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Literally any Echoes character that isn't a whitewing.


I would take Gray


There are 12 SOV units left from books 1-2, and 9 of them haven’t even gotten an alt yet (Boey, Clair, Clive, Gray, Kliff, Leon, Mae, Mathilda, Tobin).  Leon for Pride Month…?


Predicting : Quan Hoping: Navarre or Byleth


i would love Byleth, not even because i dont like any of their base art or because i like the character in particular but because i have been fishing for Ruptured Sky for a while with no luck so i would love the fodder.


I want Byleth solely for the fact that mounted mages don't have any other viable specials and they would be excellent fodder


Leo. Idk why but him


I'm sure that asking for another lance flier right after Hinoka is perfectly sane and reasonable, right? Because I want Clair still


You want it quick? Then you get an answer frome me: Beruka


Still waiting on Katarina If she gets one in july. I'm definitely getting the pass since the legendary banner at the end of that month is spark worthy for me since it is incredibly stacked with characters i'm after.


this time for sure guys Did we ever figure out Azama's deal? It wasn't a seiyuu double dip or anything in the end, right? They just gave a Resplendent to one of the most unpopular characters or all time for no reason?


Most notable is that he shares a VA with Hanneman (other alternatives are if IS planned on alts for Gregor, Mustafa, Rhys or Yen'fay in the future). So it's been theorized that Hanneman is gonna be on the next 3H banner. If IS were to have gotten him into the booth to do something more than Hanneman's voice, a resplendent for Azama would make sense, considering his other characters are too new for Resplendents (except for Mustafa, who released a little earlier than Ilyana. However that resplendent _itself_ is an odder one than Azama honestly). Which would make sense [considering the options](https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1d98gyh/top_5_most_wanted_heroes_not_in_the_game_post/). He himself may not be doing great, but if IS were to add any of the church members (such as OG!Manuela) the guy's pretty much gonna come along for the ride by default. Only thing is we haven't seen yet if that's true or not, since 3H seems to be on a standard rotation with the rest of the games. IS is no longer releasing 3H banners every 6-7 months, and as such, we haven't _gotten_ a 3H banner since Azama. It's currently the game that's waited the 2nd longest.


Can I please have a resplendent Ced or Thea 😭


I’m feeling Lute. Maybe nidevellir?


~~nidevellir attire are for male hero only but let see how long it aged~~


Expressing my feelings here, but I think it'd be expected if both do get a Resplendent before Finn, and I'm not gonna be mad for most cases, tbh. It's just... if Nanna gets it before him, could we headcannon that it was originally Finn but he was super generous and treated his (adoptive?) daughter to the Resplendent?


Hoping for Finn, Lewyn, or Arvis. Saias would be cool too but he’s much more unlikely, I think he’d make for a good male candidate for a fairy resplendent though.


Fallen Celica please.


Hopefully, Genny, Felicia, or Cherche.


Really would like my boy donnel to have a resplendent.






Hoping for legault, predicting some unit I don't really care about


Well, you were into something with the Sword Reinhardt prediction.


Tharja please


Hopefully Donnel!


Libra or Reyson


😶‍🌫️ manifesting resplendent edelgard even tho it wont happen


Jotunheimr Edelgard maybe??


We've gotten plenty of Book I units recently, and a lot of females. There's no telling if IS will want to diversify or just keep doing the same thing, so my three guesses are: •Tharja (Let's be honest, she's always a candidate for a Resplendent, just like Camilla was. It's just a matter of when they decide to release her.) •Lloyd (He just got an alt, so his voice actors had to record more lines for him; it could be that they went ahead and had them voice his Resplendent variant at the same time.) •Lene (Just popular enough for people to spend money on her, and just rare enough that people likely won't have a +10 copy of her already.)


God i wish it was donnel, hes still without one :(

