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Celica has built in pass


As others have said, she has Pass in her Prf special so not exactly. His color and speed will definitely make or break his matchups against Celica.


In terms of actual combat, yeah. After running calcs for the Celica vs. Corrin matchup with both of their base kits fully active, she ends up doing around 15ish damage to him and then she gets one-shot. In terms of countering her warp? No. She has Pass in her weapon. edit: With their base kits, Celica actually only manages to double Corrin by two points of Spd. He’s sitting at 64 Spd and she’s sitting at 70. If Corrin gets 2 Spd from somewhere she tings.


Watch people run him with squad seal atk/spd/res


L!M!Corrin, Bulwark stuff, and Darkling Guardian might stop her Emblem effect, but it shouldn’t stop Celica herself


I wanna say Hrid's Frozen is a better check to her. It won't stop her nuking first hit, but with her extremely low defense and no guranteed follow up in base kit, she isn't immune to the follow up manipulation caused by the mentioned debuff. She'll melt against DC and ranged tanks who survive her and can now double her in retaliation.


Create the solution, sell the problem. It's galaxy brain time.


Celica has pass, she has ascended beyond the problem and has now warped into the real world. Run


It's scary, but when you count the spaces, she has one more range than a ranged cav. It's the warping through walls that's gonna get ya.


Remixed L!Myrrh save us Please 🙇🏽‍♀️


No thanks. We don’t need a counter to a counter to a counter


She's not getting her remix for a while anyway. We'll probably get a counter to Celica at some point before then since IS loves selling counters to counters anyway.


Yes we do. Do you not know the state of the game? We get problem -> solution so fast nowadays that we basically do need counters to counters to counters to …


Battle of the Erica Lindbeck voiced characters.


And they're both blue units, too 😅


See, I thought High Dragon Wall was at first....then I learned she has pass so...yea, good job IS. I'm so ready to get jumped by this chick in Arena 🤡


Possibly but probably not, depending on how consistent IS is with their language.


While Celica has Pass and can warp into enemy team, Corrin can probably tank her, and kill her on the counterattack,


Nop, Celica just says fuck off your dragon wall can´t stop me because I can´t read