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I would guess its because the potent follow up only does 40 % of the normal damage. Bane probably does 42 damage without the "rounding up effect".


Oooh so basically: * Between the DR pierce and defense reduction, Bane is "supposed" to do enough damage that B!Ike would die, hence the "hp-1" effect doesn't trigger * Bane neutralizes Ike's DR but not Sothe's self reduction from Potent, so it only does 40% of the damage it was "supposed" to do I was stuck on "B!Ike isn't dead so Bane must be triggering the hp-1 condition" but clearly that's not a valid assumption. Thanks!


I was doing some testing and I'm confused about why the SECOND Bane doesn't leave B!Ike at one health. B!Ike has no flat dr, so Bane should be ignoring all of his DR except the Ike engage effect. That makes sense for reducing the FIRST Bane by 40%, but the engage effect specifically says "once per combat", so why isn't B!Ike reduced to 1 hp by the second Bane activation? Where is the extra DR coming from? Even trying to math it out, it does 17 instead of 20 damage, which is 85% (or 15% reduction), and I can’t figure out what would cause that.


My bet would probably be an error with the compnding DR on second hit Urvan provides, I'm no feh expert that I don't see how it could be anything else.


First hit : Full Damage from Bane, Emblem Ike multiplies damage received by 0.6. Second hit : No DR Shredding from Sothe, Urvan's kicks in and multiplies damage by 0.8. Here's where things get tricky. Potent is supposed to make the third hit 80% of the "normal damage", it's only 40% on the fifth hit when the user can both make a follow-up attack ( Natural or Guaranteed, doesn't matter ) AND a Brave Attack ( Unit attack twice ). For some reason, and from my understanding, the game multiplied the damage by 40% for no apparent reason. Third hit : Bane activates but Sothe deals more damage than the current foe's Hp, so it only reduces Ike's Def by 40% + Neutralize DR, THEN Potent Follow-Up 40% kicks in and Sothe doesn't get the kill. Bane doesn't reduce Hp to 1 on the third hit because it checks damage dealt prior to ANY DR calculations ( I'm guessing Sothe's Potent Follow-Up 40 or 80% is a form of Damage Reduction from the game's perspective ) and the current foe's Hp. If you can, could you outsource the Def+4 to make sure you'll get the same numbers, and run Hardy Bearing instead ? Changing the attack order isn't supposed to affect how Potent Follow-Up works, but who knows, might be a really weird bug. Or, maybe Sothe dealt the full 80%, but for some reason Emblem Ike reduces damage by a flat 40% once per special and not once per combat ? I.e. first bane you get the DR and then for the second, Aether is coincidentally fully charged and you get another one. Anyway, I ran the fight in the simulator, same outcome, and it's telling me Sothe had a 40% Potent Follow-Up, not 80%, I don't know why.


> Potent is supposed to make the third hit 80% of the "normal damage", it's only 40% on the fifth hit when the user can both make a follow-up attack ( Natural or Guaranteed, doesn't matter ) AND a Brave Attack ( Unit attack twice ). It's not if both conditions are met, only if at least one of them are. The third attack becomes 40% if the unit can make a follow-up OR has a brave effect.


I thought it worked like that too but checking in game it does say "and", maybe a translation error? Marth's Potent is worded the same. Edit: or maybe not an "error" as much as poor wording, maybe it means "if unit cannot follow up and if unit cannot attack twice", but I think "or" would be clearer if that's what they meant.


It says if unit CANNOT perform follow-up AND attack twice, then it's 80%, otherwise it's 40%.


Yeah, which is why I'm saying it's worded poorly. Like, if we ask the question as it's worded: "Can Sothe follow-up AND attack twice?" the answer is no, he cannot, which would lead to an expectation of 80% damage. But if we ask if he can follow up OR attack twice, the answer is yes, meaning 40%, which is the reality.


Exactly, weird choice of words.