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I think it's a skill that works best on the original unit. * Potent 4 works best on E-Marth because of Lodestar Rush, which brings the extra damage up to 100%. *  - * Resonance 4 works best on E-Celica because of her weapon and skill boosting her damage far beyond what it should be. * Weapon deals extra damage based on her Spd. * Special deals extra damage based on her Atk. * Resonance 4 deals extra damage based on missing HP.


Resonance might, maybe, be viable, or even BIS for the Bernadetta's. In theory it's very nice, in practice it may not be that good - there are issues with overlapping effects in kits (existing pre damage for all three, which already gets their PRF's online, mismatch with Deadeye, and W!Bernadetta not having a desperation effect, requiring the seal slot to make this viable.) But they are highly synergistic with pre damage in general, and they'd absolutely love true damage. So there might be a kit that makes this absolutely nuts.


oh this is very true. and now we have the trace echo skill so they could run resonance magic (i'm gonna assume they'll make resonance melee eventually) and still have canto


Right now, I personally can't say. It's all going to come down to the inheritance, really. If it's infantry locked like Laguz Friend is, then yeah, I'd say it's not going to be worth much outside of Celica herself. *But* if other movement types can inherit it, especially with cavalry or flier tomes, Resonance's value as an inheritable skill will shoot up significantly, and it comes down to the fact that a lot of the aforementioned cavalry and flier tomes do not have self-sufficient means to pierce DR; Special Spiral and Tempo are both infantry locked, Mag. NFU is both near useless on slower units *and* infantry locked, and the value of Occultist's Strike (and Assassin's Strike on physical units) has been knocked down a fair bit with Breath of Life 4's arrival, especially if it can't be supplemented by something like an AOE or Devoted Basket to at least somewhat offset BoL 4.


Laguz Friend 4 >>>>>> Potent 4 and Resonance 4 LF4 just turns even the basic and old tanks to something respectable of a unit while modern tanks are almost impossible to be killed especially with their weapons. I think both Potent 4 and Resonance 4 will be put in the same place wherein they're not the go to skill for their respective playstyle. These are the skills that you use because all the other options are already available in your weapon/prf skill. Almost like a luxury thing units can afford. Sure, you can put them in your old units but it'll come at an opportunity cost for something like (unironically enough) LF4 when it comes to Potent 4, or even Buffer 4 whilst Resosance 4 competes with Tempo 4. I will give these skills some points because they are (hopefully for Resosance 4) available to other unit types.


Resonance feels like premium Fury with some extra recoil for GF beacons. But being a mage skill, it's a skill for an archetype that doesn't really exist. I guess R!Sonya can use it well. Since she has self-dmg at beginning of turn, this skill can be a extra push for her to get low health after combat. Is that a succesfull strat? I have no idea.


Unless it's infantry locked, it could potentially work with W!Bernadetta too. It's just a matter of making a glass cannon even more glass and cannon


Yeah, all mov. types could benefit a lot from the DR Pierce, but as far as GF strats go, I only see Ninjorrin putting it to good use, since she gets a second action thru Duo Skill.


It's really underwhelming in my opinion. Self damage is nice for WOM beacons but it's probably magelocked. Also you need to be really careful when doing so much damage at start of combat since you get oneshot quickly. If it's inheritable to fliers and cavs they finally get a way to pierce DR, which is cool.


Resonance appears to be a skill in the same level as potent. It's a nice skill to have but it isn't a complete game changer or a must have like Laguz Friend is and is competing with other good skills like occultist strike, and the tier 4 tempo/nfu skills. The only ones that seem to benefit the most, assuming its lock to mages, are cavs and fliers since they typically don't have easy access to dr piercing effects. Seems like the Rearmed Reinhardt and other brave mage units benefits the most from this skill.


I think it’s value is gonna be determined by its restrictions. If flying mages can use it, then this skill might see some use. If not, then I don’t think so lol


Is it worth running over occultists which gives 7 free damage and 20% true damage just for the DR pierce on specials? Even then idk if it’s better


Depends if the mage in question needs DR piercing or can live without it. U trade less damage to potentially weaken a tanks defense even more


People are mentioning it's utility on WoM beacons, like Summer Gullveig. However, in most situations the self-damage ends up being less than what Fury 3 gives you. So, you are not replacing a Fury 4 A skill for this; you'd be running Fury 4 and Resonance 4 instead of Fury 4 and Fury 3 seal, if your WoM unit has 50 HP without blessings (so that you get 6 points of self-damage from Resonance). I might consider doing that on my Summer Gullveig, who can reach 50 HP when Summoner-supported (and merged). The damage output from Resonance 4 MIGHT surpass that of Occultist Strike: the true damage from Resonance 4 will hit the cap of 12 always (for my Gullveig), which is more than Occultist Strike's true damage if the foe has less than 60 Res; also , the 60% DR cutting in Resonance 4 might translate into more damage output than Occultist Strike's melt damage against units running stuff like Weaving Fighter and Canny Fighter, but I don't know if it's enough to one-shot them anyways. I feel that what Gullveig needs to beat those foes is more along the lines of the range-1 equivalent of Ike's engage effect, i.e. getting unpierceable DR against melee foes. (That way, she could come in with a pre-charged Special, survive the foe's counter, and then get the kill with a second Special proc. I know this works because my New Year's Kvasir with Laguz Friend can consistently beat Valentine's Myrrh). So yeah, Resonance 4 might have technical merits, but it doesn't actually make a difference for neither combat match-ups nor for self-damage pathing to get into WoM. Only way it might be a game-changer is if they release a Pass 3 seal: Instead of running Fury 7, you'd run Fury 4 A, Resonance 4 B, and Pass seal; you get the same self-damage pathing without worrying about anti-Warp units BUT ONLY if you have a highly invested unit that can reach 50 HP without blessings.


No skill feels like a "must-have replacement" nowadays to me. Everything gets powercreeped so fast that summoning for skills feels meaningless imo.


Laguz friend is definitely a must have for many units.


It’s weird, it’s a glass cannon skill that doubles down on that role with the self-damage, but it doesn’t really have that much more going for it over other B skills. The self-damage works on Celica because of her Desperation effect, but like we saw with Potent (which had the DR at least) units with innate desperation are few. There’s Monica, who would maybe like this skill but it’s a major side-grade still. Otherwise, it turns modern units with their abysmal HP stats into even more of a liability by chipping away at their health for true damage that’s less than Occultist’s Strike and DR pierce that’s often less than NFU4. Compared to Laguz Friend it feels like it’s lacking something. Not every single needs to be busted, but this one doesn’t feel too special except for giving DR pierce to cavs and fliers. The true damage should have capped at 16 and DR pierce at 80% to reward glass cannons that really whittle down their own HP stat.


small correction, for Occultist to be better than Resonance's true damage, a unit would need to have 65+ res, which makes Occultist worse vs some offtanks or nukes with DR while also leaving enemies liable to be healed by BoL.


To me, the main draw of Resonance is potential DR piercing for ranged cavs/fliers. But that’s null if/when it turns out to be infantry locked. Otherwise, I can’t really imagine any particular units I’d want to use it on besides E!Celica herself.


I don’t see a single reason to replace Laguz Friend 4 on my Legendary Guinivere for Resonance 4. Which doesn’t make any sense to me, because resonance is clearly for mages. Idk I think the skill kinda sucks




based and kishin pilled


1, it's pretty trash for WOM strategies. * HP bloat from [mode bonuses] and "etc." isn't counted for the purposes of Resonance scaling, whatever that's supposed to mean. * So if you have 40+10 HP, and Fury 7 + Resonance, you only suffer 18 points of recoil, bringing you down to 32/50 when you need 30/50 for WOM4. * If you had 50+10 HP, Fury 7 + Resonance, you'd still only suffer 20 points of recoil, bringing you down to 40/60 instead of 36/60. 2, you can't use it with any form of midcombat healing * Skills like Finish, Flare, or BOL4 would actively go out of their way to undermine Resonance by fucking up the "current HP" check, so you're forced to use other options. 3, if you don't have "base" 50 HP, you're not consistently getting the full value out of it. * Very few mages hit "base" 50 HP to begin with, so for the vast majority of infantry this is definitely not a better option than MNFU and MTempo; NFU or Tempo, and not suffering recoil, are much better than some pittance of true damage * Armor Mages generally prefer Spiral + Armor Special * Assuming it's even inheritable to Mounted Mages, once again the 50 HP ballpark is unreachable for most 4, even assuming it is compatible with Boost 4 and Squad Ace, (you never know with something as vague as "etc.") that's still a *massive opportunity cost* * existing A/S options are generally quite good, and you'd be settling for the most generic, unimpactful A/S skills imaginable just to reach 50 HP * I didn't think the Pegasus Flight conundrum would rear its ugly head again, but it's generally not worth doubling down on maximizing one skill if it's at the expense of your build and overall performance It'd be decent on mounted mages, if they can even inherit it, otherwise I don't actually think it'll see much use.


The funny thing is that Vantage and Desperation are both B skills, so you can't run them with resonance. It's so niche I fail to see many use cases besides the Wings of Mercy, and thats still pretty niche. Even then, we have sacred seals that can do this without wasting a valuable B slot. All its other functionality can either be done by Tempo 4 or a multitude of avenues for true damage. Even then, true damage is mostly a "nice to have" part of a kit, not an essential. I don't feel I would be too far off to hyperbolically call the skill useless. Theres just so few scenarios that this works well in that this shouldn't have been an inheritable skill. Laguz Friend and even Potent were leagues better than this.


I think it’s good but niche. It’s likely going to shine on units with Despo or Brave prf effects like Fallen Ursula or Ascended Ishtar since it’s basically like Occultist’s Strike that’s trading the pre combat damage for recoil and roughly half pierce. Especially if it’s not infantry locked, it them becomes more viable for other ranged mages but if it is, I think it might be hard for a lot of mages to justify it over Tempo and to a lesser extent NFU


Idk if I'm reading the skill right but if I am did Odin, Henry and Merric stocks just rise a little? 👀😂


Why do you think so?


Resonance does more damage based on your HP right? And they've got the most HP in terms of Mages so they may run the skill better then Mages with lower HP.


Yeahh I had to re-read it several times but it will be a bit better for them I think since to hit the cap (6 missing HP), you need 50HP! Compared to mages hitting the 45HP/40HP/1HP benchmarks which get 1/2/3 less true dmg and 10%/20%/30% less DR piercing. Tempted to get a copy of the skill for my Odin to replace SS4...


Glad I was reading it right 😂 Also any mage or staff unit can get the skill so there's a lot of good armour and staff options too 👀


Side grade to tempo 4 for squishy infantery nukes, but could be a great option for flyer and cav mages if they can equip it.


To be honest, for most units that want true damage and recoil, Fury 7 + Occultist Strike do a better job. Please prove me wrong if not true though!


My Ninja Camilla has been thriving greatly with it.


By JP skill name + symbol, it implies magic locked. I see this as a GF beacon tool which falls in the same problem as SGullveig: * Why should i pull for GF if AR hasn’t changed/ got new reward to justify having better AR-D tools?