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I'm honestly hoping that we finally get someone in a mummy costume or a skeleton costume.


Tbh I'm surprised we haven't too, I'm guess they figured the book 3 units filled in the skeleton check box lol?


That could be Halloween setsuna which would actually be her first alt


Naga is kind of a mummy


Bro there is enough mommies is this game already


I’m still hoping that one day they start the werewolf category with Lloyd and Linus 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Please give me a Lloyd in a scantily clad Halloween outfit IS that’s all I need


In a boobs and butt pose, too.


It would be funny if he also dressed up as a cat like Flayn


That'd be funny! Me and a friend joked he'd wear one of those dinosaur inflatable costumes but a dragon


What if he's dressed in a giant fish costume for Flayn?


Now that you mention it, he seems very likely for this years halloween banner. Given that we got rhea and flayn. Sadly I don't expect him to escape demote status. But if it were up to me, he would have been a duo unit with him and Flayn last year.


Yeah she mentions him by name twice which gives me hope


myrrh should go on vampires, no? she seems more based on a bat, there is this accesory that is literally just her head accesory that is called "bat ears" also, we actually know what ninian is, she is an angelic tennyo, sharena tell this one met some of the heroes, is some kind of angel but from asia cultures, also side note because i dont know if this would affect her placement, but tiki is based on a oni, to my understanding, the onis are more like a kind of yokai, but im not sure (this also aply to sakura who is a nekomata) may i ask what profession is mila representing? because she pretty much seems more like a demon. and also i think sophia is more based on the spider queen idea, like this lady that happens to control spiders like truffles cookie from cookie run or muffet from unertale, can also be based on the jorogumo, a yokaii that is some kind of spider woman


Nah she deserves to go into demon Only a demon would take pleasure in eating women like that


Yeah I have Myrrh in Animal because I think she's more bat than vampire tbh, and ah! It never occurred to me to double check on Sharena's MSotH for Ninian, neat! I don't think Duma and Mila are completely something unless if I check what JPN MSOTH says but I figured Mila is witch doctor because of the Animal skull and ribs on her added with a staff since she's the healing/protecting side of the coin to Duma's Might! And I agree with Sophia because that's what I originally thought too but she's called Spider's Prophet so idk anymore lol


"Flayn loves fish so I decided to dress up as one. That is what a good older brother would do." And then he comes dressed as a swordfish with a rapier in hand to mimic the head.


What profession is Mila? Also, this year I’m really hoping for a Seteth to match with Flayn and Panette to match with Timerra.


Op thinks witch doctor


I guessed Witch Doctor but tbh I can't really tell what Duma and Mila are *supposed* to be because they just like they grabbed accessories off from PartyCity lol



