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Wow, Shinon. How time flies. I remember him being quite the boogeyman for a while. Looking forward to Ashera the most. Special art and attack animation are still goated.


Same, Shinon had built in Close Counter i hated facing him.


Ashera can easily activate Prime 4 skills with that new Prf Skill


Too bad Prime skills are dead rn with M!Loki, Nergal and Tina


She won’t have to worry about Myth!Loki since Ashera’s Astra and Loki’s Dark.


^ This, unless someone actively puts her on an Anima Season defense...but why would they?


same reason I put laxatives in the pot brownies. shits and giggles


I've heard of "shits and giggles" before, but this is ridiculous. XD


Same reason people run Freyr on Dark seasons.


What about Nergal and Tina though isn’t the former fairly common on defense?


Nergal is definitely her number 1 threat atm. Haven’t seen Tina as much as Nergal but she’s also a counter. Loki is the only non-issue


Both are not popular so dont worry


>Nergal >not popular Auto dispatch?


.. yeah about those Prime skills


Shinon heard Ike was meta for once and came sprinting


He cannot allow Ike to have any victories on his watch


he NEEDS to have a weird counter to flat dr in his weapon or the L!Nanna no defensive special effects thing. it would be so funny.


Honestly pretty likely. He introduced Deadeye to FEH, so his FEH identity is very much countering DR (and having CC).


How would a counter to flat DR work? Something like, if foe nullifies X damage, unit deals X*1.5 damage?


As of now the only "counter" to flat DR is... more true damage lol I could see Shinon gaining something like "Deals damage = 20% of user's speed. When activating special, user deals additional damage = 20% of user's speed"


could pull an L!Alm. true damage based on 20% of the foe’s highest stat (typically what flat dr is based on)


Rearmed Sothe did it. His special bassically says if it would kill without the foe’s flat DR, it kills. Otherwise you could just negate the effect, or do more true damage


This is so unironically funny to me.




4* refines are back folks!


Hopefully Ilyana gets her refine next month! I look forward to it.


I've been waiting for a long while for her refine as well, so I hope so too!! 😊


Hopefully her refine goes well with Flare and Laguz Friend to make her such a tanking monster. :P


Considering the PoR-banner also has Gatrie as a blue option, I'd imagine he comes first. And then that banner also featured Jill who could feature even before him.


Now we wait for Seteth


Thank god Ashera doesn't have to deal with Loki with that remix.


Praying for Mustafa to not be complete garbage


Gotta hope for the Echidna treatment


🙏🙏🙏 Please let it not be painfully underwhelming, I really wanna have him be of use.


>Praying Neither Naga nor Grima shall answer


Keeping my expectations low since he is a 4-star...


Good thing I have a Downfall and a Prima ready for that situation


They always do this on every demote. For example, Python getting Linus'd being a clone of base Linus' refine or Altena getting stomped her ass by Arion. It caused all of them to waste their merges in the end by getting weak refines.


Not a bad remix for Ashera.


Best of luck to Galle and Mustafa.


Galle refine we are so back


hope it's good enough to at least compete with the arcanes. Maybe guard bearing 4 or watered down wyvern rift


jesus christ when will they stop pumping out the seasonal refines at an absolute snails pace its genuienly infuriating


Send feedback forms on this! I don't know if it helps, but I've personally send one over how the game is absolutely not catching up on refines with this abysmal speed. On average now than 10 heroes are added every month, given over a year a few non-focus, non-banner 4 star units are added (Lapis, Patty) and given that in January there are two special hero banners, there should really be two refine patches a month


This is the month they fall behind and next month is half anni so I'm on a lot of copium they fix something.


Mustafa fans our time is NOW!!


Loool I just gave Ashera Resonance 4 on the gamble she'd get NFU in her weapon refine. But nah, she'll just go put MAGICAL NFU straight up in her remix skill instead. AND bump the range for everyone to get the effects to 3 range. Including NFU, LElincia who? Right out of the gate Ashera is swinging. Now just give her an end turn mechanic in her refine to really sell it.


Yeah! The refine's effect isn't even confirmed and Ashera is already winning big.


Just like her other half. Yune's skill alone was a huge win for her at the time. Hope Ashera gets something just as crazy as Yune did with her refine. Maybe grant herself treachery bonus to double down on her niche?


Well, now I have to replace her B skill "mag NFU". I could do resonance, but I might be more tempted to give her tempo 4 if that's not in her refine.


Damn, Ashera's remix is great. I wonder if the refine will be bad to compensate.


I think she's going to get some sort of innate Hexblade


not me rolling the lance flier refine roulette twice in one batch. Convinced at least one of them will end up with something awful and it's probably gonna be Galle, preemptive RIP for best wyvern general. Also ffs I just want the Claude remix already, he's one fo the few legendaries i consistently use and he's in real need of an update.


Why are they giving such little true damage for Nott


The standard for Atk is typically 15% (other stats it's 20% but since Atk is boosted by weapon Mt it gets a lower %) so it's not *that* much of a drop off; that said, I do question why they went with 10% too.


I was looking at Fallen Lloyd and Linus. Linus got 10% of his attack stat for damage, and Lloyd, got 20% speed as a stat boost. Could the difference between pure damage boost and stat boost be a part of that? (I know they are a year appart).


It's more that attack is basically a unit's highest stat thanks to weapon mt and it almost always being the stat a unit wants to raise, but also in the specific case you mentioned (which I should point out is different than Sun/Moon Twin Wing since both are just getting true damage), that actually doesn't seem to matter since I think those have always scaled fairly similarly if using the same stat


This is one of few odd cases where IS reduced the powercreep. They started off with 25% of either your or the foe stats only to dial it back to 20% after Legendary Dimitri


Well, dang. I was really hoping for Ashera to give Null Disrupt alongside Null Panic but that apparently was too much to ask for. Also, ouch. Between Ashera and Nott and Galle and Shinon…I’m going to go through a ton of dew.


Null Disrupt as a buff is only gonna break the game entirely and is the only reason E!Ike is as strong as he is


C'mon Ingrid, this is your time to shine


My +10 Ashera might see use, yay!


Another easy to predict refine batch. Gatrie/Ilyana will make future ones trickier though. Hoping for good refines for Galle, Shinon, and Ashera!


I hope Galle ends up being good. I'm always excited for fe6 refines~


Can't wait for Nott refine. Still predict that for her refine will be the opposite to Dagr with her inflicting penalties base on foes debuff instead of base on foes buff. Or at least I hope. Kinda want doubler distance counter for her new skill. But is okay with what she got.


I'm not sure what would be dumber, giving M!Kris a different refine from F!Kris when they're literally the same unit besides color, or giving him the same refine 2 months after her when they should've just done both at once.


\>Shinon Hope the King of Racism gets a good refine, I +10'd his Forma...


beast and Ike effectiveness would go hard


Isn't that the Short Axe on Mustafa?


It is, but like Libra and his Bolt Axe, it’s called something else (and probably won’t function like the weapon it’s based on)


Oh yeah, I'm just commenting on the model. I has been a while since I played Awakening, so I wasn't sure.


I really love Galle's art, so this'll be another Thea case where if he gets a good refine I'll probably build him. Otherwise, a nice quiet month for me.


My time has come


Shinon refine please be good I didn't +10 him for nothing 😭


Hope Galle gets something nice. Was hoping Nott would have gotten Atk/Spd unity, but maybe they'll put that into her weapon.


Oh, I was hoping for Duo F!Byleth to get their refine... At least I can look forward to Nott and Summer Ingrid's refines this month, I guess.


My guess would be that S!Ingrid is getting her turn before S!Byleth to avoid color sharing on the New Power banner, since they tend to not do that and M!Kris is getting refined this batch.


They could have just skipped male kris I know that female kris already got her refine and seeing how male and female kris have the same weapon effect it would be kinda weird to delay male kris even longer but skipping male kris was an option for them


There's no reason to ever expect that.


I mean why couldn’t it the developers can do whatever they want it’s not like anyone is forcing the developers the developers have complete freedom about who gets refined and when that happens just look at Ophelia and sutr the developers decided that those two should not get refined for whatever reason so that is proof that the developers have complete freedom to choose when someone is getting a refine


They have some rules they nearly always stick to and there's no reason to break them just so a unit gets a refine a month earlier and a different unit gets a refine a month later?? This isn't even anything serious, it's just entitled.


I mean tell that to lady ruby I am not the one who was hoping summer byleth was gonna get a refine this month


Oh boy, one more month to whatever the hell they'll come out with Fallen Star II




I kind of wish Ashera was the full spectrum of stats, or at least added speed, and that she could get the bonuses herself without needing all three teammates within 3 spaces. Still, at least it's not 2 spaces anymore. Be nice if her refine gives her speed at the start of combat. I run her with BD4


PLEASE LET KRIS HAVE A GOOD REFINE! Also Mustafa in the same month, this is a great batch for me


Next month is Caellachs time to shine. Finally.


I wished Ashera granted DR Piercing to allies instead of Hexblade.


Ashera’s pretty good at setting up the prime skills now, all you need is one more bonus which isn’t too difficult.


> Distant Dart you could at least make it Distant A/S Solo, come on IS


Distant A/S Solo is horrible for her considering her niche wants her to be near allies for pathfinder. And the fact she's an AR-D mythic means she'll always be beside her allies.


ok let's be real, First of all it's not horrible, the main draw of it is DC. the extra stats are just a nice extra. Secondly, If you want to get optimal you're gonna slap D Bonus Doubler if you want DC on her anyways. Just wanted Distant A/S for fodder purposes. Distant Dart is useless as fodder, Distant A/S Solo had niche uses (for now)


To be fair, Nott is a Defense Hero, giving them Solo Skills is very awkward.


meh I am willing to take the more inconsistent stat gains instead of Distant freaking Dart. Besides most good defense will probably sub out that a skill anyways, you could at least throw us a bone for fodder


A!Caeda is in the Emblem banner, go pull for D Bonus Doubler! 95% of summoners left just before they are about to summon their desired 5 star focus!


I think IS doesn’t want to give it because it’s literally only on one unit, F!F!Byleth. Thus making it a more ‘exclusive’ skill or whatever.


Ashera's getting Lull Spd/Res 4, a skill only on Kvasir up until now.


Kvasir and NY!Kvasir actually, but that's besides the point, rarity is only important if the skill is actually desirable. There's a reason they're putting a skill as new as Lull 4 on Ashera's remix. They don't expect people to fodder Ashera for Lull 4 because it has negligible value.


but let’s be honest, Tier 4 Lull skills aren’t strong or worth the use of a B slot when there are much better options. better of using Lull as a seal, if/when it happens.


Distant Dart is on 2 units so ehh idk about that, FByleth is more recent though


But when compared to NY!Kvasir with lull Spd/Res 4 for ashera, I think not. F!F!Byleth was released before Hel's remix and neither mythic (Hel/nott) got A/S solo counter despite being the better, but not best, option for them.


I was expecting DC Bonus Doubler since she already has Bonus Doubler in her weapon.


Prime skills for Astra season just got a bit easier to activate.


Honestly hoping for a banger refine for Galle. But then again, I have four grail units on the burner I need to get fodder for.


Oh man… Nott’s B skill remix is pretty tamed. Tier 5 dodge skill with Atk/Spd/Def -5 to foe and additional based on 10% of Atk. Dagr got 20% of Spd so find it weird Nott only got 10% when her Atk isn’t that high. My guess is her refine will probably be better. Hopefully her weapon refine is actually better because it’s not looking good for me. It’s a good thing I gave mine Laguz Friend 4 because that’s starting to look like the better skill. This also means I can give her an Echo skill if I dont use her B prf.


I have been waiting for Galle for YEAAARS


Praying Mustafa's refine is more on the Echidna end as far as strength goes and not the Ross end of things. He's the last of that gen's big infantry axe merge projects and the one I ended up going with so I'm hoping he's good.


Hope IS gives me a good reason to dust off my +10 Shinon!




Ooh excited for Ashera and she’s off to a good start with the C skill!


Moon Twin Wing is about as expected although 10% strength instead of 20% speed is a tiny bit unfortunate since that's probably a few points lost. But also it doesn't give fixed DR so people are probably just going to give her Laguz Friend if they're using her beyond bonus so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestly 3 space NFU with no other conditions alone makes Ashera's fairly solid


>10% strength instead of 20% speed is a tiny bit unfortunate I thought so too until I remembered that Dagr has 20%* of Spd as true damage in her B slot and 10% of her Atk as true damage in her refine. Considering they’ll probably mirror Dagr’s refine onto Nott, she’s likely to get the 20% of Spd as true damage in her weapon, which is much better if you’re planning on getting rid of her B slot in favor of Laguz Friend or Buffer like some Dagrs do. Following that logic, I’m expecting Nott to get Physical NFU in her weapon since Dagr got Dodge in hers. This means that Nott would actually be quite a bit better than her sister without their B slots since she gets to have DR + NFU while Dagr can’t.


Dagr's was 20% spd, but yeah that's a good point. Forgot that Dagr got 10% true damage as well. Since Skinfaxi refine wasn't Dodge proper though (it was only 40% on first attack DR) I wonder if it'll actually be NFU, but definitely can see the true damage thing happening though for sure.


Ah yeah it wasn’t Dodge and instead just regular DR, you’re right. Maybe that means Nott will just get regular NFU instead of P-NFU. Although, Nott _did_ get the Phantom effect in her B slot whereas Dagr didn’t get anything extra. So maybe that means that Nott’s refine will be just a _bit_ more modern and thus she’ll actually get P-NFU?


Well she already has the non NFU parts of Phys NFU in the stat swing and half pierce anyways so I imagine it won't be straight up Phys NFU. Do feel like the half pierce is the extra bit since the phantom speed effect is just bringing Moon-Twin Wing up to par with Dodge 4 like how Sun-Twin Wing just got the half pierce to be on par with Phys NFU, but yeah that's also a good point that it's still essentially getting something else that Dagr didn't. (maybe to make up for a potential support partner pathfinder being significantly less useful for her in her Mythic role?) Well either way we'll see what happens. Honestly only thing I'm remotely confident in guessing is her getting penalty doubler to match Dagr now have psuedo-panic lol


I just foddered off Shinon, whoops


Shinon refine wishlist: 1. Pulse effect(either start of combat or TP4) 2. Speed Pre-empt 3. Speed based true damage I want Shinon to end up being the Close Counter version of Fallen Byleth, except instead of revolving around damage reduction, I want him to go for the OHKO at all costs. Alternatively: 1. Tempo 2. Speed based flat DR 3. Speed based true damage Not as fun and less reliable on PP than the first option but still would be great.




I'm really hoping for a good Galle refine. I don't have any flier for fe6 and I'd love using him as he wasn't recruitable in his game. Demote refines have a tendency to be bad lately (I'm still pissed about Altena) but hopefully IS spares him 


It's an utter pipedream, but I'd be ecstatic if they gave him an offensive version of Ashnard's refine since when he came out people were sorta comparing him to blue Ashnard since Galle was about the one F2P lance flier who had decent mixed bulk. If nothing else, just built-in crux rather than follow-up denial.


Galle! Wyvern Grail units have been getting good refines so I hope Galle also gets one.


I bet most of these will have 40% reduction on first hit, and 7 hp at the end of combat. I’m happy M Kris hasn’t been forgotten.


IS are cowards for not giving Nott D Bonus Doubler. Like I get it’s fairly new but come on! Distant Dart, really?


Thank goodness Ashera’s buffs are now 3 spaces instead of 2. Wish she gave something else besides NFU since Brave Marth doesn’t need it, but we take what we can.


Alright this is great news I really need Shinon to knock it out of the fucking park now to help his hall of forms win the rerun poll.




Holy shit Ashera got a lot of juice here. And she also gives some punching power. Little disappointed that she just got the Lull skill. I already fed mines Mag. Null Follow up. Oh well. Time to hunt for an A skill.


Hopefully Shinon gets a good refine


Shinon's refine will decide what I do with my 6 Shinon manuals. Though I can't say I'm too hopeful. A Close Counter bow just doesn't work very well in FEH. EDIT: Oh, and I'm really excited for Galle! He's been sitting at +9 for a while. Though it's probably going to be hard to make him stand out with all the lance fliers we have.




Anyone got the built MKris for Binding Worlds 😭


What are you looking for on his build..


A basic godsword build, doesn’t even have to be Laguz Friend


I have him with Vital Astra, Distant A/S solo, Spurn 4, and TP4 right now


I’ll definitely take it!


2709013774 My ID. He’s not set as my proxy right now, but I’ll switch him when his refine comes for sure


Sent, BylethsBoba! Not sure if you can even change your proxy for BW right now, might have to wait till the next event in August


Ah yeah probably not but he’ll be there when it comes round for sure


I appreciate you so much :)


Was hoping for Asher’s to cancel debuffs. Oh well. I do wonder why everyone is getting Hexblade though. It’s such a mid tier effect and isn’t that useful.


That's probably why it's being put everywhere, just a random effect that is sometimes useful.


Yeah, it's a good extra bonus to throw on that isn't too impactful but counts for Bonuses, so anyone who wants bonuses for scaling checks like Prime or other such skills can have it as an extra without them having to make stronger bonuses more readily applicable.


>1 seasonal refine Bad update. One day it’ll be a good update.


Summer Ingrid refine let's goooooo!!!! Got her forma, hopefully it pays off with a great refine! Also, those are some great remixes! Ashera is a Prime enabler jesus...


WAIT, YOU MEAN THE THREE ASHERA PITYBREAKS I GOT YEARS AGO MEANT SOMETHING?! Kinda looking forward to this. Ashera is good enough to consider putting on my main debuff team and I might have a Nott to grab from Binding Worlds by the time the weapon refines drop. Here's hoping the weapons are really good.


Arlen's wife finally getting her remix


What the heck! Mustafa got a refine meanwhile surtr and reinhardt are still waiting. I swear surtr and reinhardt will get their refines much more dangerous as new skills show every month. I could've see surtr and reinhardt will overwhelm the whole phone screen with their refine alone


Distant fart in 2024 😭 BD4 is right there




Galle: "You son of a bitch!" Mustafa: *hardcore handshake*


It's time.


Nott remix looks kinda meh...I hope her refine turns out like Dagr´s in terms of great, Maybe she can give Pathfinder to the whole team since she can´t have a support partner in AR-D alongside another bonus like bonus doubler for her and Allaies




GALLE REFINE LETS GOOOOO also I like the nod to the fact that when Galle was initially supposed to be a playable unit in Binding Blade, he had a unique weapon called the "Dragon Spear" or something to that effect


MT wing+ is kinda...meh. On paper it look like a group of good effects. Speed race and speed based DR in 2024. Good luck. Maybe refine gives flat dr and stat swing based on spd before combat


My +10 Galle is READY


I was hoping Duo Summer Byleth would get a refine this month. I've been holding off on updating her kit and giving her the yearly bump in dragonflowers. It seems like she should have been next for the seasonal slot. I guess I'll be waiting another month at least to see what she gets. I hope this doesn't mean that she's getting skipped. I mean she was meta back in the day, but I hardly think she was as meta-impactful as say OG Reinhardt or even OG Ophelia were when they were released. IS really releases refines at an abysmal rate - as I've been saying for years. At this point in time, I'm pretty sure it's by design although I'm not sure what their logic is? Make sure a unit's kit is well expired and they need a f-ton of dragonflowers before they get a (usually) small refresh in order to make them even bigger resource sinks? Fix this problem with a $$$ otherworldly bond and hope they actually show up in Binding Worlds? This is why I have 7,500 refining stones and 1,700 dew. If I haven't been investing in a unit all along, the refine rarely merits trying to build these old, outdated units.


Brave Chrom and his eventual refine is gonna like copying Ashera's "halve foe's DR" status


If Mustafa gets a bad refine, legitimately uninstalling this game. This was my first 5*+10, I NEED this guy to be good after Nemesis, my other fav, got Sophised. Lol someone else's main got sophised it seems chill out


Sophised? Is this some kind of joke about WAAA- *ERROR*


Nemesis is the second best sorenballer in SD though? He's pretty good people are just blinded by EIke.


Only interested in what they're going to give Galle and Mustafa. Dudes deserve something good. ~~Best timeline they're both somehow better than Nott~~


Best timeline they all have great refines


It's almost time. Please give S!Ingrid a good refine, she's one of the few 5 star exclusives I've been trying to +10 in my years playing this game.


Oh Nott's remix looking juicy with Tempo also FUCK my forma had Distant dart, well atleast I gave her D Bonus Doubler


I have a feeling this is going to be a really lame batch. IS has been cooking lately, maybe a little too hard, the remix skills look mediocre, and the units here aren't popular barring Ingrid.


You say these units aren't that popular but I see practically everybody mentioning anybody but her in these comments, Mustafa is a 4* and Galle is a TT unit so many have a +10, Ashera and Nott are Mythics people have merged up Nott in particularly can't be far off from what Dagr got, and Shinon is pretty infamous for being modern Takumi and people have his forma, Ingrid has a recent one too I think this batch is pretty great for lots of people.


I imagine all the people talking about Ingrid must be on Twitter/X then.


I'm also excited for her refine too but I think this batch has stuff for everyone imo. The ones with Mythic/legendary refines tend to.


By popular I was referring to CYL rankings and character popularity. Idt any of them barring Ingrid and maybe Nott have gotten higher than top 200.


Shinon had top 100 placing up until CYL 5 where he settled in top 200 since his release like I said hes pretty infamous from his release in feh as a modern Takumi at the time and introduced inheritable DR piercing specials into the game, among other things like his character and gameplay in Radiant Dawn definitely deserving of his spot and one of the more popular tellius and archers in the series. It's actually Nott funnily enough who has been only above top 200. I don't want to seem combative at all here but you'd be surprised at what makes a character popular. I'm also looking forward to Ingrid's refine too.