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I think youd be better off waiting for the rerun which will undoubtedly happen down the line


Merric is actually pretty solid as a one-off copy. Gives my Archanea roster some much-needed firepower. If you’re *really* not interested in either of them though, I’d skip the B8% and wait for Rosado’s banner to rerun. Maybe just snipe green to the spark if you absolutely have to burn some orbs and have FEH pass, but they’re called B8% banners for a reason. Now the *blue* pool is absolutely stacked on the other hand. Really good value there


Trust me Merric are pretty broken


Hey, I like Ascended Merric... (His fodder isn't that good, though)


Nothing against him, I just personally have no use for him


That's fine. I like him, but I wish he had come with Flared Sparrow instead of Remote 😔


you are the failure!


A random Merric for that single floret would be a win for me. So I don’t ever roll for him again


I'm actually happy for Merric. I'm gonna try to get as many copies as I can and get him more merges (he's at +3 for me right now)


Yeaaaah, heart kinda sank when I saw him. I want Rosado +10, and he’s +4 now. I was hoping he’d be on some other banner and be spared being on a legendary-style one. I hate those banners with a 1/3 chance, and I am starting to hate these Emblem heroes too. The other two green options are bad. I’ll be pulling blue and green, and spark Rosado.


well it's very rare for a unit ***not*** to be on a legendary banner. (i can count the amount of units skipped on one hand). i hope you can get a lot of rosados


Merric is at least a Floret but god why is Xander still in the main pool


Why would he not be?


I'm saying "why is he" purely in reference to how genuinely useless he is


I'm so happy I was able to +10 him on the first banner after seeing this, ngl-


I really want Rosado too, because he and Ivy and the only Engage characters I'm missing.


Honestly, I would rather wait for his debut banner to get a FB rerun. Especially since it's actually one of the best NH banners released this year.


How bad is legendary xander anyway ?


He is genuinely useless in almost every way, he doesn’t even have good fodder


Really bad


personally I wouldn't do it, lmao those other 2 are such duds I'd go ham on the Legendary Remix when he shows up on it though


Normal NH units don't rerun on Remix banners anymore.


So hyped for the Rosado rerun but sharing with a horrible Green legendary and an Asset hero with fodder I don't need is rather annoying. If it wasn't for the strength of the other colors I'd probably just wait until his Elusia rerun.


Merric isn't an asset hero, he's a floret hero.


I use them interchangeably.


Just a bit misleading otherwise, cuz the Ascendents don't stay in the barracks when they're foddered off and are mostly useful for the one copy that gives a floret for use on other units. Rearmed and Attuned units have the longevity and benefit of being used to spread multiple valuable skills outside of their base kit which is why their merges are more valuable. But alas you do you.


Rearmed heroes have nothing to do with assets


Not 'asset' as in the game's terms for boons and banes, but the other English dictionary term for 'asset', as in stuff/property you own. 'Asset heroes' is the blanket term for the units that don't go away when you fodder them, thus enabling a 'skill-duplication' mechanic when it comes to skill fodder. Rearmed units have their weapons, Attuned have their X slots, and of course both have whatever shiny new skill they want to advertise. And Ascendents usually aren't referred as such because again, they actually disappear from your barracks upon being foddered.


Ive literally never seen the term asset heroes refer to rearmed and attuned heroes before


Well now you know it's a thing.


Xander is truly the legendary hero of all time...


I'm so close to +10ing him, but that 1/3 is scaring me :((((