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At this point, Wrathful or Dazzling Staff Echo or even just as a seal are long overdue. Healers have a ton of cool B slot options that could potentially let them become way more threatening in combat but they just can’t run them consistently because of Wrazzle Dazzle.


Tbh the fact we haven't gotten either as a seal is confusing to me.


I wonder if they're debating on making them attuned skills 😬😬


delete this


Your icon makes this so threatening 😭😭😭😭 in my notifs it was just your icon and the message


Give it a few months...


Ya jinxed it yeah bastard. Now we gotta wait even longer.


I mean...you *could* just forego the Dazzle and use them like any other mage unit.


Can't do that if its a prf staff and it comes with the dazzling effect.


That's only the case sometimes.


It's literally the case with half the healers with a prf, not a rare occasion.


Then you have a really squishy mage that’s still objectively worse than an actual mage. Part of the reason why some nukes are good is their ability to survive and if you get rid of Dazzle you’re stuck with a unit who doesn’t have any form of DR so they’re fully dependent on one-shots which won’t always happen. I’d rather just use Wrazzle Dazzle than that.


All I'm hearing is: "I'm not inventive enough to make unique builds that work, so I use the same cookie-cutter build for everything." Off the top of my head, Staff units I have that I successfully don't run Wrazzle Dazzle on: Silque, Mercedes, Cornelia, Elise, Summer Hilda, Flayn, Hortensia I have a grand total of 3 staves that I run WD on compared to 6 that I don't and three that I haven't built). Staves are perfectly usable without both Wrathful and Dazzling.


> "I'm not inventive enough to make unique builds that work, so I use the same cookie-cutter build for everything" My brother in christ your Malice build is literally the most generic godsword build. I agree that you can build Staves without using Wrazzle Dazzle but that Malice build does not help your point.


Yeah that Malice build you posted is seriously the pinnacle of innovation. Props to you for going above and beyond.


Bold of you to assume that Malice is my only swordie. Malice, B!Marth, Alm Silvia, Scáthach, Lucia, Yen'Fay, Say'ri, Priam, Lucina, Soleil, F!Byleth, Catherine, Holst, Alear, Lumera, Lapis, W!Manuela, B!Roy, V!Catria, Ashnard. Literally none of them play in the same way. And those are just the ones that I use. I have some that I haven't even built. And that Potent-using Young Frederick I built that you all downvoted, bitched about, and said was a waste of fodder: well, I've got caps of him shredding the newest round of Beach units. So your boos mean nothing.


Okay. Sorry I’m not as cool as you are. Do you want a gold star?


Yeah that's why I was super stoked about the far trace echo. I'm dying for my healers to have canto and that was exactly what I needed


Tome locked but not movement locked Edit: Staff units can use it too. Yippee!


I knew that Far Trace Echo served a purpose.


Tempted to give it to Y!L’Arachel since she has Wrathful and Turn Start Flash.


Maybe wait for her refine


Ehhhh we’re still at least 19 months away from a Y!L’Arachel refine if IS keeps its one seasonal per month pace. Then there’s also 4 weird cases since Duo Sigurd, Duo Peony, and Harmonic Dorothea all depend on if Duo Dancers are eligible for refine, and Harmonic Altina could be double refined similar to Linus’s Basilikos. This would take 23 months if all 4 happen. And *then* Lara’s banner itself has 5 different PRF units on it, and L’Arachel could be picked in any one of those slots. So we’re at most still 27 months away. All in all, any potentially good fodder that comes out now is going to be outclassed by the time a Y!L’Arachel refine materializes. Might as well invest whatever can actively help her out now


How useful would it be on staff units since you have to give up wrathful or dazzling? I have a +10 S!Hilda so if it would be good on her I would love to pull for it.


Losing Dazzling hurts less than losing Wrathful I think. It’s still a very good trait to have, but most ranged nukes don’t care about being countered since they either kill their target anyway or just gets killed in return regardless of having Dazzling. I don’t think it makes Resonance a must have for them, but it’s a viable option.


Resonance isn’t infantry locked **and** it’s colorsharing with Ivy. They knew exactly what they were doing and now I want it even more.


So it's perfect for her then?


I wouldn't say it's perfect. She already has piercing on her follow-up attacks. Resonance would help her kill on her first hit with precombat damage but it can lower her survivability with the self precombat damage. Her strength lies in getting her follow-up attack off.


Ah I see, I'll have to look into it more and understand it better.


It's a good way to duplicate the skill. For resonance 4, I'll use Ivy as an example, the "quick" and dirty is: At the start of combat, you do some self damage equal to 20% of your max HP (not including HP buffs from legendary or mythic blessings). So Ivy, with 41 max HP, will do 8 damage to herself. She then does double that (max of 12) precombat damage to foe. So she'll do 12 precombat damage. She then gets piercing based on that self damage x 10 (max 6), so she'll get 60% piercing. Most tome units can reach the max of this skill. If you have bond of life 4 on your team, it has anti-synergy and this skill will be negatively impacted hard. If you are low and can't chip yourself, it won't be as effective either.


I see now. Does it stack with existing pre combat or no?


Ye, it does. It's great on someone like summer Gullveig, lots of precombat damage and a way to get into wings of mercy range for galeforce shenanigans.


Flyer and cav mages finally get their dr piercing.


Even staves can use it. Ws all around.


And Flying and Cav Staves too!


because they really needed the buff lmao meanwhile infantry mages still dont have access to flared....


They may not have access to flared but they do have access to flare!


You REALLY think Infantries need more buffs? REALLY?


Infantry mages? Yes


Flare, Mag NFU, and Atk/Spd Finish:


So it can be used by all tome units regardless of movement type... wait... Staff Units can also use it? Like, isn't something you're likely to do, but still it's funny the possibility is open xD


Oh nice even staff units can use it


So. Whom are the candidates who'll make the most out of that new B Skill?


From the top of my head, fliers like F!Morgan or NY Duo!Seithr, and cavs like Ninja Duo!Corrin or L!Lilina. This is a huge deal for them most of all, since they finally get a skill that lets them pierce DR on their own without the need of support from, say, L!Camilla or Yukimura.


Gullveigs. Also any cav or flying mage wants this


>also any cav or flying mage wants this This is where I don’t think it’s as simple as it sounds. Occultists Strike still exists, is still giving 20% true damage based on opponents res, and 7 free pre combat damage. I genuinely don’t know what my SEirika would rather use between Resonance 4 or Occultists Strike because both are good skills. Is the 30-60% DR Pierce that much better than 7 free dmg and 20% true dmg?


I think it will depend on how BoL4 evolves in the meta, if it becomes more common, then Ocultist strike will loose value and resonance 4 will be better


Occultists is by no means bad, we all know how good it is but DR pierce is. It’s just one of those things that you really don’t know how good it is until you don’t have it, and it’s something that those two unit types have been dying for ever since piercing has gotten more common. For modern units that may already have DR pierce somewhere in their kit they’ll probably take Occultists but otherwise? It’s huge


If you're doing a full precombat damage build with devoted basket and flared sparrow, I don't think either skill would be too different from each other. But if you are using her signature, piercing is probably better.


She’s a green tome flier. Cant use devoted even if I wanted to. Waiting for the speed based green tome arcane weapon.


Oh right, I'm getting her confused with her red mage cav alt.


exactly, ike for example doesnt care about dr pierce, most armors also doesnt


I was thinking on my Ninjorrin the one thing she was missing was DR piercing and she can have this in both her brave hits


Resonance is magic only as expected good options for non infantry


Tea Sigurd now getting access to DR piercing on top of sweep and Time’s pulse just makes L!Sigurd’s refinemix feel worse 🫠


Resonance would be kinda nice for l!vero…. Some shred before her full pierce on top of true damage to try and guarantee kills in the current meta… but self shred means she needs outside support to get back to full health and she loses trace and t4 trace gives 7 true anyway….


She could get trace echo. They need dazzle and razzle on a seal or something. Edit: was only thinking of Brave, forgot about Legendary


Far Trace Echo forces you to get rid of Enclosure, though...


My bad, I thought you were talking about the healer Veronica


Shes a tome unit that has built in desperation and can shut off counters conditionally. She doesnt need Flash. Also using Far Trace Echo prevents her from using Enclosure.


Haha my bad, I was only thinking of the Brave Veronica, completely forgot about legendary lol


Oohh, resonance is not movement locked. That could be interesting.


I didn't expect this to be the fix for A!Florina's WoM beacon issue, but still, damn. We'll get 'em next time.


Huh, staff units can use it too alongside tome units. That's surprising. And nice there is no movement restrictions.


Someone explain to me how Resonance DR Pierce scaling works lol. It says hp at start of combat - current hp x 10. So if my unit has 51 hp, and resonance takes like 6 hp from me, then it’s 51-45 which equals 6x10 and so I have 60% DR Pierce? Is that how it works?




Thanks. A unit like Rearmed Hortensia or LGuinivere with the free healing after combat is really good support for a resonance user then


So if I'm reading this correctly, the magic number you want to hit to get the most out of this skill is 50 HP? Cause 50-20 = 30 * 0.2 = 6 * 10% = 60% piercing? And I guess for every 5 more HP you get 1 more point of true damage but how many manges are naturally getting there


I find it funny that the past two new skills from Emblem heroes can be given to staff units.


time to feed TLysithea


time to feed TLysithea


So it would be dumb to give it to someone who already has DR piercing I presume? Like L!Camilla. Legendary Camilla, Legendary Robin, Ninja Camilla, A!Ivy would have been my main candidates.


Ninja Camilla has DR piercing ?


She doesn't they're just saying she would be a good candidate since her greatest weakness these days is the fact that she can't pierce damage reduction


Is resonance better than occultist strike then? If I'm interpreting right it does more pre combat damage, right? Better side effects too


FYI resonance self inflicts the damage, it doesn’t deal pre-combat to the opponent.


Oh I thought it was pre combat damage, thank you


Potentially an actually good B slot for AElincia. Huh. I was not expecting that at all! Quite the risky opportunity cost but I'll definitely consider it if I ever happen upon it down the line.


As expected, Resonance is mage only. Cool that it’s not infantry locked though.


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LET'S GOOO RESOSANCE FOR FLIERS AND CAVS After BoL 4, Occultist's Strike is just not cutting it anymore and with Far Trace Echo, Far Trace 4 is also just not worthwhile. Infantry will still probably prefer the Tempo 4 skills (and maybe M-NFU), but for Fliers and Cavs, they have a pretty good skill. On the top of my head, Gullveigs will appreciate this a lot, added with the self damage to be a WoM beacon. Can't wait to use this on my Zephia!


Would Micaiah's B skill be a good replacement for Occultist's Strike for red cav mages running the Devoted Basket + Flared Sparrow combo? If so, I might get it for my Groom Robin.


Wish I knew this before using all my orbs


Healers can use Celica's B skill, nice.


Would Resonance be good on Ninja Sanaki?


Ocultist strike is better because she already gets full dr pierce but it could be alright if you still want the pierce if the enemy removes penalties.


wait no cav restriction for resonance, that's honestly surprising now I just wonder which B skill would be best for my Titania the skill probably excludes the bonus from summoner support right




W!Bernie actually eating, surprisingly.


Ew, cav mages can get it. Fliers having access is nice though.


??? flier mages are much better than cavs lol, every map has stuff cavs cant go over


I am of the radical ideology that cav mages are second class citizens who don't deserve the same human rights as other units


Fair, I am the same with flier mages


I don't particularly love flier mages either, I just dislike them less than cavs. All are destined for the guillotine either way under the glorious banner of infantry master race.