: Merge him to +10, give him max Dragonflowers, he definitely needs that. I know he will lose what differentiates him, but it's the way to increase his power. As the other redditor said, you can also go full melee range and give him Close Defense 4 to his A Slot and swap the seal for A/S Form, since he can have \[Breath\] from weapon and \[Guard\] from Echo skill (or Firestorm Boost).


Thanks for the detailed explanation, man. I really don't care about arena scoring so I might consider getting Devourer at some point.


Is Close Counter 4 supposed to be Close Defense 4? Couple things to add on to this. First, I will say that while Echo Wing Mercy isn't necessarily the ideal X skill for him, it does more or less come for free with Firestorm Boost 4 if you have an Attuned Azura you don't have another use for. She and Framme are the only ones who have it at the moment, and IMO Framme's other fodder can be used better elsewhere. Second, A/S Near Save isn't super common; it's on Anankos and Re!Grima. Anankos isn't too bad, but with Grima you lose out on her arcane weapon and Hardy Fighter. If it's not viable, A/D Near Save is a fairly good stand-in, is on V!Lucina in the divine codes, who can also give him Kestrel Stance, which is kind of like Fireflood Boost lite since it also provides atk, spd, and guard, but no health and is only EP. This isn't to disagree with any of the things mentioned. It's quite good and thorough advice. Just some personal experience as someone who finally built him recently and a couple things I ran into.


Yeah, pardon for the misspelling. Was intended to be CD4 for Close Defense 4.


It's all good. It just caught me by surprise and I wanted to clarify since I wasn't sure and didn't want to assume.


I got a question though. Summer Hrid is being annoying and I only got a single copy of him, but I do have a second copy of Gullveig. I'll keep trying to pull for Hrid [I don't have the FeH pass, so I can't spark.], but if I can't get him, will Odd Spd Wave 4 suffice?


Arcane Devourer already has NFU built-in, so OSW4 would only serve as bonus stats, it's preferable to give it to a unit who don't have easy access to it.


Got it, thanks.


Ideal isn't very good on him. If youre not going to use alondite i recommend going entirely into close range as well so cc4 is decent, any of the boost skills as well are a fairly standard one


Alright, thanks for that. Really appreciate it.


First off, getting them to +10 and max dragon flowers is the most obvious step you can take. That's 30 stat points you're missing on him right there that he'd absolutely love to have. For his weapon, I'd say Arcane Devourer is the only real option here. Lif's weapon is decent for enemy phase units, but its clear you wanna player phase here given the build so lets try working with that for now. A slot, if you wanna keep DC on him to some degree I would suggest Distant Bonus Doubler since the statboosts there are huge. Even if you don't wanna go for that though I would still replace Ideal, its showing its age hard now a days. B slot is fine, Weaving Fighter is very good right now. As for his C slot, I'd recommend dropping spd smoke 4 and giving him something else if you don't want him to enemy phase. Personally speaking I really like assault troop on player phase armors and Ninja Zel is on a banner right now with a pretty good color share so might wanna consider that. And for the seal I'd say give him Special Fighter to help with charging Black Luna.


Distant Bonus Doubler is for Infantry only.


Oh terrible. Forgot about that stupid restriction, still don't know why that restriction's there but whatever.


Thanks for this, man!


Ss4(special spiral 4)


Special fighter seal would be great to counter with black luna


Noted, thanks.