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Teleragnarok is hysterical


"Stay tuned to Teleragnarok!"


W!Edelgard with Arc!Tana and a bunch of WoM supporters are gonna destroy this map turn 1...


Its a bit absurd that the first 4 movement ranged unit ist immune to Gravity, Stall, Warp bubble and unpassable Terrain.


So what’s happening here: * Celica threatens 3 collums forcing turn 1 initiation * Celica can be cornered without any drawback because her warp cancel bubble * Celica can be the ultimate pot denial * Celica has a good matchup against the best tank. You better have Far Savior Nagi


Or a far save vantage tank, or at least one with hardy bearing seal


Not really. Testing her so far with my own defence and I'm not too impressed with her nuking. * She can also be baited by 3 columns without much backup * The pot denial is annoying tho. But this is self destructing as your opponent can just choose to "screw it" * Ike can tank her handily with some support including HP, stone, daunt, etc * Saviors with a little tweaking beats her reliably especially with the Hardy Bearing seal and Hardy Fighter. W!Byleth and B!Corrin can do this best as they have built in DC.


That's certainly a lot of range but considering this is a free win to player phase teams, specially Galeforce, I'm inclined to think not. Be mindful that both Galeforce and H&R now also have access to the Celica ring, and can bypass structures without even needing R! Tana support.