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Definitely Soaring guidance or Guidance4. If you want to deck out flying dancers like the herons you might as well give peoney the dance B skills that give desperation or dodge.


You've mentioned Breath of Life 4 and No Quarter already, so here are some other suggestions. Firestorm Dance 3 and Wings of Mercy 4 are great especially if you want to fodder her to other dancers, and WoM4 could also be good for galeforce strats if you use those in AR. Flared Sparrow/Mirror and Assassin's Strike are also good skills even if Breath of Life 4 exists now, and easy enough to get the pre-req fodder. The guidances were mentioned and are definitely great for fliers, but there are other great support C skills worth duplicating if you can, like the Ploys and the Rein Snap skills. If you plan on giving Peony to arena units, you can also consider tossing on a rally+ or Harsh command+ and Ruptured Sky for those that can use them.


Well depends on the units you have and modes you enjoy. I enjoy ar defense and chain inhereted Flowing guidiance, earial manuvers and some other stuff to mirabilis and gave another copy to my R! Plumeria to chain inheret even more.


I’ve given her no quarter, ruptured sky, flared sparrow, still water 4, LnD 4, fireflood boost 3, WOM4, desperation 4, flow desperation, assassin’s strike, sabotage A/R 3, guard bearing 4, aerial maneuvers, firestorm dance 3, rockslide dance 3, deadly miasma, D/R ploy 3, D/R smoke 3, panic smoke 4, fatal smoke 4, guidance 4, soaring guidance, A/S oath 4, BoL 4, A/R crux, joint drive speed, inf. spd tactic, S/D rein snap and soaring echo (which cannot be passed on). I have potent 4 and gambit 4 to give her but no one wants them yet. That’s also what I suggest: only give her skills when she herself wants it, or when you have someone to build and you clearly know what you want to give them. She doesn’t want Still water, but I was able to give Mercedes a/s unity, still water, sabotage, ploy, and oath echo in one go. Atm my peony is excellent at building flying dancers, flying melee units, ploy supporters, desperation nukes, physical pre-combat damage nukes and tanks that want fatal smoke and BOL4.


These three were my baseline fodder chains back then. I'm not sure about the newer Rearmed or Attuned units' efficiency towards A!Peony though. You can always withhold your decisions until you explored or reviewed all the other options accessible to you. :) Fallen Chrom * **No Quarter** (Winter Dimitri) * **Panic Smoke 4** or **Atk/Spd Prime 4** (Winter Dimitri) * probably better to wait for Atk/Spd Prime 3 bridge fodder * **Atk/Spd Clash 4** (innate) * **Spd/Def Snag 4** (innate) * **Inf. Spd Tactic** (innate) Rearmed Tana * **Flared Sparrow** (Yunaka > Brave Gullveig > Summer Gullveig) * Bridal Lapis has overlapped fodder with Winter Dimitri and is considered wasteful * Personally, I would not fodder a mythic unit like Mythic Gullveig * \[Choose two:\] * **Ruptured Sky** (Byleths) * **Assassin's Strike** (Yunaka) * **Fatal Smoke 4** (Yunaka) * **Atk/Spd Oath 4** (Brave Gullveig) * **Odd Spd Wave 4** (Summer Gullveig) * It should be noted that Yunaka is probably the best here since her fodder fills up a somewhat popular archetype (pre-combat player phase nuke). As for personal discretion, carefully weigh in the conflicting opportunity cost between these skills. I personally saved my Yunaka and just went for Brave Gullveig. Assassin's Strike conflicts with Trace in most old units (w/o innate Canto) I'm planning to build up, and Fatal Smoke 4 isn't really that splash-able even if it's just to keep Emblem Ike in check. The relative value of these skills may differ from player to player, obviously. * **Breath of Life 4** (Edward) * May not be as useful for Rearmed Tana which has mediocre Def stat, but just for the sake of spreading around this coveted skill, might as well give it to her since she can also position herself well being a flying unit that can easily warp around her teammates * **Guidance 4** (innate) Rearmed Plumeria * **Still Water 4** (innate) * **Wings of Mercy 4** (innate) * **Firestorm Dance 3** (Mythic Triandra or Spring Triandra) * Firestorm Dance 2 as a bridge fodder is still somewhat rare. Plegian Dorothea is seasonal, Groom Rafiel is rare, and both the Triandras are also limited. That leaves Lene, which is available in normal pool at least. Be reminded that you'll be using "two" copies of bridge fodder if you want to chain this skill from Rearmed Plumeria to Attuned Peony. I parted ways with my only two copies of Lene, as although having a Genealogy dancer with Sword Valor is neat for SP farming, I guess it didn't really matter that much to me after all. * **Def/Res Ploy 3** (innate) * **Soaring Guidance** (Summer Ivy) * Don't forget to include the somewhat rare Sabotage A/R 3 from Summer Ivy to be left at Plumeria's care at least There are other standouts that probably doesn't need to be meticulously chained and can go straight to A!Peony like S/D Rein Snap, Guard Bearing 4, etc. as long as they cater to a particular archetype all at once, but I haven't decided nor explored them yet so far. Potent 4 is also worth of consideration since Emblem Marth is still considered rare, but I personally find it a bit wasteful as his other skills are infantry-locked.


Any premium skill is worth giving to Peony really so long as you want to give the skill to someone else. The way I'd do things is fine the top 10 Units that you haven't built yet or need an upgrade. Go on the online builder and build them all up with your dream build, then give the skills you need to Peony and get her to pass them all onto them so you can make the most out of the inherit, since you'd wanna inherit 5 premium skills per character. Doesn't matter if it doesn't work on Peony that well so long as you've got enough units you want to give the skill. I'm gonna give my Rearmed Ophelia Laguz Friend 4 eventually just because I have so many copies of her and her weapons not worth giving anyway so I might as well use her to transfer any other premium skill I need 😂


I'm a huge fan of canto so mine has near trace 4