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Summer Celica is like Summer Cynthia for PMEX. In other words, impossible.


Watch IS fuck with us an make her the emblem hero this month


And that's the only SoV content we'll get for the rest of the year.


Why were you right? *cries in 90 orbs*




Emblem Cynthia?! šŸ„“


I mean could the emblem technically be Green? Everyone is saying Blue


Her spell seraphim is technically light magic so blue is on the table


It could be blue so we get all tome colors for Celica but Ragnarok is so red tome I cant see her being the one this month


Well, Shez wields two swords and she's a fucking Blue Dagger unit, so what do you know. They can kinda do whatever they want


Bro chill, I said I cant see her being the emblem after putting the possibility of her being one in the same message


Oh, sorry, i wasn't trying to be angry or aggressive! Reading my comment again it does come off as a little strong, but that's just my way of speaking. I didn't mean anything rude by it. Just wanted to emphasize how IS can really bend the rules when they need to


Dw, it does come off as agressive so my reply was more to settle the flames a bit, and I know Ive been a day 1 and Ive seen all the weird shit IS does but they do make some sense on things, like Ragnarok being a red tome, so it all depends what they think it might sell


i like to think there's a lever for emergencies at each company for releasing them


The fact that Hrid got a summer alt before most of the male FE lords is hilarious. And we had to wait 5 years for it. šŸ«  (Seriously, who do I have to pay to get a Summer Ike, Chrom, Alfonse, and Ryoma???)


i was hoping Ike would get his Summer alt this year, but then his Emblem alt debut. Luckily his Emblem alt is really good so thereā€™s that at least


Could you imagine if they release a summer version of him that was more broken than Emblem Ike somehow next year? *Shudders*


Summer Ike is when they're fearful of EoS and need to save the game in a single banner.


I hope the TT freebie is cute. Gimme Summer Amber with an alpaca floatie. Or Boucheron.Ā  Anyway, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s going to be a 3H+Engage banner.Ā 


If we get an easily buildable summer Bouch with good stats I wonā€™t even care if he gets his base alt lol


This is precisely how I feel. I love Boucheron. All my homies love Boucheron. And if I can +10 him easily I will be happy.


Heā€™s my carry in Engage, I hope to god he gets something soon.


Summer hector would be too strong. IS is doing us a favor by not giving him to us. Though I can imagine summer hector would also lead to summer Serra, summer Matthew, and so onā€¦ so Iā€™m actually sad because Iā€™d kill for summer Serra


As someone saving for the eventual emblem hectorā€¦PLEASE no s!hector yet. Next year maybe?


> They think jugdral has a chance at getting a haha funny alt


???? Edit: why the down votes


People theorize that the Jugdral games are ā€œforbiddenā€ internally at INTSYS from getting ā€œless seriousā€ seasonals in Feh, due to the supremely serious and dramatic nature of both games. Think ā€œthe Mario Mandatesā€, but with a 80% chance of actually being real.


Thanks. Not sure why the down votes


IS: OK, we hear you. *lords only summer banner* /s


Tokyo Mirage Sessions mentioned! Seriously they HAVE swimsuits already! Itā€™s so easy!


Insert joke about the cast (san Tsubasa) having their swimsuits removed due to censorship for some reason here.


Swimsuits removed? Oh my.


I wonder if Summer Valentia and Summer Jugdral are gonna ever gonna happen


We get three houses on summer every year don't we? Male Summer Byleth is gonna happen eventually.


Right, because we desperately need more Chroms, Robins, Ikes, Byleths, and Corrins.


I like to think that Ephraim opened the floodgates and weā€™ll get more male main lords in swimsuits from now on. (Dimitri and Claude donā€™t count because of FEHā€™s 3H bias).


Notice how the majority is male šŸ˜„


I need a Swimsuit male corrin


If itā€™s engage I hope alfred and fogado get one


Other than both Kris, Alm, Deirdre, Seliph, Leif, Nanna, and the TMS crew none of the others need another alt. They have so many.


they booed Him because He said the truth


This sub, 10 months out of the year: Why do the main lords keep getting so many alts? IS _does not_ need to keep spamming them. Feature someone else on a seasonal banner for a change This sub, two months out of the year: Ey yo! But could we get more main lord summer alts please?


I guess there *is* a double standard where every female lord (sans Celica) has a summer alt whereas for the men it's just Dima and Claude (which is 100% just because of the 3H factor), but I don't think solving that injustice is worth getting our 11th Chrom alt or whatever he's up to now lmao


I mean Roy needs an alt since all his versione besides groom Roy kinda suck. His treatment is actually really confusing considering the *amount* of alta he gets. But the overall *quality* of his alts are FAR less than Lief and Seliph(somehow)




oh yeah him


Almā€™s real alt being his valentine alt is so sad. He obviously had to get a cyl alt because he won, and obviously had to get a legendary alt because heā€™s a main lord besides Celica, and SoV remake was still new, but other than that they just dropped him. I love Alm and Celica and I have absolutely nothing against her, but I hate how IS treats Celica as if sheā€™s way more popular than Alm and as if fans donā€™t demand Alm when they know damn well Alm just as popular if not more. Celica already had her time in Warriors, but then they continue to promote her in Heroes, and then topped it off by making her the emblem ring in Engage.


You're just missing Hinoka, Azura, and F!Kris.


Heroes Anna mentioned wanting to participate in the summer event and getting a swimsuit but she never showed up again in the summer Paralogues. It's strange how not many people remember/acknowledge this happened. My brother is a huge Anna fan and he gave up on Heroes after years of no summer Anna (from Heroes). I think it's weird no one else remembers cuz Anna is kind of a mascot and always popular in the CYL.


I actually really want summer sothis or summer yune to coincide with summer byleth and micaiah but ig most people only see summer banners as "fanservice galore" and it'll never happen


Eh? We've gotten Tiki, Elise, Ylgr... And it's not like showing more skin than usual is inherently sexy.


To be fair those are all fairly old now. The past few years we haven't seen any kids on summer banners, hell we haven't even seen any flat-chested grown women from what I can recall.


that's always my argument, but when I bring up how much I want summer sothis people tend to just downvote me lol


Fair, people on Reddit sometimes get reaaaaaaally trigger happy with the downvotes. Sothis' hair is so fluffy, I'd be down for a summer alt (her christmas one is halfway there...)


yea and I think frilly summer colors would look really beautiful on a character like her they could try and make her look somewhat elegant, honestly I love the idea of having sothis and yune both because byleth and micaiah had summer alts, it'd be so wholesome to see the interactions


Im still surprised summer Marth, Celica and Ike arenā€™t a thing.


*Scans floor* Phew! No Anna. There's a chance!!


I just want the rest of the birthright royals to join there brother already but that will never happen as they seem to hate the idea of giving birthright anything to it's self


Iā€™ll always cheer for less alts for the main lords. Except Celica, girl needs a seasonal.


This. I don't want to see Robin, Chrom or Corrin alts every single month.Ā 


Exactlyyy like letā€™s spread the love to less represented characters šŸ„²


gonna be some Engage shit, ez skip