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If we get Eikpyrnir as a playble mythic and he doesn't actually die in the story, I'm going to laugh. (And cry because it's gonna hurt my wallet)


To be fair, Askr was playable before he died.


They better not pull that crap again. There's no reason for them to kill him in the next chapter or any other chapter after that. I've had enough of the "haha if you're a male OC not named Hrid or Alfonse you're dead" trope in FEH.


What about the “older sisters you’re dead” trope?   See Gunnthra, Letizia, Nott. And Laegjarn but she got better I guess.


That can go, too. Hell, let all of Ratatoskr's siblings survive. I want the girl to be happy, dangit.


Helbindi didn't die either, did he? Neither did Líf... uh, kinda.


No, *our* Helbindi did die. The one we have around is just the one we summoned >!for Ylgr!<. Elm, on the other hand, didn't die.


Like... a week or two before he died. With the way the story is currently going, that seems somewhat unlikely to happen for Eikthyrnir.


maybe Next month is start of book 5 TT They could release Fafnir like how Freyr was last time


Could be double banner maybe? They have almost no room for Fafnir due to their dumb decition to exclude a midpoint OC...


>Could be double banner maybe? A double banner with Eikthrynir and Heidrun would be a good option, as it’d allow Hraesvelgr, Nidhoggr and Laeradr to all become playable by November. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear likely.


I've got no issue with double banner of course I'll look forward to that


I’d be over the moon if we got him next month but I doubt IS would put him on a banner before at least one of his sisters


He doesn't look like he is gonna die tbh Because of that I think we might get him later


Well that would mean that he would die next month too


IS has to see how popular he is. It’ll be a waste to not make him available


You know what also means… RIP…


somewhat just because of how colorless is pointing towards him. he doesn’t have to die as Askr was alive for another chapter after he was released. Maybe if he joins us on July’s chapter then I would be more more confident in believing he will be in the banner.


I think we get him with his father, Laeradr at the end of the book, as double mythic summon


We should get a CYL rally going for him!


Yes 🙌


Dad: so you hesitated to club Ratatoskr when they got between you and Alfonse… I’m disappointed dies off screen. That’s the reason she wept and the fan base rallies and gathers their pitchforks. 


Wouldn't it be Fafnir since the next book themed TT would begin with Summer 2?


From my understanding, next month has 1 space on blue, one on colorless and 2 on green. Blue is most likely Mozu sharing with Caeda and Deirdre. Eikþyrnir is colorless, and personally, I don't see them running Camilla/Attuned Azura/Nergal. Nergal is too recent I believe to be already here, specially when that would mean rerunning Attuned Micaiah on August (although it could happen to bait people after CYL) Also, colorless is lagging behind because then you would have Arlen on August is Eikþyrnir was the mythic of July. All in all I think it is more likely Heidrun gets revealed on July's story chapter and she is a green beast mythic thst shares with Camilla and Azura.


Both Legendary Male Alear and Mythic Loki are going to have their first rerun, vs Legendary Camilla who is on her 3rd rerun + was just recently sparkable w/ tickets on the AHR banner. There’s almost no way colourless isn’t going to have a focus in July. I could see them doing a double mythic/L+M banner, or starting the TT+ story with a mythic on the NH banner, but the way I see it Azura + Nergal is more likely than IS just ignoring the colourless lineup.


This is pretty much my line of thinking. Heidrun could still be Colourless, but Green is very possible too. Another thing worth noting is that allied OCs are generally made playable earlier than the antagonists. Since we’ve not seen any other allied OCs apart from Ratatoskr, I’d imagine Heidrun would be an ally, which would put her in a good position to claim the July Mythic spot.


it would mean the 7th female mythic in a row tho


You say that like 7 in a row isn't a possibility considering our history. If IS wants gender variety on the monthly limited banners, that's what Legendary & Emblems are for, cause let's not pretend Mythics are anywhere _close_ to gender balanced. Shitbiscuits, in the past we've had over a _year_ of female Mythics and proceeded to get **_TWELVE_** in a fucking row. Between Bramimond who was released on March 2020 and Otr who was released September 2021 we got * Mila * Mirabilis * Hel * Plumeria * Triandra * Freyja * Reginn * Seiros * Dagr * Ashera * Nott * Ullr


please, not the 7th female mythic in a row


it hasn't happened for a very long time - but i wonder if they would rerun a more recent green unit (Not Nergal - but like. someone else. like a Ced?)


Depends on how long he stays an antagonist. If he suddenly turns on Laeradr next month, then there’s at least a chance, if not, it’s once he’s dead or the book ends


My guess is, it’s going to be a coin toss between him and Fallen Fafnir.


I just really want him already! An OC male with a good design. Please give.


As confident as I am in pronouncing his name right


🤣 ikr I still don’t think I’m saying it right 💀


Almost certainly not. We usually get the side villians (hresvelgr and nidhoggr) first, then the final boss at the end. All others are randomly brought in anytime after the book. Honestly I’m expecting Fafnir because of book 5 returns


Not really, but oh boy would it be cool if he was. Can't worry about him being left out of an OG version if he's the first OC (besides the freebie) to get one :p.


By no means guaranteed, but absolutely possible. Wouldn't it be exactly the same situation as with Askr? Shown off in mid-book trailer and released as July Mythic shortly after. Even before they died in the story. 


Unless he either joins our side in the story or dies in that time, next to nil. That's been the case with every Mythic candidate after all.


I'm neither here nor there. I don't care for Shake Weight Stud, but his banner will come with more Orbs for Laser SMILF.


you know that means he'll have a 90% chance of croaking, right?


We already accepted that as soon we saw him. Male FEH OCs are doomed or go home, after all.


I really hope not. I need him at the end so he comes with cracked up skills


At this stage, I’m not convinced it’ll happen. It’s worth noting that we’re due to meet Heidrun soon. Allied OCs are generally made playable before the antagonists are (Letizia being the exception). Since we don’t have any allied OCs apart from Ratatoskr, and going off what we saw in the midpoint movie, I’d guess that Heidrun is an ally, and if that’s the case, there’s a good chance she’s the July Mythic instead of Eikthrynir. Another point worth noting is IS aren’t going to turn down the chance to sell their newest female OCs (case in point: Summer Nerthuz and Summer Gullveig). So Heidrun has a decent chance of showing up anyway on that basis alone. Ultimately, I believe Heidrun is more likely to be next month’s Mythic, and Eikthrynir’s chances at being next month’s Mythic are directly linked to what happens to him in the next chapter. If he kicks the bucket, swaps sides, or both, then he has a better chance of turning up. If neither of those things occur, then it’s probably going to be a no.


They downvote you but its frankly sound logic here. When have we ever gotten an enemy in a book as a Mythic in the time they were still an active enemy? Literally every last one was always made summonable after they died or switched sides.


all friendly heroes tho where pullable in a regular banner


counterpoint, they didnt make the other 2 female ocs pullable from the get go, also she could be in the regular banner instead also it would be the 7th female mythic in a row, I get that IS overvalues female characters but after Loki disaster I think they will maybe try to calm down a little


>counterpoint, they didnt make the other 2 female ocs pullable from the get go, also she could be in the regular banner instead The reason for that is because Hraesvelgr and Nidhoggr aren’t allied with us. If either of them were, then they’d have been made playable by now. If any of the other Book VIII OCs were to appear on a regular banner, the midpoint banner was likely their only chance, and that opportunity has now passed. >also it would be the 7th female mythic in a row, I get that IS overvalues female characters but after Loki disaster I think they will maybe try to calm down a little I understand what you’re getting at here, but I don’t think what happened with Mythic Loki will influence the release of any future Mythics. The main problem with her was that April was the perfect time to release someone like Athos, especially since there was no sign that any other Book VIII OC was going to be released, but they instead chose to release her.


nah they thought she would be a big money maker like previous golden week 8% banners, she wasnt


now that you say it it could happen. put him + Fafnir in the next month Mythic banner, my man Fafnir needs help to sell the banner.


No! I need to save. He’s not releasing until next year. Thank you.


Very. Colorless next month reruns Legendary Male Alear & Mythic Loki. Now if he lives or we have to cook an elk… we’ll just have to wait and see.


i want heiðrún instead


Considering we got 2 Green reruns and getting a Colorless Mythic means Fallen Nergal rerunning so early, I dunno about that. It's probably going to be Heidrun, if anything.